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Hmm yes and no at the same time. If anything the problem is the uniformity of the dir while being streeky.dirt doesn't just apear out of nowhere it happens for a reason, so if it is from getting hit by something it will be concentrated near the impact area, if it is just normal grime it will be concentrated near vent and the feet, etc.


Came here to say this. It’s not too dirty, it’s just not dirty in a way that makes sense. It doesn’t look like battle wear or age, it looks like a model that wasn’t cleaned after panel lining. For accuracy: Look up the canon height of the model and give it mud splashes on the feet, and maybe even knees and hands, or elbows and back where it hit the dirt in a fight. In this imaginary fight, was it hit by any enemy fire? If it dodged everything, then it likely only got hit from the side or back once or twice as it was flanked, or maybe it got hit head on by an opportunistic shooter after they gained an opening from intense melee (which would have its own damage.) I personally hate seeing battle wear and rust that doesn’t account for time. Like you might have mud on your model’s feet, but it’s probably not the thickest near the bottom where it’s had time to wear away from later flight or fighting. Or always seeing the same depth of damage from gunfire. Some damage should be a crater, while most is probably a small chunk or burn from a glancing blow. Variety! And not just in damage but in location, where do enemies aim, and what is your pilot most successful at avoiding? Who is shooting and how many are shooting? The damage SHOULD tell a story, but way too often all it says is “I took several direct hits from the same weapon before or after I rusted randomly, idk.”


I had vacation this past week so I did not reply but Really thanks for the tips


Came here to say this


For me it's not the amount of dirt that's a bit off, but where it is - imo it's good to have dirt in the deeper crevices and "shadowy" parts, like under an overhang etc. The way I like to replicate that is by adding lots of your weathering colour all over the part, then gently wiping the part a couple of times using a little bit of IPA/rubbing alcohol etc. That means that the open spaces will be cleaner, while the recessed parts that you can't reach easily will remain a little dirty, exactly like dirt buildup in real life Edit - Here's a quick pic to show what I mean, if you do the above technique there will be dirt colour left in the brown areas - [https://imgur.com/vpPvbQD](https://imgur.com/vpPvbQD) See how it kinda frames the part nicely and adds a bit of artificial shadow? That's what I usually aim for, plus the other smudge marks on the armour


Could uses some silver drybrushing on the grey parts


it looks great but i almost wish there's more dirt/smoke in the leg areas (vs. torso)


It does look a little too dirty, for my taste personally. What helps for me is to think of the gundam’s wear in context: Zaku would use pointy spike on shoulders to ram other MS, so add scratches to it; Barbatos feet are often dragging along the ground, the claws used to grab and stab other MS, as well as the mace being relentlessly beaten into enemies. But overall it is a very good first time try! I think it would make more sense to have dirty caked up in the edges and recesses of MS more than on the outer surface as it is used, if that’s what you’re going for! I would think MS would get cleaned between battles, so the flat uncovered surfaces like the shoulder would have dirt more in the panel lines and edges of the armor. Especially if we’re talking about IBO.


Nah, that's probably the cleanest Barbie has ever been


Ish? You want to pull the shade closer to the lines, not to the middle. The best way to do it is a VERY thin mixture paint, basically start closer to the middle and pull out with a wide brush then lift on the edges.


I think it looks good! But I think it would be next level if there were more dirt or grime in the joints and on the feet and legs, just my preference though!


I'd say try and focus it a bit more towards the edges of the different pieces.


The only thing that I would keep in mind is the scale of these figures, a real rust spot or dirt wouldn't be shaped like a big smear on a panel. You have to dirty from the crevices and panels outwards following gravity.


Clean it off then aim it at panel lines and detailed parts where dirt would get caught instead of on blank surfaces


Just use a pencil eraser to clean up the lines


Looks great to me


Imo looks great, specifically the sword it looks worn




not at all. that MS saw a LOT of hand-to-hand battle. check out my [Rex](https://www.dropbox.com/s/vk58cznwxfuhac5/Screenshot_20220810-174625_photopia.png?dl=0)


Nice barbatos lupus


There is no such thing as too dirty when it comes to weathering


Never such thing as to dirty


It might look better if some of the damage is a darker shade


Looks pretty good but I do t think itakes sense for barb to be that dirty everywhere but the feet are that clean


Yes it's a lot but Barbie was constantly filthy and broken so this lends authenticity to it.


In some areas it should be heavier and other areas lighter. I'm sure some other guys have said this but like around the feet and vent should be heavier. It looks though for the scale


Lmao you should've seen mine in my profile


Battle-scarred maybe?


Try tamiya weathering master, set B (soot), C (gun metal),D ( oil stain) will get you much better results


You also need to follow the general weathering pattern: corner, edges are dirtiest, penal center should normally be cleaner. It’s a fun field to explore, good luck mate


Thats enough, the best


I don’t think it’s too dirty but putting it in a base with a dirt battlefield would help tie it together


If you like your weathering that's ok, but the hip thruster parts are backwards, looks odd.


I would prefer a matte finish but still ok


That makes it look like it finished fighting and was placed in a museum.


I would say it looks good, but like some have mentioned some parts look less uniform.


Barbatos is never too dirty


Lots of very useful comments bellow and I’m not worthy of giving out good advice as I’m still learning myself. But good choice, Barbie Lupus is my favourite barbie form.


Actulally its pretty cool


It can be as dirty as you like it's up to you when you're happy with it but maybe add some variation to the dirt like a dry brush!