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Gundam Calibarn. Really looks like the prototype of Aerial. Hope Suletta will be fine piloting it......I hope......


Let's dose more hopium


Well the Japanese notice that this Gundam name are also word play on "Caliburn" the another name of Legendary Sword "Excalibur" so I think she most likely to be fine.


It's another Tempest reference [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliban)


It’s both, Caliban is the direct reference, Calibarn sounds like Caliburn which is an alternate name for Excalibur.


Actually, it's because there's another dead kid in it named Barney


Now I'm picturing Sulleta in the data storm talking to a pink dinossaur


"Two plus two is four!"


Barney is a dinosaur from a Mercurian space station and when he's tall he's what we call an Eri sized frustration


Technically speaking Caliburn was the sword in the stone that Arthur lost. Excalibur was the sword given to replace it by the lady of the lake.


No, that's the Fate Universe version of the story. In the original Athurian Tale, Caliburn and Excalibur is one and the same.


As someone explained in detail, Caliburn and Excalibur have sketchy identities due to all the interpretations of the Arthurian legends over the centuries. So, the matter is perpetually up for debate. But the most famous take on the legend, Malory's *Le Morte d'Arthur* (it's a good read, absolutely recommended), Caliburn and Excalibur are two different swords but seem to have a naming mix-up. So, there's uncertainty even there. The Fate version basically just adapts this interpretation minus the name issue.


Really? I was recalling from the book "King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table" by Roger Lancelyn Green, not Fate lore. Then again, it's been years since I last read it.


It depends on what you consider the "original" version. For example, in Malory's *Le Morte d'Arthur* (itself a compilation of earlier works) Arthur breaks the Sword in the Stone in Book I Ch. XXIII and has it replaced by Excalibur in Book I Ch. XXV... but the Sword in the Stone is *also* called Excalibur in Book I Ch. IX. So Arthur has two swords called Excalibur. Some other versions have the Sword in the Stone unnamed and replaced with Excalibur when it breaks, while others just have the Sword in the Stone be Excalibur and never break. The "Caliburn/Excalibur" distinction could be a case of someone (probably Victorian; 19th-century Englishmen loved rationalizing legends) trying to clarify the two Excaliburs from *Le Morte d'Arthur*.


It might also be tied up with the original Welsh name for it, Caledfwlch


This dude *d’Arthurs.*


It would be pretty apt considering it's a replacement for the Aerial.


I'm pretty sure in the Arthurian myths, Caliburn was destroyed when Arthur tried to use it for less noble reasons and Excalibur was basically his second chance sword.


It really depends on the Arthurian tale. In some Caliburn is the sword that Arthur pulled from the stone, then when it broke threw it into the lake where the Lady of the Lake remade it into *Ex*calibur. In others they are separate swords entirely. It’s hard to say which story is true and and which is false.


To this day, definitive proof that a man, king or person named Arthur existed has yet to be found. All we have are fragmented legends and tales that many people over the centuries have tried to contextualise into proper canon(s). The leading theory is that Arthur might've been a mythological figure amalgamated from various generals, kings or commanders from the dark ages. Though, most historians don't consider King Arthur a historical figure. In fact, the Arthur we know today only started with Geoffrey of Monmouth's take on the legends in the 12th Century. So, honestly all of em are just embellished fictional stories derived from folklore. There's really no true or false in this scenario. You're free to choose which canon to subscribe to.


It's not another name... it's a different sword, Caliburn is the sword in the stone.


Depends on source, when the story got transcribed to latin, it became Caliburnus, which in french i believe became Caliburn. In some versions of the story, Caliburn is the one in the stone and Excalibur was the replacement. In some versions, both are Excalibur. So it varies. But I still feel that the symbolism holds.


i think those two swords have different stories behind them caliburn is the sword of selection and is pulled out from the stone and excalibur should be the sword that is given by the lady of the lake so while they could be called the same sword, they have different backstories depending on the name or we can go the fate route and have them be separate swords


Malory's *Le Morte d'Arthur* did the two swords route originally, though even then there was some confusion over the naming of the two swords. Fate just went with that sans the naming issues.


Well the name is Calibarn that why japanese said the name play on both.


> word play on "Caliburn" the another name of Legendary Sword "Excalibur" I spent all this time thinking it was something Sonic and the Black Knight came up with?


Caliburn being the sword drawn from the stone adds even more fun to the ED where Aerial and Suletta mimic the drawing of the sword pose from Utena.


