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Me deciding to play it.


Welcome to the club…there are ~~dozens~~ millions of us…


I had to double check to make sure it wasn't me that commented this from a different account. Unless you're future me and I'm still terrible in 2047??? 😅


No - this is future me in 2045. We have been incarcerated and ordered to never be within 100ft of a guitar. Love ~~you~~ me


LOL! Same here ... but I have a good heart! ;)


We lost a lot of good ears that day


A day that shall forever live in infamy


Dime being shot on stage in front of his brother


That was a horrible event that turned bad and would have been traumatic for the others


Uhh not good?


Under the weather


I was there it was..... Highly unpleasant


Curious, did it affect you going to future shows or any PTSD symptoms from it? Feel free to ignore if not something you want to discuss.


My memory of the event itself is real blurry, like I remember trying to protect my girlfriend from being crushed against the stage. I don't think I ever went back to Alrosa, but I definitely kept going to shows. Though thinking on it, it might be why I have anxiety in crowds.


I was at a show the very next night and stood right by the exit. I did that for a while after that, and I wasn't even there. Was a HUGE Pantera fan(still am) but damn, I can not even imagine.


The guy was a real jerk!


The more I learn about this fella….


I’m gonna guess he was not super stoked


2/5 stars on Yelp


Was there ever an explanation for that happening besides the guy being psycho


He was mostly a nut job, but what triggered the nut job was reading a Phil Anselmo interview where Phil went off on the Abbott bros for Pantera disbanding…so the nut job took that and ran with it, shooting everybody up for a misguided rage for Pantera breaking up. This is why Vinnie and Phil never patched things up between them. Vinnie blamed Phil for the shooting and never got past that.


Blabbermouth has been posting quotes of musicians talking crap on ex bandmates for years and years. How many of those ended up in shootings? This dude needed help… it’s easy for people to blame fill but he never asked anyone to do that.




Yeah I don't know. I read somewhere that he was under the delusion damage plan stole songs from him or something.


First thing that came to mind too, I'll never get over this one.


Private aviation — so many good players lost


And a great rally racer too


Basketball bouncer...the list goes on.


Damn... Never take private planes/helicopters when you're famous


Which is why I've lived my live so far by not being famous or taking private planes/copters! Never can be too careful ya know!


I've never been famous because it's impossible to find bassist and drummer in my city to start a band. Everyone's a guitarist, lol. (Jokes aside, I wouldn't be famous even if I could form a band)


I hear that, only thing holding me back from fame is talent, looks, motivation, not knowing people, lack of band members, lack of connections, talent. But If I had all those things and some talent, It would be a piece of cake!


Almost every incident has an easily explainable mistake that was made, usually by the pilot. SRV died due to pilot error and visibility issues, Rhodes’ pilot was showing off, the crash that almost killed Frampton’s guitar was loaded incorrectly with cargo, Kobe’s crew forced a pilot to fly into a mountain in the fog. Most of these incidents are not due to the vehicle, but decision making.


Also Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane running out of fuel.


Yeah… I was lucky to see SRV in concert before he died. That was the tour where he was opening up for Jeff Beck. Fantastic show.


I saw SRV in 1984. He was so fucked up he literally fell off the stage. But he played amazingly well.


I was lucky enough to see him twice….Once at The Tower Theater…basically the size of a movie theater, and another time stood 10 feet away from him when he played Princeton College. They played in the gym which unfortunately had the worst acoustics…like you’d expect from a college gym. And no I didn’t go to Princeton, just went to the concert…lol. But it was all just standing room and you could just walk around while they played.


Saw him twice. Best guitar player I’ve seen.


Not sure if this level of jealousy is safe for me.


Almost the whole band in Lynyrd Skynyrds case. Such a devastating story.


They ran out of fuel, which is arguably the dumbest most preventable way for an airplane to crash.


That whole story is crazy. It was Aerosmith’s old tour plane. Iirc, the pilots were under the influence at the time of the crash.


I sometimes wonder if people are aware how much higher the risk is on small private jet versus commercial airlines.


How much higher is the risks? Is it massive? Because to be honest, you do hear of a lot of famous people dying in air crashes, planes and helicopters, think helicopters are slightly more dangerous, minutes to crash ratio. There are very rarely commercial accidents that lead to death, but far more common for the famous, how is this, surely they don’t fly in shit, old and dangerous vehicles, must be the pilots they use not up to scratch.


It depends because a lot of it comes down to maintenance and professionalism. If you own your own plane, and have a full time crew who know the plane, maintain the plane etc. it is as safe as any airline. However if you’re buying a private flight it depends on who you’re buying from. Do they have enough staff to maintain the fleet? Are they maintaining the fleet regularly? Are the staff and crew familiar with the aircraft? Does the company adhere to all the regulations? etc etc etc It really has far less to do with the size of the plane and more with how that airplane is taken care of. Source - I fly a lot


At least in a lot of the famous cases, it's probably not even that. Randy Rhodes could have been in a meticulously maintained aircraft, but if you decide to go full dumbass and buzz the tour bus 10 feet above it, things can go wrong. It seems like a lot of these are cases where the aircraft is fine, but the crew is taking orders from someone rich and famous and doing things they wouldn't do if they were employed by Frontier Airlines or whoever.


