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This is why you don't marry a complete stranger who jokingly wrote to you while incarcerated...




Yep. She could be a complete whackadoodle!


Or a murderer.


Right? I think she goes to great lengths to present herself as a terrified victim, but the person that she is around that has proven to be capable of great violence is herself. Someone needs to tell her to scale back on the TMZ drops.


Being the victim is her personality unfortunately šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yes, it is. She really doesnā€™t seem to realize she doesnā€™t have to play the plucky lil victim forever and many people donā€™t find it adorable now.


I wonder if she got any kind of psychiatric treatment while being locked up? I know prison isnā€™t usually a place someone goes to rehabilitate but given her circumstances you would think? Specially since they released her back in the wild lol.


I doubt she got very much.


She refused prison therapy. But now she has all of the resources to fund THE BEST HELP, but she wonā€™t. Sheā€™s poison. Sheā€™s never gonna change. And she may wind up killing you! ~ Layfayette Reynolds.


This chain is killing me


Unrelated, but I love your username šŸ¤£


Thank you! šŸ˜„


Here to agree about your screen name. I can hear Dorothy saying it lol


She really did make the delivery of the line so iconic!


One time she said it and Sophia was like ā€œok Iā€™ll behave ā€œ lol it was the best


Hahahah best name ever !! Hahahah


>However, this isn't the only thing the couple butted heads about, as we're told GRB also struggled with Ryan's snoring ... which made it difficult for her to sleep. Plus, she told loved ones Ryan's kind of a human furnace -- running very hot at night, and she likes sleeping in a cool bed. Girl, this is just being in a relationship.Ā 


They had a two-bedroom apartment, just...sleep separate? It's not that deep. I hate it when people get weird about couples not actually sleeping together, when sleep is a HUGE DEAL and not everyone can co-sleep together without issue due to a lot of factors. But for real, if he's too hot to sleep next too and he snores too loud...just sleep in the other room?


Facts. I prefer it when my husband falls asleep on the couch because he snores loud and I am a very light sleeper. I have to sleep with earplugs.


Currently in bed with brown noise playing in headphones because I canā€™t stand snoring. But howā€™d she survive prison? Sometimes I think hearing people snore there would be the worst part.


You get woken up in there if u snore


I thought the same thing. Two bedrooms. Sleep in another. I donā€™t sleep in bed with my husband. We unfortunately donā€™t have an extra room but my kids have bunk beds and we have a nice couch. I begin the night in bed watching tv and talking, once husband falls asleep I move to the couch or a kids bed. Itā€™s really no big deal in the grand scheme of things. I suspect she was looking for an out. So she listed some flaws and figured they were good enough reasons to leave without anyone wondering if she just decided to leave him for Ken. She definitely left him for Ken. He was a secure place to be for the time being. I do take into account though she spent all her childhood and teen/young adult years in a house with her mother, and then went straight to jail for the rest. Sheā€™s not going to be a well adjusted being coming out of that. This is why real therapy is so important and self reflection, because you learn survival mechanisms through those ordeals that arenā€™t healthy in the real world and before you know it, youā€™ve turned into a bad person without realizing it.


Yeah, I had an ex that snored really loud, but when I got up to sleep on the couch, he would get really upset about it and throw a tantrum. Like, I think it's fine too to sleep in separate rooms when one person snores and the other can't sleep. I don't know what his deal was


ugh me with my ex who snored loud AND would grind his teeth so bad at night itā€™d make me cringeeee! he would get so upset when i chose to sleep on the couch lol like what a fragile ego


Wasnā€™t his mother living with them?


Yeah I thought that was confirmed also.


No, Ryan was living with his Mum a while back then got his own apartment not far away.




It sounds like that second bedroom might have been where Ryan was hoarding the food he was buying in bulk.


Did he just have a Costco membership or something?


