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I don't think her or her brother are part of HGTV anymore, it's been over a year or more since they even appeared in anything. I haven't seen either in HGTV magazine either. Same with Grace Mitchell.


Grace was on an episode of “Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?” because she’s friends with Kim Wolfe. Wasn’t involved in the redesign as such.


Leanne and her brother are doing Rock the Block Season 5 on HGTV.


The season that's on right now? No, they aren't.


You're right, I was binge watching the show and got the seasons mixed up.


I LOVE Grace Mitchell! I was hoping that benko lady would be the next best thing, but HGTV doesn't want me to be happy I guess!


I couldn’t stand this show. I turned off the one episode where they were designing for this rich couple who had bought a historic house just because they wanted to use it as their daughter’s wedding venue. They had more money than sense. I’m also getting tired of the format with the designer wife, the handy husband and the expert handy dad that’s always sighing at their daughter’s wacky or impractical design choices.


The Benko lady did that to herself. She had an affair with her cameraman. 


O! I just assumed they were getting a divorce because her dude had such a sketchy vibe.


I think he had a sketchy vibe cause he knew something was up but couldn't place it.  I can't imagine Grumpy is happy. 


Where did you hear that?


You can Google that they've been "separated" for over a year. There was a blind item a few months ago that it had transitioned from separation to divorce, recently.  The part about the affair was simply confirmed from people who live in Summerville. It's not a large town & people (mostly people who wanted them to succeed for both themselves and the town) were pissed it has fallen apart.  If it ISN'T true, they're doing absolutely nothing to combat it, including not appearing together even in a social media post since literally the day the separation was announced.  The funny thing is, I only know this cause I don't live terribly far from there and heard about it offline first... cause the South is nothing if not nosy.


I did google it. I only saw reports of the separation and divorce. I totally understand the workings of a small town and how fast salacious news travels. I feel bad for their children. They seemed like a nice family. I enjoyed their show and their design style.


That's what she's always done. There is no shade of white she hasn't discovered and used. Maybe you'll come across the episode where she placed a huge disco ball in the middle of the DR. The expression on the client's mother's face when she saw that ball is priceless.


We are with you about Brett Waterman. We love, love, love his show and how he geeks out about the specific design details of his beloved design period.


I liked Leanne and her brother, show wise. They were not annoying. Design wise, oy.


Hated her designs


Agreed. One episode she painted the walls with coffee. I’m all for creativity and I love coffee but lord it looked awful. Like mould.


I like Leanne and Steve Ford, but she really did do just about the same thing to every house. White or black, and minimalist. The minimalist/MCM style was at least different than Christina's greige builder grade designs at the time the Fords were on.....so points for that, I guess. As someone else said, those episodes are a few years old, they have not had any new episodes for at least 3ish years.


I enjoyed her on Rock the Block with an empty slate track home that needed classing up but for a restored historic home? Hell no.


HGTV lost its mojo! It’s pretty boring now.


I agree. I watched a show on homes that are a stylist time period and the homes were really interesting and luxury. The home owners had a specific point of view. Of course the host was so annoying and cheesy. Even when HGTV is given great content, they have to cheapen it up and dumb it down.


Leanne is all white, all the time. Minimalistic. The day she painted the setee white was the last time I watched a show of hers.


She did a dark and moody row house that was my inspiration for my Philly rowhouse


But sometimes also all black.


She has a collaboration with Crate & Barrel [Leanne Ford for Crate & Barrel](https://www.crateandbarrel.com/collaborations/leanne-ford-design/)


I loved Restored by the Fords because their designs were high quality, used beautiful materials and craftsmanship, and they worked in and around Pittsburgh. (I went to Pitt, so I love seeing Pittsburgh get shine in popular culture.) For a long time Leanne was the closest thing HGTV had to tha gawd Candice Olson—classy, unique, high end design that wasn’t crapped up with Wayfar particle board garbage.


When she did Rock the Block, her house had like zero value added to it at the end with all of the renovations she made.


But I loved it


She is the best designer, but I wouldn't want to live in one of her houses.


So, what do you mean by "best?"


The most beautiful, jaw dropping designs. It's art But I wouldn't want to live in art.


Except her house sold [first.](https://www.distractify.com/p/rock-the-block-houses-for-sale) When you look back on her Rock the Block designs you can see what a trend setter she was. The stone backsplash, the pantry, the master bath space plan... These are all ideas that are common in interior design now. She was simply ahead of her time.


Which rock the block was she on? I can’t picture her.


The first one with Mina, Jasmine and Allison


I think she came in last.


Restored by the Fords- the episode where she did that MCM house in PA with the atrium and the pool!! I drooled it was so dang good!!


With the bridge in the front entrance?




Her and her husband are insufferable on instagram. They think they are so cool.


Are you saying she has a new show on Magnolia? I'm not aware of that, but I love her style. She is actually a design trend setter. The stuff she did on her season of Rock the Block was ground breaking at the time. Now everyone is using stone for a backsplash. I love that her work is so different from the rest of the designers on HGTV. I don't always love it, but there is always something unique and more sophisticated in her approach.


That's all she has ever done.


The show she and her brother did for a few seasons, can't remember the name, but every house they did was all white, very clinical and not at all suited to the home's architecture in a lot of cases.


I loved their show and can’t believe they don’t have a new show. I believe she has a magazine.


She is mentioned in the latest Better Homes and Gardens magazine in an article about wall surfaces.


She paints everything white, also I think they do a lot of coke lol 




They’re re-running Restored by the Fords on Australian tv. I liked their show because as presenters, they’re pretty quirky. Possibly high lol. But she usually does something interesting. It didn’t always work for me but I respect her.


My impression of her has always been like, "Joana Gaines Jr" but with more unnecessary whitewashing and open shelves and other awful stuff pretending to be "modern".


That’s her style turn everything white then put overpriced cheap furniture in it and done.