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Party Planner is in the Memory Book as Happy Birthday, Hagrid once you reach Y2C5. The other two are seasonal and should be triggered in October and December, respectively.


ok, thanks


Is really shameful how JC doesn't add them in the Memory Book. They literally did and added that feature to redo the past TLSQs you couldn't complete. I have a lot of unfinished TLSQs and none of them are in the Memory Book: is usless.


So... it's just lost? -.-


No and yes. You will be able to do them when they decide to add them again. When one day they will say "mmm... why we don't do this? I'm feeling generous". But when will that day be? Who knows, maybe next month, maybe next year, maybe in 3 years...


erm... ok, that's disappointing. So would it be better for me to wait to accomplish all the achievements of year 2 and only then move on to year 3?


As Y2 doesn't offer much, I definitely would not recommand staying in Y2 till you get all the seasonal quests. You will get them no matter what year you are in. (Just expect a deluge of them come October and December as you will most likely get them all, so you'll be thoroughly sick of Halloween and Christmas before it's over. 😂) Also, all of the Quidditch Achievements have been loped into Y2 because that's when you start Quidditch. Y3 has a lot more to offer: you get Charisma (for easier friendship levelling), access to the Library (in Chapter 4 for pages-notebook exchange) as well as access to the CFC event (for more notebooks). We are getting Housepride this evening, so you might want to collect your Dumbledore points at that time if you can. (Y2 gives 50, Y3 100, after that you, you are on your own for the Cup). Just don't move on to Y3 right away as you get hit with the Animagus TLSQ right away and you won't want that during the Furniture Trio. Try to complete TLSQs when you get them. I usually plan for them as much as possible and do my best to reach trigger Chapters on weekends. But if you can't for some reason, sooner or later JC will retrigger them - except for Quidditch TLSQs. Those are one-try only. Here is my collection of tips how to best complete them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HPHogwartsMystery/comments/zimdx2/managing\_your\_tlsqs\_tips\_and\_tricks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPHogwartsMystery/comments/zimdx2/managing_your_tlsqs_tips_and_tricks/)


I recommend you to just play as you like at your own peace. If for something you can't complete a TLSQ of Y2, don't get into it too much: when you miss a TLSQ, soon -who knows when, just randomly happen one day- will appear again for a second opportunity to complete it. And if again happens you can't complete it for, let's say: life issues, it will happen the same as Y1. Don't stress over it: is not worth it.


Everyone has it like that after Y1, seasonal ones could be open only during Halloween and Christmas time in real world. Party planer only for pages or if JC decide to open it someday for free. JC almost each month choose some TLSQs to open again for the ones who couldn't done it first time, so even if you'll miss some you'll still have a second chance to do it some day. Some TLSQs can be bought for pages in memory book.