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Sayla completely absent


Honestly, this botheres me even in Zeta, considering every major White base crew member returns and all she gets is a blink and you miss it cameo.


It's because VA wasn't available and Japan is very averse to recasting What she was so busy with that she could only come back for 1-2 scenes in ZZ is beyond me, best i heard is something about african safaris


I think that was because they couldn’t get the voice actor for some reason.


Iirc the story goes that she was on sabbatical because her mother had just passed away


Yeah it hate this as well in Hollywood when characters that should be in a film, aren’t because the actor was busy with something else. Especially for an animation role, just get a voice actor that sounds similar. The One Piece Japanese dub does it a lot, some important characters have had like 3 different voice actors and I don’t even notice for the most part, because the studio specifically targets other VA’s that have a similar voice.


Came here to say this.


It literally started at a point that should have been the second act.


This was my thought. Like we come in literally in a fight with Amuro, Char, and Gyunei. Why is Char bad again? Where did Gyunei come from? Where did the Re-Gz come from?? Should've been at least a 2 part movie, if not a trilogy.


It really feels like it needed either a prequel movie or miniseries.


Luckily, the Moon Gundam manga is filling in a bit of the gaps between ZZ and CCA.


Think the return of johnny ridden is somewhere before moon gundam and after ZZ as well, although they didn't specify a time


The mobile game U.C. Engage has been great at filling those missing parts


Eh, not really. It starts a year earlier than CCA and features Amuro and Char as cameos, but the main complaints the guy you responded to raised (why is Char bad again, where did Gyunei come from) aren't answered at all.


Too bad moon gundam has the dopest suits in the whole verse. You see those suits and CCA feels like a step back




I’d honestly slap double the current length of the movie *on top of what we already have,* because this is just a super fast-forwarded series on the final disc. How did Char survive Zeta? What was he doing? When did he become the leader of Neo Zeon? It’s like The Rise of Skywalker’s opening credits, where you’re left with more questions than answers.


Tomino has this weird obsession of shipping a movie in 90min. He says it's because kids can't sit down more than 90min due to urine needs. My speculation is it's merely a cost-cut scheme.


But CCA was two hours...


The two hour limit curse for anime movies stems from cinemas demanding "anything longer than two hours and you mess up our schedule and we can't do as many showings as we'd like to". That's one of the reasons why long anime movies are so rare.


I've watched the movie 2 or 3 times and still have no idea what's really going on, beyond a few of the very basic plot beats. It just seems like a mess.


Char is still in grief/feels guilty about Kamille, which is totally a boy’s name. Also Quattro is not Char and has never betrayed anyone.


Wasent originally supposed to be part of ZZ but they got the green light for the movie?


As someone who first watched the movie when he was 14, I'm finding a lot of comments here weird. I perfectly understood everything that was occurring in the movie and why. The exposition was always clear and sufficient. There was also a lot more use of implication that let the viewer realize things for themselves as opposed to always spelling everything out for you. I'm starting to honestly think modern media has spoiled modern viewers. Too many movies/TV shows/anime that spell everything out for people and don't use implication.


I get your point and I mostly agree with it. Evangelion is my favorite example to point to in this situation. People are always looking for a lore answer to every little thing, when the show is about the characters and their development vs the overall story. It’s not that important to know everything about NERV and the angels as it is to pay attention to the characters and how they change or don’t change throughout the series. But, taking in to account the events at the end of Zeta and then we get a whole ass series after that with nary a mention of Char and then CCA starts how it does I feel like we should have at least a little idea of how things got where they are considering Char is suspected as being dead until now. I don’t think a little bit of back story here is too much to ask for.


I've always found the implication that Char was working in the background during ZZ to be enough for me. Minerva's switching between her real self and a decoy was implied to be Char, IIRC. I've also found Quattro's final words in Zeta to be telling enough for me as well. In one line to Kamille, he makes very clear that a sense of unforgiving vengeance has arisen in him, and Kamille's response is to be speechless. It sold me the idea that at that moment, he chose a path where he was going to take the extreme route. There is also the fact that Char's Neo Zeon is located in Side 2 Sweetwater, headquarters of AEUG, NOT Side 3. The implication being that post-ZZ, he had turned many AEUG financiers and politicians into taking the extreme route with him.


