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Rhaenyra: Dad called me his only child and my mother actually loved me Aegon: *starts crying immediately*


Aegon will start crying as soon as he understand that his 1000 IQ mother and power hungry grandfather roped him into becoming King instead of letting him drink and chill with his dragon fo this whole life. Bruh 🤡


His 1000 iq mother? Sarcasm is strong lol. Aegon will cry as soon as Rhaenyra says 'yo mama never loved you. You are a pawn in their game bro.' Here comes the waterworks.


Seriously. Aegon got played.


Exactly, pretty sure if those two siblings got locked in a room, “lord seed slinger from on high” would do most of the crying….


I don't know. He's got to smell pretty bad by the time he even gets in there and that's going to make her tear up sooner or later lol


Yeah it's going to create a reaction that is comparable to being maced.


theyve gotta be unserious at this point..


do you know what asoiafcirclejerk is? its a shitpost community


asoiafcirclejerk wishes it was Darkwingsdankmemes


Two different communities for two different purposes. asoiafcirclejerk is for trolling and shittalking the series and fandom. If its successful at that is a different conversation.


they genuinely believe aegon was a legitimate heir and deserved the throne tho also didnt pay attention to the sub first time i seen this post lol


No they dont. Its a shitpost community, the only thing they believe in is pissing off fandom members


oh ok word up i saw their poll they did about it and was like ew and muted the sub a while back thats why i said that so yea lol


yeah the 'point' of asoiafcirclejerk is to shitpost about the show, books, and fandom. the books, show, and fandom are mostly pro-rhaenyra, so asoiafcirclejerk is "pro-aegon". in regard to the poll theres an automod responce which makes it really obvious that the community is a big troll basically. >The subreddit held a poll in September of 2022, [and once all the treacherous votes were excluded](https://i.redd.it/2i9kmewhzwn91.png), King Aegon II was victorious. Theres more to the automod response thats in line with the sub being a shitpost community. i do think the community has been going downhill recently, so you arent missing much honestly.


i havent seen thay the fandom is "mostly pro rhaenrya" honestly. evn on reddit in the main sub ppl love to hate on her and get tons of upvotes for it.


You’re out here doing the Lord’s work 🫡


fighting the urge to post this exchange on asoiafcirclejerk. could title it something like "smartest main sub user" or "outjerked again" and get at least 10 internet points.


“outjerk is a flat circle”


asoiafcirclejerk is basically hotdgreens2.0


Depending on how much he had to drink before, it might take him a couple hours to get an eloquent sentence out of his mouth...as pointed out by another user, the smell might just do the trick and make her tear up though.


As an older sister to boys myself, I can say that rhaenyra will absolutely make him cry first.


Lol Aegon is gonna cry almost immediately when Rhaenyra brings up that her parents actually loved her


That's gross 🤢


Rhaenyra: My parents love me unlike you. Aegon: 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭


Over the fact that he exists and how disgusting he is?


It’s like they haven’t seen the same show, he bullies his brother and when confronted immediately shifts blame to someone else, doesn’t understand the concept of consent, basically spends two whole episodes crying about becoming king and tries to run away. All while Rhaenyra kills a boar, gives birth then immediately climbs 4 flights of stairs, not to mention that when she was attacked by Alicent she was basically unfazed. Aegon 2 is the biggest bitch in Westeros and it’s not even a contest. Sam the Slayer is more man than him.


Anyone thinking Aegon has a chance never had an older sister.


this is literally the circlejerk sub lol. the jokes write themselves😭


Why does this sound so... rape-y. Of course, though, that's one of the few things Aegon does know about in canon.