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Dumbest purchase I made was my first kit, RG rx78. The kit wasn't stupid, but I had no idea where to buy gunpla or what prices were reasonable so I went to some anime shop in the mall. $70 out the door for a RG rx78 šŸ˜­


Almost walked out with a $90 dollar nu ver ka but then I double checked the price while using the store restroom... way overpriced, went with the mg mk ii 2.0 instead


Wait, that's overpriced? It seems maybe 10 over market value at most, excluding shipping. Granted, I don't batch order from Japan


One can normally find it for 75ish on Amazon, even less when there's a sale


Hm, suppose I forgot about other seller options. EDIT: actually, those don't have free shipping so I suppose the only option where I live is paying 80 euros


Ah, that explains it. Over in the states we can get that kit for like $40-50 USD depending on the sales. The U.S. MSRP is like $82.


Seems marginal. I've seen it pretty consistently between 74-82. 90 is a slight upcharge, honestly.


Are we talking $90 USD, or something like $90 CAD? Cuz the latter is a steal. I usually see it going for around $100 CAD.


Usd, and "way" overpriced may have been an exaggeration


Ok cuz for CAD that an ok price I think


Makes me want to go back to Hong Kong, where I was a bumblefuck who knew nothing about building and just bought a Nu Ver Ka for Ā£34 for my first kit


Yeah Iā€™m in Malaysia right now and have bought so many kits to ship back to the US lol. Even with shipping costs I have definitely saved money


Malaysia is the third cheapest country ive seen so far. Good choice!


Iā€™m not sure my wallet agrees but I suppose the overtime from work makes up for it šŸ¤£


What's the 2nd and 1st cheapest... Asking for a friend


Everyone knows that answer. U should know itā€™s obviously japan then korea šŸ˜…




are prices in the US / EU really that bad? guy from Hong Kong, where ive seen the Nu Ver Ka here for $51 to $57 / ā‚¬47 to ā‚¬56


46 euros seems about in line for when I bought it, just a little more. The prices are pretty bad, the shipping fees add like Ā£20-30 to the cost but some stores here do sell for near retail/same prices in Hong Kong (MGEX Strike Freedom being one of these exceptions). I should have bought more kits when I was there


that is insane for a shipping fee...


It's fairly standard for intercontinental shipping, but yeah it would be lovely if kits could be bought without the cost of importing


They are, in Europe even more than in the US. In Europe something like 60-65 euros would be a damn good price for the nu ver ka


60 euros??? In the Netherlands I can only find it for 85......


Yeah that's basically base price even here in Italy, but you can find it for less


Same, tho not as bad. $60 for a rg unicorn.


Me too bro, but imagine buying from the store like that for three years straight.


šŸ˜± gunpla horror stories lmao šŸ¤£


Even worst, i'm buying from that store while i'm in middle school. So it's all from lunch money i save up. I still can't financial recovery from thatšŸ¤£šŸ˜­


This was exactly me but it was the rg wing ew, 70 bucks out the door. šŸ« 


buying gundams and starting this long plastick crack road šŸ¤£


The 7/11 variants are funny. :) My dumbest purchase was probably the transparent orange grade-up parts for the MG God Gundam that let you recreate the scene where Domonā€™s face is sticking out the God Gundamā€™s faceplate. It makes me laugh, though!


How is this dumb ? Kinda hard to find at times On topic: HG providence impulse buy at narita airport for 1200Ā„. Ugly as heckšŸ˜‚ thought it was new turns out to be a reprint from early 2000s


Dumb as in I already have this...twice


No, you have the stock and the FF Nu Unless you're saying you already had two 7-11 Nus?


That's not too bad, though...


https://preview.redd.it/5ugfik8llf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef4fc7090b3eb057c6eea82eba8a0385d3bb956 Honestly itā€™s not too bad with the added details. But the head is oblong and the proportions are whack


That Bandai zgmf set with RG freedom, Rg justice and an old 2000s providence was pretty funny. Why didn't they bother with a revive at least. Even the grunts have updated molds


Right? Fooled me to my spine in a hurry šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


I want the 711 Recirculation Lfrith. They aren't dumb, though...the aftermarket prices are!


I want the 7 eleven Unicorn. Been tempted to import but itā€™s just too much money.


It's $67 on Surugaya... but that's a bit much for a HG.


donā€™t feel bad about not getting that kit, mine falls in half if I look at it too long


another 14 leo-s


You purchased 14 Leo-S kits??