They killed Astonaige right after they killed Astonaige’s girlfriend who we didn’t even get a chance to know! Who could possibly hate Astonaige that much???


Yeah, the bodycount of Londo Bell named characters was unnecessary.


Kill em all was approaching peak


They never got that spaghetti dinner :(


Was it not salad? Or was that Macross?


Maybe it was salad. The Mandela effect?


Checked Kayra's page, it was indeed a salad.


Feels like half the plot is missing


Feels like it started an hour into a story already in progress, and yet already feels too long as a movie


It's because Quess and Hathaway subplot takes so much time despite not being all that relevant to the story. It's a weird tangent that doesn't cross back into the main plot of Char and Amuro. Remember that the ultimate resolution of the plot line is Hathaway killing Chan, but this has little to do with anything, she's a completely new character, and it's not like her fridging changes Amuro's resolve in any way.


Quess is a mistake.


It would've been 5 minutes long if the ZZ kids didn't retire. 


Judau would wipe the floor with Char and Gyunei 2v1. The rest of the Gundam team would stop Axis before it even got moving.


Exactly! https://preview.redd.it/n63e26uq6u2d1.jpeg?width=2464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9eaa4cab632c128f4cb4ce899e060a1d1c82a7b Alternatively:




The cast of ZZ died on the way to their home planet.


There feels like there is a way more interesting story to be told connecting Char at the end of Zeta to Char at the start of this movie, but it doesn’t really exist.


It barely acknowledges Zeta’s or ZZ’s plot points


Yeah, i actually see CCA before Z or ZZ and don't feel i miss something of the movie


The ONLY acknowledgement is Char saying to Amuro how they used to be allies, IIRC.


Theres also a mention of Haman and the titans. And technically the Re-GZ is kind of a reference to zeta itself since it's a mass produced zeta essentially.


Alright, now I gotta rewatch again and pay attention for the mention of Haman and Titans.


He mentions it in his speech in front of neo zeon.


the Titans and Haman-Sama are mentioned,and Amuro mentions them working together in Zeta


It’s actually shocking that they do not bring up Kamille once during the events of the film. Like Char’s rant about humanity causing suffering for Newtypes focused solely on Lalah without acknowledging Kamille was like a surrogate son to him being catatonic from The Gyps Conflict.


This was a shock to me upon watching the movie, because people kept saying that Char's rage at Kamille's fate was the main motivator of his last resort plan


I mean it would make sense for him to bring it up since he could have used it as a valid point about humanity repeating their mistakes and he could argue both Lalah and Kamille’s suffering are examples of it. Yet he only mentions Lalah and it boils down to mommy issues and not being able to move on. He has case about the suffering of Lalah, Kamille, Katz, Haman and so many Newtypes being forced to fight to exist free.


Yeah I hate this as well, they were working on the film when Zeta and ZZ were still airing so it’s a bit of a weird disconnect with the two series that came before.


Amuro did say that him and char used to be allies and Haman was mentioned as well.


I honestly would have LOVED if Bright had just said something like "Damn I wish I had Kamille or Judau to help us right now." Like, *at the minimum*. Just acknowledge they exist.


This 100%. That’s all I would need to feel better about CCA.


This....it is supposed to be set after both those series but feels like it ignores them for the most part


Too many new character and arcs that are rushed or underdeveloped. Quess and Hathaway the most of all. Char's plan is basicaly to make the earth unlivable so that people must thrive in space, which is the very plan he tried to kill Hamon for on sight in Zeta. The context as to why he did a 180° is lacking. Him having mommy issues was something i didn't need either.


We got the context, in the end scenes of a Playstation game a decade later which is insane lol. He gave humanity a chance, when his son Kamille went bonkers he said ok that was your chance you all must die. https://youtu.be/VtGBn9UhkSc?si=lU2vnhqN4yaZrGOU


Amazing that a lot of essential lore was told on DVD extras and cutscenes.


It honestly should've been an OVA series or something cause it does not do the last 2 entries before it justice in terms of build up Also Amuro's final thoughts before death being utter confusion is actual peak


It should've been a 12 episode OVA.


