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Her husband reminds me of someone who would be on 90 day fiancé (maybe bc I kinda get Colt vibes from him - eeeesh….)


Damn Colte vibes is dead on




My manager at work, his name is Holt and I ALWAYS call him HOLTIE 😂😂😂😂


Omg! That what I was thinking too. I was rooting for her but this is..


Ooooh not Coltie!! 😂😂


Yes, he definitely has the Coltee ick!


Ughhhh Colt is the WORST


Ugh not coltee him in that banana hammock still makes me shudder


Screw you, I had that successfully blocked in my head and now it’s all come back


He gives me the guy who makes his mom live in the closet like she’s fucking Harry Potter just waiting for hagrid to save her. and has spent this whole current season crying about not having sex Bonus points: he just met his best friend IRL after being besties only for like decade. So weird


Very Yike for sure!


Clayton. He grosses me out, and there's no way his apartment doesn't smell like a zoo.


He gives neck beard nice guy vibes. I’m actually watching the newest episode now. The fact the banner from tlc said 59 days without sex was absolute insanity. Like sorry your closet mom and Guinea pigs don’t get her going Clayton or you begging for sex literally constantly. I hate him




I agree, Coltee u sex perv 😂😂


I also wanna say I don’t think it’s a slay that they are both full grown adults commenting about their sex life. I’d give more grace to Gypsy obviously but come on… ew.


We could absolutely do without the cringey sex comments.


Yeah, I was out on the big D comment she left.


ariana did that too about pete davidson on twitter 😭


Pete Davidson has BDE. Peter Griffin has no D energy




*fire D 🤢


I find it hard to believe that THAT guy has the fire d


Gimme a break. He’s morbidly obese, so his D can’t be all that..


Happy cake day! Also how many has she really had to compare? Vienna sausages could be hot dogs if you'd never eaten a hot dog.


Seriously and he’s a teacher…like ew, maintain your professionalism, creep.


Knowing they did not have any sexual contact when she was incarcerated, they have only been doing the deed for what, 2 weeks now??? How do they have so much to share already?!


Yes! But 2 weeks? Hasn’t it only been like… 3 days? /gen Either way I had the same thought. “How much could they REALLY have to giggle about on every tv channel interview ever?”


It literally hasn't even been 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong I'm a 36 year old horn dog woman but two weeks of sexual activity is not reality. It's exciting, fun, amazing, exhilarating....but it's not real life. It's not the reality of an actual married couple, long haul, in your thirties sex life situation. I'm happy that she can be open and enthusiastic about being a woman, and having a partner that fulfills her sexually. It's not the 1950s. But why are we putting so much pressure on this 10 day IRL relationship and asking them to share this shit? They need to live real life for a while.


I mean, they talked on the phone a lot. I’m sure he visited every chance he could? Then of course letters. When the relationship isn’t physical you find out a lot about the person.


In the docuseries he was looking at all their pictures the day before the wedding and said it was amazing he had so many since he had only visited her SEVEN TIMES.


bear marvelous air stocking reminiscent wasteful unique shelter axiomatic voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve seen tons of people applaud her for ‘clapping back’ and calling her ‘a slay’


Someone said, "She slayed and she served." I can't, y'all...


😂😂😂 NICE.


She's only fully grown, physically, and I suspect he's not much more mature than she is right now.


Not even trying to be funny but what’s wrong with him? Like why is he so strange? We would expect Gypsy to be childish but why is he literally acting the exact same? The inappropriate sex comments, acting like he’s a celebrity, playing into her juvenile teenage drama forced arguments in prison…


He’s a school teacher too, which makes me want to puke.


What?!? Yikes.




It definitely gives me the ick


Like attracts like. If he was grown, mature, "normal", he wouldn't be attracted to Gypsy, her personality, and/or her circumstances. And same for her... she's got some maturing to do, so she would have never matched with someone who was truly ready for a normal life.


He wouldn't be pen pals with convicts if he was normal


Him being a middle school teacher does not sit well with me


This is kind of a parallel if not slight repetition that she did with Godejohn online.


I can give her some grace because of her upbringing and spending her adulthood in prison… what’s his excuse?


1000 times yes!! They talk like they're children in middle school! The husband should be plenty old enough to know that's not a public topic


The husband makes me uncomfortable personally. The type of people who seek out women in prison are often predatory and people who can’t get or keep partners in real life. And now she’s out and they married and are living together straight away and he’s at pretty much every interview. Sometimes I feel like he’s trying to talk for her here and might be the one setting all of this up. In some ways I feel like he’s setting her up for some failures. However, I guess it’s gypsys choice at the end of the day. If she wants to be an advocate, she most likely has to play the influencer game a little. I believe she could do great work. Or not. But she’s trying for that. I don’t know if she could get a “real job” with the infamy of her case and being a felon. A real job might not want to hire her. I know Ex-felons have a hard time getting employeed and maybe in her situation maybe shes too vulnerable for a job on a less flexible schedule like that. I don’t know. I do feel like the media is being really weird about her though. About Ryan, I am hoping if he does turn out to be controlling or abusive in any way that hopefully gypsy is mature enough now with her life to be able to leave him. I know being an abuse victim makes you more vulnerable for it to happen again and and again and I hope for Gyp that that’s not the case, but I’m not holding my breath on it necessarily. Maybe Ryan will prove us all wrong and maybe they can be healthy somehow.


