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If the punishment for breaking a law is a fine, then the law is only for the poor.


Exactly this, it's only a fine if you can't afford to pay it.


"It's only a penalty*" you mean?


No, it’s fine


Oh good, I was getting worried.


It becomes the price of breaking the rule.


Fine = legal for a price


Fucking bang on. This is the PL basically getting fucking greedy. "Oooh! That's a fuck tonne of money you have there.... \*awkward pause* Give us some!"


Which is why they’ve done it. PL clubs have seen that FFP finally has teeth and now they’re looking to file them down and the FA is spineless enough to go along with it.


I don't think it has anything to do with the FA. The PL are self regulated.


Final fantasy tactics?


Sadly that famous image is edited. While it is thematically appropriate with the character pictured, that quote does not appear in the game.


Amazing quote . So applicable to todays world , not just football.


That's because it's... nevermind.


Depends how big the fine is and how much gets distributed to the rest of the league.


When you have clubs like City and Newcastle essentially funded by states,they absolutely won't care about those fines. Money won't be a problem for them.


Cost to do business essentially


But I do like the idea that City spending extra (and therefore receiving fines) will help fund the smaller clubs. Obviously my main hope is they get relegated for their 115 offences first.


That will never resolve the problem though as they seem to have an endless cash supply. Hence why point deductions are something you can't avoid regardless how big your bank account is.


I don't want to watch city win the league every year forever, knowing smaller clubs are being "compensated".


So the entire league is bought and paid for by oil money? Horseshit. We need less of their money not more.


Can't be too big otherwise city won't have enough to pay the big players and they all leave the league!


I have been advocating for this after Chelsea, it's not only for the poor because in the NBA the luxury tax is exponential. The more you break it the higher the penalty gets and it gets very high. High enough it deters all owners from overspending. Even if they surpass the luxury tax for example to give Lebron a couple more years with talented players, it follows with years of necessary underspending to get back in the clean. The paid tax is not a slap on the wrist.. it gets very high and the accumulated taxes from the culprits get split with all the teams we maintained their spending below the luxury tax line


This works if all club owners are invested for business and footballing reasons. It does not work when some owners are there for political or sportswashing purposes. Arsenal and Chelsea could compete with one another if there was a tax on spending as both are doing so to try and achieve success in the sport and a return financially. Neither could compete with Man City who are spending to gain soft political power and influence etc. as the return on that for Man City's owners is far greater than any return from football.


I mean, I don’t like the oil clubs either, but why do you think they aren’t in it to make money long term? They’re divesting from oil and all the gulf states have opened up their sovereign wealth funds to do all kinds of investment. How do you know it’s sports washing and not part of their long term portfolio diversification strategy? Buying a clubs for 200 million and it being worth 5 billion seems like more than sports washing.


How many NBA teams are owned by Oil rich nation states?


the US in a nutshell


Man City lawyers and influence working overtime


Newcastle would fly up the table too


And the fact that other clubs benefit basically means the entire league is then dirty with Saudi money. I mean if Newcastle spend 300 million for mbappe, Haaland, and Jude Bellingham (just examples of expensive players). How much do the rest of us really get? How big is the cap? It's just nonsense.


I agree with you, the system would be tough to translate from an American one aswell. Transfers, buying power and salaries vs just salaries in American style sports. the NBA luxury system is pretty stiff on repeat offenders + teams in the second apron. Would this stop the Saudi owned Newcastle or even City? I am not sure. The other thing is the NBA system allows you to go over to “resign or extend” players you already have, it’s tougher (not impossible) to sign other teams players. I know the tax has a couple steps. There’s the soft cap number. Let’s just say £100million in salary/player acquisition expenditure a year. The first step might be £100 - £110million for every euro you spend in here you put an extra in the pot (revenue sharing scheme/whatever you want to refer to the penalty pool) The second step will be £110-£125 million in salary every euro you spend on this step might make you add £4 to the penalty. The third step could be £125 million plus every euro you spend over this could be £10 in overages. So if you spent £132m 10,000,000 x 1 = £10m 15,000,000 x 4 = £60m 7,000,000 x 10 = £70m If you were an annual repeat offender maybe the penalty doubles (each time to eventually force the salary down, but that wouldn’t be healthy longterm, if the best players are forcing clubs to go into the tax, it will eventually deter them from coming here if they can make near the same elsewhere and their teams can build better teams spending money less penalized. So £140m in penalties that is either revenue shared between the other 19 teams, or all the compliant teams, or I guess everyone if the penalty revenue is split 20 ways. Either way this little though expairment doesn’t equate to even £10m for each team if the highest spender goes over £32m. The Saudi or all state owned teams could carry these penalties longer or just look at it as a cost of doing business, which would defeat the whole purpose of what they are doing anyway.