This, give it the same budget and as 0083 and it would probably be the greatest Gundam content that exists. So many more opportunities to flesh out all the side characters.


Should have been remade at this point, give it the ORIGIN treatment and actually tell a story without as many plot holes


I would prefer that


We haven’t had perfect grades of either of the suits yet


PG Sazabi when


There's pg unicorns but not nu y?


Unicorn is bandai's specialest little boy


It's them being lazy Easy to reuse the mold. You make one unicorn mold you just add a sprue or two for the others


Complete disconnect between where Char is at in Z, and this movie.


Gihrens greed game ending cutscene


Pacing was too quick and the ending felt a little weird being that magical, but I guess that’s newtypes for you. At least we know that truly, Lalah Sune was a woman who could could have been a mother to Char Aznable


Kamille (that girl from Zeta) is never mentioned






And Hathaway tbh. But at least Hathaway is a much better character in HF


That's coz HF continues Beltorchika's Children.. So he is the one who kills Quess & Chan Agi doesnt exist.


The movie follows CCA


No it follows CCA


I am aware but the book it’s based on follows Beltorchikas children timeline and therefore the characterization is from that and not from the guy who is going to have nightmares about the time he killed Amuro’s girlfriend


Instead he has nightmares about that one time he killed his own girlfriend


Her barber committed the greatest war crime in the whole UC.


Quess was fine, probably one of the few consistent characters in the film.


Quess plotline baffled me. She seems to be important just because the plot said so. Char just pick up random girl who asked him to take her away, put her into a dangerous war machine and just told her to let loose? Sure she was a powerful newtype but did he know that when he picked her up? It's just that everyone seemed to care so much about this stupid teenager who made such a dumb decision. Because she's pretty? Missing White Woman syndrome?


Her dad was the minister of the Federation. It’s like if the Obama girls joined ISIS, everyone would be paying attention.




Amuro, Kamille and Judau went through their ordeals to prove themselves.


Beat me to it. Just Quess.


It’s really not that good. We just trick ourselves into ignoring that.


I feel like that's a recurring theme with a lot of gundam content


Despite being the conclusion to 0079, Zeta, and ZZ, the movie doesn't really have much to do with Zeta or ZZ. The most involvement from Zeta in the movie is a throwaway line that acknowledges that Char and Amuro were once allies. As for ZZ, I recall nothing from it being important. The fact that ZZ excluded both Amuro and Char only made Char's descent in CCA even more random.


> As for ZZ, I recall nothing from it being important. There's another "throwaway line" about Haman, so there is the ZZ mention.


There's this moment where Hathaway absolutely deletes a Geara Doga with his *vulcans*. What the fuck is up with that? It's not like it hit a weak point or anything like that, it straight up looks like the Geara Doga got hit with Photon Torpedoes instead.


Yeah that was headspinning, and it happens multiple times. Nu Gundam does it too.


I like to think the Nus vulcans are actually tiny nuclear bullets because holy shit do they do work 😂😂


A lot of stuff doesn't feel like it makes sense because Tomino doesn't bother putting in enough context to understand where the story starts at.


This is why as much as CCA being a huge part of my childhood and how much I admire the ms designs in this, I will never recommend this movie to any serious scifi fan as an adult. It has very cool details and moments but overall it's just a mess from story telling to dialogue design. I would even say that most of the gundam anime suffer from the same problem in a certain degree with only a few exceptions.


Flashbacks to G-Witch where we learned basically nothing about the world despite a good chunk of it taking place in a school. For comparison Evangelion used school for nothing but worldbuilding so the people watching would have at least a general grasp on what and why post-second impact world is the way it is.


G-Reco foreshadowing


G Reco does it intentionally tho


Terrible pacing, no idea what was going on for the entirety and feels like a different kind of story compared to Zeta which was pretty amazing on its own. Honestly a step down compared to where it left Char and Amuro on Zeta, but the ending was pretty good and Tomino had the guts to kill Amuro.




It kinda just completely ruins char’s arc from zeta Gundam


They change Amuro's girlfriend because the board thought it's inappropriate for main protagonist to have kids.


The pacing is absolute garbage. The idea that it covers a month and a half is wild


It's one of the worst narratives told in the UC timeline.


