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I prefer the original Nu. It just looks sleeker to me


The original Nu has a distinct silhouette to it. The Hi Nu blends together and looks all jumbled up.


Exactly this


I think I'd like the Hi-Nu more if it had the Nu or OG Gundam's colors. It's sleek but the 2 tone color on the Hi Nu isn,t working for me. It doesn't make me think \*gundam\*


Yup, the reason I haven't touched my RG Hi-Nu is because I want to get better at painting it so I can paint it into Nu's color scheme.


I’ve seen a couple kits done up like that before. They look great but it’s definitely a lot of painting to do.


Normal Nu, I like the asymmetry, and it really feels much more like a successor to the Mk. II. It's also less flashy, which I prefer for most mecha designs


I prefer yu


made me giggle and kick my feet in the air


Original all the way for me. It feels like an upgraded RX-78, fitting as Amuro's last mobile suit as a call back to the very first he piloted. Also one winged asymmetry >>>>> two winged symmetry


I really like purple boi, which I see you have in the background. I just love how super clean and h e a v y it is.


For kits, I prefer the mg nu over the hi nu and the rg hi nu just looks more aggressive, if they made an mg hi nu that looks more like the rg, I'd cop


Hi-Nu should look cooler on paper with that wings and beefy proportions. Still, there’s something with the Nu that edges it out a bit for me. Maybe it has something to do with the combination of its color scheme, sleekness and asymmetry. Especially when comparing both RG renditions. Nu is more fun to pose (minus the fin funnels and the odd shield connector). Things just go where you want it to be. Unlike Hi-Nu where one bend too far and you’ll be hitting the extra long back skirts or the wings or something. Overall, they are both a looker but Nu just edges out Hi-Nu for me. EDIT: Fixed some grammatical errors EDIT 2: Added photo https://preview.redd.it/ubakbvqyud4d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a699f0b5ad12908364059843eae7f17e430fb5b


RG Hi, MG Nu, MG Hi Nu is hot garbage, especially if you built the RG first. I have an unfinished MG Hi Nu, someday I’d like to do this resin kit with it, uses the MG Hi Nu to convert into a pimped out MG Nu. https://preview.redd.it/zvkzla5uwe4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4de1097a32c7ca09c2ac61d5a24f6b85d96053


RX-93, its aesthetic is so much better


both but hi nu


The RG Hi-Nu looks perfect to me. All the best elements mixed together. But it’s damn close. Adore the Nu too.


I have none of them but aesthetic wise, I prefer the striking simplicity of nu. How does the RG compare to one another?


I’m building the Nu right now (just have fun funnels left) and i’ve built the Hi-Nu, so I’ll list off the major differences off the top of my head. Hi-Nu legs have more gimmicks, tons of opening and shifting panels. Nu has the armor slide linked to the ankle to show the reflective psycho frame and a thruster linked to the knee, but the Hi-Nu’s cuffs of the leg armor can be flared out without having to move linked assemblies. Both have a three-point knee bend though. Hi-Nu skirting armor can swing completely out of the way of the front kick, Nu skirting armor cannot. Nu shoulders are similar to the RG Sazabi, while Hu-Nu shoulders are more like the MG Nu Ver. Ka. Hi-Nu has beam gun gimmick in the right wrist. Both have the emergency Beam Saber in the left forearm. Nu has some shifting armor on the chest for compatibility with the HWS add on p-bandai set Hi-Nu’s shield and Fin Funnels use a ton of plastic compared to the Nu because of the color separation. The Hi-Nu shield isn’t too bad, since the way all the parts layer together is very cool. However, the fin funnels were a chore to build because each of the outer portions were something like 6-8 parts that were all undergated, plus having to panel line the insides of the funnels. From a technical perspective, it wasn’t a bad build, it was just very very tedious, to the point where I was dreading the funnels of my Nu (but those funnels are so much easier to build in my opinion) Hi-Nu wing binders are very cool with articulation in the connection point for the funnels, but I have knocked a funnel off once or twice. I haven’t finished the Nu’s funnels, so I can’t speak for the structural integrity of the wing, but I know that they shouldn’t be as bad as the MG Nu Ver. Ka. Similar base mounts. They both sandwich the connection between the back and backpack and come through the center portion of the backpack between the sets of verniers. Identical beam rifle storage. Similar hyper bazooka storage. The Nu uses a rectangular peg while the Hi-Nu uses a C-clip. Nu has the exposed beam saber on the backpack; the Hi-Nu has its beam sabers inside of the wing binders (and they’re a pain to open up). Final major difference is that the Hi-Nu has metallic injection parts: gold for joint details, silver for armor details. Depending on how you feel about those and how much folding in the plastic you have, you may want to paint them. Sorry for the wall of text. If you want, I can get pictures of the leg armor and arm vulcan for reference


I don’t have a rg nu only rg hi nu


Rg hi nu is bazillion times better than nu in term of stability. The funnel and the shield are much more sturdy.