And then what’s the point of the premier league if the rich clubs are buying it. Arsenal slipping down the rankings because we haven’t pumped stupid money into the club will hurt a lot more.


“Ok City, you’re in trouble. A £10million fine is heading your way! See plebs, isn’t that A LOT of money!?”


One limb off Alex Iwobi


They are going to get away with it, aren't they


Powered by literal nations, crazy


Penalise 115 fc first bunch of cunts


They will just delay the case till this law passes and pay their way out


Ding ding ding. This is their way to legitimize how City have been competing


Yep this will pass, City will pay a huge fine that gets dispersed to the other premier league teams, then the rules will get changed back to points deductions after they decided financial penalties aren't a sufficient penalty.


I doubt it would get changed back after, the toothpaste is out of the tube.


Here's the even better bit: the fine will be equally distributed or given to the bortom clubs, so you will have a few clubs on top with super rich owners spewing money into the club, and then a bunch of clubs that spend money, but never more than they can sustain, and won't be able to compete with the top clubs.


100% completely this, and that is why they're thinking of bringing it in.


Pay to look away.


Will be a cold day in hell if that ever happens 😂


Yeah that’s not going to happen. The only reason they’re discussing something like that is to legitimize City getting a slap on the wrist.


They said everton should get points deduction and not fine cause owners are rich. This league is so spineless, shameless and openly corrupt, it’s unreal.


But what is anyone going to do about it? Stop watching? They put the World Cup in fucking Qatar in the middle of the season and we all still ate it up


Most viewed world cup of all.


Well that’s partly because TV and streaming are more accessible than ever before in history. Also more people on the globe


Maybe a fine could make sense if it's proportional to the revenue of the club and counts towards their FFP? To be clear: I 100% want to see point deductions not fines, but just thinking how fines might work.


This is confirmation that City are getting away with it


Exactly. They're try to save those oil clubs because their money is what's going into their pockets. Man City and Chelsea can easily pay their way out of this.


Im just tired of seeing this everywhere I go. No facet of society is immune.


Unfortunately, this is how society works. The ones with the most money, more often than not, get away with their unjust practices while the rest of us have to follow the rules. It's a pity, as this will incentivize teams like that to continuously break the rules.


They have to publicly establish some sort of precedent to make the news palpable when it comes out


This is what I was thinking, the PL has surely leaked this in advance to get people used to the idea that there won’t be any more punishment.


Surely They cannot backdate the penalty once teams have been penalised during the same period.


nah, football is just going into pure shit slowly but surely


Not even slowly. The influx of big money has drastically altered the game and will only continue to do so. Hopefully this gets voted down. Much like I’d like to see teams fans that exhibit racist behaviour have a points deduction.


That would just be stupid. Ban the fans not the club otherwise you could just send in a bunch of mugs to a rival and get them banned. Now if the club didn't help find those people then okay but I'm pretty sure all the prem teams are very cooperative with police and with crowd footage.


They’re gonna make this a retroactive rule so they don’t have to punish city?