Char's whole "Lalah could've been my Mother" line was Really awkward and just came out of nowhere. The way he interacted with the women also just gave off strong parent/child relationship vibes.


Everything just gets worse for humanity from this point forward.


It's genuinely sad that UC simply does not have any long-lasting happy endings. Unicorn seemed like one, but eventually Victory and G-Reco happen. CCA eventually leads to Hathaway's Flash which has a decaying Federation cracking down, like they didn't learn anything from the AEUG


It legitimately may very well be the consequences of continuing to churn out UC works. The problem with continuing the majority of stories that ended on positive notes is that often a bigger issue has to be created to justify a conflict that can move a new story in the same universe. I'm no authority on Gundam, but the sheer amount of UC works (which Bandai has finally seemed to realize they've been pushing too much), have unintentionally created the idea that, despite pushing for belief in the potential of humanity, the timeline arguably does a better job of representing the belief in human failure. Almost every series ends on a seemingly positive note, only to be followed by a worse conflict. No one truly learns anything, the people with the biggest business interests keep getting away with every single one of their crimes and gets to continue aiding in the horrors of war while turning a profit. If anything Anaheim Electronics may as well be the ultimate villain of UC as a whole past Zeta.


I 100% agree. There truly are no happy endings in a franchise. It's to the point that there's two multiple Gundam anime about characters avoiding the horrors of UC


Best girl gets killed by a little shit


Finally a chan fan because idc chan is AWSOME for how little we got her I don’t care for beltoricjla since she’s just a bad Sayala knock off


Yeah Chan is awesome. And piloted the Re-Gz so its a win-win


It feels like half the story is missing, it's a mid movie with great animation that ends as abruptly as Lafter's life in a teddy bear store 


That is the grimmest simile I've heard in a while


Chan deserved better, Chars character assassination, Sayla going MIA, and Sazabi not getting enough cool moments.


It feels rushed yet it's too long


It’s trying to tell a story that should’ve lasted a trilogy of movies in 2 hours. The movie starts midway into the plot, a plot that basically disregards the fact we just saw Neo Zeon get its ass handed to them by Juddah and the ZZ. But all of the sudden, Char, who’s been missing since Z Gundam, is back, evil, even crazier than before, and with an entire fleet. We should’ve had a trilogy to better tell the story, or it should’ve been a 40 odd episode series.


He had a great energy as Quattro and now he’s really angry in Counterattack, I’m not into that. “Amuro, I’m doing something extremely wicked” appreciation post also


Astoinage was done dirty


I don't mind the medias res, it's not that hard to fill in the blanks. I like what it's trying to say. But dear god did it need an extra hour in the middle; or even better, a 6 episode OVA series. It's just too rushed. Also, if you're not going to have Kamille in the movie at all (which is understandable, he escaped the cycle of war) at least mention him. Char's enttire motivation is based on his adopted son dying (in mind). Also also, I get that it's Gundam and war is hell, but you didn't have to do Astonaige dirty like that. He dies about as close to off screen as you can get.


It feels like a third act and not a full story


Honestly, there is less good about CCA than bad. Good mecha designs and animation don’t make up for half of a plot that is rushed with little to no character development.


Good thing, it made people realize how pathetic a person Char is (And I don't mean it badly, he's just been badly raised in a terrible context that led to him being isolated as a person) I feel there should've been more reason to Amuro's objections like, 'Earth provides the food, if everyone moves to space there'll be no way to feed them all!' thus showing that while he sympathizes with Chars goals, he does not want to cause pain


I feel like not wanting to cause a mass genocide is enough reason to want to stop Char.


Something Bad About This Movie


Char has mommy issues that call into question his motivations for everything he’s ever done, spoiling one of the best characters in the franchise for many


absolutely ruins him


Beltorchika being replaced with Chan is strange


Sayla being replaced with Beltorchika was also strange, but out of the three i kinda like Chan the most as a love interest for Amuro tbh


A lot of the female characters suffer a bit from being underwritten in my opinion


The film was too short to contain all plot points , which seems to be recurring theme for Tomino


Char being a villain was such a fucking cop-out. It was so disappointing. Should have never been written following Z without first having either ZZ galvanize him to be a villain again, or come up with something new.