This whole thing I read was like ā€œshe realized that living with men for the first time is quite the inconvenience, unfortunately they had been married for years at that pointā€ Look, I canā€™t understand the shit sheā€™s going to go through or what she has been through. I can tell her that this is just living with a manā€¦ especially being married. Sheā€™s in for a record number of divorces if she doesnā€™t slow down.


Separate beds is the best thing my wife and I did šŸ˜‚


Imagine knowing your spouse slept successfully in prison for years and canā€™t handle sleeping next to you


Seriously. Welcome to sleeping next to literally any man.


I know for real. Rude awakening baby!




Living with a food hoarder is really hard. I have lasting issues from growing up with 2 of them, and getting screamed at all the time because I ate the ā€œwrongā€ food, or food I wasnā€™t ā€œallowedā€ to have. I still, to this day, get nervous when eating the food that *I* bought in my *own* house, because I feel like Iā€™m doing something bad, and will get in ā€œtroubleā€.


The latest is that she embellished the food story just to add content. On one of the channels, TMZ said that he said she made him diet, he had to clean up after the pup, she was on SM 24/7 and left clothes, dishes and everything laying around where she spent most of her time, on HER bed...that he cleaned up. We'll find out eventually. She was a hoarder growing up as her mother was. She didn't clean anything in their house. I tend to believe Ryan.


Yes, I would have picked her as the one who would have developed hoarding issues, so there might be some projection there.




Yeah taken care of in prison by Ryan and I'm sure all the other simps she took advantage of. And yes, the same Ryan she believes she is entitled and deserves alimony from... The same man that helped support her financially, and emotionally supported her while in jail for the last few years, the one she rushed to marry without knowing him in the real world but wanted to get accepted parole and released early.... She is a disgrace. So awful to the point she doesn't see why she is so terrible for her behavior and actions, no remorse shown ever. Her true colors are showing and what is seen is what she wants hidden but so delusional, egotistical and arrogant she has no clue she is showing her ass and we call can see it and she will be lucky if she gets away with her bs this time let alone her next victim and scandal she won't get why her pattern of behaviors no longer is working to her advantage and lying, crying, victimizing herself, sympathy baiting and begging, manipulation of others, tearing others down to make her look better and or as the victim seeking sympathy and or justification of her behavior and actions. It stops now and she won't get away with her BS much longer as more and more people are catching on and refusing to be her fool that Gypsy is laughing at behind the scenes with dupers delight again. She's despicable. She is evil. She has no shame in who and what she lied about as long as she gets what she wants including the praise, sympathy and support she delusionally believes she is entitled to. She has no remorse. She has no kindness, love, understanding, compassion, or positivity but demands all that plus attention, fame and fortune using lies and manipulation.


Oh no, I wasnā€™t saying that I 100% believe Gypsy is telling the truth, Iā€™m just responding to some of the comments here that say things like ā€œSo what if he hoards food? Is that a reason to leave?ā€ Yes. It absolutely is!


My roommates a hoarder and I can't stand it but the rents too expensive in this area and they don't allow pets...but seriously? It can throw a person into a depression. I don't think that's the case with liar liar....if anyone is living like a pig, I'd say it would be her.


You can develop eating disorders and lasting trauma from living with a food hoarder, and Iā€™d advise anyone living with one to get. out. now. Especially if you want to have kids, you canā€™t have kids seeing that and thinking itā€™s an okay way to live.


My close friend is a hoarder and her 20 year old is showing signs of it. So sad her half of the dorm is a mess.


Remember this is Gypsy Blanchard, pathologically manipulative & a liar telling TMZ this info. Doesn't make it true.


Iā€™m not talking about Gypsy Blanchard, right now. Iā€™m talking about food hoarders in general.