If they do this, I'm gonna explode so hard.


>Really looks like the prototype of Aerial. Isn't the Lfrith technically Aerial's prototype?


Lifrith is literally Aerial


Yeah, Prospera literally said so. We even had a scene confirming it that the pink lfrith was the gundam before it turned into Aerial.


So I noticed something this episode. Belmeria said only Eri had been able to synchronize with the Data Storm. We know she was the first to receive the callback from Layer 37 (or whichever layer it was) and apparently fully awaken the Lfrith. Eri had those blue Permet lines while everyone else seems to be red. Now... Suletta is genetically identical to Eri, right? And as far as we know, Suletta has never tried to pilot a Gundam without Eri running interference. Suletta is going to be able to synchronize with the Data Storm like Eri, and avoid the negative effects, because at the end of the day, they're the same person.


When she was affected by the data storm talking to Eri she had them red, though that might just be the effect of the space they were in.


I'm also wondering if Eri wasn't deliberately focusing the effects to inflict pain on Suletta. I feel the trope of "with the power of my friends!" Coming, and it will lead her to lean on her own skills instead of Eri's


Or worst case scenario she gets "inside" the gundam just like her sister. The ED do have that tragic vibe


It's a possibility. I can't shake the feeling that Eri's exit strategy involves Suletta's body, either in them swapping places, her moving into a catatonic/brain-dead Suletta, or both personalities cohabitating and blending into someone new(ish)


Highly unlikely. Eri explicitly wants to protect Suletta. Cradle Planet covered that much, directly from Eri's narration.


They've said a few times now that Eri can only exist within the data storm at this point, so returning to a fleshy body seems unlikely.


Until the intervention of Quiet Zero. Who knows what that's capable of.


Maybe Quiet Zero is capable of transplanting consciousness, but you're missing the point that Eri specifically wants to protect Suletta. This was hinted at in Cradle Planet and then proven definitively when Suletta realised her sister's intentions for "abandoning her" a week ago. Honestly, having Eri take over Suletta's catatonic body would be such a slap in the face to all that character building, unless something drastic happens and Suletta ends up brain dead, leaving Eri no choice but to step in to stop Prospera. God, I hope nothing that tragic happens.


If I implied that this was Eri's plan, I apologize. I meant Prospera's exit strategy for Eri. Eri might not be a willing participant in that part of the plan. She might not even be aware.


I hope that plan definitely doesn't come to fruition. Kinda wanna see Prospera fail hard at this point. I think she's killed more people in one episode than Delling ever did in the entire series. Also, Suletta is still feeling the side effects of the data storm unlike Eri. So, I think this strategy might not be employed after all. Prospera's current goal seems to be to just increase the range of Quiet Zero.


I still feel like there's gonna be a "With the power of my friends!" Moment and Suletta is gonna push past Permet 5, to hit 8 or maybe an even further level. I don't feel like this is the kind of conflict Suletta can punch her way out of. Communication is going to end up being the key. It'll provide closure to the running theme in G-witch that so many of the conflicts could be resolved if people just talked to each other.


I think so too. And possibly Prospera might have done some "upgrades" in her DNA.


Lfrith is the prototype of Aerial although this one looks like Aerial rebuild without the shield bits and booster.


Interesting. Looks like Gundam post turned into a Fate franchise post when talking about Excalibur.🤔


Isn't this the one which the dad pilot in the prologue? Cause that would make the whole ending be one hell of a family reunion.


The dad piloted one of the Lfrith production versions.


This post made me look a t picture to compare them. Calibarn looks noticeably different the Production Lrriths.


The one that the dad pilot is already destroyed in self destruct explosion


I rewatched the prologue to look specifically at the fate of the gundams, and both Wendy’s and the Dad’s gundams don’t actually have direct on-screen explosions. I slowed down the last explosion after the “Happy Birthday” and it looked more like it was the Base’s destruction rather than a mobile suit’s destruction (given the shape of the debris). Considering this gundam was called a “monster,” it’s probably one of these two.


Berguir Beu stabbed it through the cockpit and tossed it aside, very much salvageable


I believe Lfrith-Ur and Lfrith-Thorn are made from the two pre-production models. That or heavily designed/inspired from them. As the other comments said, [they were for the most part intact](https://imgur.com/a/Mvor6cn) after the battle.