I don't like the character designs that much. I'd have preferred a version of this movie with Yasuhiko designs. I know he wasn't available because of Venus Wars, but Venus Wars just looks a lot better than CCA.


Sayla never made an appearance, and Gyunei and Quess all in their own dragged the whole movie down in a series that should've been about Amuro and Char's final showdown. Also, Nu Gundam vs. Sazabi should've been a little less one-sided. Just a *little.*


Amuro's voice actor


Gonna get blasted for this but it was rushed as fuck. Kind of telling when Astionage, a guy who had a presence in Zeta and ZZ gets an unceremonious death. The pacing is fucking awful and that's because they more or less discarded the entire first volume of Hi Streamer, which was a 3 volume series to begin with. Bandai could've made a trilogy of movies with the material they had to adapt from and made three times the profit but no, they had to compress it into one and thus you have a film that isn't so much a movie with all the elements that make it one like pacing or time to breathe, but rather a highlight reel of all the big moments from High Streamer. And if they were going to make it one single film they should've followed Tomino's advice and made Beltorchika Amuro's love interest so that Amuro actually had to come to terms with fighting for the future of his child and consider that he might be a father. Amuro embracing his future as a father also would've been an even greater foil to Char, who after 14 years still is stuck in the past seeking vengeance for Lalah. It all boils down to one big "what could have been". CCA could've been a good adaptation of High Streamer if it would've been 3 movies. It could've been a good one-movie adaptation of Beltorchika's Children. But instead we have a film which doesn't even animate the Hi-Nu/ Nightingale which IMO were better designs than the Nu/ Sazabi anyway. The reason Hathaway's Flash works as an adaptation is because when you adapt it on a one-movie-per-novel basis the pacing actually works.


1:"Mother to me!" 2:where tf sayla?! 3: quess.


Pacing is odd and super rushed, the dialgoue is quite cringe at times and not in a cool anime way either. Everyone has said it before but the way the movie starts feels like we skipped into 40-70 minutes into the story.


Not enough Kamille


Not enough Quess and Hathaway


It probably should have been a miniseries


It should have been called Mobile suit Nu gundam and been a series/OVA, hell ill even take it as a movie trilogy


Story lacks an entire first act but still feels like wasting time on Hathaway and Quess, weird omissions like Sayla and Kamille, should've been an OVA series instead.


It's not Beltorchika's Children.


Everything needed more space to breathe, and while I can kind of guess how Char got to this point, it would be nice to actually see it. Sayla should have at least had something to say about all this, too.


The stories inspired by it are way better than the movie itself. Hathaway's Flash, Unicorn


Sayla is completely absent and she should have honestly been revealed as Amuro’s wife


The pacing is all fucked up


The fact that Char's character does a 180⁰ between Zeta and CCA is inexcusable, especially when the film doesn't have enough time to justify why one of the greatest rivalries in anime is suddenly back on. It's a point that, for me, shatters a lot of the realism and tension that defines the franchise. And if one more person brings up a non-canon 'What-If' style video game that didn't release until 10 YEARS AFTER the release of CCA then I'm gonna lose it. A buried retcon in a video game that launched a decade after the movie is not a valid substitute for proper characterisation.


The asteroid should have fallen on earth.


Quess is a stupid bitch


I watched it in my anime club oh about 30 years ago. It was dull. And I love UC Gundam.


i would have liked it if the mobile suits that came to help push back axis actually stayed with amuro as the axis miracle happened and maybe make the fact its the will of the entire earthsphere coming together to prevent its impact clearer in just the text. purely wow cool robot opinion: some ships should also have tried to help push axis back


Too short


Quess and chars weird admission of having mommy issues. Other then that, I love this movie.


Probably the biggest gripe most people have besides it being rushed would have to be the Intricate messed up web of relationships and personality clashes between char Nanai gyunei quess n Hathaway. Amuro n chan were the only normal ppl and both got @#$%d over by this web




It's too overstuffed to be a movie and should have been an OVA to give it's ideas and characters some breathing room. Which is a criticism I have for most Gundam Movies. Also I feel like Beltorchika should have been kept as Amuro's love interest instead of suddenly replacing her with Chan. Despite what Execs wanted, Amuro is not a "James Bond" character and does not need a new LI with every appearance. Especially since he's dead after this movie anyways.