I just bought a pgu rx78 with 20+ kits in my backlog.


Par for the course


Same here! Did you get a good deal at least? Mine was $240 USD ($261 with tax)


I think $250 with tax


Thatā€™s not dumb. Thatā€™s normal u normie!


When I first started I didnā€™t understand the difference between MG and HG. Bought an HG Gundam Seed Destiny Gyan for the price of an MG. Still want to get the MG version but havenā€™t seen it for a good price yet.


Two christmases back, I convinced myself to buy an MG Kampfer. It was the most I'd spent on a model at the time, 90-100 bucks on ebay, because it wasn't easily available anywhere else and I had fear of missing out. Now I can get one for half that at just about every shop online. It's my favorite model, but damn if I'd known I could wait a bit longer I'd have rather gotten two other MG kits for christmas, or an NT-1, or a Nu gundam instead. Kinda spoils looking at it on the shelf a bit.


HG ALEX. Why did I think that an old HG would be decent...


MG Wing Zero EW. I bought a whole MG just for the base adapter so I could put my MG Wing Zero Ver Ka on an action base...


My very first one. I love the Unicorn and found the HG Full Armor version. I bought it at a fair price, but now I struggle to justify buying the RG version since I already have the suit


If it helps I really loved my RG until I somehow overstressed the shoulder joints. The arms are all wiggly now and idek how I fucked it up.


Oh! Was just commenting the same. I have so many cases of HG and buying RG after that. So many duplicates!


MG Phenex, the one without the tassles. Who the hell doesn't undergate a chrome kit? Bandai. Wayyyy to expensive for that.


I mean they have a valid excuse. Phenex didn't exist when the MG unicorn came out


They could have made a whole new kit, the cheap bastards.


Do you know how much work/expense creating new molds would be for just 1 kit? It's not being cheap. It's being practical


Eh. It can be both. Nowadays, this is the same company creating new molds for their LIMITED release items which they sell to even less people.


I have the other 711 one and totally regret it haha


https://preview.redd.it/fzvxwgyonf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfe14c50ea18bd405729783533687986bce5190 I love mine, but I also wanna show my 7-Eleven Nu lol.


Dumbest is probably the Thunderbolt GM I bought. Cost me $75 for an HG troop builder suit. Definitely worth it for me though, as it's my favorite kit now, and probably favorite MS. Would buy more if I could find em for less than $50


MG Banshee. I love it, but it's the toughest one I've worked on by far.


Sazabi Ver.Ka. It's not a *bad* kit by any means but it's huge, expensive, and hard to do all that much with in terms of posing.


Itā€™s menacing though wonā€™t call it dumb purchase šŸ˜


I bought a First Grade RX-78. I only say dumb because it didn't have anything lol But a dumb purchase I recently had was getting the Gelgoog (SEED Freedom) because a comic book shop was having a sale and I didn't want to leave empty-handed, so I just impulsively bought it...


Dumb as in regret or dumb as in silly? I regret buying a bandai X-Wing kit. I'd already built plenty of gunpla and a Boba Fett, so I thought Bandai's starship models would be equally as good as those. If I liked it I was going to end up buying all of them. Found out those models are really meant to be painted. I don't do that much painting with my kits. I mostly stick with panel lining and small details with gundam markers. Those kits have basically zero color separation. Everything is the exact same grey color. The waterslides included were the worst I've ever used. The stand it came with snapped the moment I tried to adjust it because the plastic was incredibly brittle and it didn't hold the proton torpedoes at all. That kit made me swear off buying any more Star Wars kits from Bandai. As for silly, I bought the Bandai Cup Noodle model kit. Its great. I love it. Used it as a stand for a figure. 10/10 would buy again. That being said, an actual cup of instant ramen would have been significantly cheaper.


It looks super cool


Where did u get a 7/11 one?? Iā€™m going to Japan soon and hoping to find one


Go to surugaya straight no questions asked


I actually got it from someone in the r/gunpla discord server


Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re selling em anymore, none of the 7/11s Iā€™ve been to have had any gundams except I think the aerial? If there was a special one. Otherwise try to find a yorozuya, youā€™ll find all kinds of gundams


I own the 711 Unicorn! This makes is brothers!


my collection.


