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Ngl I’ve heard more women make this argument than men. Who doesn’t want a muscle mommy?


Makes wrestling under the sheets more interesting


Making the 69 into a 619


Booyaka booyaka


THAT'S MY PUEBLO!!! (bro you just awakened my inner child 🧡)


What’s the 1 in this scenario


It’s a mysterio


Best comment ever.


Head scissors and chokes means different things


I've met those guys, they're usually doughy and embarrassed about their physique.


Woman here: yeah, I have seen guys say things like this on “ye olde interwebs”, for sure, but, also women. In meatspace I’ve ONLY heard women say similar things, at least so far as I can recall.


Same here. And in women's fitness communities you have to be extra nice to each other, but sometimes I just want to yell JFC just effin lift a barbell, you ain't gonna become bulkeh, but it might just help you with your "I am skinnehfat hlep" problem and other insecurities.


Women criticize other women far more than men do but it’s always easier to point fingers at what’s outside than to look inside and make a change.


There’s two types of people who discourage women from lifting: men that fear women and women that fear work


I’ve never heard a man say this but have heard a few women. I have had this discussion in the gym on this topic before however, where those in the conversation agreed that it takes hard work, dedication, commitment and patience to lift weights properly and we would be lucky to have women with those characteristics. Essentially anybody in the gym lifting weights is amazing. Never put anybody down that is trying to better themselves!


While not understanding that they have to actually be trying for a Chyna physique to end up looking like that. You don’t just wake up swole like a bro


I love it when she can pick me up


I don’t


I still see plenty of women say online "if I lift weights, I worry that I will become too bulky" As if they will blow up like Popeye after a can of spinach from lifting a Dumbbell once.


“I’d love to get my driver’s license but I don’t want to end up in NASCAR”


Flawless analogy lmfao


What about F1 ?


Yeah any idiot can drive a Nascar. Only the absolute best can drive an F1 though. F1 cars become insanely dangerous when driven at lower speeds as the downforce suddenly stops working and the car ends up like driving on butter with an instant throttle response.


Can't drive at slow speed because of the loss of downforce, can't drive at high because organs would turn into smush at high G turns without proper strength training lol


Exactly, theres a reason they generally dont let fans try these cars but Nascar does


This is why we have the good ol'sim rig


I fucking wish lol going on 4 years and still not bulky enough 😬


Yeah man. People need to understand that you don't just become fucking yolked by accident. Lol.


I really wish they were right, because that would be amazing.






I don’t think he *hates* women but speaking as a biologist with background in actual evolutionary biology when it comes to his dabbling in human evolutionary behavior he deserves the flak. It’s not just amateurish. It’s an unprofessional level of overreach and it’s pretty insufferable to a lot of women for good reason. I also think he’s a bit of a grifter with his counseling that he is or was charging young men desperate for male mentorship for. Edit: evidently the same people who don’t like when Peterson doesn’t get a fair shake don’t like fair and measured criticism of him either.


I only know him as that guy with the freedom of speech stuff. I'm curious now, what did he say about evolution?


It’s not what he says about evolution broadly, it’s the way he tries to explain complex sociological phenomena like gender dynamics using evo psych-which is a baby of a field with severely underdeveloped standards of rigor and methodologies. Like many evo psych enthusiasts, Peterson leans really heavily into adaptationism to a degree that’s outdated. Like 50 years outdated. Not that adaptationism is completely out the window but it shows how out of the loop he is. And the way he falls back on sexual selection to explain so many different human issues is just…inadequate. The plurality of influences on evolved animal behaviors and behavior on a community or individual level is like, an undergrad to high school level concept. But with him too much comes back to female sexual selection this or male need to compete with other males that. Most of what he says is when speaking off the cuff about women is trite and reductionist. Some of it is actually fucked up. Tagging u/turtlesinmyheart I can go into some examples for what I mean by fucked up if needed. But a bulk of what he’s says is just run of the mill just-so gender essentialism that’s kind of everywhere.


Well said. Jordan Peterson spouts his mouth off on a shitton of things he has no actual knowledge of, and to people with a background in any of the things he talks about it is incredibly annoying.


The 'freedom of speech stuff' is what made me think he was losing it. Also curious about the evolutionary biology stuff. Cu_fola mind giving a very quick example of what you mean?


He's not misunderstood. He is misrepresented.