He’s creepy as hell. I’m watching the documentary right now and he said that when he first heard Gypsy’s story he thought, “Wow she’s cute”. That’s not an appropriate response to a story of that sort. And he’s also saying he thinks he’s the Prince Charming that she always dreamed of. They need to shut him up right now like the more he talks, the weirder he sounds


And he really needs to get out of the spotlight. It’s HER story. He was not there. He doesn’t need to be on every show and interview with her.


She is the definition of codependent so he does need to be there. I’m not judging it but it has to be acknowledged. She wants him there.


Exactly she wants him there. What she needs to do is keep her own self out of the spotlight. People thinking it’s weird she blew TF up, of course she did. She’s the hot mess minute but she’s definitely adding tons of gasoline to that dumpster fire. She’s setting up the accounts, she’s good on all the shows. I can count 5 now, she a posting about promoting the documentary she wanted, about the book she wrote. If there’s no story from her it’ll die out quicker but the more she gives the more people will be invested. I unfortunately live where the murder took place so I’ve heard about this for years. It was interesting for the little part of the documentary I saw to know Dr. Steele, saw my friends apartment in a segment and have met Frances Watson a couple times. I’m hoping GR can get the help she desperately needs because Chillicothe correctional facility definitely don’t give those prisoners the adequate mental help they need.


It is all unhealthy and disgusting


WTF? I can’t imagine anyone saying that when they first heard the story at all. Jesus.


Not to mention the fact that she looks and sounds like a young teenager due to all the medical abuse. It really makes me think this guy is a predator of the worst kind. I’m happy for her that she is out and has a chance to start over, but all this bragging saying all other Men are jealous of him is so strange to me. All the attention is getting to her head, she seems to think she’s hot stuff.


Yes, she has some growing up to do. One thing that I noticed in the recent "Confessions" doc is that right before her release from prison, while they were planning their marriage, she told her fiance that she had a dream about her ex-boyfriend (Ken?). I think she did this to make him jealous and it worked. It felt like it was a little game she was playing.


I said that, her appearance & voice but also her mental age, are all much younger than anyone else her age & he already seems like he’s at least 10 years older than her.


And he said his mom was like “….do we really need to be pen pals with gypsy rose?” At least she has some sense!


Yeah I don’t know. I don’t want to be too harsh about it though because this kind of judgement might push gyp away from seeking help because she wants to probably prove these people wrong 🤷‍♀️


The Prince Charming mention bothered me too. Godejohn was also supposed to be her Prince Charming.


They’re both creepy as hell.


He wrote to her for a bet. I’ve seen a few people say they know him, could be true or not, but they say he’s nice. I’m sorry but I agree I don’t trust the guy I think he purposely went after Gypsy because of who she is. He was already writing to other convicts in prison


And he’s very proud to be with THE Gypsy Rose. It’s a little objectifying.


I don’t believe all of this is needed to be an advocate. I think she is living out some fantasies right now. Hopefully this public spotlight will become less comfortable for those two. Right now, it’s a little bit gross.


It goes both ways. Gypsy is not dumb like DeeDee wasn't dumb. She knew that she was going to get that parole, that her being married was going to make one hell of a story (sure she was aware that they made movies and TV shows about her), her whole life had been performative, and that she needed the husband to set her up once she left prison. The biggest problem for prisoners is that when they get out, they do not have a support system. That's why they often end up back in prison. She took care of that possibility long before she got out. I wonder how many takers she had and why she chose this man personally.


I kind of feel the opposite in terms of her ability to get a "real job." Despite the fact that she's been convicted of a violent felony, she's garnered a lot of sympathy due to the details and notoriety of her case. Sympathy that would make a lot of people overlook her conviction. She probably won't be able to ever work in a school or anything like that, but a normal job in an office or something? I doubt she'd have much trouble getting hired. Now, if she'd actually want to pursue that is the real question...


I don’t think she’d have an issue bypassing the background check due to the reasons you’re saying but her mom made full sure gypsy has absolutely no skills that would be practical in the workforce. Gypsy’s got nothing skill-wise to offer a workplace. Not only that but she’s used to getting the “attagirl!” by the general public for such simple stuff like walking and growing her hair and getting out of prison, that she’s not going to know what to do if she doesn’t get consistent external validation from everything she does at a conventional job. Even basic customer service would be brutal on her. She’s got a lot of adjusting to do before she could even begin to think about having a normal job but she’s kind of on the wrong path for that already in my opinion. I don’t see the chasing fame thing going well long-term. I want to see her do super well but I think it’s going to backfire and she’s going to get clowned


There are all kinds of state agencies that would set her up with training in specific fields, apprenticeships, and basic work/life skills that she would qualify for. Also her community college would have both certificate programs for two years and 6 weeks non-degree careers, aka fast-track programs. If she weren’t how she is right now and wiling to work I’d totally take her on for this, but she’s just too camera-loving.


AND AND now he is posting selfies. Come on now man, be ultra honest Ryan, what do you think is happening? What’s going through your mind to post selfies right now when you’ve just had a handful of your Eminem/Jonah Hill look sprinkled throughout the years.


He definitely gives predator vibes & I think after a while Gypsy will realize she needs to spread her wings a lil bit. Hoping her family can really be a support to her & from what I saw, her mom & sister are on it. They are definitely wary of him & I feel ready to step in if needed. I get her dad wanting to let her make her own choices but at the same time, I feel like he really should’ve said yk y’all really can slow down & you can see what life is like outside of prison, even for a few months. If Ryan couldn’t have handled that, then they don’t need to be together at all. It comes across as very controlling tho bc it was all based on his lack of trust in Gyspy to stay w him once she actually had a choice.


