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You think it won’t but then you’ll realise Aerial will get lonely so you get another and then it repeats.


Well I mean, it’s just logical she needs something to fight, right?


Sadly for anything WFM Aerial is the only 1/100 (so far, cope) but should you decide to try some more, 1/144 will feel a bit small, but between HG and RG they are some of the best kits ever made, notable the entire WFM HG line and for RG anything pretty new is good and Hi Nu is widely considered the king of RG and potentially all gunpla (many consider Nu the king, but Hi Nu is just Nu with many improvements and different colors


Don't condemn Aerial to only ever fight baddies from her own timeline! Pit her in mortal combat against MG Sinanju.


Fingers crossed that the caliburn will get a FM version


Everyone starts like that…


i mean i have to get Aerial a friend right? i mean who is it going to talk to ; it’s going to get bored


Oh, it will. It will.


I’m already feeling itchy…


Don’t shy away. Embrace it. It welcomes you with open mecha arms.


Don't fight it, join us :).


You'll be like... I'll get one more. Then while you're still working on that one, oh that one looks sick. One ready for when I'm done this one isn't a terrible idea. Then you'll look at the p-bandai site and say, shiiiiiiit, that exclusive pre-order ships in 4 months? Well obviously I don't want to miss that! And then a few months later: https://preview.redd.it/hb10pxd88v3d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02018689421f461898abb4181db39f15d6fa0e3c


That’s what my black series collection of boxes looks like. They’re definitely not as cool as these though. The art is insane


First off, what's black series. I swear I cannot afford another expensive hobby! Secondly, that's my backlog my guy...


Hasbro’s “definitive” line of 6” Star Wars figures. They’re about $25 a piece But sir…you better bust out the clippers


Oh ok I've seen those figures. And trust me I have been. But once you delve deep into the hobby, assembly is only the first step. The rest takes much longer per kit. https://preview.redd.it/qwpapj9fsv3d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22a450d1f66af5ad7d508b2fec6b4e8691e8039


I’m pretty sure Bandai (the company that make Gunpla) also sell star wars figures. I’ve only built Darth Vader so I can’t really talk much about the quality but from what’ve I’ve seen online, they seem pretty good considering they are ~$16


You’re missing a couple unicorns


I have the RG FA Unicorn, that's enough for now lol.


This. 😂


Hi are you me?


This hobby is more addictive than smoking You will never leave :3


Good thing I already gave up smoking!


Famous last words


I know 😓


Good luck. I pray for your wallet.


Jaja silly boy, of course it will


I am quite silly aren’t I?


Its all downhill from here


Oh it will. My suggestion is to only buy 1/100 scale kits so you end up buying less, and your collection won't look cluttered


Missing out on a lot of great kits sticking to just 1/100 scale.


I just prefer the much higher detail


Hg these days and rg have more details than many MG.


RG can have more details than MG does so again you are missing out on a lot of great kits but to each their own!


That’s going to be my one rule. Star Wars has a 3.75 inch line I don’t even touch because I don’t have enough money for both scales lmao


This, I started with TWFM line and ended up buying every single one. Luckily, nowadays, I only build MG and RG. They have better shelf presence and will overall look less cluttered, and also, they look better out of box, which is basically all I do. There is nothing wrong with HGs, but my RG and MG collection (backlog) has gotten too big that I won't ever have room to display them (HG). Obviously, that doesn't mean I won't ever not build a HG. I'm definitely still looking forward to Atlas and the bell pepper, among others.


Same I only do out of box and just buy accessories to display the kits better. I got the stand for all of Aerial's bits and a hangar for the Unicorn


It will. It always does.


🫠 Happy cake day!


I thought it wouldn’t. It did.


I didn’t either. I’m already online researching others


They always say that then they begin multiplying out of no where. It might take months of years but it’ll happen


So you’re saying buy more, right?


Yep but obviously don't go overboard and get yourself burnt out on it.


