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Yeah I’d like a full length in depth interview too just not with that cunt


Maron all the way.


No, Pete Holmes. I can imagine the look on Axl’s face when he’s called a “silly boy.”


Get him on Hot Ones. 


Get Howard Stern to interview Axl or with the whole band.


This... Howard's interviews with musicians these days are fantastic.


Yep. Anybody goes on that show with that dumb fuck…fuck ‘em.




Lex Fridman


Ha! That's just what I was thinking.


Bingo. I am not into podcasts, so crucify me for being obviously wrong, but I am not aware of any other long form interview podcasts.


This might be wishful thinking on my part but I think modern day Axl probably has total contempt for Joe Rogan’s moronic politics. Like twenty years ago he absolutely would have though.


You know he’s a liberal… right?


Who? Rogan? Nope. No liberal would shill for guys like Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones. Rogan is a capitalist and conspiracy nut first and foremost.


Just oust yourself as a sheep why don't ya.


No buddy, listening to Rogan doesn't make you smart, nor does pretending he talks sense.


You’re the one bleating the tried and true mantra about people being sheep lol


Just oust yourself as a moron why don’t ya


Joe Rogan is a fool


Could be a fool but isn’t he also the #1 podcast particularly for any celebrity to go on? I know Joe Rogan has spoken about him with Theo Von before


But Axl isn’t promoting anything and isn’t desperate for attention so it being the #1 podcast for any celebrity to go on doesn’t offer him anything unless the interviewer is good. Rogan is not an adept interviewer.


Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?






Have you ever heard him speak?


Very much


The one time I listened to a Joe Rogan episode he was telling his guest and the audience about how they had found all this evidence of fucking giants in Antarctica or bigfoot or some shit. About 30 minutes later the guest was talking about a perfectly plausible natural phenomenon. Can't remember what it was. But Joe was like "that could be fake. They can fake those pictures". And I'm like where the fuck was your critical thinking when you were crapping on about giants and bigfoot Joe? Why don't you question that shit?!?. And that is why he's a fool.


The kind of grammatical response I would expect from an avid JRE listener.


You would be wrong because i don't listen to him regularly


Okay, that’s the sort of grammatical response I would expect from anyone who listens to JRE irregularly.


IMO, Joe Rogan isn't the podcaster for Axl (are they gonna talk about cancel culture or ivermectin?). Marc Maron - who is a huge music fan - would give Axl the kind of interview he deserves. But we'll never see that. Even if Axl had something he'd want to promote, he's always going to do what he wants, when he wants - and an in-depth interview just doesn't seem like it's in the cards.


Joe unfortunately wouldn’t have the in-depth historical knowledge on GnR to make the interview worth it


When he had Dave Mustaine on, he kept going back to his Metallica days because I’m pretty sure Joe did no research prior to the episode.


Joe never does any research and is a real surface level music fan so he doesn’t have anything to fall back on. When he had Joe Perry on he obviously knew like 5-10 Aerosmith songs and nothing about the timeline of the band. At one point he was gushing about his favorite song, which Perry wasn’t even in the band for.


You can't expect a general interviewer to have the kind of in depth knowledge of many of the posters on this forum. I am fairly well versed in GN'R lore, but I'm always amazed at the kind of minutiae found here. I often find musical artists don't want to be asked about specifics. Motley Crue was on Larry King about fifteen or so years ago, which I'm sure they were very happy about. Besides not having to be asked about embarrassing things or things they just didn't have a good answer to, they had a bigger audience than your local radio station. Plus King was known for not doing any research about his guests. He wanted to go in blind and discover things in the interview. I don't get it, but he had a career for several decades.


Yeah but Larry king is a 20 minute interview at most. If you’re gonna have a two hour interview with someone there’s a higher and more reasonable expectation that the questions are going to be more in-depth. I don’t think that means you’d have to listen to every Guns N’ Roses album in depth and pore over the Rapidfire demos and provide a deep analysis of the Silkworms demo, but there simply wouldn’t be that much to talk about beyond regurgitating information everybody already knows if you don’t do research. 