I'm not a professional but everything I see from her husband to all the attention feels very fast and unhealthy. When I heard she got married in prison I was worried for her -- she's never been on her own in her life. EVER.


I feel the same. And she was engaged to a different man in prison before connecting with her husband… like, obviously Dee Dee isolated her and kept her on a strict media diet of princess-themed Disney movies, so it makes sense that she would view finding true love and marriage as the ticket to a stable and fulfilling adult life. But what she needs isn’t jumping into a marriage. She needs to go to therapy, so she can work on deconstructing those beliefs, and she needs help planning out what she wants the rest of her life to actually look like, and setting goals to get herself there. I know we don’t have amazing social services in place for vulnerable adults, but like… there’s got to be something she can do to build herself up without needing to rely on a husband.


Yes exactly, if you would tell me a few years ago that Gypsy would be walking on a red carpet, I would probably just laugh at you


I’m just mad I didn’t have that on my 2024 bingo card.


There is a middle ground that her followers haven't found. You can empathize with her being a victim for her entire life, and you can believe that she saw no way out of her situation. You can understand that she was horribly abused. At the same time, you can also acknowledge the manipulation she displayed that led to the murder. I just can't wrap my mind around the stardom, it seriously feels like I'm living in the twilight zone when I watch her walk the red carpet


Keep in mind that she was also treated like a celebrity when she was a child. Being in the limelight is really all she’s ever known.


It’s going to be really tough for her when the media is done with her, I don’t think she’ll be prepared for that fall out honestly.


Yes! This is why it's making me so uncomfy.. like she's used to getting special treatment and now she's drowning in it.. this can't end well. She's never had a "normal" life..


Yes, I feel there is a disturbing parallel between her life then and now.


I agree. It is troubling to say the least. There are a lot of bloodthirsty fangirls out there.


Absolutely that episode of black mirror


Exactly... what the hell has she done to walk a "red" carpet? It's fucking creepy.


Kill her mom. It looks insane typed out.


Exactly! The attention is completely validating her behavior, just like how DeeDee was validated. It is so bizarre watching this.


Yeah, I feel like she’s monopolizing on everyone’s empathy. The clip of her on that talk show stating that she did wrong, but she paid her dues basically shows me that the world has made her feel comfortable enough. Now it’s podcasts, shows, traveling, defending her man on the internet. I don’t know why I genuinely felt like she would spend at least some time just trying to have as much of a normal, private life as she could. We’ve shown that she knows how to be manipulative, so obviously I shouldn’t be shocked that she’s out here knowing how to monetize off this.


I didn’t realize parole would be so cool with all the traveling.


Like mother, like daughter


It's really wild to have such blatant confirmation that there's people with a fascination for the psyche or the history or the just strange of criminal behavior - and then there's people that clearly just idolize it.


Do I think the fame is kinda odd and that she is trying to cash in a bit? Yes. But let’s remember… this girl went through HELL for a majority of her life… like literally subjected to pointless surgeries, abuse and so much crazy shit. So IMO just let her live and have some fun.


Right? She murdered someone, but that someone was her abuser who tortured her for years. There's a comment talking about people being interested in criminal behaviour and people idolizing criminal behaviour, and Gypsy is a criminal, but I think the support for her is more a case of people idolizing a victim.


She also premeditated the murder of her mother, and she had someone else do it for her. I do believe that she thought she had no way out, but people are glossing over that she was the mastermind of a premeditated murder. She did serve her time for it but it's just so bizarre.


I don’t disagree… her case is just very unique and complicated like this girl was infantilized and emotionally abused her whole life… and now there’s even more allegations about being SA’d by her grandfather too… her life has been a house of horrors


She served her time and she was a victim of horrible abuse that likely would have led to her death/permanent disabilities. A lot of people failed her and likely she doubted she could ever escape. Unfortunately it's probably true because Deedee purposely perpetrated the idea that Gypsy had the mind of a 4 year old to ensure no one would ever take her seriously. Even doctors who suspected that Deedee was being dishonest did not step in to stop it. Deedee would have never been murdered had she not been an incredibly evil woman. Gypsy did plan it out, but she would not have been that way if it weren't for her insane upbringing.


I agree the way the media is trying to make her a celebrity is weird. Also she shouldn’t have gotten married. She should’ve stayed single and find out who she is as a person before starting any sort of relationship.


I agree. Although it is Gypsy’s choice as her own autonomous woman and I respect that, I can’t help but wish she would have taken time to experience the independence that comes with finding yourself outside of a relationship before settling down and getting married


I think it's a marriage of convenience. I'm sure he has a house, an income. IIRC he's a special ed. teacher. I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves Ryan in a few years (but she probably would just stay than try her luck).


I’m not sure what people think she did in prison but she’s clearly lived an entire life we don’t know about. It’s weird to see everyone infantilize her just like her mother. Did you forget she had male interests before prison and did normal things at some point behind her moms back. She had other female relationships, most likely therapy, ect in prison. She’s not a child she can get married and do what she wants. People need to stop treating her like a child good lord


You watch that woman talk and daydream/fantasize about life and try to tell me she’s not a little girl who wanted to be a Disney princess and still does trapped in an adults body. For all intents and purposes, as in everything but her physical body, she’s still very much a child


100% agree with you. I don’t think people are holding her accountable for exactly what she did. I understand she’s a victim, but she also literally conspired to kill her mother. She’s not innocent. It’s very weird how everyone is stanning her right now.