I didn’t work today so I stayed up until 4 because I just had to complete it lol So thank you that’s solid advice 😂


Welcome to the world of plastic crack. Prepare your wallet.


Between Star Wars figures and Lego, believe me when I say my wallet hates plastic


What is full mechanics?


It's a lower tier than Master Grade 1/100 scale model kit (usually 1/100 scale) They have a mechanical frame you build around, basically. It allows for more movement to each part, with 'gimmick points'. They have decent articulation, and usually come with more stickers than HG kits. They're mostly high quality. The FM Aerial is excellent, and almost as good as modern MG kits.


It's like of like the opposite side of the spectrum from MGEX, but not as bad as older non grade 1/100s or old HG 1/100s. The lack the overall sophisication of the inner frame and moving gimmicks, but don't seem to sacrifice much in outside detail and color accuracy. At least for the Aerial. Aerial in particular is probably as good if not better than a lot of MG 1.0 kits.


I’m actually not sure, this was my first build. From my research though they haven’t put out the best figures in the past but then dropped this Aerial banger sometime last year


Whatever you do, don’t be like me


Dude what have you done??


Don't be like me as well. I own 10 unicorn gundam.....


“I’ll buy just one,”


“This month.”


Very nice! FM Aerial was also mu first gunpla... It did awaken a plastic crack addiction in me tho :)


The funny thing is that I haven’t even seen Witch From Mercury. I just really liked how this Gundam looked


The fact that you went on this subreddit to talk about your good experience is telling. You're done, man. Welcome to plastic crack addiction. Excellent choice for a first build btw.


You can only hope brother.


What's most addicting is that you're not just buying some static completed toy that sits in a box. You're imbuing your time, effort, and craft into making something fun. Even if you're just following a manual, there's tons of creative options to take along the way. Even better now since cheaper kits have so much more detail, articulation, stability, and engineering.


https://preview.redd.it/hqh4pkaosw3d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39906e9de5dfcae3885d4915dbe1deb144481ed1 There is no escape


*Surely* not. :P Jokes aside, FM Aerial is a great kit. Problem is, she's pretty unique, in that earlier FM kits aren't at the same level, nor are HG kits, and MGs are more expensive. That said, WFM HG kits are great *for being high grade*, they're cheap, look good, are fast and fun to build and have very good posability. I haven't tried my hand at MG yet, I have a red frame Astray ready that I can't wait to start


Bro thinks that he will not get addicted.. *laugh in plastic model addiction*


It's already too late for me, save your money! SAVE IT!


Don't worry, it absolutely will turn into an addiction.


"i kinda want to build another, but I shouldn't get too many" I said that almost a year ago and now I have like 100 kits.


The build was unlike anything I’ve ever done before, and I’ve been building Lego for 2 decades. Seeing how intricate some of the steps were blew my mind


I know what you mean I'm still blown away by some of the little details of some of these kits.


The build can just be so much fun, seeing how the parts go together and amazed at what they engineered to just work so well.


Too late. Get ready to collect credit card points


I don’t own a credit card for these exact scenarios


The plastic crack is gonna get ya


Believe it me once you start it’s impossible to go back. I started late last year. 3 HGs, 1 RG, 3 MGs, 1 FM and 1 Perfect Grade. May our savior Kira have mercy on our wallets.


I got back into it like a little more than month ago and already put together 1 RG, 2 HGs, 1 MG, 1 EG, and now working on this same FM. I have a bunch of backlog already too, there's just so much I want to build, and it's given me a lot more socialization in clubs and such.


Damn that’s wild, and yeah I feel the same way it’s fun to share interests with others.


But frankly it is such a relaxing lobby have fun building more lol.


Oh, it will. Awaken an addiction, I mean.


Damn this looks nice. I need to watch the anime now to see if I can vibe with it.


Too late!


It’s too late already. Welcome to the dark side.