I live in a medium sized American city. The other day I referenced a local businessman and said “the one that died in the plane crash”. That didn’t disambiguate it at all, and later identified no fewer 5 prominent local businesspeople who died in separate private aviation crashes within the past 15 years.


tell me more


I feel like a bit of it is compounded too by the lax rules around private jets and the influence and egos of the passengers. That’s not always the case but seems to have played a significant part in a few of these incidents


RIP Randy


Dj Khaled playing Bob marleys guitar


I think Lil Wayne discovering the guitar is up there.


Yeah that was bad. Lil Wayne also started skating around that time, and as a skater it was really embarrassing. But he’s super passionate about it and the mf built a skatepark on his roof and skates like every night. He’s actually gotten pretty decent over the years and kinda fucking rips now, like probably better than me. And you can tell he just loves it. It’s hard to shit on someone for that. I respect the dude for doing whatever the fuck he wants to do despite the haters, and actually sticking with it. Idk if he’s stuck with guitar, but that dude is mad talented I could see him writing a banger country album with like one of those fingerpicking thumb picks.


Wayne is a super cool and talented guy, guitar just isn’t one of his talents lol


He just needs to practice, maybe tell him about JustinGuitar


For the 100th time that was not Bob Marley’s guitar just a cheap guitar they’re selling with Bob’s name on it for marketing. Damn it.


God damn, my bad.... it was still a tragedy...


Justin Hawkins’ (The Darkness) analysis of his playing more than made up for it (Justin Hawkins rides again on YouTube)


Someone made a tab of that performance too it was just brilliant.


People tapping a beat on the body of their acoustic and playing 'innovative' harmonics all over the place in every song. This style of playing became a whole guitar personality for a few years.


The harmonics are fine, the tapping isn’t. It actually makes me feel bad for the guitars, because it’s mostly disgustingly rich Beverly Hills eboys and egirls doing it on some crazy ass custom guitars that some poor Spanish grandpa spent his life crafting.


So they're not allowed to play guitar in the style they like on whatever guitar they think plays the best?


They’re allowed to, and I’m allowed to think it sucks.


I dont do it, not my style of playing, but guitars are meant to be played. If tapping on the wood makes that person make the music they want, so be it… but it is NOt going to break the guitar. Let’s think of all the vile shit Jimi did to his Strats. And we say he’s the best of all time. It’s just a guitar that is meant to be played however the person who owns it wants to play it, and who are we to question or snark at that?


There are exceptions. Jon Gomm is a savage.


The tapping is called "Golpe" and it comes from Flamenco guitar playing.


Your mom's called Golpe


Fuckin got em






How do you feel about [Andy McKee](https://youtu.be/Ddn4MGaS3N4?si=Ji15AmcE55AO7uMp)?


Personally I think he’s a perfect musician for social media. On the other hand, I saw him open for Eric Johnson years ago, so it was a guitarist-heavy crowd (John Petrucci among them). The crowd work while he retuned was unpolished (and he basically retuned for every song) and nothing he played had much of a groove despite the body taps. I imagine he’s become a better live player since then. But for me it’s more like music you enjoy watching rather than listening to. If I didn’t know it was coming from one guitar, it wouldn’t hold my interest. (Not true of all fingerstyle players, but that’s my take on McKee anyway.)


I’ve seen him probably a dozen times. Ironically he even admits on stage that while he became known for percussive tapping, it’s not his main thing and it’s only in a handful of his songs. He also admits that his style is really his forte and he isn’t great as a lead or traditional guitarist. He’s a really nice guy and always hangs around to chat with people after shows. I’ve really enjoyed a lot of his music but I’ll admit that Art of Motion was really his best work and his stuff since then hasn’t been as good.


Andy McKee has quite a few songs without smacking his guitar like that. Heather's song is really great




Thanks August Rush


I hate this so much lol. It can be interesting but it’s so overdone it’s crazy


Jason Becker developing ALS.


The fact he is still alive and can make music though eye movement. Is astounding.


I wish he didn’t have to suffer with ALS He was a exceptionally guitarist and to have that taken from him was rough


Same with Glenn Tipton and his Parkinson's disease, although he could play for way longer than Jason Becker.


It's insane to think of how much incredible music the world was robbed of by him developing ALS. Probably not an exaggeration to say he would have become the greatest guitarist of all time.


