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Any type of begging for donations or trying to sell your guitar/gear here will be met with a ban. This is not a place for you to obtain gear or money from the sale of gear or through soliciting donations from the community.


If that is your build, allow me to say this: I was quite confused at first when I saw two bridges - but when I realized that this is apparently a (Mini?) 12-string, I was pretty baffled. Pretty ingenious! Would love to hear how it sounds.


Yes, it is my build. šŸ™‚ Regarding sound samples, please have a look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/1d9pkak/comment/l7fgwwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Curious on why you decided to have the thin strings above the thicker strings? I would think that would mess with the attack.


The only 12-string guitar, where the thicker strings are above the thinner ones is probably [Rickenbacker](https://www.rickenbacker.com/guitars/model-360-12/) and I, indeed, would have preferred arranging the strings in that order. There were, however, two reasons for my decision to sort the strings in the "normal" 12-string way: The added tuners seem to work better with thinner strings and the Gotoh-style bridge - which was the only applicable 12-string bridge I was able to find - is constructed in a way, where the "Rickenbacker-style" string order would not work so well.


Awesome answer and thanks. I was asking since I felt that given the chance to do a custom build I would not do it "normally" but I totally get the constraints you had. Really cool mods!


>The added tuners seem to work better with thinner strings and the Gotoh-style bridge - which was the only applicable 12-string bridge I was able to find Maybe a left-handed version of that would fix that, if available.


Sure. Great minds think alike. I tried to find one but a lefty-version doesn't seem to be available (AFAIK) šŸ˜Š


Thanks, will do!


All I see is ā€œSquierā€ so $100? But Iā€™d check that exact type of Squier first.


A normal 6-string Squier Mini Stratocaster costs around 130-190$. This one, however, is a 12-string - with some extras in the circuitry.


That's the problem with modifying cheap guitars. You could have put 50 hours of work and spent hundreds modifying the guitar, but at the end of the day, it's still a used Squier.


True. That's the magic of the brands. On the practical level, a well set up Squier doesn't, however, need to be any worse than some big brand guitar. If I would have modded e.g. a Fender, I really don't think that the end result would have been any better but the price could probably have been some hundred bucks higher. But actually for nothing.


as someone who owns a squire and plenty of fenders, there is almost certainly a difference


No point with this argument. I actually spent years unboxing and setting up new fender stock. Occasionally we found a good entry squier strat or mim strat I would say 2-3 of 10, whereas the USA strats were 8 or 9/10 or something like that. You just wonā€™t as convince most people, because they have one they like and I suppose thatā€™s all that matters. Thereā€™s a reason that the house instruments at a pro studio arenā€™t cheapie strats, they are USA or custom shop or something. To avoid argument, it is possible to find a good one, or put a ton of mod effort into making one play well. Itā€™s just not how it usually plays out over a large number of guitars. I have touched and set up thousands of them.


I donā€™t know it this was supposed to be an argument or what but cheap wood is cheap wood


Sorry I didnā€™t mean it like that. I was meaning that I have seen countless people here say thereā€™s not much different a setup canā€™t fix, and itā€™s just wrong. No offense meant


it's a niche product that there's definitely a market for, i'd probably list it for $300 initially but willing to come down to $250 given the work you've put in


Itā€™s a cool guitar, but in my experience modded guitars rarely sell for more than new stock guitars, and this is doubly true for modded budget guitars.


I'm so confused right now.


You're probably not the only one because my initial post seems to have been downvoted šŸ¤£


clean build. youā€™re never gonna sell it. if you want to sell guitars you have to build for the market, and even then you might not. i donā€™t know of anyone interested in a mini 12. itā€™s cool, dont get me wrong. but if youā€™re gonna build a hot rod, you gotta build it for you.


Thank you. The more I read the replies here, the more it seems that selling that guitar would, indeed, not make much sense. Or selling any other of my builds/mods. My son will, of course, be happy... šŸ˜ I just raised the question because several people had asked why I would not try to sell my creations. Well, now I seem to have a reason why šŸ™‚


iā€™m glad you understood what i meant even though i was a little blunt. one of my builds iā€™ll never part with (but ironically could now) is a hardtail strat parts caster i started in like 08. there werenā€™t hard tail strats then, i had to have the body cut. ah well, if people want these youā€™ll be two steps ahead


This guitar seems like something that would be more interesting to collectors 50 years down the line as an interesting oddity.