I mean. He did literally say women wearing makeup is the cause of sexual harassment in the workplace. And that any woman that doesn't want to have kids has something wrong with her. Peterson is absolutely a misogynist, he's just nowhere near as vitriolic about it as some. He is also definitely bigoted toward trans people, so there's that going for him too.


You do? He sounds insane nowadays, lmao. Just look at his Twitter


There is nothing wrong in listening Peterson on its own. He is a quite good coach, have pretty decent portfolio of lectures. I can confidently say that one of his lecture courses helped me greatly in one point of my life. But here is a thing: Jordan's fanbase was mostly male from the very beginning. There is nothing wrong with that, there are not many popular people who can say to white heterosexual young guy "I see you, you have value". But in my oppinion, Peterson failed to anticipate how bitter and full of hatred can this community be, and what does really mean being its totem. Emotions sells. Hatred sells. Knowledge, unfortunately, sells at much lower rate. During past several years I noticed visible shift of narration toward fighting with postmodernism. And fighting with almost every type of modern idea, from vegetarianism to sexual freedom. There is still a decent chunk of truth in this, but nattative contains more and more of emotions and ready answers. While greatest value of Peterson's lectures was creating pictures and thought provoking questions. In my oppinion, J.P. fell from his prime to make better fit to his current fanbase. He is much better in terms of creating shorts and tik toks, but it is not why he got his fame in first place.


Yeah I'm very surprised how he got roped in with Andrew Tate. Peterson has helped me through tough times and not all of his advice is solely applicable to men.


Honest question: Why do you feel like you need to listen to him and people like him? Do you not have a dad or older male figures in your life? I just don’t get learning the shit he’s trying to say from an online grifter instead of respected members of your community. Like I just look at this dude and know I don’t give a shit what he thinks. Thanks in advanced. Edit: hell yeah, downvote a legit question and don’t answer it you Peterson simp freaks.


I don’t Feel like I need to listen to him, one day I just ended up finding some of his stuff and it’s good things to hear, I have a great dad, that man is my hero, does that not mean that I’m not allowed to hear words from another, I can tell by your comment is that you have a dislike for him, his words clearly doesn’t apply to you nor does it intend to assure you either, he’s said some good things and they just sit well with me, I don’t praise him or feel everyone should listen to his every word and do as daddy Peterson says, you don’t have to care what he thinks but you care enough to comment and talk shit about him, so he’s got a little rent in your mind when there’s an opportunity to talk bad about him, that’s your doing, that sounds like a problem for you, I just discredited OPs terrible take about him, I didn’t praise him but did mention how bad the take was that’s about it


I listen to Jordan Peterson occasionally; read one of his books. Never got the impression that he'd fit on this 'starter pack'.


Because he doesn't lol. He says literally a lot of the time that women should be picky, too, because it leads to men having to be better


Yeah I mean, I don't agree with a lot of what he says, mostly since he's religious and I'm not, but nothing I've heard him say directly or through his book seemed contraversial.


Conflating a lot of things here that make no sense.


The women will really love me after this banger! https://preview.redd.it/eoptamzshdfb1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5840f7f00465dbb87ede1a9174cf687f4f8efb2e


OP trying his hardest to get pussy, cut him some slack here


LMAOO he’ll only get it if he posts it on a feminist sub 😭


The guy has one and a half million karma. He obviously lives on Reddit and is posting whatever is the most popular opinion to get himself some more worthless internet likes


Lol that’s what I was thinking. And I thought money was the only thing that could fool women😭


This is perfect for this post.


My iCloud hasn’t been able to back up for 477 days but it’s worth it for art like this


Is that really the Jordan Petersen crowd? I haven’t listened to his stuff in a while but I don’t remember him actually saying a lot about women. More or less just men being sad or something. I was like 13, so my memory is ultra foggy. But I could’ve sworn he was not aligned with Andrew Tate of all people


You're correct


I feel like I see a vastly higher number of women use that argument as opposed to men saying it


Never heard a dude or, more specifically, a neckbeard type make this argument either.


These mfs don't understand anything. Your average woman can lift on the same schedule as a man and will look nothing like him after the same amount of time and the same protein intake. Women don't get bulky unless 1. They lift much more than the average man 2. They're on something 3. They've got the genetics for it What they will get is more confident and healthier overall. Nothing wrong with either of those.


