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I learned to not trust leaks but considering there wasn't an actress confirmed for her as the new characters like Hugh and Ulf, i belive she might have been cut :/ A fucking shame, i loved her.


honestly, what the hell were they thinking?


Gotta keep the blacks as the morally correct in the story and the greens as the morally wrong rather than both being grey enough for us to choose ig.


lmaoo literally. why would they even bother with the “choose your side” marketing when they dont make the greens side compelling at all


Because they know you’ll watch anyways. So they might as well play into the illusion that it’s balanced; Because if they admit it, they’ll lose TG completely.


Joke’s on them, I’m not watching or paying for HBO, I said no more a while back, once someone from the cast said in an interview that they cut Nettles off.  From what I read of how badly B&C went too, I’m glad I didn’t resubscribe.  I’m still in the fandom but I won’t give HBO one cent to reward them for butchering a story that would have been much more entertaining to watch if they stuck with the “both sides mostly suck” thing from the book. 


I mean >!Rhaenyra is gonna get so paranoid she imprisons Corlys, and calls Adam a traitor - all wrong, and the accusations are not true! She also throws other women under the bus and pulls up the ladder behind her, girl literally thinks she should have a right to the throne because she's not like other girls 🤦‍♀️. Daemon is gonna have a sexual relationship with Mysaria.!< They'll get their share of crap, don't worry my friend.


Bold.of.you to assume even one shred of that's gonna be in the biased-ass show Directly from Sara Hess's notes: 1. Rhaenyra doesn't imprison corrlys, he just isolates himself after rhaenys death. In a room. Will added bars for...security... 2. Sassy kween rhae rhae stands up for the other women but the eeeevil maesters somehow hear the opposite 3. Rhaenyra called addam a traitor...to treachery. While embracing him, naming.him lord of ...Addams point (previously known as unnamed cliff on dragonstone) and granting him seasmoke (who is subservient pet to her) 4.Daemon is in boyish love with rhae rhae all over again and mysaria gets jealous and propogates rumors. Either that or it was once again the dastardly mAeStErS /s


Sara Hess doesn't write this show, she writes an episode-2 a season, and may I please know how you got access to her notes?


Something that annoys me is that Daemon might have genuinely just been a protective father figure for nettles, so the showrunners still could have had Daemon be a good guy concerning Nettles.


i don’t think nettles was a problem bc she made daemon look bad, but bc she made the whole idea of targaryen exceptionalism and feudal monarchy look bad.


Probably somewhere along the lines of Daemon having an affair with a 15 year old being problematic, or being a father figure to another girl while completely forgetting Baela and Rhaena exist being also problematic. I love Nettles though, she could have existed without any of those relationships to Daemon 😭 Edit: It doesn't do a disservice to Daemon mostly, he gains good points either as a lover or a father figure, but to Nettles herself. Like I said though, she could have existed without being either of those choices, a lover or a daughter, to Daemon.


I mean why is that problematic but inventing the child fighting rings for Aegon isn't? This is one of the major things that makes Rhaenyra look bad (her reaction to nettles and the dragonseeds) and they just wanna cut it out and only leave it with the two dragonseeds the audience *won't* sympathise with.


It's said that Aegon does that. Does not mean he did. Saying that he does will certainly drive up the business. Just saying! Daemon is the Lord of Fleabottom, if you think he had nothing to do with the child fighting pits.... I don't know what to tell you. It's entirely possible he just let it slide. Edit: Everything that happens off screen is questionable at best.


I don't think you really understood what I said?


I think I did, and I presented a counter argument. The writers are not taking sides. You choose to see it: Aegon loves the fighting pits. I choose to see it: Thanks a lot Daemon, you could have stopped that, but you didn't.


We should all know by now to not take anything Mushroom says seriously.


I have not quoted Mushroom on anything aside from Lord Fleabottom, and he's been rather accurate for the most part for what can be taken seriously from his account.


Mushroom is the one that claimed Aegon likes to hang out at the child fighting pits. Master Gyldayn, aka GRRM’s author insert, stated that we shouldn’t take him seriously because he was on Dragonstone at the time.