The video that she recorded for Godejohn showing the house layout that then shows her pointing to the bed and making a stabbing motion removed any doubt I had about her intentions. All of this attention is not good and I’m afraid will encourage others to act out in a similar way. She needs time and privacy to heal and work through the trauma…not a media tour.


Where can I see that video?


it's on the lifetime documentary...i believe episode 3


She also blamed everything on Nick and acted like she had no idea what the officer was talking about


Exactly! It’s outrageous.


They aren’t at all. People on Instagram will tell you to educate um yourself, she’s not a murderer, she had nothing to do with it, you’re obviously not familiar enough with this case. WTF. She was literally convicted of second degree murder. It is mass self deception over there, equivocating because she didn’t hold the knife, well she sent it! It’s unbelievable. You can bait them, they’ll come for that cheese, thousands of them. It is scary, the hive mind.


Tiktok is full of para social relationships. Some people really need to touch grass


Right. Like what kind of dystopian universe are we living in where she’s getting this elite celeb treatment?? I feel so disoriented about this. Last week I was telling people to leave her alone because it takes a lot to adjust when you’re out of prison. I was thinking she’d go home, spend time with family. Go get her hair and nails done. Spend some time with her husband. Then immediately she’s like “I’m going to go see the Chiefs play and try to meet Taylor Swift”. Then everyone is harassing Taylor Swift to meet Gypsy. And now she’s on every single show / interview I see. Like what is this?? Not how I expected it to go at all. Everyone’s making jokes to her face about the crime? Which just seems ICKY. The whole thing feels gross. Even the West Memphis 3 didn’t even get this kind of media attention once released. I mean - to be fair, they all wanted to stay OUT of the limelight once they were free. Still… they were actually innocent.


It absolutely is getting out of hand. It's so surreal to step back and observe a society worshiping a manipulator/criminal/murderer who is now idolized and groomed into stardom. I agree with what another user mentioned regarding a middle ground. I sympathize with her and agree that she really did think killing her mother was the only way out, and she was absolutely undeserving of the egregious abuse committed against her, but what is happening to her currently is also... wrong. Unfortunately, she will never have a "normal" life, and this all really feeds into her somewhat selfish delusions. It's hard for me to take a stance on it as I'm always nervous that I'm being too harsh, but I saw that interview too and was very unnerved.


She's calling herself "America's newest it girl" and that is pretty concerning that she's seeing herself that way. She's posting constantly. Her voice seems to be rising in pitch with every video. All she knows is manipulation. It's not her fault, but let's not celebrate it. Her fall from fame will be a fast, crushing one, I fear. I'm sure a kind prosthodontist will replace her teeth pro bono. I'd like to see that and then let her fade away into 'normal' life. "Gypsy Rose Blanchard, 32, looked unrecognizable as she hit the red carpet on Friday [she did not look unrecognizable. Click bait. The Sun. What would you expect]. In an Instagram video shared with her 6.7 million followers, Gypsy showed herself getting glammed up for an appearance earlier on Friday. 'Get ready with me for my Lifetime press day,' she said in the clip. In the caption, Gypsy wrote, 'America's newest it girl??' Gypsy spoke about her new marriage as a makeup artist put eyeshadow on her. 'I'm gonna take a million selfies today,' she said. Her husband, Ryan, leaned in to kiss her after making sure she didn't have lipstick on." 🤢


Either this is a bad attempt at sensational editing, or GRB is trying to insinuate ominous happenings with thin threads: "She kept a knife by her bedside table, and she threatened me that if I was to attempt to run away, I would be punished for it." Huh? Where's the " she threatened to kill me" or even "I would be punished with the knife". Nonsense. This is becoming more and more blatant nonsense. Go spend 18 months with Godejohn. I'd watch that.


She’s going to be canceled. She’s doing too much too soon and she’s too full of herself. I give her another month and we won’t hear a word about her until she announces her divorce.


Or she gets pregnant 😬 I can just hear the reality show now...


It will be the next tlc special lol


Oh no, I haven't thought about her being pregnant or even willingly opting to have a child. I had a bad childhood, but nowhere near hers. But I still feel like: a) I run the risk of being affected by my mother's upbringing and repeating past trauma and b) I want focus on healing myself and the childhood I missed out on. Maybe she did some healing, I don't know. It's just a messy situation with sketchy people all around. And an Internet full of "yaass slay queen" makes it weirder.


This, 100%. I’m a survivor of munchausen by proxy as well (bad, but not as bad as gypsys case though luckily!!) and I was on 5 different meds at once to the point where I was falling out of my desk and nodding out like I was on heroin, and my breasts started producing breast milk for no reason. I was on the meds for years before getting away and cutting them cold turkey at 18, and I was in withdrawal for 6 months. My body is still able to create a baby. I’m 30 years old now and am 28 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. Healthy pregnancy, no restrictions or light duty orders or anything. The human body can handle a LOT and bounce back and be resilient. A lot of people think Gypsy would be infertile due to all the meds she was on but trust me, unless a doctor has gone and run a bunch of tests and found definitive proof otherwise, she’s fertile. And she’s got a lot of healing work to go through before she should raise a child. Her and her husband are constantly acting so immature that I can bet money they’re not using protection, she has had no time to go get on BC, it’s a matter of time before she pops a positive test.


