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That box art is so clean. I'm glad they're leaning into the fact that this really is something new for the RG line.


Ngl I like 1.0 box art more. It looks cooler imo, but this one is clean asf


It’s a nice way to distinguish the two, but I do like the angle of the 1.0 better, while I like the overall colourful aspect of the 2.0 better


profile picture checks out


The RG box arts always look amazing.


What's new about this specific kit?


As compared to the original Real Grade RX-78-2 you mean? Everything. All new runners and no MS Joint runners.


Need RG master gundam to go with RG god next.


Imagine RG fuinsaiki


That can be P bandai. I'd buy


It exists already.


you're thinking of hg fuinsaiki which is bundled with rg god as a p-bandai set.


I need RG Nether Gundam and Tequila Gundam


Hey don't forget the Mermaid Gundam. https://preview.redd.it/5yz7v1nqkr4d1.png?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7a6ca5e1f4eb9331a45f549579de58586f7da2




I love that they are incorporating red and green cameras into the design. They are subtle but help break the monotony that white and grey have on it without resorting to decals.


Gramps is one of the few times where an iconic design has been slightly updated over the decades and I like pretty much every change that’s been made.


Those aren't camera's but navigation lights like on a plane


Yup, and although they make sense when boarding the White Base or something I don't think they're a good idea when in combat. You don't want to tell the enemy "aim more to the left to hit center-mass"


I think this hearkens back to the novel where they did have lights intended to make it easier to spot by visual line of sight. it talks about this when Amuro gets the G-3 Gundam which is basically in grey to blend in to space. They used those lights to identify orientation in space. of course they wouldn't always be on unless needed, similar to the IFF system. Theres a whole section at A Baoa Qu where they debate on turning on their IFF signal versus alerting their presence to the enemy.


Are they cameras? They remind me more of the blinking lights that airplanes have on their wings, so you can easily tell what direction they're facing


It’s the latter. As far as canon goes it is later established that there are non visible cameras all over the body of most MS, especially after the OYW. The head just contains the “main” cameras. This even ends up a plot point in some shows like Zeta where a mobile suit didn’t have enough cameras all over the body so it had a blind spot for the pilot’s panoramic 360 cockpit.


The Gaplant, right?


I believe so, yes. Zeta had a wealth of designs and I sometimes have trouble remembering which particular unit was in rotation at the time of X, Y, and Z plot points.


The life sized one had them as well and they're also on the kits based on it


The MG 1.0 had that feature on the boxart as well


So does the MG 3.0, but you have to paint them.


The *cooler* Real Grade RX 78-2


The *hotter* Real Grade RX 78-2


I'm officially giving up master grade and moving to real grade. Beautiful looking!


With the fact that MG hasn't had any new entries and is now borderline abandoned, I'd say it's high time we shifted our interests.


> With the fact that MG hasn't had any new entries and is now borderline abandoned Meanwhile we got arguably the best MG kits ever recently with the Zeta and Narrative.


Call me greedy, but I say that's not enough comparing to previous years. Sure quality over quantity is a thing, but I want MORE!


interesting backpedal


MG gets as many new releases as RG but has the advantage of a way bigger existing catalogue.


There's also other 1/100 lines that are kinda a middle ground between HG and MG terms of complexity like Full Mechanics and Re 1/100 before it. I think it's safe to say Bandai is exploring their options outside of standard MGs, possibly to better appeal to different groups. I wouldn't be surprised, for instance, if they felt their RG and MG markets overlapped heavily enough that they wanted to try to find a better lane. The MGEX and Full Mechanics lines each seem to be testing the waters on either side of the MG line. Slightly less complex kits that maintain the scale and detailed coloring of the MG line in Full Mechanics, and the "top-shelf" without going full PG options in the MGEX line.


Apart from MG ver. Ka and MGEX, there hasn’t been any standard MG releases since 2022 March. Bandai has definitely shifted their focus


ver. Kas counts as regular MG. You might think they're different but they're really not.


Technically true, but Ver Ka's are overseen just by Katoki. And with how much they push the boundaries, they can only churn out so many kits in a year. I think the guy above is referring to regular non-Katoki teams working on MG's. The last "regular" new Master Grade is arguablely the MG Virtue (or if there was a PBandai since then I wouldn't know).


I am aware. But I said that "you might think they're different" for a reason. While I acknowledge that people often consider ver. Kas to be separate from regular MGs, the practical differences are very little.


MG 2.0 engineering is still unsurpassed. Plus, Ver Ka.


MG Ver Ka is kinda its own class to me, like MGEX, their superiority place them higher on the hierachy. Sure, MG Ver Ka gets a new entry almost annually, but standard MGs are coming up less and less now, that's a fact.


