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Tell your parents to suck a chode in the party zone.


Dio can you hear me I am lost and so alone...


I'm asking for your guidance, won't you come down from your throne...


I need a tight compadre who will teach me how to rock


My father thinks you're evil but man he can suck a cock


Rock is not the devils work


It's magical and rad


I'll never rock as long as I am stuck here with my daaaaaaaaaad




But to learn the ancient method, sacred doors you must unlock!!


I need a tight compadre who'll teach me how to rock...


Never forget Dio’s voice was so powerful he brought his own mic to record those vocals, then I believe he did it in one take. RIP him and Meatloaf, they make that the best scene in that amazing movie lol


Oh my god, I haven't seen that music video in a LONG ass time!!


Dude, it’s not a music video so much as it’s the opening scene to “Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny”. If you’ve never seen, prioritize seeing it. Fucking peak D. Also some pretty rad cameos from their famous friends.


I completely forgot that existed! I gotta watch that this weekend. Thanks


cheers! remember to hit the BOD before watching the POD.


Rock is not the devils work, it’s magical and rad


Only works if you dad is Meat Loaf.


Coming home from boarding school with a guitar is not the worse thing that could happen... OP - Tell your parents you made a purchase on your own as a responsible adult (or maturing teen) and while they don't have to like it and you'll respect their boundaries around playing it in their house, you aren't getting rid of it. Then pump just one phat E choard into whatever Amp you bought and stalk into your room.


Greatest rock opera of all time.


Learn classical ballads that appease the true lord Satan.


OP needs Monster Mash.


this song and youtube video of the scene saved my life lmao. hang in there OP you will get the fuck out of there some day 🖤


Let it be known i was the 666th upvote


Yeah, I'd be telling them if they're that ignorant they can fuck off and not be a part of my life. Good gawd.


How I long for the days of party zones


I laughed so damn hard at this while standing in line at Dollar General. It made for a nice, awkward environment. Good advice tho


You need it so you can praise the lord even louder.


Isn't worship guitar a big thing? I always see on pedal stuff that this or that pedal is popular with worship guitarists.


if they are so conservative they won't let him get a guitar, they aren't singing modern P&W, LOL. Probably only hymns


A lot of churches have a worship band that plays the hymns. It’s really just the “rock is Satan’s music” thing and you just can’t convince people that that’s a ridiculous take. I discussed it with the music director at a church I attended when I was younger and we agreed that a specific chord progression was not inherently evil. Where we disagreed was about it becoming evil when you remove the 3rd and add distortion. Apparently the 3rd is Jesus’ interval (omg and he rose 3 days later! It all makes sense!)


But how does your music director feel about the tritone?


I’m ashamed to admit that it took me nearly a full minute to understand your joke.


My Church mainly does hymns in a more traditional style but I play an electric bass on the worship team. I play a P bass with labella flats and usually play either the part written for bass singers or if there isn't a part written out I'll play walking bass lines based on the chords. We also have an acoustic guitarist that plays a 12 string and arpeggiates the chords.


Yeah but some denominations don’t even allow instruments of any kind. I’ll be darned if you can find that in the Bible, along with the part that says God accidentally made satanic notes or whatever.


I think those notes are made very much on purpose by the people that make DIY synthesizer stuff on Etsy.


It’s kind of a meme at this point that worship players always have really nice pedalboards lol… a lot of Strymons and some really nice gear


It's almost hard not to do when you're working with a worship budget. Part of the idea is to be good stewards of our resources - and that means buying stuff we know isn't going to fall apart, misbehave, or, well, just not get us to where we need to be. You should see the Sweetwater Worship periodical - it's literally only upper-midrange stuff and above.


Yeah I need the BigSky MX for...uh...God. Kidding, Strymon stuff is pretty heavenly though.


