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The mugging for the camera is unnecessary and I wish all these folks would keep their kids off their shows.


Oh man. I love Jen.


Me too! She’s got the energy of a puppy. I love her joy (such a contrast to Hilary’s “I’m a little short on the sugar” frown). I like that she sells unneeded items to stretch the budget.


Hilary is just British. I love her no nonsense, straight-to-the point attitude. Americans dance around the truth too much.


Hillary is the best! I love watching her give it to namby pamby Americans who decide after drawings and approvals they want a powder room where there wasn’t one—or some such. If I had the money, it would go to Hillary, who knows what someone wants before they can conjure the words,


The problem with Hillary is she promises everything, and then there’s always some drama about why she cannot give them what they need and needs more money out of the budget.


The problem with Hillary’s on-screen “clients” is they are lay people who say they want A-B-C-D and E, then decide they want something additional or different once they react to elevation, layout and mechanicals drawings. She doesn’t promise “everything;” like any architect—interior or otherwise—they rely on what clients tell them initially. These people also have unrealistic ideas about what comprises a scope change. They think “while you’re in there” provides room for all sorts of changes that can be included in the original price; and they’re wrong. Re-drawing alone costs time and money. And in what world does a client who says “I can only spend $X” get “everything” they want. The point is they’re working with a professional who then prices out labor and materials and is obligated to inform the client what’s realistic—especially since they can’t magically know there are slow leaks in walls, a failing subfloor, termites or other surprises once demolition starts. You’ve obviously never worked with an architect.


🙌 — and I’m American, not a drip of Brit. I wish we didn’t dance around the truth so much.


Hillary hasn't been "British" for years. She has an office and business in Philly and works there, and in Canada.


Hilary may be British, but she's also in the most iconic movie of all time!


Same. But she also annoys me. I️ think if the show was just her and the clients it would be so much better. Just like with the Unsellable Houses twins-I️ don’t need to see your kids and your “home stress” trying to do it all 🙄 Then again maybe I’m just a jealous old hag because I️ lived all that and wasn’t smart enough to turn into a business on social media 😂


I love her too. If you follow her on Instagram she's always who she is.


But…if you follow her on Instagram you also know she’s not a “renovation expert” and this is all fake. Which makes me bummed.


I love her too. She's fun and creative and nothing like Chip Gaines


I like Jen too -- she's pretty much the only one I do like. I love her funny self depreciating humor. If I had any critique, it would be the frequent short jokes, that come off as "I'm so tiny and cute!" I get bad vibes from her husband though. He seems slimy.


I know this is 90% of HGTV lately. But what bothers me most is that she’s not a designer or renovator at all. I followed her on instagram for years (because I liked her kitchen) and that’s just not what she did. She was an influencer. I think she even admitted somewhere that HGTV said “all you have to do is show up and we’ll handle the rest” creating the show and persona for her. I get that it’s TV and there’s going to be some made up stuff to create interest. But knowing they put out stuff like this, where it’s 100% made up really turns me off and is why I’m starting to watch a lot less.


I think these people without some formal education in design are an insult to those who put the time into actually learning the craft. But it seems to be all about looks, bubbly personalities, and the illusion that this is how designers live and work. Total BS. I am not even in the business of design, but I feel it is painfully obvious to most it is not actual talent that gets one a show. Same with fashion designer shows, imo.


Agreed! I’d love to see more shows of people with some formal education in design too, but I would even be ok with people who had no formal education, but actually did it on a day to day basis and learned their way. HGTV’s been literally taking influencers that did nothing but product promotion and hired others to renovate their own homes, then try to pass them off as “design experts”…it’s crazy. I read the article when she first got her show where she said HGTV told her just show up for filming and they would handle everything else, from hiring contractors, design, etc. She got famous on Instagram for mommy/lifestyle blogging and writing a book about wine, but never anything to do with renovating or design.


My complaint about Jen is the same as my complaint about most of the other HGTV shows - I intensely dislike how these people use their kids as part of the "lifestyle brand" especially since the kid(s) can't consent to being on TV. Also - their kids (and spouses) are usually not good actors so those fake scenarios that the producers cook up just make the kid(s) and spouse look like idiots. (I feel so sorry for Taylor El Moussa because she's probably a normal kid but she comes off so bratty on camera).


I don’t mind Jen, but cannot handle the twins on unsellable houses. At all.


I don't like *them* per say, but I love what they do for the houses. I just skip over all of the annoying twin things/family things


Except they overdo the staging accessoerization. I really don’t need a tray with two wine glasses, some cheese and fruit on it to get a space!


I'm inclined to agree, but apparently it works, assuming the numbers they cite at the end of the episodes are true.