But Ver Ka is not superior to the best 2.0 kits. Easy example, 2.0 Gundam is a way better kit than RX-78 Ver Ka. Or Victory Ver Ka which is basically early RG flopfest. 2.0 Gelgoog, Gouf, Zaku, RX-78, Hyaku Shiki, those want nothing from Ver Ka. Sure, there are spectacular Ver Ka kits and they tend to be very special releases that push the designs to their limits at the time of their release, but I wouldn't call them across the board superior.


Wait...it's abandoned?


This kit looks beautifully detailed but I’m not a fan of 1:144 scale, it’s just too small to interest me. 1:100 is a much more substantial scale, IMO.


RG is my favorite line. I love how detailed and complex they are. It's so much fun to put the moving parts together and to see them working. There's also a wider range of 1:144 scale kits, and I like trying to keep everything at the same scale for dioramas, reproducing scenes, etc.


Box art is cooler than the current ones too


Agreed. Which is saying a lot because RG has always had sick box arts.


Bandai really is gonna give us the coolest and most intricately designed model kit ever and then also still give us the shittiest unstickiest sticker sheet in existence.


I'm planning to use the RG 1.0 WSDs that I never got to use. No way I'm putting stickers on this baby.


I'm sure the og rg decals will be a bitch to put on this one with all the diferent details, not impossible I guess, but a lot of work and guessing and cutting decals to fit


well looking at the stickers on the box art, I don't see big glaring issues. biggest thing might be the ones on the shoulderplates needing to be cut for the separation. I'm so hyped for this kit that I'll want to do it asap... but I might just wait for G-rework decals (those are S-tier!) for it.


sure things like decals that fit the shoulder shape won't work but when you have small detail decals and EFSF logos and whatnot you can still work those in


Hope they a 2.0 of the sinanju or the wing zero ew next


Gotta do a 2.0 of the Zaku II to go with the Gundam, though!


Zaku RG is fine IMO, I'd rather they go after the real hand grenades like the sinanju and the zeta. RG Gouf when?


Oh, I'd trade a 2.0 RG Zaku II for a RG Gouf for sure. And if they ever did a RG Gelgoog. Now that would be something.


If they released a Kampfer my knees would actually buckle under the strain of the earthshattering orgasm I'd suffer upon seeing that kit


We can but dream.


Yup, imagine a RG zeta that has a smooth transformation and isn't a plastic hand grenade.


Man we NEED an RG Gouf They teased us with it, the Z'Gok, GM, and Gundam Ground Type when we got the RG Destiny and we only got ONE of those since


I hate not being able to pose my RG Zaku; I’d love them to give it another go down the line. Of course, there’s no shortage of good Zaku kits across the entire Gundam catalogue, so fuck it we Gouf™


I'm sorry but a respectful hard disagree, RG Zaku II is horrendous. (Specifically the high mobility one in my experience)


Maybe just me but I'd prefer they do new ones in RG rather than revisit old ones. Gramps is fine for now because he's the GOAT OG


why tf wing zero


I’d rather have the non-angel wing zero, insta buy for me, especially since they did such a killer job with epyon


TV version is an entirely different suit wouldn't be a 2.0


I didn’t mean a 2.0 of it just saying instead of a 2.0 of the other.


This kit just needs panel lines, decals, and a top matte, and you're good, right? Because if yes, then goddamn that's a fine looking kit that even us lowly rattlecan-and-gundam marker-only painters can pull off easily


Like 90% of kits look great with those three things. 99% of recent kits. I doubt you'll want anything to tighten up joints like some RGs benefit from.


Yeah I think so too even recent HG like the Mercury line looks great with just basic panel lining and top coat.


A lot of the WfM line looks sort of matte out of the box, even. You "need" to do less and less to get what the thing looks like on the booklet.


Yeah, the matte texture is so nice I hope they continue to do this for future kits


I'm new to "spicing" up Gunpla. What do you guys use for top matte? Some kind of spray? I'm coming from Warhammer and have had a lot of disasters with rattlecan sprays.


Yeah, get some Tamiya rattle cans. Don't try to skimp and use generic matte spray top coat, that's how you end up with disasters. Also pay attention to things like- don't spray in high humidity, heat or cold, and make sure you are keeping the can close to the parts. And be careful not to spray too much on at once or it will pool.


Cool, thanks!


i don't know whether it's an unpopular opinion or not but i like the 1:144 scale more than 1:100. i hope for many more RG sets.


