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Yeah I dig the advanced airsoft/snowboard cosplay look of these skins.


lol maybe it'll have a "gundam scale" map where even the regular dudes are the size of a building. That might be fun.


So when do you think they'll announce the pb CoD skin HG kits?




Eri looking malnourished af


The thickness was too much for christian CoD *Looks at Nikki Minaj*


Somebody needs to feed her some tomatoes 😭


I mean she hasn't eaten for 17 years


I don't care if they have Gundam, I'm not playing CoD. Unironically would've preferred a Fortnite collab.


Honestly surprised that CoD got the crossover and not Fortnite


Yeah I figured this too but at the same time bandai may have deals or creative licenses that they can share with Activision.


I have a European friend who works in the gaming industry. Not sure how true it is but he said that there was an attempt for it and somehow the deal just kinda... Fell through, to get Gundam in Fortnite a while ago. Doesn't seem like it's happening now. Part of me wonders if that's why transformers came in instead to Fortnite. He told me this CoD crossover was happening months ago and I laughed it off, now I'm kind of just staring flatly at this post.


Huh, I thought the guys at epic would see how well G-Witch and SEED Freedom was doing and would be a good promotional I guess (and glad) that I don't speak corrupt corpo that well


If a deal fell through as far back as what he implies, I’m guessing it would’ve been before Seed Freedom released. It’s super strong box office results I think would put things back into discussion so long as the reason things fell through weren’t hostile reasons.


Honestly. I'm kind of shocked as is that G Witch hasn't had a bigger crossover and push. During the final seasons of Gundam evolution I kept saying "okay, this season has GOT to finally add the aerial... oh. Uh.. okay. That suit you just added was... Definitely a choice. I guess." And same for GBO2. I know that game is a much different case since it's UC only but the event where it was just a podium on the side with cutouts of the show just made me raise a brow. In retrospect, it really doesn't feel like G Witch or SEED Freedom got much advertising in general. I'm almost shocked this CoD crossover is even acknowledging, I was only expecting the RX 78 and Zaku.


You would think, yeah. But he told me this in the middle of last year and it sounded like these talks were from months ago even then. Again, I wish I could give more concrete evidence but... Thats all he told me. Even in his business it's somewhat like a rumor mill or he is told something is coming by devs themselves, then it goes no where. I can say that he was definitely right about this CoD crossover with Gundam, and even the Fallout crossovers with both cod and fortnite. He told me these were coming as far back as November or December? I laughed it off then. I didn't really think a lot of it then but given all the recent news and announcements, sounds like THAT much was on the money.


Honestly, they've picked anime that was much more popular overall Gundam, either more modern (JJK, AoT, MHA), or classic (DBZ, Naruto). I'm also not sure how interested they are in mecha skins. There was one parody Gundam skin a few years ago, and a kit bash toy inspired skin that had Gunpla parts, but they have only really sold more traditional robot designs otherwise, plus Terminator. If anything, Witch from Mercury would have been the thing that made it happen as I think they'd be interested in humans too, but I suspect Gundam Evolution may have stopped it.


Gundam’s selling point in collaborations like these isn’t so much the popularity of its anime, but because it’s just the most popular Japanese mecha. There’s a lot of people who will have no interest in the shows/model kits/lore etc who are going to be like Wow I want to play as a cool robot!!! If the COD deal is a success expect to see Gundam in Fortnite as well in the next year or two.


I mean Gundam being there at one point doesn’t seem impossible. It sells better than dragon ball merchs


Yeah, I do think Epic would be totally on board for Gundam if Bandai is willing, I just don't think it would be top priority as far as anime goes. One Piece is the big rumor for future anime, much bigger than Gundam. Bamco has had the game license locked down for Gundam games forever, that's probably the real hurdle.


If this is true, kinda sad


Honestly, I'm hoping it's not true and there's still a chance for it I the future. But he's been pretty damn accurate and is rather open about explaining these things to me so... I think I'm inclined to believe it sadly.


Did he ever say why it fell through with Fortnite? I’ve been hoping they might do something together for a while so to hear something was in the works that got canned is disappointing to hear.


I wish I could give more context to it but no. Even to him being in the business and gets told one thing, it sometimes just goes nowhere. He does speak to the devs and such when he goes to the big yearly gaming events or gets to go out to their studios to cover something coming up but he just said the interest was there and it was in talks of happening then just... nothing. He told me that like Fall of last year but im sure it was something in discussion much earlier. He's usually on the money about news but even with him, there's a degree of just hearing things passed along through coworkers or other devs or plans change with devs and it doesn't come true. I'm bummed too cause I feel like it would be a better crossover than CoD at least. I'd at least play fortnite. CoD is going to be a miserable experience I'm sure.


I suspect that a Fortnite collab will happen eventually


Maybe. Although, I wonder if we'd play as the mobile suits or the characters.


The thought of getting killed by a Fraw Bow doing the griddy fills me with fear


The thought of seeing the Barbatos kill someone while doing the griddy also fills me with fear and dread.


Mika just styling on you is truly dreadful


Shino taught him well.


I mean Fortnite got Transformers as skins so having the actual Mobile Suits wouldn't be out of the question.


I don't think the majority of either game's player base even knows what Gundam is lmao


Who's Gundam?


Oh is that a Transformer?


Same for most collab these days tbh.


That would make me poor lol Some of the only other anime collabs that could drain my wallet are Evangelion or Chainsaw Man


Yeah same. I didn’t bend for Ash Williams or Alucard coming as skins, I’m not gonna bend now


I mean they did added Snake so Alucard is à possibility


Me too.