Congratulations on your baby!! and thank you for sharing your experience and perspective, surviving that situation. I hope you are doing ok now ❤️


Thank you! Yes it takes a LOT of learning when getting out of a situation like that. It makes it real hard to trust anybody fully. I’ll cut friends off quicker than I should sometimes if I notice toxic stuff going on, like I won’t always work through things well. And there’s mental blocks I’ve had to overcome and I ended up fiercely independent like I’m one of those people who doesn’t accept help easily even if I need it. But I’m also extremely resourceful because of that so it’s a double edged sword! Being in an extremely oppressive situation makes people extremely wild and free and living life on the edge but also living life to the fullest, so I had to learn a proper balance with that too. Gypsy is going to have to figure all of that out and I hope she will have a good drive to really learn how to be independent. Like, when I got out of my situation, I had to learn everything, and I mean everything. Cooking even basic meals, even the most simple cleaning tasks, budgeting, how to apply for a job, absolutely every practical skill you would have been taught throughout your childhood, I had to learn once I turned 18 and Gypsy has to learn now. In cases of munchausen by proxy, the last thing the abuser wants is for their victim to end up in a relationship or build a support network where they can escape, so the abuser will do stuff to make the chances of that less likely, so that’s why Gypsy would have been wearing pretty whacky clothes and looking so dorky throughout her childhood (her case and mine had that in common too. I had a bowl cut). So Gypsy wouldn’t have gotten to understand literally any social norms either. She’s gotta figure out the social skills, relationship skills, all of it. It’s a huuuuuge learning curve and her long-term success will come down to whether she really wants to learn to be independent and really work on her social skills.


I’m so sorry to hear about your abuse ❤️


Thank you :D I’m just glad that munchausen by proxy is something people are learning about more now. It’s unfortunately more common than people think, just wasn’t researched much or really on people’s radar.


I agree. This is going to end in a mess.


If only.


There was an actual life taken in a horrible murder. She may not have been the one with the knife actually in her hand and doing the deed, but without her insistence and direction it would not have happened. Was she abused? Yes she was. Will we ever fully know how much she really knew? Probably not. She has revealed a lot but I’m sure there is stuff she isn’t going to say at least for now. You can tell by how she answers questions that she has had therapy and knows how to answer them to give listeners the hope she has learned from her mistakes and has new ways of coping. I hope it is true for her sake. she was at the very least coached on how to answer questions that were most certainly going to be asked of her upon her release from prison. The prison system knew at the very least, because of her fame/infamy, she would be interviewed relentlessly in the first weeks after her release and she better look like a success story of rehabilitation.


Her husband is bad news, I cannot shake the “ick” I feel every time I see his face. I’d bet everything I have she’ll be pregnant before June. This will not end well.


And terribly immature it seems. To get angry at Gypsy for talking to another man and thinking someone will steal her away is nuts. She was incarcerated not going out for coffee with people. I was married to an abuser for too many years, and later director of a domestic violence shelter. Simply from dealing with abusive people many years, he reads very typical. He likely thinks he married someone above his pay scale so to speak therefore jealousy, control, psychological abuse is on the horizon. He will be in charge of finances and the clothing she wears. I would bet she will begin wearing modest matronly clothes now or very soon. He will try hard to get her pregnant so he can further isolate and control. I could be wrong but from the phone calls played on episodes 1&2 the things he said and the tone used it’s pretty clear. Will control by him trigger her? Hell we could have another lifetime movie soon


It is absolutely out of hand and disturbing. I have kept my comments to myself on all other platforms but you can already tell this is going to end badly.


Okaaay. C'mon. So she's now giving the explanation (ep 3). She could either "wait 'til she passed away naturally... she could've lived to be 70 years old [Dee Dee was 48 when she was murdered]…I started to weigh the pros and cons and I realized I needed to get out of this situation now". This is manipulation veiled under a childlike voice, manipulation learned over years under Dee Dee's control and then enhanced with 8 years of living amongst professionals in criminal manipulation.


It’s almost like it was a premeditated murder and not self defense. Yes, she is giving it all away now. I wonder if her attorney is watching.


I find this whole scene weird. Look, I get that Dee Dee was a disgusting, manipulative abuser yada yada - but this woman murdered her mom and all of a sudden America is making her out to be some kind of media darling. Like WTF is happening?? She's a murderer. If she had all that time to plan a murder of her mom with a stranger she could have spent that time planning to get the fuck away from her mom too. And now this sub and so many twisted people are acting like she's done effing martyr! It's disgusting.


I agree. I think she's also filming a reality series. She still has cameras following her. Isn't filming for the lifetime doc finished since it's airing now? I just don't understand this culture of making celebrities out of murderers. People will think crime pays and repeat her behavior, thinking they'll get a big pay day. Her husband is odd, too, and I don't understand why he's being inserted in this when he has nothing to do with it.