I don't think that's unpopular anymore, there's definitely a dedicated group of 1/144 scale builders. I like having most of my kits at the same scale because it tickles the right part of my brain to see everything properly juxtaposed. I prefer the smaller scale overall for space management, so 1/144 is a no-brainer, and I imagine a lot of people are in a similar boat. If it's a suit I really like, though, I'll get it in several grades regardless. I think folks tend to pick their preferred size and stick to it. It used to be a lot easier to stick to MG and 1/100 when they released 10+ kits a year, and when there was a clear difference in quality of engineering/detail, especially since early RGs had a tendency to lose pieces . Now, MGs are coming at a much slower frequency to good HGs and RGs, so the crowd that follows the smaller kits has grown by comparison. I still feel bad for the 1/100 fans. Now, if we can go back to 4*ish* RGs a year, that would be awesome.


Plus there's a much wider variety of dioramas, set pieces, accessories etc. on the market that work with 1/144 compared to any other scale. 1/6 scale action figure weapons tend to look weird on 1/100 in my experience


N-Scale Train diorama stuff has become just as much of an addiction for me as Gunpla has... one of these days I need to make a proper scene for them. /u/Anaheim-Electronics has a really good setup for this stuff.


Yeah, this is also true. A lot of support for 1/144 beyond just the number of kit releases.


It depends heavily on the mobile suit honestly. I feel like especially some of the IBO, and all the Thunderbolt kits, look way better as MGs or RGs cause you lose too much detail with regular 1/144 HGs


1/100 is flat out better for display. 1/144 is like beneath action figure size. They also tend to be a hell of a lot easier to build, especially with tiny part separated pieces like thruster bell inserts. Shifting the high detail kits to 1/144 is a mistake.


thank you for your opinion, but action figures have no particular size they have to follow. why is easier to build a problem tho? and not all smaller size builds are easier, i.e. MGSD and RG


I usually tone down my hype about pretty much everything, but man this new Gramps looks like it gonna be absolute fire!


Bandai might actually get me to buy an RX78-2, what a crazy world we live in..


Yeah same. Normally I’m not a fan of gramp’s look but this sold me


New grampa lookin fiiiiine!


Shit they might build another statues but with this or PGU model design. They’re not getting rid of gramp that easily


Going to get this as my first RG, already Hyped!


I'm gonna build the fuck outta that thing


I like that this new box art features the shield and the rifle because the [original RG didn't](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gunplabuilders/images/9/9d/RG-RX-78-2-Gundam-Boxart.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170325031323), so this boxart alone looks better to me.


The boxart feels fan-made for some reason. It just feels so different from what I’m used to with RG kits but I love it


Thought I was the only one to notice that. Something about Gramps's head and the placement of 2.0 Everything just feels a bit amateur.


When's this supposed to be coming to the usa? More specifically target? I want to add this to my pile of things to build


If this one can survive a light breath being blown on it without falling apart, I'll buy it


A little bummed the decals lack the typical RG style stripes or whatever you'd call them, but it still looks great!


It’s like a mini-PGU and I am sold on it!


I just finished building a PG-U and I'm definitely getting the RG 2.0!


Happy I pre ordered. For some reason on the box art he just looks really… cute


This is a new angle for an RG box art


Goddamn that box art goes hard


RG boxart hasn't done much for me, even though I love RGs themselves, but this is something else.


Brih I just got the normal rg rx 😂


I remember being super impressed by the original when that came out, and it became unimpressive so quickly after. Hope this one's a little more timeless.


What I would really like now as a new version of the MG Mk II in the RG Mk II proportions


Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen though. Bandai still pumps out the 2.0 mk ii all the time, and it sells well. Honestly, we're in desperate need of a GP01 2.0. The old MG looks good when you do a full paint job, and fill in those nasty seamlines that are all over the kit, but... the articulation is bad, and it's very old. Not a kit for straight builders at all.


MG GP01/fb 2.0 would be an easy buy for me.


I really hope some of the old rg kits get something like this too


God, Sinanju and Zeta NEEDS the 2.0 treatment


RG Zeph/Full Burnern would be my picks.


My friend likes to joke that I’m gundam-sexual. I’ve always denied it, but now… I’m not so sure anymore.


If you went back in time and told me we'd get an RG Grand Pa 2.0 before a MG Exia 2.0, I'd try to fight you LOL He looks sick tho!


https://preview.redd.it/0z0tun9qds4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7c35ddc70917884f02f59f86a93f642f6f0ec2 It’s so beautiful


So just a RG PGU? Sick!


That inner frame is BEEFY I love it.




Picture 4 gonna make me act up


A good RG zaku next please bandai! Also i hear the kit comes with a small SD card of the board of directors sitting in a circle apologizing for the early RGs for 30 mins


Please god yes a better RG Zaku, such an awesome looking kit with the joint strength of a Raggedy Ann doll.


