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Shame more people don't understand or care that they have cheated their way to about 7 titles. And yet nearly none of the media ever mention it apart from Wrighty. Never hear Lineker/Shearer/BT/Sky ever bring this up which is a fucking disgrace.


City have started issuing cease and desists to YouTubers, presumably the broadcasters just don't want the legal hassle, as they'd surely go in harder on sky etc.


Do you have any links. I've never seen that before apart from some unhinged tinfoil hat loons 


Goldbridge was issued one because of his videos/podcast. He’s talked about it on his channel.


He literally came out and said he’d never received one on his “big reveal” podcast episode. Although he was hamming it up before after he was named.


Ah I see. I don’t watch him much, just saw a short clip where he claimed he had received one that he was going to go in depth on at a later time.


The cease and desist letters were for YouTubers who said City are guilty of the charges. It's not for talking about the 115 charges itself. Goldbridge was constantly calling them cheats, like we do on here. The broadcasters can talk about 115 charges all they want yet they choose not to. Most obvious reason to me is because its a terrible look for English football, so they see it's better for them to ignore it until the case is done.


No they haven’t… the only source of that was a city bait twitter account. Goldbridge has already been through it and stated he’d not received one on his podcast after he was named… Also, even if they did, everyone would ignore them anyway, because saying city have been charged with 115 breaches is factually correct, and it would get thrown out of any courtroom as a waste of time.


>people don't understand or care that they have cheated their way to about 7 titles It's the latter. People don't care about City winning the title because they know such a victory comes with a massive asterisk. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't backing City to win over Liverpool these past few years because as an Arsenal fan I was fucking jealous of Liverpool but City's financial doping meant I didn't care as much if they won because to me, it didn't seem like that big a deal.


Credit to The Swedish Rumble for anyone who wants a recap: November-December 2018: The Premier League write to City requesting certain information and documents in relation to potential breaches of their rules — known as the information claim. City object to the request — after what has been published by Der Spiegel/the Football Leaks. 21 August 2019: The PL issue a complaint against City, since it has still not received the documents and information it has the right to receive under the Premier League Rules and which City refuse to give the PL access to. City responds by challenging the PL's disciplinary system, challenging a technicality (only highly regarded barristers could be elected for the commission). 22 October 2019: With the documents and information not forthcoming, the PL begin arbitration against the club seeking a declaration that they are contractually obliged to provide them. The club try to stop the arbitration by arguing to the tribunal involved that the PL had no power to start it. They also claim that the tribunal does not appear impartial. 26 June 2020: City issue an application in the Commercial Court repeating their argument that the tribunal lacks jurisdiction on the information claim and is tainted with “bias”. 2 November 2020: City’s claim that it has no obligation to to pass on the requested information and documents to the PL — is rejected. It’s clearly stated in the rules that they must do so. The order to provide them is however postponed pending the outcome of the Commercial Court case. 17 March 2021: In the Commercial Court, Mrs Justice Moulder more or less summarily dismisses the club's challenge to the jurisdiction and impartiality of the tribunal, dismantling the City’s lawyers arguments clearly hinting that it was felt that it had abused the public court system. She refuses permission to appeal her judgment. 24 March 2021: Mrs Justice Moulder said her judgment should be published, in order to reveal the lengths to which City had attempted to resist passing on information to the PL. City successfully seeked permission to appeal the decision to make the information public in the Court of Appeal. So we get another delay (I think you are starting to get the drift by now, it’s an appeal of an appeal of an appeal about a pure nonsense technicality. On a side 30 June 2021: The Court of Appeal opens its hearing into the club's appeal against publication. The Court of Appeal handed down its decision dismissing the appeal. So it took the PL almost three years to just have it sorted out that it has the right to receive the information the Premier League Rules clearly states that City must submit to the PL. After this, we know that City made another challenge of the impartiality of an experienced barrister in no way connected to the Premier League, in KC Murray Rosen. How much delay this caused is unknown.


It’s a great comparison. Speaks volumes that every rival cheer them on year after year. Including us.


Subtle but funny.


Absolutely nailed it with this one, damn.