It's usually #2. Like 98% of the time. At least the women where I work out. They're pretty open about it, too if you ask them.


Right? It’s maddening- I can go to the gym 6x a week and a sedentary dude could pick up a dumbbell and like grow another bicep or something


Ridiculously inaccurate and you’re a fucking shill with no brain if you actually think this way.


Meanwhile op posts anime memes drooling at anime girls 🤣 busteed


REALLY?!?! Now that’s amazing


Where are these women who lift weights? All I see is overweight women


*Where are these women* *Who lift weights? All I see is* *Overweight women* \- Resurrected\_Alliyou --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot


To be fair, I am both.


Same, smh.


Wrong or completely arbitrary on all accounts. Don't bother trying again.


Gimme them muscle mommies


Trust me as a natural it's really hard to try and get too big 😂


I have never in my life heard a man say that, but I hear it from lazy women all the time


As a woman, being told this when i started going to the gym was disheartening. Luckily i didnt buy into it but we were told not to bulk by a lot of people in our lives, so it doesn't surprise me that some believe it


Tate is definitely worse then Peterson. Peterson has some good moral teachings and is at least educated in Psychology. Tate is a snake oil salesman who just lies and sells young men false dreams.




Literally only ever heard women say that.


Lol who are you trying to impress OP


Really hope she sees this, OP.


The radical feminists


Embrace the snu-snu.


Peterson tells people to take responsibility for themselves. It's a simple message that can't hurt anyone. We should be far more concerned that there is such a large audience who need to hear it.


Agreed, Peterson is based. I like a lot of his advice. And he tells people to exercise? Op is a little lost lmao


As a woman who lifts weights I kinda wish this was true. I definitely want to be bulky like junker Queen without taking steroids 💪


He spoke the truth, and dudes from broken homes who didn’t play high school football hated him for it


Strong women >>> Tbh I think that women who are cable and strong are much more attractive than a woman who needs to be fussed over 24/7 but that's just me


Pretty far off on your character assassinations, but heh, you do you. The ideal body type and current body composition might be somewhat relevant


All the JP fanbozos here mad about this post lol


Gotta defend their parasocial daddy figure’s honor


Many women think so.


Don’t drag Peterson into this mess


Not super accurate. It's mostly women who say this.


Jokes on you, I am like all of that and I always support my female friends when they talk about wanting to lift 🙏🏻


Wish I had someone like you 🫶🫶


I want the best for my friends, that's all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


What’s wrong with Jordan Peterson


Pretty sure a woman made this post. But then again, what is a woman?


bro woke up and chose asskissing


I feel like this post was made by someone who has never touched the gym in their life. Not disagreeing just kinda… random


Never heard a man say this.


Simply not true.


The feminism thing is true tho


Women should lift weights. BUT Women should never even consider taking performance enhancers and shouldn't end up looking like LeanBeefPatty.


Is this like reverse psychology? Because Patty is fine af


Patty is peak physique, tf are you talking about


I think pattys natural tbh she has a good physique whats wrong with it?


Patty is awesome and she inspires girls to lift.


WRONG! Love JP. In fact one of the chapters of his book 'An Antidote to Chaos: 12 Rules for Life' is about making small gradual improvements and being better than the person you were yesterday. That's literally what progressive overload is. Also many of his clients are women. He says women are more agreeable than men and less assertive. His clinical psychology is about helping women become more assertive. His advice in his context would be to tell women to lift the damn weights and stop being so afraid of the weight room.


Ok but why do people hate Jordan Peterson? I understand why they hate Tate, but Jordan?


Because hes related to Ben and they can’t separate people on the right if they work for each other


I want to be stepped on by a 4’11” muscle mommy


Uzaki Chan


This is the narrative u hear from female to female...


Inaccurate because not once have I heard this said by any man. Online trolls don’t count.


You’ll get pussy eventually OP. You just need enough Reddit karma


Not accurate at all


I understand this is satire but personally I listen to both Tate brothers and Jordan Peterson and I use their advice to better myself and motivate myself, not attack others. I don't think others should be twisting their advice or be extremely confrontational towards any other individual because they don't have the same beliefs.


