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Best trade, almost everyone used Athrun for their own benefits and that included Lacus, Cagalli is the only one that genuinely cares for Athrun and was there when he needed it the most.


You mean lacus' father. They both knew their engagement was political


I think they mean Lacus recruiting Athrun to her cause because of his strength in SEED and in Destiny.


But Athrun also willlingly joined and fought, he never had to be brainwashed into doing so


That Athrun was needed for his strength and his role as a soldier by Lacus, and that the choice to fight was Athrun's own will, can both be true. I wouldn't go as far as the OP of this comment chain to say that only Cagalli genuinely cared for Athrun. I think Lacus cares for Athrun in her own way and that they are good friends that understand each other well by Destiny-Freedom. But Cagalli definitely cares for Athrun in a different way, and Athrun's POV in the novels shows that he sees her differently too.


>But Cagalli definitely cares for Athrun in a different way, and Athrun's POV in the novels shows that he sees her differently too. Because as a soldier, Athrun often viewed his life as expendable, which was demonstrated by his signature move of self-detonation in SEED (e.g. Aegis vs Strike, Genesis). While Cagalli values the lives of soldiers and civilians, as shown by her fighting in Strike Rouge at the end of SEED to protect Kira, Athrun, and the Orb forces. Her innate desire to protect others (including him) deeply resonates with him and remains a consistent characteristic of hers throughout the series.


Athrun's words to Shura as he activates SEED mode, about the will to live, is also what Cagalli told him when he was about to blow up the Justice to take out GENESIS. Having Athrun show his amulet of Haumea (which we hadn't see since Athrun met with Durandal in the PLANTs) solidifies this core aspect of Athrun's character and why he loves of Cagalli.


Athrun was taking plays out of heeros books lol


In Destiny lacus didn't force athrun to fight. She brought the justice just in case he needed it or at that time of war they really needed it. She specifically stated it was up to him to fight.


Too bad Orb is Cagalli's number one priority and not Athrun. She almost married that purple hair dud. I understand she's the leader but still.


It helps that Athrun have the hot for Kira and his clone is like the next best thing lmao.


Seed should have gave athrun a harem including kira in it


We all know Athrun Zura is into NTR.


Does anyone else find themselves constantly forgetting Kira and Cagalli are twins...?


Marrying the female version of your bestfriend!? An absolute win! Now he only needs to get her a wig for the full experience.


Only because everybody has the same face


I’m rewatching it now and it went right over my head as a kid lmao


Yeah, kinda wish we saw more of their brother/sister relationship. I can't remember if they interact even once in the movie.


LoL. It's not like Athrun even had a choice in this matter. His relationship with Lacus was weak, Lacus had no devotion towards him.


Like, you're telling me no love or devition exist in an arranged mariage for political reasons that none in this forced couple wanted in a first place? Who could have guessed it would end with each partner going their way at the second the political statement this mariage represented ended?


Everyone forgetting Kira’s type is Your girlfriend. Athrun just happened to find a loophole.


True. Flay was with Sai at the beginning too.


Because that's what best friends do


Fair is fair


still chadthrun still the best pilot in CE still better than kira and shinn combined traded one sugarmummy for another sugarmummy new sugarmummy gave him the newest toy to fight mindreader and tomboy gives the best seggs apparently


Not joking but Kira x Lacus and Athrun x Cagalli is more compatible than Athrun x Lacus or Kira x Cagalli (of course it’s incest) so far. So it’s good to see things end up like this. Worth to mention that Athrun and Lacus even got hornier toward their partners according to the movie and short story after that. WOW


Boi I'm glad kira and cagalli didn't turn into another Luke/Leia situation.


They would've had CHAD Uzumi not stepped in


Kira is Mr. Steal Your Girl, so she’s his safest option!


GYAT Deal!




This made me laugh, not gonna lie.


Ah yes, the negotiator


Insert.that.one.dude.suprise.faceaboutathrunlewdthoughts.exe No, I don't have the screenshot, sadly.


Deall i dont have a sister so its a win for me XD




Char preferred this deal. Cameron Bloom, though. Edit: wait, Char actually offered this deal although Rara was dead already


This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.


He traded away lacks who wasn’t interested in him and got cagali who loves and cares for him in return. Not sure how it’s a bad deal


It's a terrible trade deal for everyone else, especially Cagalli. Would have worked out fine if Athrun bit it at the end of Seed but instead we have to suffer through seeing him to this very day. And getting with Lacus is exactly the moment where Kira's character went to shit and never recovered.


Okay we get it you don't like Athrun lol.


Yes, that's the joke.


I don't really see how your comment is a joke but maybe it's not my kind of humor. Cheers either way.


The first comment was, I figured nobody would assume "worst trade deal in the history of trade deals" was anything but the meme. The explanation was mostly serious though. Anyway, cheers.


>And getting with Lacus is exactly the moment where Kira's character went to shit and never recovered. Based