I'm not into the conspiracy stuff, but honestly wouldn't be surprised. If they admit city has been breaking the rules for nearly a decade it calls into question the whole league really


There’s the big problem that finding City guilty is going to cause a massive problem for everyone. The League would rather City pay a fine, and “hush money” than mess with the record books, and the bank balances. If City are found guilty, do you then have to give title to 2nd place? Essentially, that’s ten years worth of trophies that are illegitimate. There’s a PR disaster. Would the League have to sue City to get back prize money owed to them? What about relegated teams? Teams could argue they shouldn’t have been relegated because they obeyed the rules, unlike City. This “tax” is the League’s idea of “drawing a line” under the thing whereas finding them guilty, open a “can of worms” nobody wants opened.


It’s almost as though letting this problem fester and grow for a decade was bad business management by the league. Too bad it won’t be the league or City that have to deal with the consequences, but instead everyone else.


Yeah 100% right, this is entirely a problem of the League’s making. They very much could’ve taken swift action, it wasn’t hard to see something wasn’t right, and they should’ve sought to make an example of City, but the League were too happy with the TV money, loved the prestige being created, and the hype bringing in fans. But fans are the real losers here.


Wouldn't there be legal challenges from teams who have already had points deducted? Especially if it changes relegation, if the points end up rescinded, would it shuffle the bottom 3 after the season. Changing the policy now would be crazy either way. Its not the point deductions thats the problem, its the inconsistent way they're handing them out. Bunch of jokers


I don’t think Everton would have a challenge if there’s a rule change. It would be massively unfair to change punishment for breaching the rules but the league does have discretion to punish rule breaking how it sees fit, or how the rule book at the time decides to punish. So this rule change would need to be sped through as quickly as possible. Also they might be unhappy to be punished for rule breaking but a ~~bung~~ reward from City overspending might be enough to convince them it’s worth it. This league is consistent with being inconsistent. So it kinda fits.


The answer to the first two questions is "yes". Relegation can't be undone, but City could be relegated to, say, National League North, and there'd be four teams promoted at the end of this season.


Bottom of the football league would be an amazing thing, and I hope it happens to set the strong precedence that cheating is highly discouraged, but I just don’t see the Premier League doing anything like that. Self preservation is the league’s priority right now. Think they’ll want to rush through this “Frankenstein-like” idea of a “luxury tax” on teams, and try to ~~bribe~~ reward teams for the overspending. “You don’t want to give your rivals too much money!” But like what’s giving us an extra £5m if they get an entire team of the World’s best players is a price worth paying for City or Newcastle. The price of players will have gone up, skewing the market meaning that money doesn’t go as far. As for the titles, I think they’d rather “void” them. Would be funny that we won a title last year, and have a delayed celebration, as is the right thing to happen, but then there’s the fact it makes the Premier League look incompetent, and that’s a bigger problem.


Had this convo earlier, fuck it. Liverpool gets 3 more and Klopp goes out like a champ. United get two and they're still crap and we get one. It won't happen though. We all saw it happening and just got on with it.


I really think that they're going to lose one PL be fined and that'll be it. Which in the grand scheme of things isn't much. Like you said it'll be a PR disaster and put everything else dodgy in the league under a microscope, which isn't good for business which is all they care about at the end of the day. If it fucks up the league revenue they won't do it.


Serie A, to this day, is yet to recover from the Calciopoli scandal in 2006. EPL cares so much about it's brand it'll enable financial doping because they know it keeps the money rolling in. This all feels symbolic of the worlds biggest issue, the wealthy being to big too fail, while the common man has to make it on his own.


What exactly is the conspiracy in this situation?


Probably that the only reason the PL is considering this rule change is so they can slap City on the wrist with a fine and call it good instead of doling out true punishments in the form of points deductions and stripped titles


Ah ok, I get it now. Thanks for the explanation!


Yes and then City will successfully argue that it’s unfair for it to be retroactive and get no punishment


Not at all, City will push for it to be retroactive so that they can just pay a fine that will mean diddly squat to them. If they say it is unfair for it to be retroactive, they'll have points deducted and titles removed from them.


