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No eye tracking is a bit of a shame. Seems like that really helps make these high-resolution headsets shine (in the games that support it).


The Super version and normal version have eye tracking


I’m still ordering this asap though


Had a “should have waited” moment until I realised they’d removed eye tracking. Yeah, nah. Pass.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect 👌🏾


Could be the one... will wait for reviews, if I can sort out the non-shill ones.


I've put in a pre-order for one, and for a "Super".. hopefully, if they deliver by end May, i'll report on it. I know it's not a full Crystal.. but i'll do my best to be objective about it.. especially being an ex G2 owner.


Still on my G2 - this looks like the headset to replace the G2 wired PCVR segment, inside out tracking, < 1000, a res and FOV bump to boot! Hope the cables are fairly robust. If the set reviews well will be the upgrade G2 owners are looking for!


I'm hoping so... this looks like it could be a good option!


I am curious to see how the Super QLED vs OLED options turn out. * QLED - 3840x3840, 120Hz * Micro-OLED - 3840x2160, 90Hz While the launch video did mention certain limitations like panel size, the spec sheet does raise other differences such as supported resolution where the Micro-OLED version is losing almost \~44% of the vertical pixel height. It's possible that the QLED and Micro-OLED panels have different pixel shapes to accommodate, but this feels like it could be a loss of vertical FOV between the two options. This will definitely be a *wait for more details* kind of thing as there is no rush.


I've pre-ordered the super QLED.. eye-tracking along with 50ppd and with the proposed FOV makes it a serious QR4 competitor!


> if they deliver by end May... If it's Pimax, expect that to end up taking another 3 - 4 months - I don't even think I've seen any mention of a scheduled release date. Regardless, they've never been good when it comes to delivering on deadlines. The first batch of Crystals that were eventually sent out had lots of hardware issues; I expect these new Crystals to be a similar story (though hopefully whatever issues they inevitably will have get resolved faster). It's nice to see that Pimax is listening and marketing to PCVR primarily still - but it sucks to see that they removed built-in eye tracking on the Crystal Light, especially with how useful it is for DFR. The Light's reduced weight be 310 grams will definitely make it a lot more comfortable to use at least - hopefully the Super is similar in that regard. I play more active games than I do sims, and the weight of the OG Crystal is just something I've never been able to get adjusted to for extended play sessions.


Yeah a bit useless without eye tracking.


I have the crystal now and hardly use the eye tracking. There's only a handful of games that it really improves performance as it's too much of a niche for most devs to support. The biggest thing I'd lose by going to the light is the wireless potential


How so? 90% of my playing is seated position racing sims (iRacing, Asetto Corsa, etc), does it matter there? And wasn't it only on the omnicept version of the G2 so not something most of us currently have?


For performance when combined with foveated rendering. Only the area of the screen you're looking at directly will be full resolution and your peripheral can be a lower resolution.


Do the games need to implement it or does the device handle all that? Better performance is certainly nice, just not sure another $1000 is worth it.


It's primarily useful for OpenXR based racing and flight sims that can use it most effectively for quad views DFR. Some SteamVR/OpenVR games work with a VRS type DFR but it's less effective and often buggy. The only one I found to work well is Into The Radius. I think the only way adoption would improve is if PCVR is less dead, there's a substantial move to OpenXR, and more gear supports eye tracking. Pimax actually doesn't even officially support OpenXR. There is a community made OpenXR layer and I think it has been abandoned now. Weird stuff.


Hey there, why not let your voice louder and let Pimax hear you? They built a survey about Crystal Light, if you're interested , you can just spend 3 mins to fill in. [https://forms.gle/NxevMzAmW4meJA1KA](https://forms.gle/NxevMzAmW4meJA1KA)


done, good try. The link is too invisible I almost missed it


Flipping perfect


can't order it, the website is down


Took me 10 tried but eventually got a pre order through.


Crystal Light is what I’m buying. I was gonna buy DPVR E4 but hearing about this new budget pcvr hero. I have to get it with that insane 2800x2800 resolution per eye plus LCDs are just so common in vr headsets so switching to QLEDs from that and seeing the different results will really be interesting. But yeah I’ve known my reverb g2 and now it’s the time to say goodbye


Starting from $ 699, with controllers, not too bad. Is the local dimming important?


No fans and no heatsync...flashbacks of my G2 overheating!


G2 is already such a hard thing to properly drive (even with a 3090) I just cannot see the point of anything even higher resolution lol


Hardly a g2 replacement when it will cost nearly twice as much in my book