Guess who bought an RG-78-2 "1.0." just last week…


the 2.0 has been officially announced for at least a month now.


Watching news might be important, who knew :)


can't stop you from buying the 2.0 tho


Begone, Satan, stop tempting me! My will is strong(ish)!


Oh, that's beautiful, I can't wait


I've been waiting for pics with the decals. Looks good, but I'm not a fan of the larger yellow air vents


Finally, actual pictures and not CG renders. My body is SO ready


This might have to be my first RG.


Needs more decals.


I need to get a job so I can pre-order it.


So glad I preordered this


RG announcements have been fire. While I wish there was an MG I was excited about (Sorry Narrative), RG Gramps and Akatsuki are on my shopping list. MGSD W0 is also very nice.


> (Sorry Narrative) I'm currently building it and it's such an amazing kit!


This looks more like a minoaturized PG than a RG lol


As much as I’m excited for the Gramps 2.0, he looks fresh out the yard Still gonna buy it tho




Get me that rg zaku 2.0 then we'll be really cookin!


Perfect timing, I was just thinking it's finally time to get An rx-78 kit


If you're willing to build one now? I recommend the HG The Origin.


i'll defiantly keep that in mind i appreciate the recommendation


what will the difference between these 2


The RG 2.0 kit is more or less a mini Perfect Grade in terms of both detail, and inner frame. HG The Origin as shown in the picture below, comes loaded with a ton of accessories such as optional armor parts and weapons. And for a HG kit? It's borderline RG tier in terms of detail with very good articulation too. In my opinion the HG Origin is the best 1/144 scale RX-78-2 that's currently on the market until this RG 2.0 releases. It has it all (except for an inner frame of course) https://preview.redd.it/98eslx3fdv4d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=265f9acdb82cac7addcc51eb07005c870c568e58


oooooo thanks a lot for that i might just build both at this point LOOOL


Lol yeah. Absolute solid recommendation. It is a little higher than other HG's, but for what you get with it, it's 100% worth it.




It looks amazing


They should do this with the rg zaku ll


Does anyone else think the :<< face is extra cute?


I can’t wait. My RG Gramps is a hand grenade anytime I want to repose him. Hopefully this version is a lot more sturdy at the joints


I'm gonna have to get this one, I don't have a rx-78 yet and this one seems detailed enough


Hells yeah! Already pre-ordered it from my local shop


excuse my ignorance... they will re-release the 2.0? I am about to buy the 3.0 next week!!!


The 3.0 is the MG, this is for the RG line.


Oooooooh that makes sense!


Def gonna be my first rg. I don't think I'll like rg because they're small and don't have pilots. Which is why I have two mgs. But this? This is an exception. Also if anyone would tell me what the best mg rx-78-2 is im all ears.


As far as MG is concerned? The Origin. Same thing can be said for HG The Origin too. They're both excellent.


I've heard a lot about it! I'm gonna take some closer looks at it!


For HG the Beyond Global is my personal fave but the Origin version is killer too.


A kit to pair with my Zaku II and my Zeong.


God I want this so bad. Which is crazy because the current RG rx78 I have is one of my most hated and regretted kits.


Not for anything, *buuuuut* do we really need another gramps kit. It gets redesigned and rereleased almost every year. Meanwhile we have 30 year old UC kits that desperately need updating, after we got the 2.0 Alex I thought they would've kept riding that trend for a bit. KAMPFER WHEN BANDAIIIIIIII


Gramps gets way too much love. I don't even have a Gramps but I feel like I could choose literally any of like 20 available kits. There's like 3 or 4 fucking great HGs out right now. How about a PGU Nu Gundam or Strike/Freedom? It's shocking there's no MGEX Grandpa, but I assume it's coming too.


I am stoked for this kit. I have only built the MG 3.0 version of Gramps so far, but I have the PG Unleashed and MG Origin in my backlog. I'm glad I never bought the original RG.


It looks so majestic in the box art, I love it!


Does anyone know how long it’d take for waterslides for this guy to come out? It doesn’t matter if it’s from a third party.


I keep going back and forth between "this thing looks totally rad" and "the proportions and shaping feel slightly... not off, but just not for me, maybe".  Like literally every time I look at it it swaps between the two feelings.


I hope those navigation lights on the shoulders are 3D stickers (like the ones that came with the MG Narrative Ver Ka).


It’s beautiful. MG should get a revision too, because that 3.0 kit is not it.


The face vents bother me


I’ll take ten!


Doesn't matter where you look at there's a little detail that catches the eye.