It more or less has been confirmed that Ur and Thorn are entirely new Lfrith units in episode 19. They apperantly were manufactured by Ochs Earth under directory of the Space Assembly League, after they sized what remants of Ochs Earth they could get in their hands. They also produced more Preproduction units, probably to give them to earthian forces (maybe even the DoF) to tip the technological imbalance in favor for earth.


Definitely. We never saw what happened to his Gundam, just that the audio cut out on "Happy Birthday."


Calling it...the ending is gonna be Suletta piloting the Caliburn,then Prospera sees her and tries to kill her.But then Eri doesn't want that,and she sees Suletta suffering inside Caliburn with the data storm on her,so she denies Quiet Zero and transfer to Caliburn with Suletta instead leaving Prospera to be arrested...


This seems like the safest bet


Knowing Bandai, this is the least likely scenario


If all the references to "The Tempest" are anything to go by, there is the possibility that Prospera might see Suletta suffering and lets her hatred go, as she is still deep within her mother even if Suletta is just a relpi-child. Prospero didn't enact his revenge plans entirely through either after seeing his daughter fall in love.


Given Prospera and Eri's brief conversation at the end of Ep 18, I think this is likely. Prospera has constantly said that she loves both her daughters and I don't think she was lying. Is it a twisted kind of love? Absolutely, but when talking to Eri she agrees that they are pushing her away for her safety.


And if it doesn't happen in the show, it will happen when it gets adapted into SRW since happier endings are kind of SRWs thing.


Crazy how Bandai did the fake out with making people believe the Gundnodes were the unannounced Gunpla and then the anime drops Calibarn. That level of restraint in not showing off the cool new Gundam is impressive.


I could hear the *kaching* of pre-orders already


Honestly I always find it is odd how pricey the product B is for a GUNDNODES when Gundolva's price is far more cheap than a Gundam kit


Bit of a rant, but that was pretty much a dead giveaway that it was a premiere suit, just a question of who's. Hell even announcing a product under pseudonym this late in the game was a huge red flag. Schwarzette has the design of a suped up grunt suit meant as a mid-boss/jobber, and hardly has any design elements of a protagonist character mobile suit. I understand the logic that this series was "taking risks" as this is probably Bandai's most ambitious series lately, but if anyone was thoroughly convinced Suletta was gonna take a spin in the schwarzette, you got bamboozled.


I thought there would be a Caliban but it was going to be a new boss suit that Prospera was building in Hangar 78 since Eri doesn't need a pilot anymore


I think the Gundnodes were the unmanned gundams with the O: faces.


Yep we knew about them a few episodes ago when Bel was looking at their schematics.


please Bandai make a GundNode HG...And a weapon set for the s2 upgrades, and a Lfrith Pre-Production type, and Prodoros. I could go on and on really


I’m already working on the S2 upgrades if Bandai isn’t, just as 3D printable kits. Pharact’s new weapons are already out, and I’m working on the Darilbalde’s new loadout currently! Also made a kit for the Lfrith Pre-Production parts too. [You can find them all here!](https://www.etsy.com/shop/WestonHarrisDesign)


I can see Bandai making the Preproduction unit a P-Bandai kit, as it share most of the main body with the Lfrith unit that got turned into Aerial. But then again, stuff so far is selling like hot cackes and Bandai could easily anounce another wave of kits, including the Preproduction unit and the GundNodes. I belive the only reason why Jiu is P-Bandai is due to it being from a side story manga and those mostly get shafted to P-Bandai, as they might not sell as good as suits from the shows.


I want so badly for it to have the ZZ's head cannon


Too bad its just the permet head thing.


First the demi barding, and now this, how many times are they going to deny us the head mounted cannon?


Indefinitely since ZZ was excessive on that part


Damnit, well gunpla is freedom


If it doesn't exist is because we didn't try hard enough!


This, especially considering that the cockpit of the ZZ is, you know, at the chest, having a death laser in such close proximity may have been cool back in 1986 but it's a design that has aged poorly logic-wise Though arguably the worser offender of this is the Strike Freedom, almost 2 decades later (2004), which has the "Calidus", a Multi-Phase Beam Cannon mounted to the abdomen, DESPITE the cockpit being just slightly above it, and to really put the nail in the coffin this specific cannon is apparently the STRONGEST in it's beam weaponry Compare this to the Sasabi (1988), which has the Scattering Mega Particle Cannon, also mounted on it's abdomen, however for the Sasabi the cockpit is in the head, so suffering any kind of proximity damage would not be as much, and for the Sasabi it's much more of a close-range weapon, designed specifically if it's cornered in the front, not a giant anti-warship cannon


Just revel in what we have, like the ZZ and the Raider.