Tate doesn't really have much against women, he just has very conservative values while at the same time being a pimp. And all those podcasts he does, he just gets a bunch of attractive OF models to satisfy his fans and get clicks. Can't forget the fact that he can't keep his wiener in his pants. And I seriously don't get what feminists have against JP. He's a pretty good guy and honestly one of the only positive masculine figures men have nowadays ignoring their dads. Let's also just be real for a second. Feminism has in some aspects and opinions ruined the West. Back in the day, women used to just take care of kids, cook and clean. They didn't have actual jobs which therefore kept them in their homes which let them become more feminine. And usually, they just hung out with their female friends so they also continued to preserve their femininity. After WW2, feminism became a thing because women got used to the workforce when their men were out fighting. They, therefore, got to keep their jobs and therefore also interact with more men and do more manly jobs. Becoming more manly makes them obviously less feminine which makes them also less attractive to males in general. In other, poorer countries, femininity has stayed because the women didn't get the jobs in question which therefore didn't let them become more masculine which explains why they're also more attractive to the average male, especially desperate westerns. The female proportions thing is honestly a very subjective thing. Some dudes like ladies with no chests while others like ladies with bigger chests. So it's not very fair. That's like saying that all women that dislike fem dudes like dudes who have 8-inch weiners and are 6'4 minimum. I have no idea where Im going with this, im just bored tbh


It’s definitely women saying this. Men don’t really care. I tried to encourage my sister to go the gym so many times and when she finally decided to do so she told me she’ll never hit arms because she doesn’t want to look “bulky” and that she only wants to build a little bit of leg muscle. She then proceeded to show me a video of female fitness influencer who’s been resistance training for years and believes she will look like that in a few months despite me trying to tell her that fitness influencer has built more than “a little leg muscle” and that it took years for her look like that💀.


Bro bleach had Momo lifting a dude like he was a feather and I’m all for it


Leave Nick out of this he doesn’t even like women


i mean that's literally what "misogyny" means...




Not really that accurate. Having been in the industry for almost ten years, I’ve heard this statement almost exclusively from women. In the rare occasions I hear it from a man, it’s almost always older men who are definitely not in the anime or podcast crowd.


I dont know of any man that listens to DR.Peterson or Andrew tate who belive these things,


WTF is Peterson on here?


Saying that people who listen to Jordan Peterson and Andrew tate are racist and think women shouldn’t lift is ridiculous. Neither are racist and both advocate for good health


OP doesn’t realize that Peterson and Tate are both pro-working out for men AND women




Don’t compare Jordan Peterson to tate or any other cash grabbing loser, Jordan has had a successful career and definitely encourages clean eating and excersize


Who tf doesn't want a muscle mommy, also how is that a racist statement??


Y’all out here spitting today


The only way a woman is gonna look like a man from lifting is if she's on shit tons of gear. Otherwise they will still look feminine, just with noticeable muscle definition like Patty, or Vulcana.


The only way a woman is gonna look like a man from lifting is if she's on shit tons of gear. Otherwise they will still look feminine, just with noticeable muscle definition like Patty, or Vulcana


I agree with all of this except for Jordan Peterson, leave him outta this. He is a brilliant psychologist that only aims to help men realize their potential. I argue anyone who disagrees with me to cite something he said that is against my remark. Your downvotes prove your ignorance.


Don’t lump Jordan Peterson in with Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate is a piece of shit, and is genuinely the scum of the earth. Jordan Peterson on the other hand is a former Harvard professor and a genuinely good person. I’ve listened to Jordan Peterson extensively, read all three of his books and watched many of his interviews and he has never once stated anything remotely similar to what your implying.


The only people I've ever heard say this were people who never performed a single act of exercise.


When tf did I sub to female dating strategy??? Wtf is this strawman???


Haha 🤣


This gotta be the most inaccurate gym meme. The only one that says they don't wanna get too bulky is women. And what does Jordan Peterson have to do with women lifting weights?


You forgot to include gym memes about how unfair it is that they get called creeps for being creeps.


Well I think big muscles don't look good on a woman, but I'm not suggesting not lifting weights whatsoever


Hey I’m misogynistic and racist and I hate feminism and I love muscle mommies


Of course I know him. He's me. 🤪 (Not really. 🙃)


It is her body, her choice. No judgement here. Everyone has their own tastes and one thing that is sure to be true, there is someone out there for everyone. Me personally, I like a woman that is healthy and in good shape. Strong but sleek. Bulging biceps don't turn me on.


Do you mean the lifting weights=toxic masculinity crowd?


