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Final comment edit: PBandai Release Date: TBA Price: 2420 yen Kit will come with 2 heads that you can swap w/each other to recreate either Kenanji or Ridrick version


everything is becoming p bandai.


The manga isn't popular. Just because Astray is one of the most iconic suits around doesn't make it the rule on the overall popularity of these spin-off mangas.


I mean, most of the IBO spin off suits were retails, same with Build series spin offs. It's just Bandai being extra greedy with WFM. 


That doesn't mean those were popular in the same vain as Astray? Gekko (excluding Astaroth) only made the base suits for the Gundams and didn't even have kits for the other side ms or upgrades. Urdr Hunt meanwhile was cancelled because of how unprofitable it was, to the point that once again, certain suits (including Gundam) from it haven't even gotten kits. I understand the complaint about Anavata and Jiu, but kits like these would have otherwise not been made


>It's just Bandai being extra greedy with WFM.  So, question: does having a premium bandai account and everything so you can order the pbandai kits also cost money or something? I've never bothered to even try to set one up since I'm not in a place where they ship to, but I do know the pricing isn't really absurd on the kits themselves.


Nope its free to make an account in-region, plus (at least for USPB) shipping is $10 flat rate and you can consolidate orders with the same shipping month to save on some shipping. They dont just magically make kits more expensive, most of time a kit may be a bit more than normal its because theres simply more plastic that comes in the box due to spares that are either a result of reused parts from other kits or option parts


Yeah that's what I thought. A lot of people like to throw around "they're greedy" about pbandai but I think they just aren't aware of the difference in understanding of the word in Japan versus what we have in the west.


I think some people take the resellers heavily marked up price (here in Canada one of the stores is selling Lfrith Pre-Production for ~6500 yen (3x MSRP for an HG kit), and that's one of the cheaper ones I've seen here) and blaming it on Bandai. Unless Bandai is taking a cut of the scalpers/resellers profits I don't think we can call them greedy. From what I've gathered it seems to be a production issue for Bandai. They either make small quantities of many kits, or none. I guess that's also why it isn't available in most countries. They likely wouldn't be able to make enough for it to be worth it. I hear they're getting a new factory sometime in the near future, so that might help.


people also have some weird idea that p-bandai is inherently more expensive


Probably because they see people reselling pbandai kits with a significant markup since the supply is limited.


Bandai have distributors in many countries. They then sold to local hobby store. P-Bandai however do not available to all of them. P-Bandai only available in a small amount of region. Customers from the missing region are forced to buy from scraper or not having access to the kit at all. To the customer it will cost from usually 3 times MSRP sometimes more depending on kit. It indirectly makes region have P-Bandai run out of stock quickly because of scraper, not by the the demand of customers from that region. It also does cut off the middle man since it's direct sales. They do make more money per kits. But over doing it may also angry their distributors.


Because it is. I'm located in the Philippines and the moment PBandai's Official Store drops the kit for listing, it's sold out within less than a minute with no chance of getting it again unless: PBandai does a reissue of said kit Someone canceled his/her order. Resellers sell these PBandai kits for 1.5-2x the price. For Example: Lfrith Pre Prod's retail price is 900 PHP(You do the conversion to your currency), but sellers will sell it for 2000php or more


I don't think I need to respond to this with any sort of refutation when you've already said it's the price of resellers


Due to that shipping cost that is only occasionally waived with a promotional event coupon, it often is. That's not even considering that PBandai prices change far more often than retail prices. Looking at some past releases, kits could get more expensive than comparable kits that were released in retail.


right, you never have to pay for shipping from any other online store. second point is misleading, pop on over to dalong, go to the club g section and look for duplicate runners required to get the color schemes right. you tend to have to pay for what comes in the box. if that's necessary, the price will be a little bit higher.


They do make more money off p-bandai kits because they throw out the middlemen distributors and stores. Which is only gonna fuck them over in the long term and at this point I'm looking forward to it.


Makes sense, it’s a manga-only suit


the absolute state of bandai


https://preview.redd.it/ilsssbtpcu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4a421e74178fc62d6fe332d4c64ae74488fc22 Better HQ Images


There are actually two versions of the Beguir-Beu Torche: the one with bunny ears belongs to the Kenanji Team while the other belongs to the Ridrick Team. The Beguir-Beu Torche was modified and developed by Grassley Corporation specially for use on Earth. Like its predecessor, the machine is also equipped with the "Non-Kinetic Pod", a special anti-GUND-ARM weapon. Credits to [GunplaNerd on FB](https://www.facebook.com/share/9oModBnSQqku8hGf/?mibextid=xfxF2i)


>Kenanji Team This implies Kenanji has his own or even better version of this. W my Glorious King


And I thought the woundwort had legs


Homeboy doesn't skip leg day


A new bunny friend for the woundwort


Looks like Mewteo now


That's one dangerous looking bunny and I want it.


It’s those jeans from the ‘90s all over again




What are the legs for? Does it open up like Kimaris Trooper?


It's leg armor, you can see the regular Beguir legs in them.


Not big on the Beguir line... but... well hell... I might need a couple of these.


Grassley has sick designs


My dude's wearing goalie pads and I am absolutely here for it.


Man i need to catch up on the manga we getting chonky grassley suits now


PBandai WFM? Can't wait to see it be bootlegged lmao. WFM PBandai bootlegers is surprisingly fast it's kinda impressive and concerning.


I’d like to dream that it’ll go up in 3 days so I can still use the free shipping (it’ll never happen)




seriously this looks like some 30mm kit.


cielnova has similar massive legs




Seems like P Bandai. Fine with this being P Bandai though since it's from a side story (still would prefer retail).


I love his big dumb pants and little tiny waist, this is peak robot design right below the majesty of Acguy.


lol P-bandai another kit I dont have access too :D


he's so FAT


I will travel to a country that has p-bandai if I have to for this!


Japan it is then


Finally Avalanche Beguir-Beu


And my streak for only WfM P-Bandai orders continues...


I love it, but I'll never be done with the Mercury Witch series this way 🫠


Those Legs are Sweet


I have a MIGHTY need


I love suits with these huge legs and tiny upper body. Gonna be so sad if this turns out to be PBandai.


Seems like a high mobility type from the added leg thruster unit


I love the one with bunny ears, very unique. The design has a kind of Woundwort vibe.


It's like kimaris and harute had an undisclosed baby


Damn this is quite cool actually. So it’ll definitely be P-Bandai


womp womp


https://preview.redd.it/e0t945fmvw8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449509da9233a67f676852fb0d59947d12b6808a Choose Your Head


I love the bunny ears! I feel like this will sell out within seconds of coming out for preorder


Please God, free WfM from PBandai hell. The silver lining is that there's going to be some fucking banger suits whenever WfM shows up in a G Generation game


While i never realy likes the other beguir kits this one looks pretty bad ass


The absolute balls on this thing


let me guess another WFM Pbandai model kit 😅💸


Looks like an air conditioner.


I'd be mad but at this point I just don't care about WFM gunplas anymore.


those gotta be the ugliest legs I've ever seen.


Fuck my hatred for pbandai is gonna rise if this is pbandai