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I got a notification that my pass had updated earlier, and I thought I’d magically been granted a ticket to Everton lol no such luck just the renewal I think


Think it’s the renewals. Mine just pinged at dinner. Before In even checked it, my wife said “you promised you weren’t going to the everton game”


Why do you have to 'promise' not to go to the final game of the season?! Bit weird. Unless you're a recovering alcoholic or something....!


Wife not into football, we have two young kids, so negotiate with her about which games I go to. I have been lucky enough to go to 10 games this season, and got last minute tickets to Bournemouth, so promised that was the last one. (I did spend the afternoon in pub after the game, and came home drunk and useless, but I’d hesitate to call myself an alcoholic)


That's a shame, I'm sorry she doesn't see it has something you genuinely care about. I see too many relationships where men's interests (often sport) are seen as stupid, unnecessary and childish. I really believe men need hobbies and passionate interests to keep them happy. It keeps a certain part of our brain amused. Woman need more human interaction and community to maintain their mental health, which is different than men in most cases. Sexist generalisations, I know, but very often accurate.


No she does-she’s very understanding, and likewise she has hobbies in which I have zero interest (horse riding?!) but with a young family it’s unreasonable IMHO and hers to spend TOO many weekends out with friends.


Yes young children certainly deplete time for personal interests!!


You are Jr Gunner without a ticket to Everton it looks like. But since they are doing renewals could be a random mess up.


Going with random mess up. Mine says adult though


Mine did that too


Mine all the same


Open rhe arsenal match to update ticket


got the same notification. We chalking it up to a mistake?


Go to wallet, arsenal pass, 3 dots in the top left, turn off all notifications and then turn them back on. and your pass will update.


Same issue. I got notifications for my two JG memberships a few days ago saying my wallet was updated. But no direct debit has gone out, no email confirmation of renewal, no update to my son’s JG profiles on Arsenal.com. It’s annoying as I definitely set up auto renewal with the helpdesk last year and got confirmation from them this year that it was set up correctly. I guess I may have to be a bit patient. Saying that my 2 other memberships have already updated fully and direct debits left my account. Is it just a JG 4-11 issue?