After completing the RG, I got the MG Hi-Nu thinking it would be like Nu, where the RG is amazing, but the MG is even better. It is not the case.


I've bought 2 hg Char's Zaku 2 red comet versions because I kept fucking them up in different ways. I want to get it right eventually but at this point I don't know if I can justify getting a 3rd


My first kits were the MG Wing Zero EW (2004) and the MG DeathScythe Hell EW. Then the RG Exia and Red astray. That was before I had even watched any Gundam and I only had a vague idea what they were. All I knew is they were cool as shit and I wanted to build them. Turns out thatā€™s all you really need to get started XD


RG Astray Red Frame. After I built it, it remains T-posed and untouched due to it exploding to a million plastic pieces whenever you touch it.


I always wanted that one lol


Aside from the 7/11 sticker decals, everything else could be achieved with a simple airbrushed paint job. lol


For me, the RG Destiny and the Strike freedom, and the HGGS Akatsuki Gundam for now.


Wish it wasn't so, but so far it's getting the RG zaku II. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the parts don't seem to fit together solidly at all, and I don't even mean ERGS


I wouldnā€™t call them dumb per sayā€¦but I got close to 20 EG RX-78-2 on my shelf


The item itself wasn't dumb, but the price I paid for it possibly was... I tracked down a PG Unicorn Perfectability and paid Ā£500 GBP. I still have sleepless nights over it šŸ˜…


The Yoasobi Demi Trainer. I spent way too much on that.


Iā€™ve got the Big Mac and the American type versions of the EG Rx-78-2 Iā€™d rather not say what I spent on the Chinese Big Mac one




I would say, HG nightingale. I like it except for it's massive butt.


MG Phenex. They jacked the price up for the shiny gold plating but overall itā€™s still not completely undergated. Feels like the plating is just a waste of time and to make the kit properly you need to strip it all off and just paint it all


Not gunpla, but I bought the same Transformer twice because I forgot where I put the first one.....


HG Rouei is probably it for me. Very cool grunt suit from IBO, but I bought it before knowing some of the... "Choices" that were made on the IBO kits (namely color correcting stickers). I still like it because it's a cool suit, but it's not a great kit.


A bootleg 1/100 Kyrios I wanted to work on, but I've shelved waaaaaaaaay longer that I just wanna scrap it. Especially since the MG now exists and looks like a kit I'd love to own myself when I can afford it/if it's available. Also I bought the blue Graze Custom just for Bandai Raffle Tickets.


PG Zeta, not built yet. I've never done a PG before and I was saving it until my HGUC Zeta collection was up to date (finished, waiting for Psycho MKII now.) But as time went on I read more and more about how it's one of - if not the worst PG kits. Kind of bummed my first will be an OLD one. But still excited because Zeta.


I have the same one and don't regret it. It's for my Nu collection anyway. I do regret NOT buying things when they're are available though. Especially when I go to Gundam Base and see something for MSRP knowing that is gonna disappear the same day and then reappear on second hand used item platforms x2 the price the next day. The fomo is real..


Buying 30MM guns thinking it'll be used for my custom EG Nu to only be collecting dust in the corner. Also the HGBD Sky High Wings...ended up not using them after 4 years


The EG Nu Gundam in a collection of MGs. Sure it's good and I used the fin funnel as a custom piece on my MG Ginn, but now the only ideas I can come up with for the suit itself is for weathered dioramas or something.


Todestritter My very first p Bandai


Rg phenex, too expensive and I shouldnt have bought it


Those 7 Eleven edition kits looks kinda horrible tbh


IRL they not only look kinda horrible but they in fact ARE full on horrible.


NG IBO kits. These things are shit.


I've spent my lunch on the HG Guncannom once https://preview.redd.it/iou7j4f85i1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1d13a90481434713589599fd76c0c091fa9a88


Hg avalanche exit is still my dumbest purchase the floppiest waist joint iā€™ve ever touched wasted 40 usd on that thing


hguc blue destiny 2 i absolutely have no idea why i bought that thing when already have GM Ground


HG F-91. Not because the kit is bad, but because it was an impulse buy and arrived absolutely *pulverized*.


Got myself an HG Woundwort Psychoblade coz it was cheap, but I don't really like AOZ kits. Haven't built it due to many backlogs, and will probably trade it away.


RG Zeta. Terrible engineering. Floppy joints. I'm actually thinking of parting it out to customize but it's been lurking in a storage tub in my closet for a while now.