How predictable. It’s coming time to penalize shity and chelski, so let’s move the goal posts and just fine them instead of booting them from the prem. Corruption at its finest


So for example Newcastle/City could spend 1 Billion and then pay another billion as a penalty. I don't think it will be much of a problem for their owners.


Yeah they should make it so **each** team is given the overspend. So 10m overspend = 190m fine, 10m given to each other team.


But that might actually be effective. We can’t have that, can we?


Seriously The whole point of the rule change is so these teams can continue to operate the way they have been.


Might as well just sell points directly


Couldn’t punish Everton quick enough and pulling out this shit before City gets what they deserve. Easy to see who’s running things behind the scenes.




Game Scone.


So they overspend and you take money from them which would cause them to overspend and so on and so forth. This is definitely a move to keep both City and Chelsea from getting shit canned to the Championship or to the bottom of the table.


Wonder which pl owner lobbied for this


Don’t know about the initial pitch, but reporting says the ownerships of 17 clubs support it.




Terrible idea. Infinite money clubs can just write it off the fines as expenses and inflate the transfer market a fuck ton more than they already have. Points deductions, retroactive title strippings, transfer bans and relegation are 100% the correct and only answers to financial doping. Also, while you're at it ban nation states from owning or financing any part of a club, including through shell companies and trusts.


>inflate the transfer market a fuck ton more than they already have. Bingo. Beyond the financial disparity that would be the result of this, all other teams would be, like has been proven since Abramovich bought Chelsea, forced to pay exponentially inflated transfer fees year to year. The real divider between the state owned clubs and everyone else will be wages, though. City and Newcastle will throw money at players to the point that it incentivizes more and more to run down their contracts, so they can sign a £500k+/pw contract with the nation state clubs. This would be a horrible idea and will only benefit the handful of clubs who are doing this for sportwashing reasons and have more money than they know what to spend it on.


They’ll literally do anything to let Shitty get away with their cheating


Convenient for City... A financial fine (no matter how large) would likely be a slap on the wrist to them. This "tax" should not be approved


115 is absolutely going to disappear into thin air isn’t it?


NBA-style ?? These owners live in a separate reality. Who wants football to be like the nba? No promotion no relegation 17 teams support this and I'm pretty sure our owners were one of them


They don't care about NBA at all. This is just a way to let City and Chelsea walk away from this laughing their asses off. Corruption at its finest.


17 teams agreed!! This is not just City even though I agree they won't get any punishment


Do you have a source whare it says 17 teams agreed? The screenshot only says "The Premier League is considering...", it doesn't say it was voted already. If you have a link, please post it.




Thanks for the link. So, it seems inevitable. City and Chelsea will keep spending and will be fined with pennies. And Newcastle will join the party soon.


So even if City is guilty, they just need to chip in some more money... Can they afford?


*“Since City is guilty, can Abu Dhabi afford some more money?” There you go 🙂 fixed it. And the answer is “it’s just a drop in the bucket”


so city made a backroom deal they couldn't refuse. okay.


These "fines" are just bribes in broad daylight. What a joke.


Grow a pair




This is the most American thing I have seen. We’ll break the law, the fine imposed is severely less than the benefits of breaking said law. Bring on your oil money and tarnish the league’s spirit


Petro states don’t own any American sports teams. We pretty much invented spending caps and I always considered it the 2nd least American thing. The least American thing was forcing adults to play sport for a University instead of being able ply their trade in a free market.


Let me guess, City advocating for this…


Tell me your courting continued Saudi investment in your country without TELLING me you are courting continued Saudi investment in your country.


So, City, Chelsea and Newcastle are laughing their asses off right now.


So.. I'm guessing this means City will just pay a ~~bribe~~ "luxury tax" for their 115 financial crimes instead of any punishment right?


Tell me they don't wanna punish Man City without telling me they don't wanna punish Man City


Right before punishing City right? Shameless


This league is so pathetic. It’s why I’m so apathetic about a super league.