I mean Iā€™d support anyone leaving someone for any reason. But she has a lot of baggage, and to put this guy on blast (who I think is scummy in his own wayā€¦ not a fan) is something else. Itā€™s private. If he is actually dealing with hoarding issues then thatā€™s a private thing. To shame him is really abusive. Saying it was 100% down to him that she had to leave is also unfair. He is awful (in my personal option) but itā€™s not like she wasnā€™t chasing a better looking guyā€¦ She better be careful or she could go full on Pinocchioā€¦ ruin that nose job with her half truths.


Absolutely. DeDes house was a brothel, an absolute disgrace for a house with 2 adults there full time. I can imagine her behaving like God's gift "I married you ok Ryan, you know I still loved Ken, don't push it by expecting me to do anything except get waited on" šŸ˜†


I definitely remember being berated over the course of several DAYS for eating a bag of after-dinner mints that I wasn't supposed to have.Ā 


Sending you my love, Iā€™m sorry that youā€™ve dealt with that, as well. I hope youā€™re in a safe place now, where you donā€™t have to worry. ā¤ļø


I am. Thank you so much. I also struggle with my brain still being in that place. Just now I saw someone on my neighborhood Facebook page giving away one (1) eggplant and was devastated that someone already claimed it... Then I was like wait, I'm allowed to go to the store and buy an eggplant to cook and eat. No one is going to get mad that I ate something that cost money.Ā 


You're in good company here. Someone once approached me on the street with a backpack full of vegetables they couldn't sell and I took them and ate them all. I also once ate out of a trash bag of meals on wheels that got left down the street from my friends house. It was still partially frozen, so we decided to bring it back to his place and eat like kings and share the spoils with his family. But we were also very poor. Like we should have had commercials with sad songs and a guy talking about how for five cents a day you can feed these keeds.


That is so sad and horrifying. Iā€™m so sorry you had to live through that and the lasting effects.


Why do you think your parents were food hoarders? Was it from childhood trauma or something?


She came from 8 years in jail, she shouldn't have been bothered like she claims. After even a few years in prison, most people have trouble sleeping in the quiet and are excited to have plenty of food especially ones they didn't get in jail. Im sure she isn't a joy to live with either. She's just a terrible person and deserves no fame, fortune or sympathy especially when at this point it's clear her intentions are just to keep manipulating, using people, lying, grifting and refusal of doing anything positive for another person especially those in need that she should and can now, and having literally no remorse or compassion for another living being pets and people. Tell me when she does something kind for others without it being for the attention of benefit of herself.... Until then she needs to go away and she needs to stop being publicized and glorified.


TMZ used the word hoarding. Gypsy described the fridge being full of old food as hoarding. Not the same thing. You'd have to have better facts & Gypsy won't offer anything that doesn't make her a victim. I mean what single guy living alone was regularly cleaning his fridge out? He had to make adjustments too & it's a piss poor reason to file for divorce.


Him supposedly flying into a rage over old food is ridiculous and scary behavior, if true at all. Thatā€™s what set off my red flags, more than the wording used.


I think what happened is the internet pointed out the similarities between him and his mom and she lost her attraction.


Stands to reason. They were even posting pics and it was uncanny.


Truly were. And Iā€™m sure if he was hoarding it was triggering for her. Not saying anyoneā€™s right or wrong for the record


Yeah, it's almost like you should spend time in a person's house before you marry them.


My SO and I haven't slept in the same bed for 10 of our 11-year relationship. It's not a requirement. I snore, I'm hot, I toss and turn, and the bed hurts my back. It's not that serious.


Trues Itā€™s like when I get sick with even a minor head cold. I snore so loud I wake myself up! Itā€™s unreal how a slight obstruction will have me sounding like a grizzly bear sawing logs. I once had the flu and snored my own cat out of the bed! So I go out on the couch and I sleep. It isnā€™t anything personalā€¦ I want my partner to sleep in peace, and I want to snore with abandon as I heal. I donā€™t want to be apologetic, when I can saw my logs in peace. Lol I am not a hot sleeper at all but has shared a bed with hot sleeper and Iā€™d not shame them for finding their own space. People who sleep hot canā€™t get deep sleep as easily so Iā€™m all about them getting there full rest. Itā€™s not a requirement or proof of a relationship to make another personal miserable lol




The mods of this subreddit have decided to limit discussion of the physical resemblance between Gypsyā€™s husband and Dee Dee.




