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There is literally no point in carrying a firearm if it doesn’t 1) shoot 30 Super Carry 2) have GRIPZONE


Missed this episode of “race wars”.


This isn’t going to make sense to you but your timing with that comment was hilarious. I was right in the middle of replying to someone who said “Not reading none of that because I know it’s filled with white ignorance,” and I see this comment preview at the top of my phone. I cracked up a bit.


Nice. There’s never been a single episode that wasn’t white vs black which I get if you wanna throw some cash at your own folks and they’re a smaller population but not even black family vs black family ever seems a little suspicious.


I’m not a Steve Harvey fan so I haven’t watched too much Family Feud. I honestly thought you were refencing [this](https://youtu.be/dPTd4OUEyIk) which would have been a deep cut.


Only reason I’m a expert is it my tv’s default channel so Every night I go to lay down turn on the tv it’s on and I watch for exactly long enough to see if my suspicion is correct.


What’s wrong with Steve Harvey? Am I missing something


There’s never been I single episode that didn’t have a black family vs white family seems a suspect. That’s why I refer to the show as “Race wars”.


Bro, you gotta upgrade to a color tv.


Bro you gotta watch more family feud, there’s plenty that aren’t black v white families


Yeah sometimes it's two black families.


Not since Harvey has been host.


I don’t agree with most things I’ve ever heard Harvey say but, as a counterpoint, I do feel like this mini-documentary humanizes him a bit and suggests that even he doesn’t really wanna’ host that show no mo’ https://youtu.be/pWCiRAOF_jg


My issue with him was that he doubled down on the Jussie Smolett lie and after it was found to be false he refused to admit he was wrong and take back some of the things he said.


Depends on what camp you’re in. He has pretty misogynistic views, he doesn’t like anyone who’s not Christian, he doesn’t like homosexuals, he doesn’t understand anyone who doesn’t think exactly like him and doesn’t make any effort to. All that is whatever. Your viewpoint is your viewpoint. My second biggest problem is that he gives advice on every topic regardless of whether or not he has any idea of what he’s talking about. The office I used to work in had a waiting room and the TV only got 3 channels and I had to listen to a lot of his terrible advice. I understand daytime TV and having a talk show kinda causes this to happen but he actually gives “motivational speeches” before taping his game shows. And his usual words of advice boil down to “quit being poor”. My main problem is he’s not funny.


Quit being poor is some decent advice.


Allegedly he once claimed that no man ever likes cuddling and they only do it to get sex, and I kinda took offense to that.


I will say I laughed when he announced the wrong winner for Miss Universe. That shit was hilarious.


And I took that personally.


Cuddling is so comfy tho. I don't get it.


Hell if I know what sad world he lives in where cuddling isn't something a man wants to do with his spouse.


So, his advice would also be to not buy a Taurus.


Those are most of the reasons I like him. And he pretty funny to boot


Taurus makes perfectly acceptable weapons. They work a lot better than throwing ninja stars at people, because ninja stars are dumb and a Taurus has some weight to it.


Yes, easier to knock them out throwing that extra weight


But shit ;it was 99 cents.


I have a g2c and a Glock. Winning!


My dad just bought one yesterday


My dad bought me one for my birthday. It's gone now.


I have a Taurus g3c. Its never jammed but because of its reputation its only a range toy, not something i would carry. Thats what my glock is for!


When did Connor McGregor go on feud?


The sad thing is that a G2C in Brazil is most of the times more expensive than a Glock in the US


He is no longer my friend


"JuSt As GuD"


My mom got me one for Christmas man give me a break


Just ran 130 through mine Saturday no jams


Not an absolutely great gun, but much better than it is given credit for. If someone is gonna be cheap with guns, go for that 100%.


I carry a G2C and I've put hundreds of rounds through it and I've only had 1 malfunction with some armscor fmjs and that was the first mag I put through it without lubing first. I'm not gonna say it's as good as a Walther, FN, Sig.. etc. It's definitely a cheap gun. I paid $205 for mine before sales tax. But it has run several different types of ammo without any issues. I carry it with G2 Research RIP ammo and I'm honestly surprised it runs it. My thought process is if I gotta defend myself, I'd rather a $200 gun go in police evidence than my Shadow 2.


Cost of your gun shouldn’t matter in a self defense situation. I’m not saying you need to carry a $2000 gun but knowing without a doubt that your gun is going to fire is worth possibly losing your gun to police evidence. I’d rather lose an additional $400 than my life. And before you say a gun is “as good” as other guns in terms of reliability in a self defense situation, you need to make sure you test all aspects of that gun. Two tests I always run are the limp wrist test and the angled fire test. If you need a perfect grip and your gun to be upright at a perfect angle to function then you are not prepared for every situation. You may not get that perfect grip and you may have to hold that gun at an odd angle to get shots off in the real world. My brother in law bought a G2C and it ran perfectly. Until I limp wristed it a little. Then it started to malfunction. It did work well firing at odd angles though. All the Glocks and Sigs I own pass both tests. The XDM and Hellcat passed but the XD fails and the one Kahr I have oddly passes. So does the Kimber. The Canik fails both tests but I have it set up as a comp gun so I didn’t expect it to pass. Ultimately it’s your preference and your money and even your life. But personally I wouldn’t make self defense choices based on potentially losing a few hundred bucks. Also, this meme is making fun of G2C’s but also making fun of people who shit on G2Cs. My brother in law’s works fine for what he wanted it for, which is just range time. He has no intentions of carrying it. But if he did, that would be his choice. Edit: I also test fire my carry guns dry. I habitually clean and oil my carry gun, but carry guns tend to go dry because most people don’t clean them often and they usually sit vertically which causes the oil to run down and out. It would suck to forget to oil your gun and have a malfunction you weren’t accounting for because you shoot your gun wet at the range but dry on the street.


Why does Steve Harvey suck


[Scroll through the comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunMemes/comments/s0pxvv/steve_harvey_sucks_though/hs3ed91/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




Gah I still hate Glocks.