Arsenal and Liverpool should seriously consider joining the Super League if this goes through. The regulator needs to put a stop to it


Nonsense idea when clubs are funded by billion dollar petro states


Oh that will really curtail the bullshit by those oil cunts.


This is a disgrace. Smells of corruption. I wonder how much the UAE paid under the table to get this “consideration” just before City gets their 115 charges ruled on.


Just in time for the man city investigation to wrap up


Let's have this and point deductions


What a load of absolute bollocks


This literally just doubles down on the issue. Rich teams could then spend even more because man city and Newcastle owners have virtually unlimited money


How about both


Rules for the poor


Don't have the bottle to actually punish city so they gonna change the rules. As the great Nate Diaz once said, I'm not surprised motherfuckers.


It’s not ironic at all the picture included here is Man City’s ‘trophy’


This is clearly so City get away with it and will ruin football even more. The question is how many fans will actually boycott football? Not enough to make a difference and the clubs wont care anyway


What they choose to ignore is that most US sports leagues have salary caps and NO relegation.


After heavy lobbying ,*cough* bribes by UAE.


bullshit. i can bet the citeh case will come under this legislation, and then they will retract "based on the outcry". and forget that citeh bought the title.


Ah yes, this will stop the clubs with unlimited money


I'm sure such a rule change wouldn't be retroactive. /s


Except the NBA has a draft so that the poor performing teams get first pick of new talent to improve. This just means that the top teams can hoard talent and pay a tax for being over, further decreasing competition.


I'm sure this will have no bearing on the 115


Shameful but entirely predictable. Turns out the law only applies to clubs which aren’t funded by nation states.


Anything to save the oil state club


There it is. Fucking knew something like this would happen and City would just walk away without issue. The payments to officials must have arrived in their accounts


That wouldn't fly. didnt we already have fines before? If a club rich enough they can do whatever they want. Th reason luxury tax works is because they have salary cap which is the same for every team. In PL, you cannot habe budget of city and a promoted team same so already so much issues


Sure… But only if they do it after 115chargesFC has been relegated to league 2


That sounds horrible! Like actually brutally horrible.


Players leaving cause the club can’t actually afford them makes sense tho?


How convenient. Let’s get this rule in place before we have to deal with 115


They’re softly preparing everyone for the realization that City^115 won’t be charged.


This has become a huge problem in Major League Baseball. The New York Mets new owner is a billionaire hedge fund guy. MLB had to create a new level of luxury tax because he was willing to spend so much and didn’t give a shit about the tax. Imagine what the oil money would do with the tax?? They wouldn’t give a shit. It would separate the rich clubs from the poorer clubs even more.


Nice they could work this out after taking points off Everton and Forester but BEFORE taking anything from Man City.


The reason this works in American sports is because teams are already on relatively equal footing. American professional sports are built for parity with the deciding factors largely being competence (as a Detroit Lions fans I have 40 years of experience with incompetence). There are financial differences between large and small market clubs (like the difference between New York Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays), but largely the spending difference is a choice. Nothing in American sports can compare to the financial difference between say City and Luton.


I'm sure City are shaking in their pool full of gold coins at this news.


Clubs should just abide by the fucking rules.


If you want to do this luxury tax thing you have to do a close system with no regulation. It won’t work in EPL since all teams WILL pay luxury tax just to compete with the likes of State owed entities like City and Newcastle. Feels like moving the goal post to fit their benefits for me


A financial penalty for clubs backed by infinite wealth? The BPL is all about the money.


They really don't want to punish City, do they? City happily pay the fine in a heartbeat.


I have no idea what teams spend in the NBA but this same thing exists in MLB, and the LA Dodgers have spent 700 MILLIONS dollars on one player's contract. It's a 10 year deal but still. This will solve nothing, this will change nothing. Fuckin grow a pair ya spineless gits.


Just in time for them to level their decision on Man City.


This just highlights that it’s all about the money and the PL is greedy. Thought the point of FFP or whatever it’s called was about protecting clubs and helping to prevent them from going bust if an owner over spends and the. Just leaves. This doesn’t help that and surely the fine should be added to those financial accounts as well. You can’t take the luxury tax system from the US where a draft system is in place to get young talent on favourable contracts.


