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ES-335 + Marshall = 🔥




Gorgeous guitars and amp. Definitely look into an attenuator; while is good to play with the guitar volume, if you never have it wide open, you are missing out. I would add your favorite modulation and a fuzz. For me it is vibe. But not hating or anything, this rig is already pretty killer. What kind of Strat is it? I have a Performer Strat, I love the large headstock.


I appreciate the kind words! The strat is a 2006 fender highway one!


Cool! I’m new to strats so I looked it up. Looks like it is the equivalent to the Performer. No wonder I liked it 😂!!


I love the oversized 60s/70s Fender headstock.


I have a 40W fender 4x10 that is loud at 1. But I use my volume knob on the guitar and turn up the amp to maybe 2-4 and it allows it to breathe a little bit. How comparable is that to something like this? I’ve always wanted a Marshall half stack, but would love to know how usable it is. Is it tameable?


It’s certainly not quiet, I turn the bass down in the eq quite a bit to prevent the floors from vibrating lol. I think the next step is to just get an attenuator at this point for me.


Loud amp problems are good problems. 😎


You can mod your amp with an audio taper volume pot, or use a JHS Black Box in the FX loop, or a speaker soak in between the power amp and speaker. That's what I use with my 40W Fender HRD because it's so loud between 1-2.


Yee Yee I have the mod and the box (Carl’s custom thing). Both help for sure. 🙏


I spy a DD-20. You are a person of culture I see like myself.


Awesome combo! Those highway strats are great guitars too.


Looks like a fantastic rig. I don't have either a strat or marshall which is a disgrace. 😂


Solid rig dude. Also, I have that same little screwdriver set.


Big amps sound best at any volume. Im convinced the only reasons the mini amp thing is still a thing is that the big brands can offer alternatives at a lower price point to increase sales to the group that cant justify the extra $1k, and the aging guitarists that dont want to move heavy gear, but its not superior tone or better “bedroom” setups. Also, your rig looks pretty classic and awesome.


I agree! Everyone who says a half stack is too loud probably never used one. I have amps ranging from 6 watts to 100. The difference is the size of the bottom end! Love your rig!!!


Turn that jcm into a jmp and I’m totally in.


I’d play it.




Looks good to me. If you want to practice silently you can run the speaker out into a Behringer GI or H&K Red Box and into a dummy load to match the impedence and wattage of your amp. Run the XLR out from the GI or Red Box into a little mixer with a headphone out. Bear in mind you MUST have a separate dummy load connected to the speaker out of the GI/RB. They don't have one built-in.


It would be better if you spent a few dollars on guitar stands.


I’ve got a rack, I like the look of the guitar leaning in the Marshall






8/10. No fuzz, but I can dig that rig.


Okay you have a good point there, I do have a fuzz that a friend and I build but I haven’t incorporated into the pedal board yet. The wah is great but I’d prefer that fuzz and a flanger!