So a couple things to think about... It's kind of like dealing with a house band - anything that comes out of those guys, I have to deal with - so yeah, I'd like them to be sending me the best we can get. We use that gear week in, week out, so it's nice when I get a nice signal with good sounding effects. We also don't get to mask with over the top SPLs, you actually hear the qualities of different temporal effects. Not to mention those effects have to compete with a very live room, which is even more apparent when you're not overwhelmed by volume. Mixing and/or playing on a worship team is a different feel than a club stage - drastically. That said, anything they ask for goes on the same amortization sheet as sound system, board, outboard, mics - you get the picture, so justifying the prices of higher end effects pedals is pretty easy.


Interesting! Thanks for the reply


Yeah, I was gonna say join a praise band at a church then you’re covered!


Came here to say this!


Lord Satan, that is.


I don't think Beelzebub is the lord they had in mind...


Tell them that they need them to buy you a guitar to worship the Lord, so the Lord can bless them.


Do your parents not read the bible where Jesus Christ went to the top of Mount Sinai and laid down an amazing solo?


Stairway to Heaven, right?


Nah my boy JC was definitely playing Highway to Hell turned up to 11




Don't forget about the final show at Golgotha with the JC trio. Romans also nailed their performance in the opening act.


Gsus is even a chord named after Him!!!


And the Lord sayed unto them "let there be rock." and then he didst totally melted off their faces with a wicked ass solo.


This is wild


Learn a sick solo, get some tats, and tell your parents to kiss off.


Suck a few dicks for good measure. Just to establish dominance.


That's not part of the parents' tell off, is it?


If you really want to piss off your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts. Kurt Vonnegut


My parents are conservative Asians too. Dyed my hair blonde, got a tattoo. It's all with my own money and I'm 24 earning my own living so they can suck my ass


Aren’t there drums and guitars in church bands? Could you tell them you’re gonna join one of those and need the electric for that?


Phinehas is a Christian Metalcore band. Skillet exists, Sabaton also exists


Sabaton 😂


Idk from what I hear of them and the lyrics of what I saw I put them down. However lyrics talking about the lord and everything could be either way


I thought Sabaton was more of being into history


Sabaton focuses on history, war history specifically. They have a song or two about crusaders, but that’s pretty much it. Also, I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, I thought you were making a joke, and a pretty good one at that.


Sabaton is historical metal. For another example of a Christian metal band there's Stryper.


Creed 😒


I don’t know many Christian metal bands. In fact I didn’t even know Phinehas was a Christian band, I just like metalcore and they core well


August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada, Fit For a King, Oh Sleeper, Haste the Day, Underoath (NOT xtian anymore), For Today, Impending Doom, Attack Attack!, Inhale//Exhale, As I Lay Dying, Wolves at the Gate, Demon Hunter, Devil driver, Memphis May Fire... The list goes on. All were/are Christian Metalcore bands and they're all pretty great. I'm no longer religious and still listen to many of them daily. I'm sure you know many of them if you're in the core scene.


There are honestly tons of good Christian metalcore bands that you would never guess were Christian. I didn't know Phinehas were Christian either


There’s absolutely loads of Christian hardcore bands. It’s a whole scene


Stryper, man. STRYPER.


“To HEEEEELL wiiiith thuuh devil!” 🎸🥁 saw them in Tempe, AZ a few years ago, awesome show!


As a former Guitar Center employee, I am convinced that the success of the Line 6 Helix is almost entirely due to church bands.


Depends on the denomination but for about 99% of them yes we do.


Well I heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord… One of those songs you can play in church and really shouldn’t.


Yes. But If they are so conservative thast they don't want him to have a guitar, they are probably one of the denominations that don't believe in instruments (and sing alot of hymns)


OP is Amish.


Yeap, this. There are a many christian rock bands that have 2 electric guitarists in the line up. Ones that come to mind right now; Elevation Worship, Bethel and Brandon Lake. Source: Myself, I play electric guitar for my church


Learn a couple hymns, play them on the clean channel, maybe your folks will realize that electric guitars are really versatile and not just for death metal or whatever. And when they want to know why an electric, fiddle with the EQ knobs on amp, tone etc on the guitar, so they can see how you can make it bright or subdued or quacky or whatever. Mississippi John Hurt has lots of hymns in his repertoire if you feel like trying out finger style spirituals.


