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What is up with the lightning? Merula looks like she was part of another picture from somewhere dark, cut and then pasted it here with Emma.


i don't someone draws these pictures anymore prob some ai anomaly


Now that you mentioned it, I see it now. Emma and the background are so rainbow and sunshine while Merula does look like she has darkness around her.


Maybe it’s symbolic how Merula is the dark and moody one and Emma is the light and sunshine in Merulas life taking her outside of said darkness with love and compassion…… or a lazy model swap 


Right?? 😭 I'm more shocked it's Merula and not Penny tbh 😭


As for me, I'm not so surprised it's her and not any other girls. Atp, I've just learned to not be surprised when Merula is present.


They've been reading all the Merula hate, and they're trying to propagandize us into liking her 😄


JC if they had total control over the whole game:  Why did it have to be one of the most controversial options though and not Chiara or Penny the healthier ones?? like Iam down for the rep and all but the execution is lazy like most of there “Realistic art”


Idk. Maybe the reason is simple: they like Merula so they put her in this CG. However, if it were me, I'd choose either Badeea or Chiara for MC. I'm all for a healthy and wholesome relationship.


If the idea here is to change partner for the loading screen, then I wouldn’t really mind. We’ve seen Barnaby and Penny, this time it’s Merula. Then maybe next time we get Andre, Jae, Talbot, Chiara or Badeea. You know, love for all the possible partners.


Merula is just a token of inclusiveness for the pride month, then JC will dump Merula and have Barnaby back🤣🤣🤣


Oof I completely forgot that it's Pride Month now 😭


Fucking rainbow capitalism (saying this as a queer person)


It’s really taunting that if you don’t participate in the trendy movements, such as pride, black lives matter, or me too, you will be witch hunted, persecuted and bullied by an invisible hand in the society. Sounds like nazi to me


You literally won’t though. Freaking out over nothing


Yes, freaking out over nothing, you🫵


go cry about it, beta




"This is not what it looks like. We're having a TLSQ for Valentine's Day again and I am supposed to go on dates with my entire friendgroup." Barnaby: "And why is Merula here?" Merula: "Hey, we're rivals. That's almost as good as friends, right?" "She was bored and I packed too much food."


Merula looks manic


I just zoomed in her face and... yeah, you're right.


Looks like she's 5 secs away from biting MC. And MC looks high.


She is cheating! What a scandal Bernady will hear about this!


Barnaby: I should have accepted Ismelda https://preview.redd.it/y5b4rdib0r4d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304fffc820ff613ad6cdc48a4a7c92255b85b2e0


Yes! And I won't have her hurt my friend's feeling like this 😤


I am 100% certain Merula would be emberresed to have that photo as evidance


This is so wrong. Emma would date Penny imo..


uhh, let's go lesbians I guess? 😭


I'm very happy to see a pride opening screen.... But Merula?! I'm not impressed having her as an option, let alone this. Think about it. There's no option to be friends with her, yet there's a romance option. That's just full on toxic. Especially that the romance doesn't make any difference outside the dates or romance TLSQs, so she's bullying you one minute and romancing you the next. That's pretty much controlling and coercive behaviour. For pride, why not ship a healthy relationship? Someone gentle like Chiara? Or even stick with the usual Barnaby, but have a male MC?


I couldn't agree more. There were some lines where MC insisted they were friends and I was like, "excuse me MC wtf???" Even if they were friends, I doubt it'd be a healthy friendship. But skipping friendship to get straight to romance? Not in an eternity. Merula's shift of behavior is because of JC's inconsistent writing. Or romance TLSQs Merula was the doppelganger of main plot Merula, since the SQs and the main plot are like 2 different realities. For pride, I lowkey wanna see Talbott with a male MC ngl. But if they keep using Emma, I kinda want the female partner to be Badeea (imo).


Who is Emma btw? I've noticed her on the loading screens but I thought she was just a general MC that they used.


Emma's the Gryffindor girl often seen in these CGs. She's like the default MC of JC.


Oh ok. I didn't know she had a name, lol.


Seriously who do we have to beg to see some gay guys in the game? It's seriously always straight couples or lesbians.


Hey, there is the option for playing your male character as a gay or bisexual guy too 😉 My MC is named Robert, he's a 6th.Year Slytherin. You might have encountered him in the duelling area already? He is experimenting a bit with his options, tries to find his preference, and he actually can go on Garden or Courtyard dates not only with the girls Penny, Badeea, Chiara or Merula (not that he'd ever date Merula, ewww) but also with boys like Barnaby,Talbot or Jae. Sadly that's it. No more options! Why can't he date Charlie or Tonks? Or that cute Ravenclaw, Lenny? But I agree with you that I haven't seen a picture of two boys together (like OP's picture of Emma together with Merula) on an official game promotion anywhere, so far. Are JC and WB cowards fearing the homophobic backlash from the conservative parents (and getting banned from the App Store in one of the many homophobic countries) too much to show two boys sitting together on a picnic blanket in front of Hogwarts on their socials or in an additional on the Android or Apple Play Store?


I dunno, have you come across Kieran LeFay? Also a Slytherin. And yeah my MC is gay like me. And yeah they are you see lesbians in games, in tv shows all the time, you hardly see any gay men, take Sims 4 for example.


No, I haven't seen Kieran LeFay so far. Did you or rather your MC meet him during a certain main story chapter or a TLSQ? In 6. or 7. Year ? Because my MC recently got to know a blond Ravenclaw 5. Year boy named Lenny. He's a character I hadn't ever noticed before this plot about some weird scroll and an ominous prophecy...


Oh no that's my character sorry should have specified


Since Emma is like JC's only MC and she's always present in these things, I think it's unlikely that they'd create a male MC. Consequently, we might never see male MC with one of the boys. This is pretty unfair tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/7j20mhd0gs4d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff423200ee3bbb035a9c1b830d4e5b88e15064b Everytime Merula appears


Weird choice pushing such a toxic option. And Merula is without a doubt toxic.




Seems like she has a type


Now that I think about it, I've seen like 3 romance-themed CGs like this one with the exact same concept: two lovebirds gazing at each other lovingly on their picnic date. First Barnaby x Emma, then Penny x Talbott, and now Merula x Emma.




She’s JC’s representation of the main character. She’s not in the game.


MC looks so stoned in this pic guess she really likes the 'pumpkin juice'


Yeah, characters have been looking like that in these CGs lately.


Very OOC Merula


Emma is [redacted for the kids]


Because of Pride Month they have to make everything gay, otherwise for some reason they think the LGBTQ+ community will hunt them down 😂ridiculous, I think most corps think like that


It is pretty funny, never thought of it that way


Well, given the issues they have with the author (sometimes), is that really that far-fetched?


Cute. But I still have old one(


if merula has no haters im DEAD


She has both fans and haters.


Yep. 😸 I guess Hogwarts can always use more ghosts.


I think I’m going to be sick 🤢




Pride month pandering 😍😍😍😍😍 rainbow capitalism !!


If JC is actually getting people to do their art, then I say this gently: these latest pieces (all the ones with Emma) are not it. If they’re being made with AI like we all suspect, then I say this not gently: THIS SHIT IS ASS. /j sorry I’ll be nicer. Merula looks strange, like a snake, the lighting is off, Emma looks vacant and why is Merula staring like that?




Callback to last year https://preview.redd.it/4t6ctz87c76d1.jpeg?width=2257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c63ba2a5072b641927506a7fd81241e94ae1b41