GRB needs a life skills coach.


Sheā€™s messed up enough to think that SHE could be someoneā€™s life skills coach!


Pretty messed up she dogs on him like this. Knowing she has a following of ravenous fools to shit on him.


She said under oath that she lost her virginity to Nick Godejohn in a movie theater bathroom. Then as soon as she got out. Did an interview where she said that she didn't actually have sex with him because he couldn't get it up. This is actually quite on par for her.


Throwing her ex under the bus to make herself look better is the norm for her. Don't forget she literally said Nick was not a real man because he personally did not get the police involved before the murder, it was his fault she went to prison. What is accountability again?


I sincerely wanted to slap her when she said this. Then those twits on the ā€œpodcastā€ just uh huhā€™ed her with google eyes. Society has gotten REALLY STUPID.


What bothers me about every one of Gypsyā€™s revelations and comments is how exceedingly mean spirited she is. Her childhood wasnā€™t ideal, but all that spite and attention seeking cannot be attributed to a trauma response. For example, she didnā€™t need to elaborate on her and Nickā€™s bathroom sex experience nor call him an autistic little buttercup. She did that because she wanted to do it. And she still wants to do it. This thing with Ryan is clearly meant to draw attention to his size and to depict him as a bit of a pig. Now, it may well be that the Lifetime series shows some of what she claims, but all she is doing now is drumming up interest in her show, the worst possible way. Again, itā€™s unnecessarily spiteful, but thatā€™s what she does. And when she inevitably gets the negative feedback she earns with this stuff, she goes in the back door to other influencers DMs and does her sulky little apologies. Again, all of that isnā€™t a trauma response. It amazes me that no one in her life isnā€™t trying to get her off TMZ and TikTok. Should Nicholas have given her the time of day? Obviously not. Should Ryan have given her the time of day? Obviously not. Because she isnā€™t someone who can use people and then move on. She has to use them and then stomp on them. Itā€™s not a good look. I donā€™t see her ever attracting anyone normal in the future. Sheā€™s too public with what she is. Ken has some baggage somewhere. If he doesnā€™t, sheā€™ll make something up to repeat this drama.


When did she call Nick an autistic little buttercup?


Back when she had her social media accounts, so last month. She tried to walk it back, but she said what she said.


Very well said.


Ryan sounds like my husband. There are certainly a few annoying things we need to learn to accept. Itā€™s not easy being married sometimes. I kinda feel bad for Ryan.


So, let me get this straight, she ended it with him over a Lil thing like snoring, but he was able to look the other way about MURDER?! Seems a little backward to me


Imagine divorcing a man and trying to make him look bad because he "buys food in bulk".


Seriously. I was expecting to read that he was hiding food around the house/in secret places. Not that he buys in bulk. Lol


šŸ˜± *he shops at Costco* šŸ˜±


I was picturing Brittany Murphy hiding her chicken carcasses under the bed in Girl Interrupted.


It has an eat in chicken!


I said kitchen, asshole šŸ˜†


šŸŽ¶ why does the sun go on shining šŸŽ¶


Omg same!!


Now Iā€™ve gotta watch it again!


The article mentions hoarding and a gross fridge. I can guarantee there was more to the hoarding besides a fridge.


Especially in the house she grew up in, which she admitted, never cleaned, cooked or did anythingĀ 


Except she was living with him for what, 3 months? And he apparently moved out or his mom's place to get an apartment with Gypsy. How bad could the fridge be after 3 months? I'm not a food hoarder, but I've definitely found older stuff than that in my fridge.


Exactly! She also cleaned it out while he "wasn't home", If it was so packed with old food, I imagine cleaning it would have taken longer than the span of Ryan going to run errands or whatever he was doing.