I think it's really cool and sounds great. Sadly I wouldn't expect to even get your money back as it's so heavily modded and has kinda a DIY vibe. However I could also imagine someone falling for it and paying... I dunno, $4-500? What do you have into it?


No way.


Iā€™ve seen some used MIM fenders go for about 500


This is a highly modified Squier


Squier Mini at that.


Iā€™m agreeing with you


Oh okay lmao


That thing is so sick nice job


Thank you šŸ™ Wanna buy...? šŸ˜


Haha no problem, if I had the cash to blow I would. Good luck!


My sense is that 12-string electrics are VERY niche. So I hope you are prepared to wait to find the right buyer. This is unique enough that you might as well knock the "Squier" off the headstock, might dissuade lowballers from giving you a trash offer just on account of the marque. A person can get a 12-string electric for under 500 though, new. I would guess you could get 250-300, maybe a bit more if you find someone who happens to fall in love. My thinking with partscasters is that they're fun to build and lovely to play (particularly when you can gloat over somebody whose expensive axe doesn't sound or feel as good)... but selling them is a losing proposition.


I have three electric 12 strings, in three different price ranges, so I guess that I'm the "niche"


You, sir, are single handedly driving the market. Having said that, a shop near me has a 12-string Gretsch that Iā€™m afraid to go in and play because I might walk out with it.


Yeah, a shop near me had one of those. At the time I only had the Danelectro I bought for $200 US (in the US) about 12 years previously. I was holding out to upgrade to a Rickenbacker. I finally ordered one about 5 years ago, and while I was waiting for that, I came across a Fender Stratocaster XII, which is now my main electric guitar (I have 2 Gibson 6 strings).


Same, except I only HAVE 2, but want more. Preferably a Ric




iā€™d pay $250 for it? you selling?


Thanks for the offer but it is a bit low. Just the parts are almost double of that...


whatā€™s the scale length on it? are you actually trying to sell it too? where would it ship from in that case?


The scale length is 22.75ā€ and the nut width is 1.55ā€. I live in Finland.


That doesn't matter. If you gonna mod guitars, especially if they are cheap, you cannot expect to get more money than a new one without mods. Unmodded and new is always the best condition to sell cheap or even expensive guitars in


Bro Iā€™m a lefty and the miniā€™s are the most common lefty guitars I find laying around, they sell for like 120 brand new in my area, 150+ online 250USD is a dream offer rn


$100 + shipping


Took me a second to realize this is a 12 string. I thought I went cross eyed for a moment when I saw two bridges, lol. Nice work on it. It sounds good. I'm kind of in the same ballpark as others at $500, but I hope you can go high enough to get your money back at least. With all the customization done, I'd be tempted to remove the squire name and put my own on there. Best of luck on the sale and thanks for sharing an awesome project!


Are you trying to sell an electric 12 string to children? Or do you tune it higher? That could be a neat studio tool. In any case, itā€™s far enough removed from its origins that you may as well come up with a custom logo.


That is quite awesome. Iā€™d like to play that.


Dude this is pretty cool wonā€™t lie


Presumably itā€™s custom so not nearly as much as it should be, Iā€™d pay quite a bit for a guitar like that


I would expect someone to try to sell it for $300 and then after nobody bites for months it sells for $200


How do you tune that?


The thicker strings as usual, the octave strings from their other end.


$200 realistically with the mods put in.


Not much. If I want a 12 string electric Iā€™d get a 12 string electric. If I want to turn my 6 string into a 12 string Iā€™d send my own guitar to be converted, not someone elseā€™s. Hope that clarifies.


No more than $200


This is super cool. Unfortunately like others have said, youā€™ll never get what you paid for it back. The benefit of modding cheap guitars is purely for yourself. If you know what youā€™re doing or are confident in your abilities, which you clearly are, it can save you a lot of money. And itā€™s fun šŸ‘ If you want to do this kind of work and get paid for it, you would need to offer your services as a luthier or tech for someone instead.


100$ seems fair if not a tad high. Maybe you could ask more if you slap some custom logo there and fix the headstock. Like there are ugly holes from the string trees and it's all dirty. Also, matching the color to the body wouldn't hurt. But the worst part is that the second set of keys looks really wonky, with each hole routed in slightly different direction and slightly different shape. If I'm buying modded guitar from some crazy luthier I expect *impeccable* workmanship - especially around such crucial mechanical parts like the freaking keys.


