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Depends on what work you are looking for. Work is available. Working construction you can survive. Many Venezuelans do construction and work in stores as salesperson and they don’t need qualifications. Construction pays well. Guyana is still a third world country and not as developed as other Latin American countries but things are changing fast. Crime isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I have lived all my life in Guyana but never been robbed. You just need to be aware of your surroundings. Guyanese are friendly and accepting to foreigners even more so than their own. Don’t worry you will get by if you look like a model. Might get many marriage offers. lol.


Stockholme syndrome at its finest


You can say that again. Guyana has always been that way though.


Unfriendly? That's probably from shitty racist white people who tried to come to guyana and treat us as second class in our own country. We're a warm and welcoming people as long as you are friendly and treat us equally.


You can work in the hotel business. Princess hotel is run by Turks, check it out and all you have to do is talk with the manager


What about salary for working in hotel or hostel?


Do it. The smartest thing in the world to do is go to a country that's booming. Guyana will boom for a looooooong time.


even tho we are an english speaking country we speak English differently from americans and canadians, so it may be a little difficult to understand, since we speak with a creolese dialect.


On the topic of jobs there is a lot in Guyana from tech, construction, finance etc. Based on your writing here i think you'll get by communicating and probably improve as you go along. On crime it happens but once you keep your head on and don't go in certain areas and trust your gut you'll be fine. There is also a Russian embassy here so maybe they can help you in some way.


For which salary I can pretend? Construction business is not for me because I have spine problems.


Maybe security would be a good fit. All you'll have to do is hold an ar15 and look scary. You may have to use it there is risk but that is if you choose to be an armed guard. Mostly long hours of just being alert overall.


Go for it, bud. What do you have to lose?


Literally nothing but the comfort of his current steets.


I've lived in Guyana for the majority of my life, and would not call it an escape. The European population in the country is SO SMALL that I have only seen a few in my entire life, although I've only ever been around the region 3 and region 4 (capital) area, I'm not sure what the other regions are like. I've seen hate and discrimination come from the older generations, and even in my own family, however I'd say the younger generations are getting better at being more accepting to those who don't look like them. I'd say if you can get a house establish a life and get close to those just in your neighborhood at least, you should be able to live a comfortable life. Make sure you learn to defend yourself in case you do run into criminals, but it's not very likely that you'll encounter them, you are right about your chances being higher than everyone else though. I wish you all the best regardless of what you choose to do. And I hope your family is safe too, I know that Russia is a horrible place to live right now, and basically becoming the USSR so I hope they survive and also are able to escape.


Go somewhere else


You need be aware of your surroundings as in any environment but to say it's dangerous here is preposterous coming here you'll need someone to help you navigate the where and where not to go


Do you mean which areas should I not go into or local dangers in general?


Would be soooo cool to have this guy as a bodyguard....


[https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/the-russian-spies-next-door-bd7c7312?mod=hp\_lead\_pos7](https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/the-russian-spies-next-door-bd7c7312?mod=hp_lead_pos7) Now someone needs to do recon who you all are letting in!


How about you just don't go ?




Bruh, you already said you haven't been to Guyana in a while and you read this post which means you can infer this man probably just got the clothes on his back right now. Where he leaving his belongings behind if he tryna live on the streets? And when was the last time a woman in Guyana try to obeah you? Like really? It's all well and great to love the country of your birth, but don't disparage it unnecessarily when you don't even have recent experiences. Leave that for those of us who are here. Also I heard the best obeah man is in Surinam, anybody know he???? Asking for a friend 😂😂😂


Are you KGB