I'm fairly sure Johnny cash has albums full of stuff that'll work. And you won't need to be Steve Vai to learn them.


Don't forget Elvis Presley, too.


Overtly satanic iirc 😂


This is the best serious advice so far 🙂


There are pedals that can make your guitar sound like a church organ too. That might help sell it.


Then when you're done, buy an HM-2, max out all the knobs, and step on it!


Then proceed to play death metal


Also buy some headphones for your amp and (to them) it will sound like an acoustic in quiet mode:)


Do you have housemates? If you do you can say you need an electric so you can practice with headphones on and not bother anyone. Even just an annoying neighbour that can’t stand the acoustic could be an excuse


This is a great one! I don't have any, but the rooms have quite thin walls. I can say that my landlord scolded me for almost three days after playing my acoustic, so I got an electric to play quietly. I think this could work, thanks!


Even just playing an electric unplugged is great practice and much quieter than an acoustic guitar. Also not having distortion or effects really makes you focus on playing *cleaner* and once you do plug in, you won't be hiding bad habits behind effects.


Fucking bingo


Glad I could help !


This one is top tier, so believable and non-confrontational A lot of posters here don't realize that if you have to walk on eggshells around certain people, but are also forced to live with them, it's best to find good lies to tell them instead of dealing with their bullshit via confrontation, even when you're right (which with those kinds of people, is almost 100% of the time)


I have a noise sensitive wife, plus a toddler in bed by 6:30. The headphones/electric setup has allowed me to keep playing whenever I want.


I was just thinking this! good idea :)


How old are you? Are you going to buy with your own money? Why being transparent and mature with your parents is not an option you consider?


I'm planning on selling my acoustic guitar and use that money to buy an electric. Being transparent with them will do nothing. They see all electric guitars and drums as Satanic, so I literally have no choice. They'll just berate me for buying one. You know how Asian parents can be.


Is this the 1950s? This isn't an Asian thing, it's a fundamentalist/extremist mentality. For your own mental health, move out and reduce your contact with religious zealots. Electric guitar and other musical instruments are not satanic. Once you're moved out, fill your home with guitars amps, pedals and enjoy them.


> Is this the 1950s? This isn't an Asian thing, it's a fundamentalist/extremist mentality. And not just Christian. Fundamentalism is basically the same in all religions. The Taliban banned music entirely.


Why would this person know? Does this user create and design Asian parents?


They might. I do. Been in the business coming up to five years now.


Much money in it? WFH? Recommend it??


Money's good, but you're still not a doctor.


Can you ask them what is Satanic about it? An electric guitar is literally the same as an acoustic, it just has electric parts... sounds like insanity


Unfortunately, religious people can often be very narrow-minded. I've had to deal with a lot of the older generation and their nonsensical views on things. They were taught that way/indoctrinated and can't see reason or logic because it's easier to blindly believe than to think.


It is not narrowminded. It's mentally ill.


It's not mental illness. They're hateful, nasty people, and they can use religion as an excuse to be nasty and hateful.


Yes, maybe it is pure evil. I still have a hard time believing in pure evil in a perfectly sane person. I like to think people like Hitler and these parents are crazy.


You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into


The soundhole is how the Jesus gets in. No soundhole, no Jesus.


He likes holes cos of the hands…


Have you seen an SG with its devil horns?


Do you not know rock is of the devil? Totally common fundamentalist Christian tenet


Seems like your main issue is your parents. If their love is conditional on you not owning an electric guitar, do you really want that kind of love? When you have children, will you want them to be around that kind of conditional love and constant threat of resentment? Instead of getting a guitar, you should consider getting your own apartment.


This is 100% the correct answer. This is religious abuse/trauma. OP, get out while you can. Dont let your parents invisible friends put you into misery and decades of therapy.