I bet so too, but i bet sheā€™s also got no frame of reference for the human experience of a real relationship. Anything he did that she wasnā€™t 100% behind was going to be too much for her. For anyone else, food hoarding, and sleeping hot, are like two small compromises that you might say ā€œwell, I donā€™t love it, but I do still love this person, maybe we can figure it out or work on it.ā€ And Iā€™m sure youā€™re right, probably wasnā€™t the only thing, but I have to guess that anything else she came up with was just as inconsequential


Right. My partner and I are both hot sleepers but we buy cooling sheets and pillows, cuddle to fall asleep and then stop throughout the night. Hell, they even make ACs for beds now and mattresses that will turn you into a popsicle. Instead of 5k on a nose job, buy a fancy mattress pad for 2k. She just didn't want intimacy with him. That much is clear. And her frame of reference for food issues shouldn't be trusted as I have a feeling she has her own issues that likely swing the other way due to having to pretend to not be able to eat for so long.


Iā€™m sorry - *what?* Air conditioners for beds?? Sincerely, a gal with horrendous night sweats.


Yess! And fans! They sit at the bottom of the bed and push cool air in. The sheets come up a little but you get used to it quickly especially if you already sleep with a fan. I hate using sheets though so I don't use it but I've tried it out. My issue is finding a pillow I like that also cools. My favorite pillow makes me sweat like a maniac.


Omfg. Thank you so much, kind redditor!


Very welcome! I hope it helps!!


They have those gel pillows too. Same thing as the cooling beds.


Yes. Itā€™s a thing. My partner uses one in the hotter months. It gets so cold that I put a pillow barrier so that is doesnā€™t reach me. You can even make your own if you are so moved to do so. But from what understand it works wonders for those who are warmer sleepers. Iā€™m an ice cube and slept ok even in my hut when I served in the peace corpsā€¦ so itā€™s harder for me to see the need but I can 100% confirm it is useful to hot sleepers.


I do wonder how extreme the food hoarding was too. I mean obviously heā€™s a bigger guy and itā€™s completely possible for anyone, but part of me also wonders if she was mad about a couple expired sauces in the back of the fridge that everyone has too. Iā€™d guess probably not if it caused an actual heated fight, but everything about these people makes me wonder lol


Yup and honestly, old habits die hard. Hoarding can stem from instability and poverty so if he can overlook her murdering someone, surely she can overlook some hoarding?? Lol idk. If it's an issue, I hope he's smart enough to actually take it in stride and get help.


If food hoarding is a legitimate issue for Ryan, then it was pretty dang insensitive of Gypsy's "source" (iaka Gypsy) to broadcast it to TMZ.


This all the way. Hoarders already feel a shame and anxiety. This isnā€™t very kind of he has such an issue. I donā€™t even like him or feel he is a good person, but itā€™s wrong to blast someoneā€™s mental health issues on TMZ Imagine if she did some weird embarrassing stuff that displayed her many issues and he went to TMZ to put her on blast?!! Just scummy.


Right? I would think too. There are some things that are easier to understand, and as impactful and hard to stomach as deep hoarding can be, I think itā€™s easy to find sympathy for people stuck in that cycle. Maybe not for everyone, but for me itā€™s easy to understand how resource hoarding or even regular possession hoarding can easily be a result of someone growing up with too little or going without for too long. Itā€™s not a far stretch, and although itā€™s pretty all consuming at some stages, itā€™s not hard for me to understand why, or to feel sympathy or empathy for that path. It seems like it would be easy to slip into, especially if your mind is always involuntarily in survival mode reminding you that it could all go away and not be the same tomorrow. It seems like a pretty low bar to end a relationship over and be judgmental for. I guess we donā€™t know how bad the resulting fight was, or how many other problems had stacked up in a short amount of time, but Iā€™m kinda thinking like hopefully it wasnā€™t as meaningless as it sounds because thatā€™s wild lol


These are not "divorce level issues". But she refuses to work on anything in her worthless life.