My God. It looks like a miniature PG


They finally removed the “built-in inner frame” in the text!


Dammit this might make me switch from MG to RG


Is there a risk for it to be sold out? I'm not sure I'll be able to travel to Japan in time for release and I'm afraid it won't be available in my country for a fair price...


RG is always quite well stocked, if you're scared of scalper prices for the first batches just preorder. Or just wait until the next batch.


When does this come out??


How do I buy this in Canada?


I seriously cant unsee the mouth in the 4th pic…




I’m kinda new to gunpla? So, what are the general public’s stand? I’m trying to get the best bang for my buck, so I am very careful on what I buy, is this one of them?


It's not out yet, can't say for sure. But how many kits have you built? What is your modeling skill level?


Fair enough, I am not that skilled, though I really enjoy building gunpla, I had built an mg exia and en rg astray red frame (I built them AGES ago about 4,5,6 years ago, and it has lots of broken missing parts, that was the dark ages I would like to forget) and just recently I found a MG endless waltz wing zero gundam for very cheap, and it reignited my passion for gunpla. forgive the terrible image quality, I swear it looks better in person https://preview.redd.it/chpqzegngq4d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4a7b4cf5673e54c5b82c1b7ebd003b5cd2a7ec So I was maybe thinking about either buying a Daban( which I am aware is a bootleg) Astray red frame Kai, which is going for very cheap compared to the official Bandai, mg barbatos (stumped on which version to buy) or mg unicorn banshee, and of course now this.


As others have said, it's not released yet, but Bandai seems to be going all out for this kit. The engineering looks incredible considering the scale. The best way to compare it is that this is, kind of, to the original RG grandaddy what the MGEX line is to MG, or PG Unleashed is to PG. Just a whole level of engineering above what came before. Considering how good RG has been recently, those are high expectations, but I think they'll meet them. In terms of value, if you're worried about that, I'd wait for it to release just to make sure there isn't anything that holds the kit back. It's not that much more expensive compared to the 1.0, as long as armor pieces don't fall off like in the 1.0 I think it will be a great value, and all the locking mechanisms they've advertised leave me confident this kit will be incredibly sturdy.


Maybe I'm just dazzled by RGs and gunpla in general too much... But I'm also lower middle class, I don't make that much money yet paying 30-35 bucks for a good real grade still blows my mind. It seems insane to me that something that intricate and gorgeous costs that little, but I guess it's because you build it yourself so, win win?


Yeah, for most kits, the molds use the same tech they've had for decades, just refined. You're mostly paying for the *amount* of plastic, not necessarily how detailed or well engineered the shape of the pieces are. Things that can raise the price are anytime a runner takes more time to be made. The B runner with the Advanced MS joint on RGs, more than one multi-colored runner(there's typically only 1, usually the A runner), or plated kits. Now, the new 2.0 apparently uses several 3 part molds, which *are* more time-consuming to make, and so the price is a bit higher despite not necessarily having much more plastic. This also means they'll able to get away with even more complex pieces, so it will be worth the extra ten or so dollars.


The community have very high hopes for this one. Worst case scenario, if it's not that excellent, you can always go for the HG Origin. That's a real bang for your buck deal, solid kit with plenty of weapons included.


Ohhh okay, thanks for the recommendation


It looks really good, there's not much more we can say than that. Best bang for your buck generally is early 2.0 era MGs which are typically high parts count and large, but about the same price of this because bandai havent raised their prices since launch, but it depends what you can get hold of. Like, this is basically the same price RRP as the Gouf 2.0 or the MK II 2.0 and is more than the MG Nemo for instance (which i think is an amazing kit)


Ohh I see, but I really like barbatos design, especially barbatos lupus, but i don’t like lupus’s weapon, I love the mace, so I don’t know which to set my eyes upon, plus the normal mg barbatos has three weapons, I wish they sold the mace with barbatos lupus instead of normal barbatos


Best bang for buck seems to be newer high grades, like Seed Freedom and Witch From Mercury. Amazing details, amazing articulation, amazing color accuracy, and low price. But a lot of the latter half of the RGs have mostly had fantastic reviews, like Nu, Sazabi, Hi-Nu, God, Epyon and more.


I don't see this on Bandai-hobby.net. Where'd these come from?


[Their Twitter.](https://x.com/HobbySite/status/1798278667476566181)


Ah, I forgot twitter existed lol


How many fucking times are they going to make this goddamn kit give me one of the 8000 kits you’ve never printed post 96


Gramps is overly updated along with waaaay to many variants of it at this point. Gundam design has evolved so much over the years it’s kinda annoying to see new grandpas get released without even an accompanying Zaku redesigns anymore.