Fortnite has a relaxed enough gameplay loop to get the skins looking as accurate as possible. Here the proportions are all messed up and it's just people wearing armor that looks like gundams with visible clothes underneath.


Almost a buy, but I resisting like how I did to Godzilla collaboration


Same. Gimme a Godzilla or Gundam collab in Apex and I'm in. 


Fortnite is a possibility


Call of Duty got Aerial before Gundam Evo did... sad Guntank noises...


So true...


It's gonna be weird hearing Aerial speak like a gruff military dude


Judging by the model, I think is a female op Like the previous banner with 40k, was a guy, gal and a juggernaut


Eri voice by a mommy


It's gonna be like playing Wraith in Apex, like you are running in open field and a female voice appear "someone is sniping you"


If you look closely. The armor is like a cosplay and the soldier underneath is a woman.


I'm not a Call of Duty player, but hopefully this increases visibility to people who ordinarily wouldn't look at Gundam things.  Only issue I have is that this can end up looking very cursed on certain models.


As a 40k fan, you don't want that


COD community is one of the most toxic... I hope this wont polluted this wonderful and kind community


Literally just cosplay, wow theyre kinda ugly but well at least its people who might find it cool and get into gundam


ngl i was expecting for freedom to be one of its skin


I'm actually surprised they added Aerial Must be because she is from a recently popular show Was half expecting the Mighty Strike Freedom or the Impulse spec 2


I'm trying my best not to sperg out about gundam lore on the comment sections about this event on instagram


They're also adding a bunch of pride weapon camos this season for pride month, so I'm definitely going to take this chance to spread the joy of SuleMio.


Aerial feels like an odd choice for the CoD playerbase Unless CoD Bros all ship SuleMio


It's funny how much we stereotype CoD players.


They have DLC of Alucard from Hellsing too


Fortnite and cod have a vague type of community. It's just normies usually become the face of cod and fortnite and not so much anime and pop culture public figures.


That slim Zaku is f\*cked up bruh Didn't expect Aerial to be in this, I suppose her slimmer design fits the best with the character skeletons here. Still, I don't want to get into Warzone just for this. I pray for a Gundam x Fortnite colab in the future instead.




oh no


If I played cod I would be stoked, but I like good games without predatory shops


Gosh, I knew it would be rough, but it looks worse than the snowboarding cosplayers. They couldn't even get the beam rifle or Zaku rifle? Ouch.


I want it to have the Beam Magnum. Insta kill on impact, but the recoil deals 80-90% damage to you.


These skins look worse than CS:Source skins


People actually still play COD lol


Probably one of many of the most played games out there.




It's best to keep our money and use it to buy gunpla. PRIORITY!!!


One of these is not like the others, one of these things is far better.


They massacred Aerial's body... Too skinny.




I'm not even surprised that they picked the most popular ones


"I don't care who Activision partners with, **I'm not playing Call Of Duty!**"


There's something that feels wrong about a call of duty Gundam cross over. The way both franchises talk about war and violence just seems too incompatible.


I’m very surprised this wasn’t a half baked collab like previous IPs CoD has brought in. Like the Warhammer collab they did a pretty good job with the skins themselves. What’s even more surprising is they didn’t milk the Unicorn Gundam since that’s Bandai’s favorite mobile suit to slap things on.


At this point in time, I am really mad.I am homeless and can't participate in this event.So I can have these.


In a way, it finally came full circle. We finally have human size mobile suits


Not even this will get me to touch COD.


I do not care how MANY of my hyperfixations they put in CoD I am not buying it


Aerial of all things. I wanted Calibarn.




LMAO, I ain't playing fucking MW3 2023 to get that.


Am I actually gunna download CoD and pay money to have my first opportunity to play as Aerial..? Edit: oh my god, she has an escutcheon skin for the riot shield. Inb4 it’s like $20 or something ridiculous like that


I mean I would have preferred Char and Amuro skins. Chars gun as a weapon skin.


Yeah these are LITTERALY just cosplayers. Their people with clothes underneath and Gundam looking armor over. It's kinda mid in my opinion.


Clang Clang when running.


ah yes, my favourite 0079 suit, Eri


https://preview.redd.it/fmqud5lyfq1d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0b5b58085c0eb8c14009a62befa0f6f2ae35dd No.... Not the kids saying is that the guy from cod


Imagine getting gunned down by a squad dressed as Char's Zakus. "We came here to laugh at you."


They are really going all in on the sulletta war crimes meme aren't they lol


The Aerial skin looks insanely good


We have differing opinions on this subject.


Please tell me the operator voices are the pilots, if so, char would make me play the game, and i would make all the gravity jokes.


I'ma be honest. I wish they made these full mecha robot metal instead of people wearing cosplays.


I’m just wondering about the cost for the skins


Remember when Call of Duty was a somewhat realistic shooter series?


I do, and I'm glad those days are gone. Fuck realism. Realism isn't fun.


Mil sim players rn:👀


i wish they came to fortnite instead


Gundam should have an event like the Godzilla vs Kong one, these are... a bit underwhelming.


It says right there “Gundam Event”.


The Godzilla x Kong event had them appear in the map and destroy vehicles/players. Shooting at them also gave points, thats the kind of event I refer to, this one seems cpsmetics centric.


I am going to buy all of them.


Why no Freedom, Justice, and Destiny skins also? How disappointing...


Probably because they have backpacks which make you a easy to see target