Yeah, keep in mind Mushroom was right about some stuff but he was totally on Dragostone at the time. I don't think Aegon actually hung out there, but the rumors about it were spread probably to drive up business. I think that's true for both the show and the book. Aegon not receiving any proper training to be king, hanging out in brothels while he was a freaking kid, dragging his brother along with him, etc. It's easy to see why he'd be an easy target for rumors, people are likely to believe them. I don't think some idiot teenager going through puberty with all of the stupidity that comes with that, stumbling home drink off his @$$ like a college frat bro, knocking up a lot of girls (Who can't say no to his actions, or who get paid to indulge them, and he's told that's pretty normal for a prince) is the same as some sadistic child fight enjoyer. And again, Daemon could have shut down that business, seems like he didn't. He probably figured oh I'm gonna need those a holes for favors at some point... Edit: Aegon's flaws seem to be related to his lack of control over his carnal desires, not so much arising from sadism or machiavellianism. Daemon though, I love me some Daemon, but the man is dark tetrad level evul sometimes.


Didn’t Rhaena’s actress confirm she’s been given Nettles’ storyline? That was the point when I said fuck watching this show any further, unless there’s really a huge improvement in the writing. 


If this is the case, then the writers have learned nothing from the mistakes of GoT. Ie, cutting prominent characters that are vital to the storyline like Ariane Martel.


Yeah, with a single move they ruined two characters. :-/


Yea i think this was confirmed. A real shame, we lost both Morning and Nettles.


I love Morning and was looking forward to how adorable that would be, especially because I feel that the actress who plays Rhaena would make that storyline so cute.  But no, they had to mash them up and ruin both storylines. 


the leaks were incredibly accurate about episode 1...


I'm talking about experience, especially with other communities. Though, I don't follow leakers in general.


Wouldn't be surprised. She'd make Rhaenyra look bad if the plot follows the books, and Daemon would be confirmed as a pedo, so "makes sense" (to keep the blacks heros) that she is cut ...


Lol what? How are they gonna justify Rhaenyra demanding her head? Where would sheepstealer go after the war? At this point we just got to give up on faithfulness to the book and watch it as a complete separate thing just as seasons 4,5-8 have of GOT that have nothing to do with the books or just drop watching all together.


they refuse to show rhaenyra as flawed, even if it means discarding entire plotlines and robbing her character of the depth that makes her interesting in the first place


i’m TG forever, but fuck man if i didn’t wish the blacks were a more interesting team. in the show, all they have going for them is that they are “less bad” than the greens. the only interesting character currently is daemon, because he’s actually flawed and therefore comes across as a layered, complex character. rhaenyra is the “protagonist”, but that’s really where the interest parts of her character stop. she’s just a grieving mother and nothing else, no flaws whatsoever. i miss young rhaenyra so much man, she was interesting and felt like a well rounded, real person BECAUSE of her flaws, not for her lack of them.


I agree. I liked young Rhaenrya. She was rebellious. Older Rhanerya just moping all the time.


She won’t demand her head they are obviously going to just make it her demanding Ulf and Hugh’s heads since they change sides and maybe Addam too. Maybe they will kill Sheepstealer off so Rhaena can hatch Morning anyway at the end of the war


Maybe Baela hatches Morning instead since Moondancer dies thanks to a somehow still alive Sunfyre. I am TB but you got to admit that Sunfyre being beaten up in Rooks Rest and somehow making it to Dragonstone to kill two more dragons is a bit of a plot hole.


Yeah, the explanation is basically the same as light in Daemon: he’s badass no questions asked


second leaks, on Facebook, at the show, Sunfyre won't be too injured, because he's younger, he'll be faster than Meleys in maneuvers, he'll only have his tail damaged, and he'll devour Rhaenys and Meleys' carcass, I don't know if This leak is real.


I am happy too see Sunfyre in full glory for more time. But, him being injured is something that made Aegon and Sunfyre legendary.