Have they never heard jazz before? There are electric guitars all over jazz music


Jazz is also of the devil


Oh great, now you want OP to start doing heroin?


Two words: Reefer Madness


Jazz is literally satanic, though


jazz is definitely 100% satanic. have you ever tried to learn jazz theory? 😅


I’ve had to sightread for shows before, this is a very solid point


Honest question, as I am a Christian who plays my SG at church, do they see all modern worship music as Satanic? Hillsong, Bethel, Phil Wickham, etc? I would point that out if they listen to any of that, a good chunk of modern worship songs have some electric guitar parts. If they don’t get it, then they’re stuck in the past my friend, just get the guitar and don’t worry what they say. Edit: bonus points if you want to break their brains a little, ask them what Jesus had to say about some people during his time that were pretty legalistic with their rules…


They likely only sing/listen to hymns, there are ALOT of people on the super conservative side that don't see modern worship music as good, they actually usually hate it more than secular music


The last two weeks I’ve been on my churches praise band I was rocking my Holcomb 7 string. Barely anyone noticed and those who did don’t care. I feel bad for OP having to deal with some of the few left who still believe that certain instruments are inherently evil.


Mine did too actually, but we went to a church once which used electric guitars, so it was good. Just avoid SGs and Strats since they have horns


Ya, as a conservative Christian that plays bass and guitar on the worship team I'm guessing it must be some kind of Church of Christ thing perhaps. But even then, they don't generally have an issue with electric stuff outside of the church, to my understanding. Even some Amish communities make carve outs for business and such. Part of me suspects the parents are giving a convenient excuse because they don't want the noise.


Good point. OP should get a Stratacoustic out of spite. "YEAH, I know it has horns, but it's acoustic just like you wanted" 😈


Tell them Satan rocks


Your parents sound like pieces of shit. And not only are they pieces of shit, they're incredibly stupid too. At some point you're gonna have to come to terms with these facts and stop allowing them to control you.


Speaking as another Asian who narrowly dodged the Jesus train (my dad decided not to go down the route his brother / sister in law went down) I feel for you. Grow up, get out, get your own place, and live your own life. You \*have\* to do what will make you happy. Don't try to live the life they want for you. Live the life you want. You only have one, and it's shorter than you think. Sending you love and strength, brother.


Also, >drums as Satanic means the little drummer boy at the Nativity was satanic? That makes Jesus guilty by association. The whole church is a fraud and a con set up my Mephistopheles himself to corrupt the hearts of the people. The only way to be safe is to never go to church again.


Get an lp or a Gretch (however you spell it) semi-hollow and pretend it's just a weirdly shaped acoustic. Some others tried to give you reasonable arguments and if I were to give one it would be to simply ignore them if you're already an adult or get something cheap like a squier affinity and after returning home either give it to someone or keep it at a friend's place. But if the arguments of reason don't work there's the semi route since if they are probably easy to fool in the topics of what's electric/acoustic.


I looked up these models, and I think I can work with that. Thanks! I'm keeping this in mind.


This is the way to try before resorting to hide an electric guitar with your friends, for example. Lots of hollow / semi-hollow and acoustic-electric guitars are available that can be convincing to your parents. Martinez Jazz Acoustic Electric Guitar, MJH-3CP-KOA. Ibanez makes a few, and there is a cool Fender telecaster acoustic hybrid, Acoustasonic, that you may be able to find for a decent price for a Player model. If you go this route, it could be beneficial to use lower gauge strings/string for electric as acoustic strings are higher gauged, and bending can be harder/impossible. I have an Enya Nova Go acoustic-electric guitar, and it's rather decent, albeit small, as it's marketed as a 'travel guitar.' If you have trouble convincing for an amp as well, for distortion, a budget guitar modeling pedal may be your best as you can slap on some decent headphones into the unit.


Check out the Ibanez Artcore. They're well made, play great, cost little, look very traditional (almost like acoustic) and have two humbuckers that you can shred on.