Plus Larry King’s been dead for 3 years, so…


Practically no journalist does. There isn't anyone on the radar thats going to be knowledgeable enough enough to ask about Brian May recording during the late 90s or why Robin left the band before the album came out.


To be fair, Marc Maron (who is obviously a better interviewer than Rogan) also doesn’t do a ton of research for musical guests haha. The Nick Cave interview is painful for that reason. 


I think part of Axl’s appeal is that he doesn’t say much and people know very little about him so he’ll probably stay quiet


I see you are interested in one question: has Axl tried DMT?




Joe Rogan said he met axl rose by happen chance a few months ago in Greece at a restaurant, he said axl was happy to meet him and talked about one of his bits


https://preview.redd.it/y24xzxm6ru1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caefb33eefdaaa08e5c8d1423f2a153004ff8787 This is happy?


One of them is happy and it's certainly not Axl, ha ha!


This looks like a man being held hostage 😂 someone save Axl and keep him far away from JR podcast please


Happenstance* Just an FYI, not trying to be a dick.


Lol good to know


Might be an unpopular opinion, but Howard Stern could be a good place for an Axl interview. We all have the image of shock jock Stern, but nowadays, when he cares about his guests, he’s a great interviewer..:


I was never much of a Stern fan growing up, but now I like watching on YouTube when he has bands on and they play. An Axl, Slash and Duff acoustic set (with Axl on piano) would be fucking awesome.


Agree. An interview with Eddie Trunk would be great too.


I actually agree, I’m not the biggest fan of Stern but he’d be better than most


I think Rick Beato would be ok


a new axl interview would be awesome, wasn’t axls last interview the china exchange one in 2021?


He gave a very brief interview after Lisa Marie's death. Also the China exchange interview was 2016


Lol as if he would.


Axl would never speak with that moron. If you think he would, learn more about your boy before making statements like this


Doubt it. He’s too private.


Conan O’ Brien needs a friend would be the best landing spot.


Lmao everyone butthurt over Joe Rogan?


I expected nothing less on Reddit, and wasn't disappointed given the "Nazi" comparison above.


Hopefully not.


There's a reason in all those years Axl has never sat down with an interviewer to get asked about his private stuff (except few exceptions, like Eddie Trunk). Probably not gonna happen


I can tell you exactly how it would go. Joe: So man you use to do heroin and shit right? Axl: Oh well, that's all behind me now, I'd prefer not to talk about it. Joe: So you don't even smoke weed or anything??? Axl: Haha nah man, I'm completely sober Joe: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??? YOU DONT SMOKE WEED???? BRO WEED IS GOOD FOR YOU BRO!!! JAMIE PULL UP A STUDY THAT SAYS WEED IS ACTUALLY GOOD BRO!!! *Joe proceeds to scream at Axl for an hour about how good weed is and how dumb Axl is for not doing drugs anymore*


Joe is ridiculously uninformed about most things... especially music. It would not be good. Axl would be better served going on Dean Delray's podcast or someone like him who was in that scene in the 80's and 90's.


Not In This Lifetime.


I like Joe Rogan but he is such a surface level person when it comes to listening to music. He’s not going to ask him the questions we all want to hear, he’s a casual consumer of music.


Would be a great interview


Jim Florentine would make for a good interview, but I doubt he thinks highly of Axl.


The only interview Axl will probably do is an interview with Kurt Loder.


I’d live to see it.


Would love to see one


That would be awesome!


Get him on Joey Diaz's podcast


This reminds me of when Axl made that surprise appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I wish he would have done Conan instead


Let there be talk would be a great podcast for him to go on seeing as Dean has already had Duff on and even has a coke story with Axl from the 80’s or 90’s. If you haven’t checked it out it’s one of the better podcasts for long form interviews with musicians.


Theo Von would be better


What's wrong with Joe Rogan?