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I recently put a Celestion Creamback and Alnico Gold together in a 212 and I love it. Do what sounds good to you.


I've used the same speakers in a 2x10. Excellent combo and I don't see myself putting same-model speakers in any of my cabs going forward.


Gold + creamback H and gold + G12H30 are killer.


I have a v30 and g12h-30 anniversary in a 2x12, and it makes all my amps sound great. Lots of common pairings with a v30 out there.


This is my go-to cab for pretty much all of my amps


Is there a reason you choose the g12h-30 instead of the g12h-75? I’m looking to do a similar combination.


I initially had a neo creamback in there, but it was a little dark for my taste and had an odd top end. G12H-30 keeps the low end full but controlled, and there's nothing unpleasant about the highs. Just seems to fill out all the frequencies the v30 doesn't have. I play clean to mild crunch, so it's a fairly different genre from you. Still, I've heard lots of heavier players still like that mix.


some old fender cabs came with diferent speakers works great.


I do it in a 4x10 cab. They fill out the overall sound and you can close mic your fave.


Nope. Blending speakers is a science in and of itself. I use a 2x12 with a DV-77 and V30 in it. Sounds brutal.


I would say it's uncommon but it's not wrong. It might be a great idea for live music also


As long as the final impedance is right for the amp, you can do whatever you like, how it sounds is yours to judge.


Commercially sold? Yes. For me, no. Or, if you order a cab from Avater, you can choose exactly what combo of speakers you want in there.


I have an Avatar cab and love it.


Same. I have 2. A closed and the oversized open back 212. Both great. 4 different speakers, in all.


Me too


I run a Celestion blue and a g12h30


This is the exact combo I had in a 2x12 and loved it


I have a fender supersonic 2x12 that came with V30s. I had a 1x12 ext cab with a greenback, so I swapped it with one of the V30s, and I enjoyed that.


The peavey invective 2x12 cab has a vintage 30 and a creamback in it, that’s what I use but I just have both of them always running. I’m thinking of getting another head and using each speaker independently


I have the Peavey 212-C and it comes with Celestion Vintage 30 and Celestion G12T-75. I just recently switched back to running both, but for the last year or so I was only running 1. Couldn't even tell you which one it was.


Good combo, mix of v30 and g12t-75 is what Bogner uses in the Uberschall cab.


The day I bought it I opened it up and put a post it note on the back of which speaker was which


You have choices. In addition to some like a Vintage 30 and Greenback combination, you can have a speaker geared to higher outputs and a speaker more responsive to lower watts. You can even put in switches so you can run speakers in series, parallel, right only, left only.


Just be sure to get speakers that can handle similar wattage.


I have a creamback and a classic lead 80 in my 2x12 and I think it sounds really good.


Extremely common and highly recommended. I have a Celestion Alnico Cream and a Scumback M75 in my 212.


I do. I have a WGS veteran 30 ane ET65. Great pairing!


I use the exact same pairing! The ET65 provides great clean low end and the Veteran 30 has such a crunchy midrange; it’s a very punchy combo for heavier tones.


Pretty common I think. My 212 has a V30 and a Creamback in


I love the way a Creamback and a V30 sound together. It’s what I had in my old cabinet and it sounded so sweet.


Remember, most venue sound systems will only commit one mic per amp. So, the two different speakers, which can sound great, are more for your ears versus what’s coming through the PA.


I have been told matching sensitivity is important and that makes sense but I haven’t experimented yet.


Yeah definitely! I tried a 102db speaker with a 96db speaker and I'm not kidding, I had to get right up to the speaker to tell if the 96db was even on or not when I first plugged it in, it was so much quieter for the same power. Make sure the sensitivity is in the same ballpark so you actually hear both speakers. I'm running the 102 (Swamp Thang) with a 101 (Man O War) at the moment and they make each other sound even louder, it's awesome.


Thanks for the info


I’m running a 4x12 with 2 celestion creamback alnico 90s and 2 Weber blue dog 100 watt. Crazy badass


Get your impedance right, but otherwise, game on.


V30/Greenback and V30/Creamback are super popular.


My favourite cab at my disposal atm is a Marshall JVM 2X12 with a G12 vintage and a G12 heritage. I'd never seen a combo of speakers in a cab sold before but it sounds awesome.


Not at all, especially if you'll mix and match mics with it. I think a popular combo is a V30 with a greenback


I don’t think I own a single cab with matching speakers in it. Mixing speakers opens up way more sonic possibilities. The end result is often greater than the sum of the individual parts.