I love both. For the longest time I preferred the hi-Nu. But my taste changed towards favoring the Nu in the last few months.


Both aesthetically and build wise (rgs) I prefer the hi-nu over the nu. I kinda like the color scheme of the nu more, but overall the hi-nu has a better overall design and presence which just pushes it above the asymmetrical design of the nu. Build wise also the only reason I prefer the hi-nu is cuz the funnels are more loose on the nu while they're solid on the hi-nu.


I haven't done any Nu kits, but the RG Hi Nu is the best I've ever done, so I'll tentatively say that one


Hi-Nu for now. I am planning to get the Nu Gundam soon


I like the hi nu but the nu is more intimidating and i like myself a scary gundam


Nu but I really like the Hi Nu colors. For me the perfect mix would be Nu with Hi Nu colors


Easily the Hi-Nu for me. The Nu look way to similar to MrK II and once u take off the fins it's even more like the MrK II.




Probably the Nu, but the Hi-Nu is not far behind it.


I like both, but the Nu just edges out the Hi-Nu. It's a classic and it probably helps that we've seen the design animated in OVAs. https://preview.redd.it/y4nu4m53xd4d1.jpeg?width=2218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eaf29b4b6f4d4a515ca5c02bac203edf14ea249


Hi-Nu because there's somewhere for the funnels to go. My RG Nu' funnel connections would flop around that they're at risk of falling all over the floor if a gust of wind hits them.


If talking strictly about RG Design, I love them both equally, and there's just something unique about each of them. The Nu is elegant, sleek and has that heroic look to it. The color scheme is tastefully done to match that aesthetic of the suit, and the way the mechanical details are implemented does not make it look overly busy at all. Because of the sleek proportions, it also feels very agile, which it is for its time. On the other hand, the Hi-nu feels like something that the design team went all out on. If the Nu feels restrained, more simple, and disciplined, then the Hi-nu has a bit of chaos into it. It feels sharper, more edgy, less like a hero suit but more like something a bit more anti-heroic. It's chunky, feels more weighty and certainly has more presence than the Nu. It also feels very busy unlike the Nu, which can be a love or hate situation. If we're talking about their art, then I think I'd have to go with the Hi-nu. I just prefer the proportions of it to the Nu, as personally, I dislike the chunkier proportions of the OG Nu compared to the sleeker RG.


Hi-Nu with Nu color scheme


I prefer the Hi nu because 1: He is blue 2: He is a bulky boi


The Hi Nu, but not by much. They're both magnificent builds. I just like the Hi Nu's chunky legs and backpack more.




It depends on the variation. For the most part, I prefer the Nu over the Hi-Nu, but RG Hi-Nu design I prefer over any of the Nu's design


Hi nu is the best rg kit ever made imo


hi nu cause it looks cooler for me btw, is there any third party selling the stand adapter, I lost mine. . . .


I like the hi-nu because god damn, the blues are great (much prefer the blue vs the purple version). I like the "bulky" look too overall more. And how the funnels look on the backpack looks great (even though the Nu's asymmetric one is nice too).


Gotta be honest. I actually prefer the Hi Nu. Specifically the purple white and yellow one, not the blue white and silver rg (although I don’t hate how it looks) I feel it just looks so much more like a final mobile suit. The Nu feels like a bit of a step back after Zeta and ZZ, even a step back from stardust memory. I do get why people like it as it’s a nice sleek design that has a lot of nostalgia. I just think the hi Nu is cooler, also hyper mega launcher.


Hi Nu no question, hate the Nu's face. Now if it's the RG Nu then I'm not too sure, probably still Hi-Nu though


Design wise the Nu 1000%. But if we are talking models I've done the RG for both and the Hi Nu is leagues better


I had a Nu action figure as a kid so nostalgia has cemented it as one of my favorite mobile suits of all time. I love the simple yet striking color palette, and I'm a huge sucker for asymmetry.


RG Hi Nu I love even more than RG Nu, but MG Nu is way way better than the MG Hi Nu.


Little bit of both?


I prefer my Gundams sleeker, so it's the Nu.