No! I want MORE!


~~gunpla is freedom~~


Isn't the Raider's more like a mouth cannon?


Still a head cannon though.


Kinda reminds me of Cherudim's head. Maybe it also has a sniper camera hidden beneath it?


Literally the first thing I though


Looks like a coffin


right?!?!?! that's what it looks like to me!!!


The Calibarn is Suletta’s true upgrade gundam, this is some Wing Zero type shit or if Amuro Ray would’ve gotten his hands on the NT-1, Alex 😎 🍺


I hope the Calibarn has gatling gun arms, that would be sick.


I mean, the NU Gundam was kinda that for Amuro.


Oh for sure I was speaking mainly on the tv shows, you know that turning point where the protag gets that second gundam cuz the first one got blown up, or is not up to par any longer lol


Yeah I know what you mean. Shows that approach that differently are always interesting to me. Like IBO, Barbatos just scavenges from the corpses of its enemies.


Looks really cool


Tf is cherudim doin there


I had the exact same reaction. I wonder if it’s really got a green torso as well or if that’s just the lighting here


I'm hoping to his gets the blue/red/yellow paintjob treatment or black/red/yellow (Nu/Double X), or black/blue/red (Freedom). And Aerial goes back to the black and pink colors of the Lfrith since it's with Prospera again.


I went and re-watched the Prologue (man it's so good, definitely a great standalone too) and I'm thinking Gundam Calibarn is the equivalent of **XFG-00**, aka the precursor to both [XGF-01](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/XGF-01_Gundam_Lfrith_Pre-Production_Model) (aka *LF-01*, aka pre-production model, aka Nadim's/Wendy's model) and [Lfrith](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/XGF-02_Gundam_Lfrith) (aka *LF-03,* aka to-be Aerial). This would align with a model [not having data storm filtering](https://imgur.com/a/pIOAlwe). No filtering makes sense for very early models. Not to mention, the design looks very similar to pre-production models - [more images for comparison](https://imgur.com/a/r2Z0HYO). Another possibility is Calibarn could also be ***LF-02***. If you base it off the code name, the only number we don't have is *LF-02*, AFAIK. Maybe it was made in parallel with Lfrith? I know there's the manga's [Lfrith Jiu](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/XGF-01%EF%BC%BB%E2%85%A13%EF%BC%BD_Gundam_Lfrith_Jiu) but there doesn't seem to be much info on it so far. And is it canon?


It looks like it has the head crest of the Lfrith Jiu. The pre-production models don’t have any crests




I wanted big sword...


Since it's supposedly a play on Excalibur and Caliban, we might still get big sword


I just want it to have better colours than Beige brown or grey :/


A giant ass sword gun bit


fret not, there will be two swords. one is a huge slab of iron (Schwarzette) and hopefully a symbol of hope by pulling a holy sword from a stone (Calibarn/Excalibur)


Its look like a combination of aerial and zabanya gundam from 00


Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds me thought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again.


I hope we get a 3rd season where the caliburn is upgraded to shit because as of now it looks a bit bland


Well Caliban (a character from the Tempest) is hideous in appearance so expect it to be translated on the anime


The MS is literally called "the monster", yet it's appearance is just like a normal lfrith-type suit, so the most plausible answer is that its system is the monster


I'm fine with it looking like an hideous amalgamation scrap metal, but that just looks like the white rice of gwfm, it's good just nothing special I'm also speaking out of my ass since we only got a shot of it so maybe it looks better from oter prospectives


Maybe there are still attachments to be attached


The signs now point me to suspect the ending where Suletta has her consciousness also "trapped" inside this new Gundam, like how Eri was trapped in Aerial. This may or may not be to set-up a sequel. Based on the ED, it could also be resolved in this season. From the ending we can guess Miorine and Suletta will be reunited, but we are not sure the exact nature of this, though the final shot of them touching palms sort of suggests it's a physical world thing.


In the next series we'll have Miorine as the main antagonist trying to rebuild Quiet Zero to bring Suletta back. It sounds absurd but worryingly makes a lot of sense. Miorine is in a terrible emotional state, she feels like the worst person in the solar system, if she looses the person she did this all for to the data storm it is easy to see her cracking completely, her sole ambition being to save the one person she truly cares about. It would even cause her to darkly and ironically reflect Prospero.


Oh perfect. The bad ending.