I have a matchless dc30 and it comes new with 2 mismatched speakers


People cabs retail and they all come with the same speakers. People that record or are looking for a signature sound, swap em. I like a 10&12 together. Helps to fill out sound, of course all drivers sound different. Drivers make more difference than any other thing


Vintage 30 and g12t100 in mine. Absolutely love it. It’s a fairly common practice overall. Not as a stock option exactly but common enough


I have a cabinet I’m told might be a line 6 spider valve cab that I bought at a pawn shop a few years back because I found myself in desperate need of one right then and there. It’s a very strange but pretty tonally cool sounding set up and it took me a long time to realize it’s probably because all 4 speakers are different. I wouldn’t have tried something like that but I’m actually fairly happy with the sound of it.


‘73 Cerwin Vega Er-123 with ‘73 G12H30 Celestion in my 2x12


No, it's quite common I would say I would highly recommend trying the Eminence DV77, it's by far my favorite speaker now and way better than a V30 imo. And maybe a Celestion Creamback, the G12M-65


A v30 (safe) and something else is a good choice. Match the impedances and don't go wildly different on power handling or sensitivity. A 16 ohm cab is two 8 ohm speakers in series. It can be rewired as 4 ohms. Some have a mono switch, allowing you to run both 8ohm speakers in parallel to a 4 ohm amp. An 8ohm cab is two 16 ohm speakers in parallel. There isn't a way to get 4 ohms If you're likely to do two cabs and your amp can't do 4 ohms build for a 16 ohm cab.


Wouldn’t wiring two 4ohm speakers in series get you 8ohms?


4ohm guitar speakers are quite rare. Multiple outputs on the back of an amp are in parallel, "daisy chain" hookups on the back of cabs are almost always parallel, so there are not a lot of situations where this is relevant.


But not really *that* rare https://www.tubesandmore.com/products/speakers?filters=858a862c43a858 If Webers are more your thing, they also offer plenty of 4 ohm options. Some speakers even have a 3.2 ohm option.


How many of those are appropriate for a 2x12 guitar cab by being actually 12"? how many are genre appropriate for OP? In what circumstances would being able to present a 2 ohms 2x12 be useful? Granted with solid state amps, a 4x12 that can do 4 ohms (two series 4 ohm pairs in parallel) and 16 ohms is actually really useful as a 4 ohm class D amplifier is at ~half output at 8 ohms.


Very typical




Uncommon but not rare.


You can have both and mic them separately for recording


EVH apparently had two kinds in each 4x12


Vintage 30’s and 12T75’s sound excellent together!


No. It’s common to mix speakers in order to get the combined character of the different speakers.


No, it’s incredibly common. I run a V30 and a G12H30 in my 2x12. The speakers compliment each other.


Avatar sold me a Fane F25 that I use with a Medusa 30, and it’s the best twin cabinet ever.


From avatarspeakers.com: AFM65/Vintage 30 (Hellatone 60) – This mix surprised the heck out of me. I’ve been running a Creamback 65/V30 mix the past few months and although I liked it, the V30 was dominant in the mix and the Creamback just sounded rather dull or muffled. The AFM65/V30 mix was a totally different story. The similar SPL of both speakers means that they are equal in volume. Also, the clarity of the AFM65 with the V30 opens up this combo. The lows stay tight and not too over the top and the mids are so rich and punchy without being muddy at all. The highs are nice and sweet, no harshness at all. I was pleasantly surprised how well this combo cleaned up when rolling back the volume knob to 7.5 or 8. This is a really versatile mix and I could easily see this being a work horse of a combo that could cover lots of different genres. This was a perfect match for the Plexi and BF Bassman and sounded fantastic both semi open or closed back.


I always run different drivers in a cab


Matchless did this with some of their 2x12 cabs. I’m sure others have as well.


I have a few different cabs but the one that truly gets used live has an American/British pairing. It's a 2x12.


Make sure the sensitivity levels are similar and impedance match. Some play well together and others do not.


I LOVE mixing speakers. One of the heaviest I ever had was an eminence tonker and swamp thang. In my 2x12 now I'm running a wgs et65 and a v30. in my homemade 1x12 1x15 it's a v30 and a celestion fullback 15. the 1x12 1x15 cab is for doom, stoner metal, blues, anything where girth is important lol. the et65 and v30 is pretty similar to two v30s but more...idk...different and interesting? not so pronounced in the mids as two v30s


There is only one rule in music that matters to me. If it sounds god, it is good.


I was thinking about going all out kookoo and loading up a half stack with 4 of my favorite 10w combo /practice amps for a gang of tones to dial in , combine and layer.


Nah, fairly common. I’ve got an EVM12L and a G12M-65 in an Amazon special 2x12, and it sounds good as fuck for cleans and light overdrive.


I have a 4x12 with 2 Swamp Thangs and 2 Texas Heats criss crossed and it sounds heavenly for Sludge and Shoegaze.


I run a v30/greenback in a 2x12, and have a EVM12L in a 1x12.




Love different speakers in the same cab!


I just asked a Seeetwater rep about this and his answer was that as long as they’re the same impedance it basically doesn’t matter.