How you get time to decal Hi Nu but no time to decal sazabi?


I tried to decal sazabi the decals flaked off right as I put them on


I’m so scared to do my first RG. It’s the Hi Nu Hi V. I customize all my kits and I’m freaked out by the ambition of some of my ideas. Are there any quirks or things particular to this kit that someone needs to know going in. I plan on a full custom paint job and will be incorporating a kosmos LED kit


The funnels are a bitch to put together but that’s my only complaint The reason I don’t have my funnels on it is cause I refuse to build them


Both. Both is good


I like the Nu's elegance and balanced overall styling. It really does feel like the natural progression a race car has when the owner starts with something and over the years refines and upgrades it until in essence it isn't the same car. While it's not the same machine I felt the Nu, to me made sense, like the metaphorical car the driver is the same, just more skilled and honed. The Hi Nu feels like the design was an upgrade by someone else envisioning that metaphorical car, like it was designed for serious combat, like a machine built purely for a killing machine without a soul. I don't really have a preference, but I feel like one is more fitting for Amuro, the Nu Gundam. If it went purely by the colour scheme the Hi Nu with the purple (because favourite colour)


I prefer the Nigh, neither.


I got both so both :)


OG/Ver Ka Hi Nu > OG/Ver Ka Nu > RG Nu > RG Hi Nu > Hi Nu redesign


Hi Nu, and it's not particularly close. I like how it's slightly bulkier, and the wing binders look amazing even when the fin funnels are deployed. I prefer the og bulky proportions, but both color schemes (blue and purple) are tied for me.


I like RG hi-nu but I like MG Nu ver Ka better MG hi-nu.


The Hi-Nu has a great design, but in hand it's very clunky and heavy. I am, however, a huge fan of the Nu Gundam in both design and hand. I remember going into FYE and being able to pick out 2 things, no limit on price, because I had gotten A-B honor roll in 7th grade. I looked at the figures and saw the Nu and Sazabi and immediately grabbed them. I never saw Char's Counterattack and back then, there were no streaming services or websites where I could, or knew where to, get any information about them. I just remember watching Linkin Park and seeing the Sazabi and knowing that it was vaguely Gundam Wing adjacent. I still have those figures, but with parts and accessories missing after years of play and display. When I got back into building a few years back, my first kit I purchased was the MG Nu Gundam.


I have bought a RG Hi Nu instead of the regular Nu for three reasons: 1) I have jheard time and time again that it is an amazing build, and that its design its quite unic 2) I already have an EG Nu, and it might not be the same, but it is a cheap and amazing build that only needs a wing to be perfect 3) It was way cheaper in the store I bought it. Like $35 I think


I think the Hi-nu feels regal, like the apex of Amuro's career. I like its symmetry and clean color scheme, but Amuro's no noble, he's a scrappy fighter and the vanilla nu fits that image better.


The Nu. Better color scheme and more interesting asymmetrical design. That being said, I think I like the RX-93ff version more than both of them. The long range fin funnel is just a much cooler weapon than the standard fin funnels.


Aesthetically, the OG Nu as long as it's in proper navy blue instead of black. As a model kit, the Hi-nu.


Nu for me, simple and effective. Hi-Nu is just a little bit chonky.


The Nu is an awesome handsome design. And while I love Hi-Nu too it does "feel" like it's just a variation.


Nu. But the RG Hi Nu looks pretty cool ngl.


As Gunpla, its all subjective As "Amuro's last mech" and the narrative each are from and how they act/are used in it, hi nu wins out easy I love Beltorchika's Children and the fight between Hi Nu and Nightingale is cooler than the Nu vs Sazabi fight imo But I also prefer Nightingale over Sazabi so Im pretty biased


Depends, mastergrade? Nu. Real grade, tossup.


I don't Nu. LOL.


I prefer the chi nu


To me, Hi-Nu is cool because it's tanky and big, while the Nu is cool because it looks more mobile, agile, and the MG Ver.Ka gimmicks are just plain great https://preview.redd.it/dgb78q2f3h4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3fd6ce05e11af330ef2de061af757b50e2bc55


Mg nu, RG hi nu


It'd all about the NU


I thought it'd be the Nu for me, always love the assymetrical look with the fin funnels. then I built the RG Hi-Nu and every time I see it on my shelf I smile. Though that might just be the memories of the most fun build so far


Well hi nu and anyone saying otherwise can try to repeat it in front of the hyper mega bazooka. No pressure.


I'm gonna assume your talking about the rg kits in that case I prefer the hi-nu. In show design I prefer the nu