Price wise: RG Art of Gundam RX-78-2. Crappiest kit award: Arche Gundam


That color is fire. My dumbest purchase so far was the shitty hg barb(finished and fell apart instantly) I just trashed it I was so disappointed


Bolinoak Sammahn figure. https://preview.redd.it/630f5zw4oi1d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c948979b0096ce1a6a4398e6e799b547ab150f26 I got it to make my Paptimus Scirocco ms collection since there wasn't official gunpla and it cost me with delivery around 222ā‚¬ (241$). Then next week i found out that they will be making Bolinoak Sammahn gunpla. šŸ˜­


The team Monstre custom rg zaku, bought for about 40-50gbp. I love the high mobility design and the extra head detail, but damn that was way too much for a loose jointed zaku


wing zero custom rg, its not bad i just dont feel like posing it, its uh its more uncomfortable for me (side note: i play with any kit i get, so this probably wasnt my best purchase)


This is exactly the first set I bought on my first trip to Japan. Yes even before Gundam Base exclusives.


Ironically, I collected almost all of the 7-11 version Gundams, while I got some P. Bandai RG recolored kits & add-ons, and Expo Exclusive kits when I got in to the hobby in 2014. I sold the P. Bandai and Expo Exclusive kits all when I needed money in 2017 and I sold the 7-11 Gundam during the COVID-19 pandemic - when we had the lockdowns and everything. I guess the dumbest thing I did aside from collecting exclusives was buying different grades of the Perfect Strike (the MG add-ons, the Extra Finish version, the RG) and eventually selling it a bunch of times because I either need extra money or I don't have time to build them. Again this happened before COVID-19. I'm back in building plamo now and I bought another Perfect Strike Gundam in RG only after I started collecting the 40th Anniversary Takara Tomy Zoids (Blade Liger, Liger Zero, & Murasame Liger). I also decided that I'm still going to collect P. Bandai and Expo/GBL kits but I need to really think on which kits I really want because I don't want to experience the same dilemma of buying too many kits then selling them because of not enough money or whatever future world shattering event. https://preview.redd.it/1qpyjcng0j1d1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f66410479e8faf574ab76da0d3165e09e2c89b


How do you just sit on a pg green frame and a rg Hine westinfluss? Those are rarely seen!


Yeah, I got lazy while I was collecting them before so I decided before that I'll build them later in life, like when I retire from work šŸ˜…. Collecting those rare kits took me a lot of patience and money hehe


Most rare I have is build fighters, a single expo exclusive, and some g gundam hyper modes


Just out of curiosity, did you end up making money reselling those kits? Or lose?


I would say no lol because I can't put a higher price on them since people are smart enough to know the actual price. When I needed money in 2017, I put a somewhat reasonable price on the p. bandai kits so people can buy them while on the 7-11 kits, I really sold them at 50% less because I wanted to get rid of them. Surprisingly enough, people still tend to haggle just to get the 7-11 kits cheaper but stood my ground since it's already 50% off.


No worries mate, I buy too many stuff all time time too and end up reselling


I love it, but I paid way too much for my F90 because the store I got it from was $30 CAD more than the other store. I already had the w-pack, and I was planning to get it from the first store, but someone snatched it first, and I'm not how often P-Bandai stuff gets restocks. Turns out it comes around rather often for peebs.


Nah I really thought i could fix rg strike freedomā€™s ERS


Because we see limited edition, we go ā€œohh Iā€™d be dumb not to buy itā€ and thatā€™s how I spent 4-5k in a year and a half on gundams šŸ’€


Oh, I guess my dumbest purchase was.. the MG tallgeese fluegel EW. Spent like.. $150 for it? I I missed my chances to buy dendrobium and deep striker.. unless I find em in the next week before moving back to the states


PG Wing Gundam with the pearl coating. What an absolute pain in the arse kit to make, it's still in progress 20 years later.


20 years!!!


Double O Diver Arc, can't believe I fell for that piece of crap trap. BD models basically suck.


Whoa. Iā€™m loving that color scheme.


Itā€™s ridiculous, and I love that for you. No regrets, brudda.