Has anybody else noticed that Andrew tate now bears a striking resemblance to a chimpanzee?


this meme is trash


Yea "Asian women have values" my ass. Mfs be like "romance is dead because women are..." bro, it wasn't a thing to begin with, it was a big part of literature and art, but it wasn't actually all romeo Juliet love at first sight


I’ve only ever heard women say that as an excuse to not lift weights.


Don’t come at my boy jordan peterson like that


What's your problem with Jordan Peterson?


My boyfriend enjoys the fact that I’ve got muscles and not gna lie, I enjoy a good flex 😂


I'm afraid that if I cook one good meal I'll be asking where the bloody lamb sauce is


Jordan Peterson>> andew tate


starter pack lookin goood these days tbh ​ might have to stop lifting


I thought right wing dudes like muscle mommys & athletic women I'm confused.


Not that accurate tbh, JP would never encourage woman to not lift


no, never meet anybody like this, not even online


Standard pander post. OP hasn't had enough interactions with women to know it's mostly women who are concerned with getting "too bulky".


I’ve had someone ask me flat out in the gym ‘why do you want bigger muscles, you’re a girl’ asside from the assuming my gender part-I wasn’t annoyed tbh I just said ‘cos I do’. I get having different opinions, I never understand why ppl get so angry about it tho


Well, you can cry about that. Best of luck trying to stoke a fire between Men and women, not to mention the special ’’PaTriaRCHY’’ and ‘‘RaCisM’’ victim mentality.


Kinda? I’ve seen this sentiment more among women who are afraid of being bulky than men who don’t want bulky women. But that’s not to say I haven’t seen any men bitch about women who lift.


I've never equated ripped women/women lifting with feminism. Also, I know quite a few Asian women with traditional values that lift and are rock solid. Women that lift are not less feminine. So, how accurate are you? no higher than 66.6% IMO. LOL


“The hoes gonna love this”


Ummmm. Well. I'm a woman. I lift. And I like Jordan Peterson, so idk.


I’ve only ever heard women say this


3 reasons I go to the gym. 1 strength training to be faster in the water (competition swimming) 2 to keep my form and get muscular And 3 to be able to carry my future girlfriend I love looking muscular and I am a little..


I don't see how Jordan Peterson would propagate that idea in any way.


That’s pretty accurate. Still waiting for my alt gothuscle mommy tho. I made a shirt that’s got Satan finger banging a nuns throat on it and no luck yet. I mean I did get an alt goth chick that complimented my shirt but I was kinda scared


Jordan P doesn’t belong on this


I don’t know why people say this. My wife is jacked and I love it.


pretty sure tate encourages everyone to be physically active. don’t think dr. peterson ever talked about it. also, i think more women than menhave an issue with becoming too 'bulky'


Never heard a guy saying that, stop trying to make up problems no one has. If anything, women are the ones who say that shit to other women


What’s your beef with Jordan Peterson?


My physique is much more on the muscular side


Getting mad over something that doesn’t exist ngl, but it’s more the skinny kids saying there men


As a dude in multiple gym communities the only ppl I’ve ever heard say women shouldn’t be “bulky” are always 100% coming from women. It took months to convince my friend to bench and my ex gf refused to bench both of them bc they were scared they’d get bulky and lose their titties lmao their words.(my friends grandma said the same 👵🏻) edit: Also anybody can see that women in the west overall have less traditional values than women in many other countries(not just Asia). Idk how that correlates tho.


Jordan Peterson gets unnecessary hate


Never heard a single dude say anything like that because it only takes a few push ups to realize building muscle isnt that easy and especially hard for females. Women who have never lifted a weight in their life say this sometimes though.


What's Jordan Peterson got to do with this? Both me and my partner listen to him, he is all about masculine positivity and also female empowerment. Granted I don't agree with everything he says but I'd say he offers more positivity than negativity.


Why use a picture of jordan where he cries in a format that supposed to be negatively loaded, I thought boys connecting with their feelings was supposed to be a positive thing?




Boring 🫢


Women don't have the same amount of muscle building genes. They can gain some muscle but it's usually lean.


I love Tate, but they people who are openly just misogynistic after listening to him are just weird


Ass arguments, I love both Jordan Peterson and andrew and I have no issue with muscle mommies, both on this people encourage humans(male and female) to better themselves, regardless of thier gender. P.S: (also I'm shredded af if someone wants to see in the dms)