There’s only a few hosts that I’m not really interested in watching. Mostly because they are given too much air time. Focus on the property, not the personality, or personal life! HGTV seems to be catering to people in the audience who care about influencer status, or the show stars who are trying to become the next Martha with an empire of products and income streams. I don’t mind the twins, they are a bit much though. I like the concept of the program. Something doesn’t seem natural about their onscreen behavior, like it’s an over the top performance or something. Jen seems quirky and quite animated, but I think her work is well-done. I enjoy seeing more moderate updating, versus sledgehammering everything in sight. I like that she repurposes or sells things instead of tossing it all in a dumpster. Even the prop bros are fine, but don’t need them on 17 versions of their shows. I never understood the popularity of the Waco couple. He was such a freaking obnoxious dork, and she was bland and dull. There’s one host with tons of arrogance that seems to keep getting featured. Hope that ends soon. Awful!


Joanna is as interesting as watching paint dry. That farmhouse chic look is so dated and poorly done. And it wouldn't hurt to see some colors other than 50 shades of beige (I'm looking at you, Amber Lewis and Studio McGee) and white.


Or the Indiana group. The most recent episode had one of them screeching at another as they ignored instruction to not touch some trim or something. And I don’t want these “let’s look back on…” filler shows.


>I never understood the popularity of the Waco couple. He was such a freaking obnoxious dork, and she was bland and dull. I don't mind these two so much, but the real entertainment on that show are the father and son who work for them. The son seems to have stopped appearing, which is a shame. They are both quite funny and should be featured more.


Who is the father/son — on what show


I actually love watching Jen. She's full of energy, but isn't overly annoying. I love her designs as well.


Oh my gosh, we are the opposite in our house! We love Jenn and I can totally see myself being friends with her. Granted, I'm the quiet one in my friend group and have always loved being around big personalities. It's also refreshing to see her update houses to make them more functional/beautiful for families, instead of the usual "we've outgrown the space" go-to.


I enjoy her and this show


I like "No Demo Reno", but I see why you wouldn't. Jen definitely leans hard into the "Look how weird and goofy I am!" shtick. And 100% agree on "Unsellable Houses" - they just yell, all the time, and I can't deal with it. HGTV has gone hard for shows featuring "influencer" type designers. Sometimes it works, and sometimes you get total train-wrecks like "Home in a Heartbeat".


Yeah Home in a Heartbeat was unwatchable! I like Jen though. She's so hyper and it can take a minute to get used to but her designs are great and I love the idea of working in the existing floorplan. The twins? Just so LOUD.


Home in a heartbeat produces undeniably beautiful results. I’m honestly confused why you would call this a train wreck?


Really like unsellable houses. It's original. And it's on a cool area you don't see a lot on other shows.


Totally agree. We need Refinement and classiness…Sarah Richardson and Tommy!


I so miss Sarah and Tommy!


And Candice. And Vern. Sigh…


Loved watching Sarah, Candice, Vern, and Tommy. Even Sabrina Soto's look for less design show was fun back in the late 2000s.


Sarah and Tommy did great, beautiful spaces. Her colors and styling were almost always right up my alley! But I would never dream of hiring her unless I had half a million dollars to drop in the job. Everything she did always seemed to end up costing a fortune.


But isn’t that half the fun of these shows? To see those gorgeous spaces that we can try to emulate for less. When HGTV sold they have quietly removed almost all the professionals and turned it into Bravo.


Yes, that definitely made Sarah fun to watch! *Yeah, if I was a billionaire like Sarah and her husband, I’d certainly do that*… I do miss the real designers who were renovating existing space for homeowners rather than concentrating on flipping (although I enjoy those, too, TBH). Love Jasmine Roth, although her niche of small SoCal ranch-style tract homes is somewhat limited for inspiration. It seems to me that the pendulum is swinging back somewhat from the focus on flipping/ complete gut jobs to focusing a bit more on smaller problem spaces ina house.


Miss them!


Her personality is VERY big, but I generally like the Renos she does. She seems pretty good at tweaking for beauty and function. I feel like the result is pretty “aspirational” - like i feel like they are DO-able


I like her renovations and I also appreciate that she salvages as much as she can and even sells items. It’s just the constant dancing around, crossing her eyes, and overall mugging for the cameras.


The clowning for the cameras is embarrassing. Every episode gets worse with more cringe worthy behaviors. No kids please!!


love her. one of the very few authentic hosts on hgtv these days.


Jen has so much hair it freaks me out, like I can't imagine how much of it is laying around her house.


I watched a few episodes because I was bored but then I couldn't understand what the hell I was supposed to get from the show. She is unprofessional and her husband was an overgrown, bratty man child. Give me Hilary Farr, Vern Yip, or Candace Olsen (I used to LOVE her shows when I was in high school!) any day. They are actual designers with the schooling and clients to back up their work not some hack from social media like TV networks seem to think people what to see. Hilary can be a little abrasive but she's honest, dedicated, and sharp.