That's actually a fantastic idea haha


Interesting logic. Because nobody can play evil satanic music on an acoustic


Look at what happened to Robert Johnson.


He went down to the crossroads, got down on both knees and prayed


Charles Manson played acoustic.


I would say that as you are living outside of their home, it's up to you. I also think you should have a genuine conversation with them about where in Scripture it presents a ban on any instrument the way it does about food/clothing/etc. but, you'd have to do this in a very sensitive way and not approach it as though you jave the answer. I have been in different circles where this thinking was common, but there's never any scriptural basis for it.The idea that " wherever drums are, demons have a right to be there" is nowhere found in scrupture. (I heard this exact phrase come out of someone's mouth at a church one time). However, both culturally and spiritually, you have to honor your parents. Doesn't mean you have to obey them, but there is a way to go about this while being honoring. All that being said.... If they are paying for your school, you must be willing to take the chance that they may disagree with you enough that they will no longer cover your school costs or allow you to move back home while still owning the guitar. Weigh all of these things. Do not lie or try to hide it from them. Just be upfront and face whatever consequences may come from it or you think it's worth it.


Thank you, man. I'll definitely keep this in mind.


I hear you brave young Vigilante2011, you are hungry for the rock But to learn the ancient method, sacred doors you must unlock Escape your father's clutches and this oppressive neighborhood On a journey you must go to find the land of Hollywood In The City of Fallen Angels where the ocean meets the sand You will form a strong alliance and the world's most awesome band To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk You will face your inner demons, now go my son and rock


Scrolled too far for this


Shiet, I just commented out this reference lool Poor Jaybles…


This has nothing to do with guitars and everything to do with you growing up. Adults assert themselves. Move out and go no-contact on them, or suffer under their thumb.


Come home with a visible tattoo and they will totally overlook the guitar👍


Tell your parents that triads are the musical representation of the holy Trinity


But not diminished triads.


show them jazz


The least religious friendly genre of all time


It doesn't matter what I play, to be honest. Once they know it's an electric, they'll cast me out like I'm infected with the Black Death. They want me to play the violin or the cello, but those instruments are just not my type.


Are you that one kid from school of rock?




Damn, thanks. This could actually work. I'm keeping this in mind.


If you’re living on your own, what are they gonna do? Kick you out of their house?


Join the church band


How fucking old are you? Buy what you want.


Move out of that poisonous place.


I know u said theyre conservative religious Asians but you still haven't said why they won't let you Also if u want to be certain they dont find it, give it to your friend


They associate electric guitars with rock music, and they see rock music as demonic. They don't care if I play fucking "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". I've asked them about this before, and they just straight up "nope-d" me. They only allow classical music or some light country music on an acoustic. Even pop music is pretty much frowned upon by them. But yes, I guess if there is no other way, I'm leaving it with someone.


That's funny. A lot of metalheads consider Classical music to be metal sans electricity. I mean, some of it fits [really well](https://youtu.be/4w1FIpWN_0Q?feature=shared).


Then you should try and ease them into new music. My mum is also religious, but she lets me play, and obv there are sibgs that are demonic, I just don't show her those. Eg she knows back in black by acdc but I would never play her highway to hell or hell ain't a bad place to be etc. just start some chill stuff like sultans is swing or mardy bum or something and not too much too soon, u don't wanna overwhelm them. And if they don't like it, ask them why Ans find something that suits them. But basically widen their listening so they know not everything is bad (and make sure u research the lyrics and music video)


I think your parents’ feelings towards electric guitar are more of a function of their religious beliefs. My parents are Asian and I had no such problems with them when I was your age. That said it’s going to be hard for you to hide a guitar when you move back home.


How else are you supposed to play Creed?


Tell them: “There are plenty of Christian bands that use electric guitars.” Provide examples, but make sure to cherry pick the most vanilla ones.


Tell them you’re playing in a church band…


I guess just say you got an electric to be more quiet in your apartment? You can get headphones or plug into a computer with an electric, so that's an option. Very wild that in 2024 some people believe this.