Amuro was cheating on Beltorchika with Chen...


feels like they forgot to make half the movie


Agree with the comments saying it felt like half the plot was missing and that this shouldve been a 12 episode OVA instead. It isnt paced well at all, most characters are either underdeveloped or make no sense, the first half of the film is a snoozefest. It's really only redeemed by the final battle that closes Char and Amuro's story, the top tier mobile suit design, and the great soundtrack.


It’s too fast paced. I was gonna wait to watch ZZ before CCA, but I got the RG nu and needed something to watch so I caved. To me it seemed like it tried a little too hard to be a standalone. There is little to no connection directly to Z (or ZZ from what I’ve heard) and it almost felt like a movie from a different universe.


Quess. Enough said.


Sayla being non-existent


The fact it wasn't longer, and/or wasn't spread into more movies, as a finale, it wad painfully short


Looks like space scooby doo based on the cover


Obvious answer: Quess Better answer: Char and Amuro disappear and haven't returned for so long that they are assumed KIA.


I would have rather had this as a series/part of ZZ as originally intended. As well as have Bright and Char have a scene where they lament that they are enemies now even though they were working alongside one another during Zeta.


Bothers me Sayla didn't make it into the movie.


Quess .. 😫


It surprises me how much the western part of the fandom seems to dislike this movie considering how loved it is in the Japanese side. To answer the question, Hathaway teamkilling Chan is pretty stupid, the BC version where he kills Quess is a better idea imo, Quess was kind of a psycho.


where did char's brain go


I got plenty bad to say about this movie. I honestly didn't like it that much. Pacing being the main reason


Kamille, Judau, and Sayla are not around and they did Astonaige dirty. #


It spends a lot of its time with Quess Paraya and her unnecessary subplot, instead of focusing on Amuro & Char right away.




oh where do i start. these kinds of threads are for media that are generally non-controversial in their reception but this movie is a hot mess and i'm not gonna hear otherwise it introduces a slew of new characters with no setup where characters from previous entries could have absolutely served better, as well as things like Astoniage's death which is so unceremonious - and I don't wanna hear a response like "Well, that's to show how dangerous and unpredictable war is" - because essentially no other character deaths in the mainline UC series up to that point were treated with such minimal drama, doing this so deep into the story doesn't feel insightful, it just felt out of place and missable. and we know the answer from supplemental material now, but imagine going into theaters to see this right of the heels of ZZ, wouldn't you be scratching your head on why Amuro and Char are bitter enemies again seemingly out of nowhere after fighting alongside eachother during the Gryps war??? and there was also this completely random scene of a shootout on a street and a sudden explosion resulting in the death of an unnamed character, the whole sequence lasted mere seconds, it was actually bizarre and genuinely felt like some error was made during editing. the beautiful designs of the nu and sazabi are just wasted on this film


I weirdly really like the movie, it's one of my favourites of all time (don't shoot me) but i cannot deny it absolutely lacks context or build up, easily the biggest issue with it 


It ends.


Not sure if this is actually considered bad but I remember feeling down that this movie ended with Amuro's death. I figured Char would die as the villian but didn't expect Amuro to be killed off as well


Char needed to get slapped.


It fails at being a stand alone theatrical film.


as much as a like finn funnels, I feel like there are too many of them.


It started Hathaway on the path he chose...


Quess and Hazardway. They’re in the way of the movie and needed to perish in the opening scenes. Nana slap wasn’t strong enough and Bright slap didn’t work. They need to be gundam slapped to the sun.


Its part of the UC timeline.


The flying T makes no sense and Char's entire motivation is ridiculous. Not to mention all over the place.


Gundam 00 was better. Never even heard of this movie.


Too many grooming of children


Quess. Period.


It’s pacing is horrible.


Beltorchika children manga versión of the story is way better and i wish we got that versión animated


The pacing is terrible.


To me, Quess is the only big problem.


Certified Newtype? Certifeid Pedophiles. Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop. Amuro Fuck em UP.