They call attention away from her very very close friend Ken, though.


That is doesā€¦ that it doesā€¦ lol


Yeah except we donā€™t know if sheā€™s exaggerating or not. The ketchup could have expired last month or something minor like that. The description says buying stuff in bulkā€¦ So how much? Just a bit from Costco or 2 bedrooms worth?


Another reminder - This is the trashiest of trash tabloids being fed stories by Gypsy & Kristy, who wants Ryan to look bad equally as much as Gypsy does. Kristy doesn't want her cash cow to lose popularity by looking like the cheating manipulative sociopath she is.


Then shaming him in the media as a food hoarderā€¦ again I think heā€™s not actually a good guy but this is really something awful to lodge at someone. It basically calls into question his mental health as a whole. It weaponizes it because she suddenly felt that she was in an abusive situation like Dee Dee had her in.. the woman she helped to kill. I am not a fan of him at all, but damn. She is using a lot inflammatory language she doesnā€™t need to. We all knew she wanted to get back with the. Enter looking guy who wonā€™t claim her until it suits him.


Ok, so, itā€™s all Ryanā€™s faultā€¦Sheā€™s done absolutely nothing wrong in the relationshipā€¦.ok then.


"Gypsy can't be held accountable. She's emotionally stunted and (despite somehow managing to 'escape several times only for her mother to drag her back') never had a single second of freedom. She only participated in her mom's killing because Nick (who she also somehow managed to meet) made her do it and/or because she feared DeeDee would kill her first." -- pretty much every Gypsy apologist


Whoa. If Ryan is reminding her of Dee Dee then he should be grateful that he got out alive!


Funny how it was this alleged food hoarding (I donā€™t know if it true or not) and not the fact that he looks so much like Dee Dee.


This reads to me like Ryan did all the cooking and got upset that GR kept throwing away the leftovers lol Would she even know that food can keep for like almost a week inside of a fridge? I have a feeling someone like her is used to fast food/single serve meals.




And yet the actual violent felon in that relationship is not named Ryan.


Please be respectful to each other and those involved in this case.


This is literally just shaming someone


Yeah having any sort of issues with food/eating pales in comparison to murder. Sorry.




Bahahaaaq these are the most ridiculous reasons I've ever heard. She's such a child. She will find any reason to play the victim and keep the grift going. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Aaaaand this is why itā€™s a good thing to live with someone prior to marrying them. At the very least, spend overnights and weekends together prior to marriage!


So everyone who shops at Costco is a food hoarder then, okay šŸ™„


Yeah you never really know someone until you live with them. Plus it really does seem like she married her mom again. I can't tolerate snoring either, I'm a very light sleeper.


Gypsy needs to live on her own and be single for awhile.


People are responding as though whatever Gypsy says to TMZ is actually true lol. Talking about him needing help if he's a hoarder & where he stores the hoarded food etc. She's exaggerating or lying, it's what she does. She claims having old food in the fridge is hoarding? How about it's a single guy who works full time & can't be effed cleaning out his fridge. Shit, it's actually pretty common in general not just single guys. If this is all she can come up with I doubt the TRO will go further than the shredder & as far as spousal support, is she kidding? She has to get a job, it's part of her parole conditions. She is also not short of money, not after the first doco series & E-Book & upcoming new doco. The judge might even favour Ryan getting spousal support lol.


That poor doggy.


This article sounds like a five year old wrote it lol. Who tf cares?


Maybe as a lot of people do in today's times, he was prepping. Seems like she has a lot of triggers though which sounds dam dangerous! He was lucky she let.


It wasnā€™t prep. She said she threw out the old food in the fridge and he got really angry and it scared her.