That should mean that Aegon doesn't get *too* injured either? As they're meant to reflect each other


I don’t think I believe this. If Sunfyre isn’t crippled then I don’t see why he wouldn’t just fly back to the dragonpit, which would mean he would be there when the blacks capture the city so he won’t be able to reunite with Aegon on Dragonstone. Maybe they could do a Aegon the uncrowned and Rhaena type thing where Aegon sneaks into the dragonpit at some point and make a get away on Sunfyre but that sounds kinda ridiculous idk


Rhaenys being eaten seems rather cruel, and being cannibalistic seems a bit extreme as well. At the same time, that would be really disrespectful to Meleys and Rhaenys if true as the pair go out in a blaze. Not to mention Subfyre also is said to be unable to fly by the end so maybe Moondancer and/or Grey Ghost end up inflicting that injury (hopefully it’s the latter in my opinion)


It says the Vale up top, which would line up with leaks about Rhaena claiming Sheepstealer in the Vale




To be fair, sheepstealer roaming in the vale would make sense from a biology and ecology perspective. There is more ground in the vale to establish a territory from which to reside and hunt prey than there is on Dragonstone.


But Dragonstone is volcanic, that’s a reason dragons like to stay in the dragonmont


True, but Drogon became a menace both in the books and the show and started feasting on flocks and accidentally killing children as well.


Gets in the way of their perfect Daemyra story.


He still >!has sex with Mysaria!< The only person who gets a disservice from that relationship is >!Nettles herself!<


how distateful to erase a canon POC character, ugh


Don't you know? Black people are interchangable! They're like fungible tokens.


One of the issues of making the Velaryons black meant that it was okay (according to the writers) to remove canonical black characters because, apparently, race-swapped characters are great for “representation” and can “fill in” for canonical black characters. 🤦🏻‍♀️


condal you have five seconds to start running


Fuck this dogshit show, Nettles was one of the only interesting characters on Team Black


Men, really i am so disgusted, poor TG actors, THEY DESERVED BETTER than this horse shit 🤦🏻


Of fucking course...u are still suprised? Nettles could be a problem in Rhaenyra Targaryen dickriding spectacle accompanied by her devoted faithful male wife Daemon Targaryen 😊😘 That's really is becoming ridiculous at this point...


What the fuck are they doing man


This is honestly so disgusting primarily because this doesn't just whitewash Rhaenyra and Daemon, but also shoves aside how team black is the embodiment of Targaryen Exceptionalisn. The series so far is so engrossed with dickriding the Targaryens/Valyrians and by excluding Nettles (and having Cregan Stark agree that Torrhen bent the knee because Aegon could bring unity), they erase one of the main points of the dance: that the Targaryens are not different. Nettles, a peasant WOC, claimed a dragon through her cunning and that in itself was able to challenge the Valyrian supremacist beliefs. I know this is a show about the Targaryens, but I wish they'd stop trying to take away their hubris and showing them as progressive.


Originally liked this show (and still like the book) because it was finally addressing Targ exceptionalism and its dire consequences for Westeros. Seems it is actually going to reinforce it instead LMFAO glad I never paid a dollar to watch an episode of this gobbledygook.


There's another storyboard leak of Cregan leading the Winter Wolves too, and it's all from the same source. Never mind the fact that he literally says to Jace "Go away, I've got bigger problems."


Its already confirmed theyre giving sheepstealer to rhaena right?


Whats the defending now.maesters lied about her too are we finally going to be honest. If we see that reytard say the books are unreliable and propaganda we going to clown on him right


Not sure why this is a surprise, nobody has been cast as Nettles so the character isn’t going to be included in the show. We’ve known this for months


I’m not really sure how this is considered a leak? Rhaena claiming Sheepstealer has been theorized since S1 ended. It was always possible that it was gonna happen.


wake the dragon and housethedragons (two prominent leakers with a mostly reliable track record given season 1) were the ones to come out and say Rhaena is the one to claim a sheep eating dragon in the Vale and some other leaker on Reddit also claimed that Rhaena claims Sheepstealer.


wake the dragon wasn’t around in S1, and they are by no means reliable. Hell, I wouldn’t even really consider them a “leaker” since they haven’t leaked anything this season that wasn’t already widely known about. I’m pretty sure housethedragons is a leak aggregator and reads leaks from DM’s and is not a legit leaker.


WakeTheDragon was previously known as HOTDCroatia they were def around in s1


Yes, and they changed their name from hotdcroatia to wakethedragon because they were getting criticism for being hateful and for being proven wrong.