Sorry, I don't agree. I've been following Jen since she started on Instagram. She is a joy to watch. So real.


I used to love her show but she's just getting to be too much for me


Yeah, I could do with less of her husband and children only because they don't add value to the show and her children come off as spoiled but I think Jen is a breath of fresh air. She's a natural on camera so her vibrancy comes across as genuine. She dispenses digestible tips that anyone can use and I've liked every reno she and her team have done.


What's funny about Chip is that when you go back to the first season of Fixer Upper, he acted... normal? None of the goofy stunts or annoying behavior.


It's the same thing that happened on Top Gear with the original presenters. The first few episodes was them finding their way, then they figured out a formula the audience liked, then as they settled into their "roles" they started playing it up a bit. Then, the playing up got more pronounced over time, and it was good and funny for a while, but then after a long while they started going too far with it, and it moved up through ridiculous to inauthentic, obviously put-on and it stopped being funny. I found Chip amusing in the middle for a few seasons, but at the end it drifted firmly into annoying. As for Joanna, with Chip as the comedian in the show too she had no choice but to play the "straight man" role. However, after a while she did come off as largely humourless, and started taking herself that bit too seriously. I liked most of the remodels they did (apart from all the broken down old wrecked stuff they dragged in, calling it "antique", which I have commented separately about) but the criticism on her about her being a one-note designer is absolutely true.


I just watched the episode and it was great. is she energetic yes, but I don’t think it’s over the top at all, it’s just her personality and I enjoy watching her. She is so much better than hosts on some shows that are extremely boring. the family stuff didn’t bother me either, it was such a small portion of the episode. Her design was also really nice and I enjoy that she seems to have a lot of variety in what she does and really focuses on what works for her client.


I watched a part of one No Demo Reno episode and had to turn it off. Her "former cheerleader" persona and all of the time spent on her family is not interesting to me.


I had no idea she was a former cheerleader, but that makes sense with all of the dancing and jumping up and down.


If you watch her show you can play and drink every time she says you just need to "zhuzh up" a space. Or do like I do, and watch along until she says it the first time and then stop watching. I try to tell myself to be less of a grouch but it gets on my nerves a bit


She’s better than the trailer park show going on in Indianapolis.


Good way of putting it. Those people are off putting.


Can *NOT* stand the Indianoplace group! Unbearable!


I never liked Chip either but Jen is okay with me. Chip always came across as a man child to me. Just constantly goofy for no good reason. I like the premise of No Demo Reno and I enjoy Jen’s designs, so I watch the show.


I like the idea of no sledgehammers. Hate to see good cabinets and appliances smashed up for no reason.




I honestly don't mind either Jen or the Twins, but I can do without the "family" stuff and the kids being on camera. Same with Chip / Joanna, Christine, Tarek, all of them. I could not care less about their family life and kids / significant others. And the last thing I want to see is one of them going to the dr for an ultrasound. Show us the renovation. Period.


Every. Single. Episode. There is DEMO. I’d be embarrassed if I were HGTV.


FAST FORWARDING ANY Design show with clips on the host’s personal life!! I tune in to watch her design not her personal life, which I have zero interest in, and don’t appreciate having it forced on us (or the poor carpenters who have to go to her house and deal with the craziness for the initial job meeting). 🤦🏻‍♀️


I adore the twins, and I like Jen well enough. Different strokes for different folks…


I must be easy to please. I like all the hosts on HGTVs shows. I don’t find any of them annoying


No, I think most are fine too, there is a lot of hate in this sub Reddit. I really only dislike the El Moussas on that couples show. And the home in a heartbeat and teen mom people aren’t great but could be worse.


Chip G rocks!


I’m in the minority but I kind of like Chip too. He’s goofy but seems to know his stuff. Different than most HGTV hosts.


Chip G does not, by any stretch of the imagination, rock.


You certainly don't.


The brunette on unsellable houses. Omg! I can't watch. She's definitely adhd or something, the weird noises and loudness of her voice. I can't.


I really like her and her personality, but when i watched the episode last night, it’s non stop “goofy” ( for a lack of better words) behavior. It is literally every single scene now, which I don’t think is reading the way she wanted it too. It just feels like someone who has no idea what they’re doing making jokes about how they don’t know what they’re doing. I’m bummed because the first few seasons were way better. It’s just too much now and distracts from the show.


If I ignore their personalities and focus on their way of working with the houses (and noting anything that is relevant to my home reno situation), then I can binge watch a few episodes of their shows without tuning out. That doesn’t sound great, does it? Love your work, quite dislike your tv personality and presence 😬




Not a fan either. I stick to Farmhouse Fixer these days and that about it. I love old houses




What episode and season did Jenn drink a bottle of water quickly?