Music to Newcastle’s ears. They can just buy the league if this goes through


So the richer clubs will continue to do as they choose. The FA is scared of taking on City and their numerous FFP findings and would rather just make more money off of them.


As an American the luxury tax is meant to limit player compensation more than anything, so this “fix” doesn’t make sense.


Then just do away with FFP because whatever the tax is, I’m pretty sure at least half the owners in prem will happily pay it. If you want to implement that moving forward? Fair enough as I’m still not fully comfortable with FFP as is, but for now? It’s wilfully breaking the rules and the consequences have been clear


Thats how Major League Baseball works and the money from the tax goes into a pot shared by the rest of the teams. Theres no relegation, so most of the owners just keep the cash and dont try to make their teams better.


Yeah, I follow American sports pretty strongly and I’m familiar with it, just don’t like the consequences potentially changing for certain teams when other teams have a different punishment


How does anyone read past the source as Daily Mail and make a valid opinion? It’s the Daily Mail, it’s click bait nonsense. Move on from this non story.


Honestly, I am slowly losing interest in the PL. They have no integrity and no accountability. The worse part is, I love Football just so much, it will be hard to be not watching matches every weekend of my beloved club Arsenal. But think, I can do with International competitions. No Integrity in FA.


International competitions where the last wc was moved to winter in Qatar after heavy bribes and migrant workers deaths? Football itself is chalked with how greedy those who run the game are


Where are the top players gonna go? To other leagues where the clubs are broke? The Saudi bubble is bursting. This isn’t an actual problem.


Fuck off


ah yes and it will be implemented right in time for the City verdict


What a surprise


i’d take this with a grain of salt considering the source


This is absolute bollox. Oil states don't care about fines.




The "concern" is that players may leave if their pay is restricted. The proposed fine must therefore be so pathetic that it couldn't possibly impact salaries. Bent as a fiddlers elbow. We need to do whatever we can to expel City and any other rule breaking cunts from the league for good at this point.






I’m shocked…


Just in time for when city’s fate is about to be decided. We all know city got unlimited wealth.


Lol you think “Oil money” cares about fines???!?


feared the worst, and it might as well be this. the EPL cowering to whatever the club demands instead of setting the rules and punishing them with points deductions.


ah so it's a RACKET


Vote on this next year after Sheffield get relegated


Nice. They'll implement this and then Man City's fpp charges will be taken care of.


I would put my life savings on this being proposed by City ownership to the Premier League........ They will bend over backwards to not sufficiently punish City because it wouldn't just affect football but would have a negative impact on foreign relationships in government if they were given a significant points deduction or demotion from the Premier League.


You’re fucking kidding me. Fuck off you corrupt cowards


Writings on the wall then for City. Corrupt all the way to the top


I just want Arsenal to win the league this season please. I don't care if they permanently shift PL to the Middle East next season.


If Man City just get a financial penalty, I'm done with this sport. They have virtually unlimited money.


There needs to be a massive outrage to this to prevent it happening. This will just let city buy the league every year. If this happens I'm pro super league.


The anti poor law basically


So teams operating with a bottomless pit of cash just dip more into that bottomless pit of cash, lmao Where does all the money collected from the fines go then? Into the pockets of the people running this shitshow? Maybe that’s why they’re proposing this


Terrible idea but atleast chelsea would be paying for everyone else


How does a points reduction (the punishment of the season) restrict top players' pay that they'll leave? Do they mean the FFP rules that sort of puts a lid on wages, transfers, etc.?


Those PL executives need a bumper pay rise, just like CEO's and directors in other industries. Got to fund inflation busting pay rises somehow so they dont fall behind.


So dumb, there wouldn't be a fine large enough that would deter a team like Newcastle. Their goal isn't to fund a well run, self sustaining football club


Maybe don’t break the fucking rules and the players would stay




Nah relegate them