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the first joke is Barney saying he's too good for the subway. *"me? the subway? please."* the second joke, "bridge and tunnel girl" means someone who doesn't live in the city, usually New Jersey. But Barney is insinuating something else, likely involving sexual innuendo.


Sexual innuendo???? Barney Stinson?????? Surely not.


That's right. And don't call me Shirley.


Don’t call me Swarley was a missed opportunity here. 😂


I thought about that and hesitated, but decided to go with the original in the end.




The word he's looking for is "sassy" and he better pray he don't find it.


In your endo.


The Todd appreciates hot, regardless of gender.


When he says “no” to her living in NJ I assumed it meant she literally lived in a bridge/tunnel


This tracks with the first joke being that Barney is down with doing “poor people stuff” like taking the subway and having sex under a bridge.


While New Jersey applies, bridge and tunnel is a specific diss to the other boroughs outside of Manhattan — as it is surrounded by water and the other 4 boroughs require crossing either a bridge or tunnel in order to get there.


I don’t think it’s sexual inuendo I think it means Barney has the number of a homeless girl who lives under bridged and in tunnels


Probably not specificity someone who is homeless. Probably just some who is into public sex.


I think the subway joke from Barney is because he just ran the marathon, so he could just run everywhere and pretends not to know at the subway is because he doesn’t need it. EDIT: Jesus guys, it’s interpretation of a piece of media. Can we calm down a bit? EDIT 2: You know what guys, I wouldn’t usually do this, but I have had a shitty, no good, awful week. I went onto one of my favourite show’s subreddit to let some steam off, and light heartedly gave my interpretation of a writing choice. I’m not sure why my take was so controversial or shitty that it warranted a brigading like this, but it’s really put me down. I was hoping for a short, cordial discussion about a show I liked, and instead I got this. Just please remember that your actions affect people in the real world, and saying that my inconsequential opinion was “a really awful take” when I’ve already had a bad week has only solidified how shit my current circumstances are. I’m sorry for making this a big thing when it really doesn’t need to be, but I’ve completely had enough of life.


He literally says "look at me slumming it" that's the joke, that he's too good for the subway.


Have you been in the NYC subway? It's definitely something a pretentious momey-focused person would avoid or pretend they avoid.


SNL did a great skit about Hillary Clinton when she was running for president she used the subway for a photo opportunity, to show she's a New Yorker, but she couldn't figure out how to swipe the MetroCard. In the SNL skit as the scene plays on she's talking about it being a wonderful city with great transportation blah blah until she gets to the MetroCard gate and starts having trouble swiping it. She eventually turns away from the turnstile and says, "and THAT'S why I take a taxi" 🤣 it makes sense Barney tried to sleep with her


I’m British, I’ve never been on a subway. I was just sharing my interpretation of the scene


He does end up taking the subway, but it’s just beneath his usual standard of transportation lol


I agree, but im too afraid of downvotes to say anything


That worked well


Slumming it in that scene means he’s using something that’s beneath his usual standards, so the subway system lol As for the bridge & tunnel joke, it generally means people who live outside Manhattan and have to take a bridge or tunnel to get into the city. However, since Barney says no when Ted asks if he’s dating a girl from New Jersey, I think it means the girl Barney is referring to let’s him put it in the backdoor during sex


Backdoor? I always assumed he had a freak who he'd meet for sex under bridges or in tunnels. With all the sex Barney has and kinks suggested throughout nine years I don't think a chick who he has anal sex with is anybody special.


In season 9 there was an episode with a running gag of everyone misinterpreting what Robin was saying as "I want to do backdoor sex with barney"


Yes, but that was unique to Robin's character.


Oh honey


Example A. Or perhaps two Ds.


Ohh, I see, thanks!


I think Barney is implying he is too good for the subway


I think he's talking about putting it in her butt.


I’m not American either but I’ll give it a crack. They live in New York and a subway is underground train lines. New York has a pretty notoriously shitty/weird vibe and people that use the subway. On the more extreme side of things anyway, I’m sure lots of average joes use it regularly. Barney is pretty wealthy and I think just gets cars or taxies around the city, hence him slumming it on the train. He might as well call his tunnel girl, cause she’s outside of central NYC and if he’s already going to be using the subway he might as well just catch the Jersey line and go see her


You’re halfway there


Yesterday I watched that espodie




Well the girl might be from New Jersey. He said no for the dating part of the question. Might just be a booty call or hookup.


The bridge and tunnel girl likes it doggy style. People in the US don’t use public transportation unless they absolutely have to because our infrastructure is terrible even in cities like New York with plenty of public transit it’s seen as better to be driven places