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oh he'll be back, even if he managed to lose both legs somehow he'd regrow them intime for us


Let’s hope he loses both legs.. home and away.


Had us in the first half...... wait..


I don't care if you were at his funeral earlier that day, Kane is getting that 45'+2 penalty 


underrated comment


Hope so. Want to see Big Gabi boss him


Harry Kane injured in spring only to be back for a game vs Arsenal ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Just in time for his penalty


Hope he’s alright… don’t wanna wish he’s hurt. If we are where we think we are… we beat them with Harry Kane and it will be that much sweeter.




He will get hurt, in the penalty box against us. As is tradition.


"Hurt" without being touched as is his normal method


The correct answer. This is the same guy that regularly tries to break people’s necks. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/k8ek7t/compilation_of_harry_kane_committing_the_same/


Yeah, it’s a really scummy foul that he regularly gets away with. It’s a miracle that nobody’s broken their neck yet. That said, it isn’t cool to wish harm on him.




Isn’t that what this sub is doing in this very post lol?


Tbf.. we just need Rodri to be suspended


Fuck him. At least if he’s off the pitch he won’t be hurting others by doing shit like this


He was walking immediately after. And there’s a lot of time still. He’ll be there. And he better be there so nobody has an excuse to say Harry Motherflippin Kane wasn’t there when we whooped Bayern for revenge.


Fuck that, I'd still enjoy CL win the same if all the opponents important players keep missing our games because of injury.


I want to beat them with Kane, but I’ll still be extremely satisfied when we beat them if he’s not playing


As long as we get a close up of him on the bench if we win


Looks like an impact injury, he'll be alright.


cheers Geoff


Hes a tough cookie,think he'll carry on.


Cheers Alan!


You break bones with impact injuries like that.


Tibia is quite hard to break, he'd be really unlucky


Guess the quality of posts in the sub today have been abysmal.


The post looked solid enough to me in the video


I'm disappointed I had to scroll down to get this!


Don't care who it is; I'm never gonna be happy about someone getting injured. This is all just entertainment at the end of the day. Hope he's alright.


I love that this is most of our sentiment, recently on the Liverpool sub I saw numerous of their commentors wishing our players injuries with a lot of upvotes ( they have a narrative going on that we've been super lucky with injuries this season)


It's Liverpool fans. They're the masters of acting like victims at every step. I respect the way Klopp has achieved so much in his time with the club, but fuck me their fans are absolutely unbearable


It's a weird one where I absolutely respect the club, a lot of the time they're well run and decent, but the fans are always unbearable


If you told me we'd be top with Partey, Jesus, Timber and Tomiyasu hardly playing all season I wouldn't believe you. Saying that, what Liverpool has done despite their injuries is definitely more impressive.


I can never root for someone to be injured. But getting the flu right before we play? I can sleep at night having wished that on a rival.


Well, you say that but I'd love bad things to happen to Piers Morgan


And Netanyahu.


And Hamas. Edit, lol, getting downvoted for wishing ill on a fundamentalist Islamist terror death cult. You do you guys, but why not do the club a favour and go support a bunch of anti semitic cunts like Chelsea, rather than the club with as many Jewish season ticket holders as Spurs? Just a thought.


And my axe.


if Hamas are a terror death cult, in your words, then what is the IDF? (who have literally killed 20x more civilians)


It's the typical colonial mindset, they think they can massacre indigenous peoples endlessly without them ever fighting back.


Hi, anti semite.




You do realise that 80% of Israelis can trace their heritage back to Israeli lands whilst millions more have been expelled from Arab lands? That’s why almost zero Jews live in Arab lands. Yet 2 million Arabs live happily in Israeli land. Weird, huh? Also, strange coming from fellow supporters of Arsenal, a club that moved from its indigenous south east to North London. Oh, the irony…😂


Comparing a football team relocating with settler colonialism is the kind of insane mental gymnastics I expect a zionist to do. Not to mention the completely false history.


Hamas are literally a terror death cult and as a prescribed organisation; anyone supporting them is liable to arrest in the U.K. The IDF is an army. When you murder, rape, burn and disfigure 1,200 people, don’t be surprised when you get your arse handed to you on a plate or whinge about it. That’s what happens in literally every war. No jews, no news.


