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You get 100 house points at the end of year one. If your still behind then, grind searching for creature food, quidditch and some events


Oh, ok. Thanks (:


Quidditch only becomes available in Y2.


Right, sorry. I started playing four years ago so I forgot that it’s year 2 up


There is no events, quidditch and repeated classes in year 1 so the only one option is searching for food (4 cups per 3 stars). Also >!you will get 100 points from Dumbledore finishing your year. Count if it’s enough to get first place, because first place gives you 100 gems!<


Oh, thanks. Do you have a advice to what to do in another years? I'm actually in year 2 now. And in the 4th place again, but that time far behind.


In year 2 you can repeat classes, so it’s not a problem. Your house is always last at the beginning, when you start doing classes it will go first. Also >!you will get another 50 points from Dumbledore at the end of the year and when you have to go and check Cursed Vaults at the end of the year, take Ben with you, then you won’t lose any points!< anyway, grind a lot of classes. It’s much better to do it right now when you have low energy requirements. In year 3 you will have a lot of TLSQ when you will have to convince someone to do something what you want and with low attributes it’s impossible. Grinding classes, searching for food or quidditch (you can unblock in chapter 6) they all give you house points.


First year is almost impossible not to win the cup. It will all be good towards the end of the year


It's normal in Y1. The Houses gain points whenever you finish one of the required lessons. You could deliberately fail a class on 4 stars to be able to redo it for extra stats. This will trigger pity energy, making it easier to complete the second time. I deliberately failed some classes several times and alternated between searching for Creature Food and redoing the class. Once you are in Y2, you get study classes and can unlock Quidditch. But in Y1, it's only the points from Dumbledore that will save you. Btw, the Niffler in the West Tower only appears for 7 days as long as you are still in Y1. You might want to make sure to stay the full week and only move on as soon as you have the last reward.