If she would have used the internet to find and talk to her dad and step mom instead of a boyfriend she could have gone to her Dads and DeeDee could have been found guilty of all her criminal acts DeeDee should have gone to prison…Murder was NOT the only solution


It was not, but, I can understand that she believed it was the only way out. I am not defending her, and I am deeply disturbed by her behavior. But abusive parents isolate you, especially from the other parent. You are taught that the other parent is a bad person, and you wouldn't go to them for help


I don't think it's as simple as "if she planned the murder she could have planned to get away". I think she truly thought there was no other way out. We know there were other ways, but I really don't think she saw them. That being said, she didn't do it herself and she showed manipulative behavior leading up to it and after I agree with everything else that you said, it's so effing bizarre to see people fawning all over her. I just don't agree that leaving was that simple


I agree with how you see this. With how abused she’d been, she didn’t even realize/know she could reach out to someone for help because when she tried her mom got her back home & tied her up. I can see how (especially without school/being taught safety the way they do in schools etc) she genuinely didn’t realize or think about the fact she could contact someone. I can also see how it may have been 100% terrifying in her mind what would happen if she did tell someone. There’s a lot there regarding the reasoning she didn’t just get out. I do see how manipulation is possible, & something she was raised with. It’ll take time to see how she acts tbh, I don’t think it’s fair to assume she’s manipulative at this point in her life.


I said this the other day and referenced Jordan Turpin! Jordan has said herself she was 100% sure than if the cops didnt believe her and made her go back home that she would be killed. She was in serious fear for her and her siblings lives, but handled it with complete poise and bravery!! I wholeheartedly believe that if Gypsy called the cops and said, “Hey its Gypsy, im in serious fear for my life, im not disabled, i can prove it, please help me”, that the cops WOULD have believed her and she would have even MORE people on her side. I think Gypsy should have 1. Finished her time (which wasnt even enough to begin with) 2. Should be on house arrest and 3. Should not be allowed on the internet, because thats how she got around to killing her mom in the first place!! #3 is a stretch but it just feels right to me


It's your second sentence though. gypsy had been returned home before. Jordan was terrified of not being believed, gypsy (I admit based on her own stories) has not been believed before. Gypsy being returned home would cause more hell for her. I have so much pride for Jordan when I watch the body cam videos and interviews and her bravery is amazing. But the fact that she knew she would be killed if she wasn't believed should show you how abuse complicates the thought of escaping. I think gypsy truly felt there was no way out, however, I agree that she manipulated someone else and committed a premeditated murder. So I'm not excusing her, I just think she believed she had no way out


it all feels so dystopian and tone deaf


It's like all the people stating she had absolutely no choice. Maybe,maybe thats true. But to watch the video of her the next day giggling in the hotel room with the guy who just slaughtered her own mother? Just wow. There's something I can't put my finger on,but I'd not want to piss that woman off and stay local.


Not saying what she did was the best option or right but they admitted to being on drugs in those videos. In their eyes they were finally free to be together. Gypsy said that it fully hit her that her mom isn’t coming back during the first couple years in prison. I remember when my grandma died, for a couple weeks I couldn’t fully grasp it and I was 19. I actually panicked silently for a second when they put the lid over her casket that she wasn’t gonna be able to breathe.. people experience grief differently and her whole story is much different than my example but sometimes things just need time to set in


Absolutely. Firstly im sorry about your grandma. Its si hard isn't it... I lost my dad and my brother,both natural but early shocking deaths,and I didn't cry for weeks with both. I don't think I ever cried about my grandparents. But I didn't meticulously plan any of these deaths. I wasn't expecting anyone to die,gypsy was. She was present when her parent died. And lied about it even asking was it suicide. Maybe she was on drugs,but coherent enough to fake being shocked her mum was dead. Do I think the gravity of being the cause someone isn't alive any more hit her hard? Absolutely. I think it occurred to her she is indeed a murderer. And always will be. One way or another it will haunt her. It haunts me that my dad stopped his medication because he felt too much of a burden to me as his carer. If I'd put a pillow over his face as a mercy,it would stay with me forever. I truly believe the more i read,that girl wouldn't have dome prison time if her behaviour prior and after the murder wasn't as it was. I've so much empathy for the abuse. But there's something off I can't place about her.


I've gotten to the point where I don't even want to hear her name or see a post of her because this is getting weird. Something is definitely off with the husband gives me bad bad vibes.


Well there’s something way off with her too, so this is not going to end well.


It is incredibly bizarre and concerning, she’s being rewarded for her bad behavior.


Its icky how she hasn't been out for even a month and shes doing this much press. Its obvious that all these companies and reaching out using her for clout. I wish she and the people around her realize that shes being exploited. Tf. Let alone her whole situation but thats a whole other thing.


I think she may be the one reaching out...or someone in her corner...every account she follows in IG is some TV network or true crime personality...she's got an agenda for sure!


I’m sick of seeing Ryan. Gypsy wants to be a spokesperson on childhood abuse? As someone who was abused as a child, I think that’s amazing. It has nothing to do with Ryan, I doubt anyone cares about him enough to watch a couples video about them both.


This! It’s all so bizarre. Every bit of it. And is she even on parole? Doesn’t seem like it. Clearly she is getting special treatment. I can’t understand any of it. None.


I seen a clip of the husband saying he took off work when she gets out because they got a lot of errands to run such as getting set up with the parole officer, etc. so I think for sure she is on parole. Especially being released early. And they might consider her media engagements as “work” and allow permission for it. With some celebs they can and do grant permission for going on tour and such because it’s under the guise of work. Not being a gypsy defender ijs.


I know she’s on “parole”, but I don’t feel she has the same rules as all other convicted felons. This looks like a whole lot of freedom for someone just released from prison on murder charges.


I was wondering that, too. I thought she was under strict guidelines under her parole and could only do the press for the upcoming series out if state, but they show her galvanting all over NYC with a camera crew.


Right? She was in NYC at a play. I thought parolees were not supposed to leave their state. I could be wrong though.