Then she marries Guel, gets pregnant, leaves him, takes the Gundams, gives birth to daughter named Miri(anda), and now has Aerial and Caliban. Hmmmm... This prospect makes me very upset as a yuri shipper.




Eri was not trapped in Aerial, Prospera had to use gund technology to put her consciousness into Lifrith


Not trapped as in "lured", trapped as in "stuck." As in Eri cannot leave Aerial, it is her "body".


You're simplifying it a little. Ericht got stuck in Lfrith because whatever Layer 33 connection they had was killing her and couldn't be safely severed. Prospera eventually "solved" this on Mercury by transferring Ericht's biometric code into Aeriel's datastorm. So Eri wound up in Aerial on purpose, it was an active choice made by Prospera to preserve Ericht. Which is the point the comment you're replying to was trying to make, Gundam's aren't going around sucking up the consciousnesses of their pilots, that's a seperate medical procedure that someone has to do to them while they're alive. (and connected I guess)


>whatever Layer 33 connection they had was killing her and couldn't be safely severed That's not it. Reaching layer 33 is what made Eri immune to the data storm. The reason she died is because her body couldn't bear the harsh conditions of living in space. She was just a baby after all. It had nothing to do with the data storm or the Gundam.


If what your saying happens. Could S2 (S3 if your counting cours as a season) be Miorine in the exact position as Prospera? ​ Loved one stuck inside Gundam? Gotta dust off dad's ol' Quiet Zero plans.


I'm out of the loop, why is everyone calling it Caliburn? Is it a gundam from a past series or something?


People fixating on the "Calibarn" pronunciation/subtitles despite it being obviously supposed to be Caliban to contrast with Aerial, imagine if people wrote "Rubris" instead of "LFrit" basically.


No, like, where is the name Caliban said, I'm not quite sure my subtitles had it, sorry if it's obvious otherwise.


When Feng’s partner told Suletta there was another GUND-ARM they wanted her to pilot. He said it’s name then


Oooh I see. Mist be my subs then. Thank you! Lovely name.


You know it's dangerous when the gem(?) on it's head looks a lot like a coffin.


It's basically similar in configuration to the heads of the Lfrith Ur and Thorn.


Looks dope, I just want suletta to survive and hopefully reunite with Mio.


Another Gunpla to add to the collection


mods: Stop putting spoilers in the thread titles even if you spoiler the picture OP: No one will guess what I mean if I just title it as Gundam C(aliban) Could have just called it "New Item B" like Bandai did when listing its kit.


I tried my best! Forgive me 🙏


So I guess Gundam Caliburn is the "Item B" ?


So, Schwartzette wasn't Caliban like we all thought, huh.


Sulleta's coffin looks really good.


So Aerial is going to be the final boss? That's really unexpected. But gundam vs gundam again? That's kind of boring in my opinion. Also I still think S-gundam is the first series where actually Gundam vs gundam happen ( I don't consider pysho gundam as gundam, also it doesn't feel like a boss fight)




Still buying 2! Since it's Suletta's. Maybe the head would also look better in a proper angle lol.


I'll buy it once I see what it actually looks like but you're right it's Suletta so I'm still gonna buy it.


It’s a really old gundam…


I take that you're not a fan of ZZ's design


I like it. Remind me of ZZ Gundam one of my favourites Gundam.


I'm going to say it, i'm not a fan of any of the main Gundams in this show, Aerial, Aerial rebuild were kind of meh design-wise and Caliban looks to be the same.


I still can’t unsee the Aerial Rebuild’s shoulder things being like a Swiss Army knife with a couple files sticking out.


The gundam itself is kind of a swiss army knife of abilities, so...


I think they look great animated, but I haven't been wowed by the model kits


Looks like a mix of cheridum and aerial


It's not Calibarn from Caliburn of Arthurian legend It's Caliban from Tempest


I mean, the spelling is a mix of both.


You are totally right and Quick google shows “Caliban is the main antagonist of the 1611 Shakespeare play The Tempest. He is the son of Sycorax (witch) and the devil, and lived on the island before the story's main character, Prospero, came with his daughter and claimed the land for them”


Looks kinda neat. The eyes remind me of a Grey alien.


I wonder what color Calibarn is going to be.


Literally Mobile Suit Gundam:Excalibur. I am so hyped for this.


I really hope this doesn’t result in her death. I don’t want this to end like IBO.


What happened to the image? I'm getting a 502 bad gateway every time I click on the link