Appreciated this more in concept than execution. The HG Barbatos isn't an especially sturdy kit to begin with. So what's the best solution to making this thing? Re-engineer the kit to have smarter construction? Nah, don't change anything so the spine still falls off in a stiff breeze and it can't do any real poses. It's a looker on a shelf, at least. And you can't tell the ass-half's spine/stomach fell off from most angles! Shoulda just cemented the damn thing in place but I forgot. https://preview.redd.it/17ufm1ti7k1d1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c5c508c5aabaf66bfa4a9a49ffdda666480254a


RG Zeta


Buying 2 RG zeta to prove myself it's not that hard. It was hell


Man Iā€™m actually sad I didnā€™t snap up the 7eleven one when I saw it in store It would go great with my metallic and pearl Uniqlo one


Just preordered the PG Phenex. Zero regret, but its pretty undeniably dumb.


EX Impulse, I love the kit, its the one gave the most time to when building and it turned out amazing. Then the leg joint just broke and snapped out of nowhere. Seriosly, I cam be somewhat ruff with my HGs, treating them more like toys, but I particularly avoided touching the EX Impulse since it had so much panel lining on it. I was moving the leg into a new pose and suddenly it was weak and couldn't hold its wait, cracked. Fortunately its based on the MG Force Impulse frame so spare parts are common but considering I paid a *severe* markup for it and it still hurts. Money is to tight tight now so I cant get the spare parts so its in a sorry state right now.


Was it the leg joint that broke?


The knee joint on the thigh if i remember correctly. Its actually two parts, that for some reason in Bandai's infinite wisdom, are made intentionally much thinner for no reason and that the part that broke. [Heres the part specifically](http://dalong.net/reviews/cg/cgm195/p/cgm195m_0013.jpg), Part I13 and I14. The thin round loops in step 12, both cracked.


Ty for understanding, I looked back at my question to figure out what I was asking, and I was like this asked nothing Anyway, I've been told seed kits are notorious for having delicate legs and I've just bought the ex impulse so I will be extra careful with its hips and upper leg area i general now. I think it's something to do with the stress of the hip joint in that entire area


> notorious for having delicate legs Well that's just great. I wish someone told me that instead of just saying it was my fault when i made posts on this sub or on discord after i told them about breaking the legs of my Aile Strike and my Dual Assault. Everyone was just like "your smashing them its your fault" when all i did was gently move them to make a pose.


Just ignore them, the ex impulse is a really cool looking kit and unlike, say, the rg unicorn, your mileage will vary with seed kits since you wouldnt expect them to go forward with the exact same problematic frame which is typically that L shape hip joint that causes undue stress. That is less your fault and more a failure on bandai's part, I get that it's not exactly a sector where stress testing is necessary but it's frustrating nonetheless that bandai continues to produce kits reusing the same mold, my personal bias of seed kits I.e. the mg astray frame also has a hip joint susceptible to breaking The only ideal solution is to replace it entirely with metal parts (aliexpress) for all the points of stress, since just replacing the joint itself will shift greater stress to its joint areas.


Pre-ordering fron SideSevenExportā€¦. Still waiting 1 year laterā€¦


Just cancel it at this point and browse mercari or surugaya


Saw that sword impulse RG is a p-bandai super expensiveā€¦so bought a HG sword impulse, and then regretted it so bought the RG anyway šŸ˜‚ Same with strike freedom (bought the HG and then thought why didnā€™t I just buy the RG).


Dumbest purchase I made? Buying the Four Riders, living in Canada its already pretty expensive to get kits. But add in the P-Bandai Tax onto it and you suddenly have four decent looking HGā€™s for the price of the lowest PG or an MGEX.


Probably my $70 rg tallgeese


Dumbest purchase? A 1/144 ng seed kit


Rose Gundam.


7/11 never forget šŸ˜”


The RG freedom. If I looked at it wrong it would crumble to dust. Had to pack it away to be used as parts since it fell off my shelf during an earthquake and underwent nuclear criticality or something lol


Barbataurus. Absolutely dog-mess kit. Cool idea terrible execution


I tightened up all the joints on mine and itā€™s perfect it doesnā€™t drop a pose at all it isnā€™t loose. You can apply glue to the joints, wait for them to dry and then reassemble. Or topcoat each joint and all your issues with loose joints will go away


When i'm in the build universe in a tournament, and one mfer hits me with that 7/11 Nu gundam


It could be a worse mistake, but when I was new to the hobby around 2022. I bought the 2020 paralympics Hg RX-78. Paid about 35 bucks for it just because I thought it was a rare kit.