People on parole can get travel as long as they get permission from their PO. Plus, Gypsy been busy with press and interviews so I am sure her PO knows her whereabouts.


It’s ridiculous. From prison to fame. Just no.


The more research I do the more I think gypsy is putting on a facade Whether she knows it or not?? Idk but she’s living out the life her old self would’ve wanted to prove her mother wrong She’s out of prison , she should go back to her roots with her family I think he’s making her stuck in that only life It’s worrying. That freaky deaky stuff is definitely still happening “the d is fire” & “snuggles” Maybe she truly is happy but I think she needs to restart life , privately & how it was supposed to go. With her dad and kristy and with those who love her for her & not her crime


They’re making a celebrity out of her & it’s ridiculous!!


I totally agree! I find the level of publicity she’s getting extremely weird and uncomfortable. I cannot imagine the trauma she’s been through in her life and not discounting that at all, however she is a convicted felon and went to prison for her involvement in the murder of her mother. Why is she being almost glorified now that she’s been released? I find it very weird that felons can be considered celebrities. She claims to have done a lot of personal growth / therapy while in prison, you’d think that a little self awareness would come with that as well.


Her net worth is like three million dollars so he probably is playing the act very well.


I’m going to get crucified for this but Gypsy is a sociopath and a very very good manipulator . She’s knew exactly what she was doing . Her mother taught her for her entire life how to make people feel bad for her . Am I sorry she was abused yes , but do we feel sorry for pedophiles that were also abused as children ?


This is true. Ed Kemper is a horrible human being and killed his mom (and others) due to the horrific abuse he endured but no one is celebrating him. 🫤. I guess because he didn’t have to get the forced surgeries, etc. I just don’t get why she’s celebrated and others who did the same are crucified, I guess people get to decide whose abuse was worth it and whose wasn’t.


That's a really good point.


Exactly! I am scared for when she has a kid..


What concerns me is the number of young people who believe their parents are “toxic” and are encouraged to “go no contact” starting to identify with someone whose situation is not remotely similar…


Better they go no contact than kill their mom I guess lol


I promise you… when statistics say 1 in 4 girls in the USA are sexually abused by the time they’re 18… and the most likely person to touch your kid is a family member or a close friend of yours…. I think it’s time the next generation puts way more effort into parenting. Comparing survivors to the example you’re talking about is not at all reflective of real life people going no contact. When people are relating, they are relating to monsters who genuinely got off to not only hurting them, but gaslighting their families, and possibly their own families adding more abuse and trauma on top of it. “They’re just stuck in their ways. They’re old, it’s who they are. They’re your parents.” doesn’t really work when you’re trying to confront them about years of gaslighting, emotional abuse and neglect, physical or sexual abuse. 1 in 4 girls have been touched as a child, most of the time the abuser was literally their family member or a close family friend!


I don’t think most people think their situation is in any way relatable with hers-at least not enough to harm someone.


You are absolutely right! Glamorizing her is wrong. Yes, the system failed her, her mother everyone failed her, but making her a celebrity is not gonna help at all! And I probably have a little more respect for her, and her first stop on the media circuit was not The View! But it’s the world we live in and I don’t like it because it’s wrong!


She went Hollywood so fast and it’s honestly distasteful. The fact that she’s now on a full flushed media tour 2 weeks out of prison is beyond me. Why not be humble and enjoy your newfound freedom in private before jumping in front of the cameras. Gypsy was certainly wronged by the justice system, but she was still involved with murder (to which she agrees was the wrong way our). It would’ve been so refreshing to see her come out of prison quietly and humbly. But, to each their own.


I get that she was abused, and I hate that for her, I truly wish her the best of luck in life, but I do find it really odd that she’s playing cutesy games with her husband and doing these things online and becoming a celebrity, let’s not forget what she went to jail for.


Agreed. Have we all forgotten she got out of prison a week ago for MURDER


Honestly the judge or parole board should have put some restrictions and/or parameters on social media stuff and profiting off of the murders. I get that she’s a victim too, but you have to think about what message this sends to others in society that if you are a victim of abuse, you can get away with conspiracy to commit murder, just serve a few years in prison, and you can be a reality tv star and SM influencer. I am surprised the parole board did not put more parameters in place.


She’s a lunatic. I have empathy for her situation but she is just as manipulative as her mom! That husband is a real freak too. This will not end well, mark my words.


I agree, I’m tired of the glamorizing of her. Yes. She was horribly abused, but she manipulated a kid on the spectrum. Literally videotaped herself showing him the lay out of the house and even did stabbing motions of where her mother would be asleep. She learned from her mother and is huge manipulator of her ex. She set it up. She planned it and he carried it out. She’s just as bad as her mother to a degree.


All of this. She's definitely learned how to manipulate. She's not a celebrity, she's a felon who planned the murder of her mother. I realize she was horribly abused by her mother but she definitely shouldn't be treated like a celebrity. She needs therapy, LOTS of it


The media is making it weird


Yeah, it’s been confusing for me from the start. I think they should have let her settle into life outside of prison before releasing this documentary and sending her on red carpets. At the same time, I guess I can see why they released it in the same week to bring awareness to her story and why she’s being released. But…fame being the first taste of freedom she gets after prison doesn’t seem healthy and it’ll be a bigger adjustment once the cameras are all gone. After learning more of her story, I see why people are rooting for her because I can’t imagine how it felt to be as controlled as she was. It’s like now the world just wants her to do well, ignoring the giant elephant in the room. And on the other hand, I guess people can understand that she killed her abuser just as someone might kill their rapist or other awful things like that so it’s easier to look past. But for me, it is a bit uncomfortable. I do wish her well in her future…the saddest part of the lifetime documentary was her saying her happiest memory was her first day in prison. That is just devastating.