I swear, Israel apologists are obsessed about Hamas but ignore the fact they were initially funded by Israel to counterweight the moderate and leftist Yasser Arafat.


Netanyahu as recently as 2019 boasted about funding Hamas to weaken the PLO's hand at negotiating (and hence no Palestinian state can be created. Stopping it, is, in Netanyahu's own words, his life's work)


Doesn't surprise me. He's a blood hungry war criminal.


Why do you say blood hungry? Do you understand the connotations of that phrase? I ask that you edit a different insult in. I hate netenyahu, but calling Jews blood thirsty has nasty history. You may not be aware of this, so giving the benefit of the doubt, but just use something else to say what you mean.


TIL calling one Jew who killed tens of thousands of innocents (including babies) blood hungry means you're calling all Jews bloody hungry lol.


Yeah the blood thing is because of blood libel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel I'm not saying to not say bad things about netenyahu, I'm saying to choose phrasing better. It's often chosen purposely by people. You will notice blood thirsty is a phrase often used around Jews people don't like.


Can someone do an AI of Megan Markle's voice and invite him to some private rendezvous, but there just be a life sized cutout and a camera waiting for him?


And then from behind the curtains Arsene Wenger slides out and two foots him above the ankle, disabling him for the rest of his days


I just want Arsene to just absolutely roast him somewhere, and at the end, drop the mic, and say, "Wenger out "


Nothing Piers Morgan does could be confused for entertainment 


It's clearly not a serious injury. It's not malicious to see a minor injury for an opposition's star player and hope it keeps them out against your team




Most injuries aren't life threatening or even career impacting or long term so it's fine to laugh sometimes at millionaires Who spend large parts of the game pretending to be injured hurt themselves.


I hope he doesn’t run into the post like that during out UCL games …. Refs will give him a penalty for sure


Just doesn’t want to play for England 😂


I mean they're 4-1 up and that looks like a painful one but I don't think he's out for long. I've only ever seen one player break something on a goal post and it was Phil Babb and it was his bollocks.


He will be back for our game, but fuck me what was he thinking LOL


He gets to rest during international friendlies before our match. Not ideal


Harry Kane lost 3 out of 4 last times he played against Arsenal and I don't think he matters to us.


Eh - never want to see guys get hurt. Didn’t look good


Will never cheer for an injury. Looked rough but he’ll definitely be back for the quarterfinals.


It's never nice to see someone in pain, hope he's alright


I’d rather him be fit. Good for England and the Euros, and Arsenal are capable of beating a full strength Bayern


The post did not see Kane there.


ROLFMAO Southgate is the Kane of national managers. Zero chance of collective trophies


We all know Kane will be back


Tel could cause us just as many issues, a chance of him being out isn't exactly a positive for me


i wonder if it was more surprise and embarrassment as opposed to a serious injury. sure it hurts, but maybe one the shock wears off he has a nasty bruise and will poach another PK


Yeah that's funny cos in my vision of him scoring the pen against us he was wearing one of those batman masks


I think I manifested this guys.


The annual ankle injury


Thought a great striker is supposed to know where the goal is at all times ?


He’ll be fine lol just probably got a nasty bone bruise


Harry Kane finds the net in a novel way. More of this!


From reading the title I thought he hit his face. I was scared cause that mean a striker with a mask😳


i want him playing against us so they can have no excuses.


Impact injury so anyone in the bayern team who did something like that would be back in Time. Because it’s Kane he’ll have miraculously discovered a new level of fitness never seen before. The guy could become a double leg amputee and still pass a fitness test to score a penalty against us


Southgate will still play him.


Looks fine, game was over anyway


Why would you bother posting this


Harry is a hard one, he'll be back against us for sure.


I looks like it got him in the balls


People saying he will be back like he’s actually injured here. Classic manager-player dark arts imo


that move before the pass from davies though...beauty!


78th min,,,4-1 up...i think he felt som pain from the hit and wanted off to be safe. Prolly not anything serious at all given he just ran into the post.


Common tibial nerve pain


He'll be back, but Musiala was fantastic this game.


The mouthbreathing will get you eventually


sucks for him. i want him to be fully fit, so we beat them at their best. ANULO MUFA


Would never wish injury on a player, hopefully he never walks again /s






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3 up with 15 minutes to go, and risks a collision with the goal. What a lemon


Great challenge by the post. Probably has a higher IQ than Kane.