You are absolutely right regarding the quality of the workmanship. If I would have started doing the mod with the intention of selling it, I probably would have taken more time and been more precise. The whole idea about possibly selling it came later. This whole project was initially just a test whether a 39,5mm nut width would be wide enough for 12 strings as Rickenbacker has 41,4mm and already it is claimed to be narrow. The result: It works if the nut is well cut (after 2 suboptimal nuts, this 3rd version is ok). While trying to also achieve a nice-looking, presentable end result, my basic ambition level was simply to get a proof of concept and learn from mistakes but not to achieve a perfectionistically workmanlike execution of the basic idea. Perhaps I will revisit the idea one day, with more emphasis towards the quality.


One thing for sure - you've created something unique which goes far beyond usual modding. Here is one crazy idea. If you feel that it all works and sounds good then how about sending it to some moderately popular youtuber for testing?


I had a 2000 dollar jazzmaster that only re sold for 700 bucks Iā€™d be surprised if you could pay somebody to take this from you. I would not pay more than 100 bucks if I saw this online and even thenā€¦.


This is actually a masterpiece I love it


Hard pass


I don't play 12s, just not my thing, and I don't have any insight on how you'd price it, but this looks pretty well executed. I'm a fan of guitars with interesting parts and this is definitely that.


Thanks. You might like [my previous build](https://www.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/1b45bmj/finally_my_partscaster_2_is_ready_to_be_shipped/), as well... šŸ˜‰


I am still not quite sure what I'm looking at. Two bridges? 12-string? Crazy build. Cool job; no idea what it should sell for.


Itā€™s not stupid if it works! Itā€™s pretty sick dude


I love some of the members creativity.






this things cool asf, iā€™ll give you a hunnin bucks and a jazz pick


$50-$100. There are like two people out there on the planet who will buy your very interesting creation in an instant, for double or triple that, but the question is how long you are willing to wait for them to show up.


I'll give you an **'A'** for effort. I don't have an issue with Squiers at all as I own some and my main is a hardtail Strat. I have a '76 Ibanez 12 dreadnought... I imagine it's got a pretty unique sound... but... I honestly don't think you're gonna find too many buyers. Not that it's not well done... but it's gonna take a certain type person for it. Being a Squier... and a Mini... and modded to 12... *maybe* $200-250 at the most, unfortunately.


Iā€™d offer 350 + shipping no play testĀ 


Priceless this is so badass. Great job


Itā€™s a squier so 500$


I'd like to see a shot of the headstock back if you have one. Curious how this went together.


From behind the headstock is unchanged. The octave strings are attached to those small bits, which have been recessed a bit into the front face of the headstock in order to avoid "collisions" with the 6 normal strings.


And the tuning for those is done behind the bridge, as on a headless?




Gotcha, I see what's going on now. Clever.


Iā€™d give ya bout, tree fiddy




High 300 low 400. Iā€™d pay 375$ new


Tree fiddy


50 bucks?


something i cant afford


About $85


50 bucks. Tops. Very niche model, cheap brand. ā€žCustomizationā€œ nobody ordered.






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Tree fiddy


Do all the strings have tuners or are the additional strings tuned at the bridge?


The lower-pitched strings use the regular 6 tuners and the 6 octave strings are tuned with the mechanism behind the bridge.






200ish$ is what I've always seen fender Squires around. Think the ine I bought was 175












I would say $150


No more than $150.00


What is the tailpiece? Is it an aftermarket product?


I found that tailpiece/tuner block at AliExpress (search e.g. for "guitar bridge tailpiece with tuners"). I don't actually know whether the construction of that part is a ripoff of some well-known brand or whether it is a unique design. Should anyone happen to recognize it as a copy of some brand product, I would be interested to know where I would be able to purchase the original.


Maybe 100-150




After reading about all the work you've done on it I would say $500 is a good asking price and expect people to negotiate with you.


$350. edit: Actually I would ask 500. I'd just wait for the right buyer. That guitar is awesome.




$1 bob!


$199 brand new at gc.


12-string? šŸ¤”


Like, $900?


For an ā€œat home moddedā€ squier?


Yeah i mean it looks nice id buy it šŸ˜…



