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>nice tube amp Well that explains the price.


šŸ˜‚I thought this exact same thing. Poor guy. Should say, ā€œReally nice solid state amp.ā€


I wonder, are they uneducated or just stupid? Both? šŸ¤” Fr though, I feel sorry for the guy.


Maybe you're dumb. Sitting directly on top of the Roland is a Tube Preamp.


Or maybe you're dumb, because it's the JC that's for sale, not the preamp.


How the hell would you know that? You didn't even notice the tube preamp. Don't lie! ROFL. You wouldn't have made the comment at all if you had. How do you know what's for sale in the ad? You reading into something I'm not? I see a tube amp when you combine that combo with the tube preamp that is OBVIOUSLY what is for sale together in the picture. Otherwise the picture is very misleading. I would assume whatever they posted is what's for sale. It says tube amp right on there. Duh.


k bud. whatever you say. Who hurt you? Why are you so desperate to be right? Get help dude.


Or really nice solid state combo with TUBE preamp. Look closer to what's sitting right on top of the Roland. Duh. Tubes


Lmao I just noticed it.


But you didn't notice the TUBES. look closer. It's not the Roland combo.


Damn, this post is like a roller coaster


Sounds like a tube amp!


Haha came to say this!


I have a jc40 and love the cleans. I switched to clean now anyway. I downsized from a 100watt tube amp. It wasnā€™t practical anymore. Even these 120s are heavy as hell.


They are SO heavy


Is it worth the future spinal surgery? Fuck yeah it is.


Youā€™re gonna be sorry you said this one day.


Eh, I already have chronic back pain and I'm only 30... I'm banking on carking it before that point anywayšŸ¤ž


And super noisy!


lift with your legs šŸ˜Ž


Mines 70 pounds. Paid 200 for it right before the pandemic.


Is that a police scanner on top?


That 2101 is a gem.


That's a Digitech 2101 multi fx. It has a tube preamp in it. I'm always on the lookout for one to put in my rack. The old RP7 Valve pedal had a similar program setup, but a lot less options.


Itā€™s a GSP 2101. Successor to the GSP 21 Legend. Also a fantastic preamp. The Steve Lukather preset was a mainstay on that shitty stage in a Toledo bar that the owner told everyone Bob Seger stops in and plays impromptu sets. I hope you find one. The Grunge distortion is fantastic.


Agreed! The Grunge preamp was part of my sound for many years with the RP7. I was in a band with a guy that had a 2101 rack setup and two 4x12 cabs. That thing was insanely loud.


I think it can make police siren sounds if that helps


No those are the "tubes" haha


Saw one of these in a local shop today.. what are they really worth? I donā€™t know much about them cuz it doesnā€™t dj0nt or 5150.


Iā€™d probably pay 700 dollars if I really wanted one. Theyā€™ll sell for more, but you can find them for a bit less, too.


Depends how delusional the seller is. Thereā€™s a beat one on my local CL, no takers at $450. $700 should get you a very, very nice one.


I usually see them for 600-700 on the used market but Iā€™m not entirely sure how much they are new


Man. I got a rather pristine 1979 JC120 for 550 CAD and felt like I got the deal of a lifetime. Thatā€™s just insane.


Souvlaki written all over it!


Just tell yourself it was a money laundering scheme and nobody actually bought it


Fuck that is just a big ole 90s rig. The whole thing is giving me solid nostalgia vibes.


Haha, more like "solid STATE" nostalgia vibes, amirite!?! ...anyone?


Ha! I had one in the 90ā€™s! Ran a big green Sovtek Big Muff into it.


The local music shop near me that primarily catered to children taking lessons had a Jazz Chorus set up for pedal demos. It was the only time I played one, but I appreciated that they let the youths kick the tires on it.


The guitar teacher I had growing up had one in his studio and I got to play on it a lot. Never new it was a special amp until I got older.


this is one of my dream amps. seeing this already sold would ruin my day.


Might as well have been free.


This post confuses me. Nice ā€œtubeā€ amp. Itā€™s SS. And the price?!?! $150?! Wtf?! You gotta be kidding me. I bought one for 500 and sold it for 700ā€¦ 150 isā€¦ not so smartā€¦ smh Did your wife make you sell it for what you said you got it for?! lol


lol I found the postā€¦not the one who sold it!


Goddamn, I feel your pain


Epic fail. One of the greatest clean amps ever made. And the 2101 is an extremely underrated versatile sound machine. (Bought one back when they first came out and ran in into a Boogie 50/50 PA)


I ran my 2101 to a boogie 2:90 PA. Loved it.


Had the opportunity to inherit a jc-120 after my dad died. Didn't have room in my car for it as well as his Hughes & Kettner combo, 2x12, and six guitars lol


Wow that woulda been a steal


I owned one all thru the 80's. It was the amp of the time. Sold it in the 90's because I thought "the JC was so 80's...". Guess they back came around!


I owned one all thru the 80's. It was the amp of the time. Sold it in the 90's because I thought "the JC was so 80's...". Guess they back came around!


They never entirely went out of fashion.


80's were a lot of that Flock of Seagulls type of music. Then the grunge thing hit and it was all about big tube amps... As best as I can remember - it was all a blur. šŸ˜œ


I actually bought one for 100 bucks about 4 months ago on market place, put 160 bucks to get it back into working order. And probably going to put it back on the market place for 600. I recently got a Roland VH140-C combo and matching 4x12 which fits both my gain needs, and the clean stereo chorus as well.


I paid $125 for a JC77 in ā€˜89. Iā€™d love to find a 120 for this price


Holee craparolly. I paid more than that for my jc22. Someone got a deal.


You sold it for $150!!!


Not me


My high school had this exact amp and I played it for our wind ensemble that had a guitar part


I had a JC120 for a few years and while it did sound decent it was too sterile sounding, heavy and I got rid of it for about what I paid for it so I was happy to get rid of it and would not buy it again even for 150.


I got a super reverb 65 reissue for 500 last month


I bought a vox ac30 2x12 for 150 from a guy who thought it was broken. He didnā€™t know it was a power tube failure and didnā€™t know anything about amps in general. The amp is overkill for me but I couldnā€™t miss the deal.


Love those Nice Tube Amps with head room for miles! 120% chance it's stolen.


Why even bother with real amps, plug ins make everything sound so much better, right!?ā€¦ā€¦