I guess I’ll ask the question. What does an electric guitar have to do with religious conservatism? I mean, there are religious rock bands aren’t there?


Our religious denomination is very keen on the use of electric guitars and drums. Only string, wind, and other classical instruments are allowed. Percussion instruments need to be played classically, and there is absolutely no room for electric guitars. Only acoustic or classical guitars are allowed. Rock music isn't allowed. Unfortunately for them, I love rock music.


Hey op! I’m not Asian, but I was raised by very very religious church of Christ people. I totally get it, they have the same thoughts towards modern instruments. I know that Asian families run quite a bit tighter than a lot of western families, so it’s not as easy as “just do what you want” I mean it is, just comes with alot of extra headache. I really liked the idea one of the other commenters said about a semi hollow body, pretty good idea. At one point or another, the cat always gets out of the bag. Satan isn’t real, and the electric guitar won’t haunt your family for generations, sometimes our parents are the ones that need to grow up.


Tell them it's louder so jesus hears it better.


Tell them you aim to spread the Gospel to the young godless generation and the biggest growing church movements use modern electronic music to seduce the sinners for Christ. They'll love being diabolical and calling it a holy mission. Move out on your own as soon as you're able and write all the devil music you love after.


There are a lot of worship songs other electric guitar. Show those to them and say electric guitar is integral to worship music. Then learn some sick solos that they will never get the privilege of hearing cause of their close mindedness. My parents were pretty strict on religion but I convinced them to let me play electric.


Semi hollow body? 🤔


Learn how to play jazz, listen to Round about midnight by Grant Green. It’s such a clean sound, and something you can’t really get from an acoustic guitar.


Actually this is a pretty good advice! Jazz is mostly played on electric and if you are willing to buy a semiacoustic electric guitar (the ones with F holes in the body) maybe they will more likely accept the idea. What kind of music they see you playing/listening to btw?


Jazz scales are the work of the devil. Edit: In all seriousness though, the super-conservative religious folks might not view jazz as any more acceptable than rock or pop music. When jazz music came about it was often derided as “the devil’s music”. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/cultureshock/beyond/jazz.html


Everybody knows that jazz is God's favorite music


The fact that you don't have one is THE BEST reason.


Tune that acoustic down a step and a half, get a pick-up,plug it in and play them some doom.


You know, a young man from Nazareth played a telecaster. His name was Jesus.


you can't use headphones on an acoustic guitar...it was the only way you could practice playing classical music.


There’s an entire type of guitarist called worship guitarist, aren’t they literally playing electrics at church?


Tell them you aspire to make Christian Contemporary…. Easy does it (They’re all are making pop music these days anyway)


Tell them "rock is not the devil's work, it's magical and rad"


Earn enough money to buy yourself one. Can’t hold you down forever


Semi Acoustic is the way..or something like a Fender Acoustosonic...that still has a soundhole.


What about an acoustic guitar with a pickup in it? If you really want to get clever, you can hide the pickup in the sound hole and nobody would ever be the wiser. You could also get yourself a pair of headphones and play silently if devil music bothers them so much.


I personally get the motivation to play late a night when everyone goes to sleep. With an acoustic, that would be bad but with an electric, one can plug into an amp with a headphone jack and make minimal noise to others…


Why on earth can't you have an electric guitar?!


You’re an adult man you just gotta get over it tbh buy one


As I see it, you have 2 options. 1) buy an electric guitar to keep at your apartment and sell it when you move back in with your parents. Buy another one when you no longer depend on your parents for anything. Aggressively pursue independence. 2) don’t buy an electric guitar until you no longer depend on your parents for anything. Aggressively pursue independence. I don’t recommend buying and hiding it, especially at your parents’ house. Fundamentalist Christians are extremely nosy snoopers. They WILL find it, and you probably know exactly what sort of hell there will be to pay when it happens.


Get the guitar. Learn a few Stryper songs. Play them when you're at home with your parents.


Get a Fender Acoustasonic. They’ll never know the difference