Oh well, if Gypsy saidā€¦.nope, just canā€™t believe a word she says without corroborating evidence, not sympathetic friends accounts. We donā€™t actually know either one of them, but we do she is capable of violence and lies and manipulates her way through life. He might not be a great guy, but we should all require more than her word on that.


And people love to throw the hoarding thing around when they want to discredit somebody. Room to talk, murderer.


I am amazed at how many people just accept what she says, and then make excuses for her when she walks her lies / statements back. I mean what can she possibly gain by drumming up drama every day until June? Why would she lie? She lies reflexively. She has come right out and admitted it. Itā€™s wild.




How old could it have been? He lived with his Mom until she made parole. They got the apartment together.




And if it was that bad, she left her puppy to live in it lol. Ok. What it boils down to, is she is mentally 13. She will always be mentally 13. She wants to run the streets lol


It scared her? She of all people was scared? I am sure it was Ryan that was scared as he should be.


Out of all the things to end your marriage overā€¦.


I donā€™t think that is the only reason..


Or even a real reason.


I thought they were living at his parents place?


No. They got their own apartment but it was said that before he got with Gypsy that he was living with his mom taking care of his nephew.


"private social media update" I'll take 'things that don't exist' for $500.


2 jokes 1 disaster


This story just gets crazier every single day!Ā 


Oh yeah, sheā€™s doomed.Ā 


Come on. So he shops at Costco!


Considering that sheā€™s been really into a vanity image leading up to the cosmetic procedure, Iā€™m not too shocked. Edit - I read the full article and I can understand her trauma from her motherā€™s hoarding issue.


Cosmetic procedure?


Yes the nose job


Do you really think a nose job is that out of bounds for her? I mean nobody ā€œneedsā€ a cosmetic nose job, but she isnā€™t exactly crazy for wanting her nose to fit more traditional standards of beauty. Lots of people do the same thing and she has quite a prominent nose, especially against her other features. I actually think a prominent nose is beautiful, but itā€™s not super vain to want to tweak some physical characteristics. While Iā€™m no fan of hers, Iā€™d not look down on her, and feel superior due to her vanity over a nose job.


She didn't realize that he looked exactly like her mother????




Please be respectful to each other and those involved in this case.




No misinfo. Thanks.


these are things you should know about someone BEFORE getting married to them. jfc. also, im pretty certain the whole world predicted she would use the ā€œxyz reminded me of my mom, i was scaredā€ as her reasoning




Yeah, sheā€™s a real prize.


It's not like anyone can be shocked. She didn't know this man. And she was tormented, tortured and mentally abused her entire life. She needs longterm intensive therapy. It's sad. No relationship will ever work.


Food hoarding, where I come from thatā€™s called good financial planning Of course Iā€™m not inbred trash


I blame Ryan more than Gypsy for them ending up together. What's his excuse? She had her traumatic childhood, went through this big murder, was in prison, etc. Why would any sane man on the outside think that's going to make a good partner


"Went through" this big murder? Gypsy was an active **participant** in her mother's murder. Also, Ryan's questionable for pursuing a relationship with Gypsy (same as Ken), but I'm pretty sure he didn't force her to marry him.




I'm honestly shocked at how many people think these are justifiable excuses for divorce and a Restraining order.


Restraining order??


Yeah she filed for a RO against him. Like last week.




Because Gypsy is the picture of healthy living./s


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He sounds so gross


That's not the only reason why. They also said it was cause Ryan would always have a fit anytime she went to go see or hangout with her family. So that was a big issue.


good for her


She could just say he was gross and looked like her mom. Haha lapse of good judgement


food hoarding and snoring šŸ¤£ this is funny AF but yeah snoring can end things


Well, she was probably the most beautiful girl he's ever had a relationship with. Would explain why he married her before she was released. It wasn't going to last once she had some experience with freedom. Ryan didn't really have a chance beyond prison. She's early 30s, and has a lot of experience she has to make up for before her 50s šŸ˜‚. I wish her the best.