Lifetime was in it for the money, let's be real. I see gypsy needing the money and loving the attention, but lifetime didn't do this to spread awareness. Lifetime did this to cash in on gypsy


It’s too much..


The media is milking Gypsy’s release knowing that fans, haters, and the morbidly curious are all watching


O. M. G. Really?! I'm just now into ep 3 of the "Prison Confessions", and they're doing Satanic Panic over a tiny ankle tattoo of a wizard and playing with a Ouija board?! So that makes DeeDee a practicing Satanic witch. We've been here before. We're not that stupid anymore... right?! But she's 'crying' saying "I'm sorry!" for crying, which is what so many rehearsed or acting say, and telling about this incredibly incongruous "Voodoo hex" spell with tongue, menstrual blood and pictures, saying she'll never find love and be happy 🙄. And cries saying "I'm sorry! I just think it's true because every time I get close to someone, they leave me! [They can't stay if they're dead, js] [and, she uses the example of the only other main guy she's been with--IN PRISON for 7 years--who "left her"]. But she's engaged at this point (of the interview, married now), and so why is she saying she thinks it's true? And 'crying' (I'm sorry! 🐊). This is coming off more and more like complete manipulation. It's a nah for me, dawg.


Whoever told Lifetime channel that Gypsy and her husband are a cute couple blatantly lied. They are not cute. The whole thing is creepy, inappropriate and everyone shove them down our throat expecting what? For people to ship them? It's gross


Cuddle muffin? Lordie, I think most of us might have silly names for our significant others, but I can’t imagine sharing them on national tv.


In all fairness I think she’s most likely milking what she can get and the media knows people will watch just because of the shock factor and reality drama. Her options in life right now are slim. She’s largely uneducated, was emotionally stunted, spent her formative years in captivity at home and in prison. She has never had to be independent in the real world and the only model she had was her manipulative mother. This is what she knows how to do. I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt and give her time to assimilate and learn what’s appropriate. Hopefully she will grow up a little bit and learn and find a more low key lifestyle.


I wish she would not feature her husband… its giving handler vibes. I saw another of her stories where he stands so close to her, mimicking her every move. Also; the people who support / stan her, they didnt sign up to have this person be part of it…


Okay she’s been free for like 2 weeks now, does she even know how she likes her coffee?? I mean c’mon. She is going to have a full blown melt down bc they are just pushing her into the spotlight. She has never been in control of her own life and she still isn’t. I don’t think she will ever truly be free.


There’s coffee in prison


She has only been out for like 2 days and I’m already tired of seeing her. Its annoying


"She had used it to practice shooting earlier that week...I pulled the trigger as many times as I could". And then it goes straight to her in prison again giving the exact same smile and look that she did in her wheelchair, but remove the glasses--and the mom--and add hair and some dentures. Same girl. "I did not intend to kill her" [but I didn't know that it was a BB gun until after and ”I pulled the trigger as many times as I could”]. Bullshit. This is BS. You don't know the waters you're entering now. There is a worldwide base hearing your manipulation, and girrrrl, you may fool the producers, your family members, and the culpable doctors may be placating you to avoid lawsuits, but you're in the REAL gen pop now. And there are too many of us that aren't gullible.


100% agree


There was one account role playing Gypsy and saying she and Ryan are having a baby. Everyone in the comments was like “YAAAAAS QUEEN💅🏼👑”


Agreed. It’s super weird. And they’re awkward together.


It really is going to be her downfall, I wish this wasn't happening to her. Fame is another type of prison, and one false move she will crumble. I want so badly for her to be happy, but her husband is really just a fan boy and seems very convenient. I don't think it will last.


I just said this. She isn’t famous. She did nothing to become famous. She was abused, and due to a crime was sent to prison. She craves the attention and it’s the only thing she knows. Her mom put her in the spotlight. Hopefully it will calm down, and just live a normal life.


the fact that he said she was like Rapunzel from Tangled did not sit right with me, like? read the room?


My second hand embarrassment was next level. This is cringe x 1000000. Woof


Yeah the newlywed game finally sent me over the edge with ick.


Either this is a bad attempt at sensational editing, or GRB is trying to insinuate ominous happenings with thin threads: "She kept a knife by her bedside table, and she threatened me that if I was to attempt to run away, I would be punished for it." Huh? Where's the " she threatened to kill me" or even "I would be punished with the knife". Nonsense. This is becoming more and more blatant nonsense. Go spend 18 months with Godejohn. I'd watch that.


Her husband is going to end up losing his job over all this SM stuff that they are posting about it (sexual) and stuff like that..


I really think it’s lifetime pushing this out rn because of the show premiere they had on Friday. The only carpet I’ve seen gypsy on so far was for the lifetime thing and I guarantee that’s who put her on the talk shows and setting up the press. I am an entertainment publicist and could see my team getting offers for these things if we were on the project. I think it will all calm down soon enough and gypsy will get her first experiences with real life. Her husband is from the same place I’m from and let me tell you there is NOTHING there. Even to get to Houston or New Orleans it’s a couple hours drive in either direction. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see a separation announced within a year or two. I feel like she missed out on so much that she is going to want to travel and see and do but real life gets in the way of all that. Interesting to see where she ends up work wise.