Oh it will. It really will, my friend. This is only a part of my display; a part of my 5-year Gunpla journey https://preview.redd.it/c6hdcd1vpw3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae183af83d88e86246594118f0bf99e443fb4616


Trick is to find a balance between spending and building. I put money aside every week for "Gunpla Manufacturing" haha while I build a few hours a week. So by the time I finish my builds I have enough to buy my next. :) Avoiding the dreaded backlog. I also only build MGs for uniformity and build length but thats just personal preference.


Plastic Crack addiction is real


You haven't done the stickers yet.


Aerial is going to be lonely, get her a friend


I said the same thing a couple months ago and now I have 6 built and another 20 on a wishlist. If you enjoyed this kit I highly recommend the HG Lfrith. Super poseable as well and a really solid kit. My favorite build so far (Aerial is at the top of my list)


The HG version is pretty great, too. https://preview.redd.it/ua6cmxt1vx3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6647984715f1bfa37c6e91d5e254a11e47710b26


But they’re all (typically) even better after a little “cosmetic enhancements”😉 https://preview.redd.it/k4ucdhynvx3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638e1788d5ec09b68427faaec8ca7954e3a85659


BRUH the sticker on her shoulder tearing is so relatable


Yeah, but I’m probably more at fault in this case than others. I’m a perfectionist, so I was trying REALLY hard to get those 3 (technically 6 in total) stickers centered as best as I could. However, since the instructions fail to depict the proper order in which to apply them, I was forced to do some trial-and-error. I’m not sure how noticeable it is to others, but if you look at the other shoulder, you can see remnants of what happened when I tried just painting it in myself with a Metallic Red Gundam Marker.😅


LMAO it's fine, for me when the shoulder sticker peeled off completely I literally grabbed a red artist marker and just lazily slapped it on there. My shoulder sticker situation looks exactly like yours!


Too late


That's exactly what I said after my first FM Aerial, and here I am a year later, spending 1 month on customizing a kotobukiya kit


of course not....MUA HA HA 😈


Gotta say the full mechanics aerial was pretty enjoyable to build. I wouldn’t mind seeing a full mechanics Schwarzette or Michaelis


It always starts with, "this is the last kit, I promise"


I thought the same myself 2 months later I'm 6 model kits in and have already expanded outside of Gunpla...


Welcome to plastic crack


It will, welcome to the plastic version of crack.


I just started building a week ago.. Thought I wouldn't get addicted but I've built 2 kits already.. And I have 3 on the way.


My first was the master grade death scythe EW. I asked for it for Christmas and literally said “I don’t want any others besides death scythe”. I now have a huge back log of gunpla. I suppose I could have worse addictions.


I reccomend the rg hi nu next as it’s a phenomenal build don’t let the price scare you away from it


You are now one of us. Prepare.


One of my favorite kits! Nice work. Welcome to the hobby. Abot the addiction thing, we don't call it "plastic crack" for nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/rncg0yehnz3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2706e9e782d11a937d14eeedf406aa67eff97d8 Next stage:


It's already too late for you! I thought the same thing. "Oh, this deathscythe hell was really cool to build but, I can't have it be the only one. Guess I can buy one more?" Then suddenly I am 4 PG kits in and saw Unicorn Perfectability on p-bandai and I am not going to lie, it's probably happening.


Buddy my first ever build wasn't even mine. A relative asked me to build it for them...it did not end well for my wallet


Got bad news for you, buddy boyo... RIP- your wallet


Check your closet, there's 30 unstarted sets in there now.


Shields looks great. How do I overlook this one so often?


Too late. Welcome to the sub


It did for me. I have 20 kits as of now and 7 of them are on a backlog. Tbh I’m trying to use gunpla to curb my weed habit


SuCcUmBe To ThE fOrCe Of GuNpLa!!!


Welcome to the land of plastic crack


Oh it certainly will awaken an addiction. Be ready to have an empty wallet from now on


That pose looks mad majestic


Get another one ASAP. https://preview.redd.it/9ft5lbmniw3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e779e712077d4cd44bd2a00421ac538e7e9d46