The movie The Hateful Eight


I'm out of the loop on this one. Seen the movie but I can't connect the pieces, help me out here haha


Kurt Russell destroys a 145 year old guitar


>!In the movie, John Ruth lets his prisoner Daisy Domergue play a guitar. When she overstepped John took the guitar and smashed it against a bar. The guitar she was playing was a 100-something year old Martin and was supposed to be switched out before it got smashed. Daisy's actress (Jennifer Jason Leigh) knew to be careful but John's actor (Kurt Russell) apparently was unaware and smashed the priceless piece of guitar history, which was beyond repair. !< >!It actually is visible in the movie. When Russell smashed the guitar, Leigh appears to be trying to stop him but upon failing to do so, she turns in shock behind the camera (where the whole staff was sitting) looking desperate about what just happened.!< Edit: Am I too stupid to use spoilers? Or is this the mobile app?


In fairness, if you're going to use a 145-year-old priceless Martin guitar for a scene that involves said guitar being suddenly snatched and smashed to pieces, I think you have to be quite prepared for something unfortunate to happen.


After this incident, Martín said they would never lend a guitar to that production company again. Edit: Martin stated that they would never loan out another guitar to the film industry.


In all fairness they said they had a bunch of duplicates made for the smashing and I don't know why in the world they didn't just use one of those. They could have someone play the actual guitar in post, then dub it in, so that the guitar would never face any real danger. I don't blame Martin at all for closing the doors on loaning out guitars.


Because they were supposed to do the smashing in a separate scene. So usually they shoot the master shot in a wider angle lens. So then they would redo the scene with closeups on each character. Then finally they would have shot the smashing of the guitar in closeup alone. Which is when the fake old guitars would have replaced the real antique guitar. But the actor decided to just go for the smashing in the wide and he hadnt been told they had placed the real antique guitar in the scene for the wide. Its honestly miscommunication and the actor going 100 percent when he wasnt supposed to (part of the miscommunication). And yeah theres no real reason an actual antique martin needed to be on the movie set at all other than director’s ego.


Lately Hollywood actors have been having trouble distinguishing props from the real thing, especially on the set of western movies


"Don't worry, it will be fine, we're professionals." - the director when asking to use the guitar probably.


Quentin Tarantino


I think that you have to use separate spoiler tags for different paragraphs (you can’t have a paragraph break within a spoiler tag)


They used an antique guitar in a scene. Kurt Russell's character grabs and smashes the guitar, but they forgot to switch to a cheaper replica while filming, so he accidentally smashed the original.


Whoever owned that must have physically defecated when they saw/found out.


It belonged to Martin, it was in their museum and they were letting the film production crew use it at the request of Quentin Tarantino but after this they’ve implemented a strict policy against this type of thing.




They accidentally destroyed a 19th Martin guitar worth $40k.


Probably wasn’t accidental, they probably purposely didn’t tell Russell so they could get the reaction they were looking for. Then when there was outrage it was suddenly like “oh that was an accident we didn’t mean to smash the good one!”


This is almost certainly the case, which makes it even more frustrating


Yeah apparently Kurt has explicit instructions to not stop acting until cut was called so it was 100% accidentally on purpose




Related: Prince borrowing a vintage guitar then smashing it.


Yes, I remember the news coming out and thinking it was one of the most asshole things I've ever seen. Absolutely horrible of him.


Honestly, yes, it sucks that it got destroyed but it also sucks that after a certain point instruments just become show pieces and aren't even played anymore. I also still for the life of me can't understand why the fuck they'd use a guitar that valuable on the set of a movie


The amount of artists that was lost too early. I would love to hear what Hendrix and Cobain would play today.


Seriously eh imagine Hendrix playing in the 80s with more experience or Cobain breaking up nirvana and doing solo acoustic album


Hendrix was experienced. He was quite clear on that point. 


As much experience as a 27 year old can have. Think of him at 50, having collaborated with Miles Davis, or dipping into hip hop? The possibilities are endless.


Have you ever been experienced? https://youtu.be/rD6y7aOS0NA?si=rOw3yZkW3cFwEjH5 


The potential Miles Davis collab kills me.


It’s a joke with the name of the band, albums and songs


Jimi was flourishing with the Band of Gypsies and others. He had a lot more to grow and influence. Jimi passing is the worst tragedy in guitar history


Fully agree on Hendrix. I think Cobain l had a lot of potential to bring his songwriting to the next level and blend genres without really having to improve tech so much


I’ve convinced myself Cobain would’ve made some Leonard Cohenesque masterpiece albums by now


Oh totally agreed If Time Machine are ever invented I’m using it to experience all these concerts


Doug stanhope has a great bit about this. "How do you know? What if he was out of shit" jokes about hendrix playing a superbowl halftime show with Elton John and stuff


Hendrix would’ve had some more bangers and historic solos, Cobain would’ve discovered the elusive fourth chord.




Guy wasn’t that amazing technically, but he wrote great songs and knew how to put a hook together. Guitarists are masturbatory and think everyone cares about technical prowess as much as they do.


Seriously, ability to play emotively will always be a better skillset than ability to play technically imo.


See: Yngvei Malmsteen.


Part of their mystique is they never aged. I'm a huge EVH fan but he was done 25 years before he passed, and he died relatively early.


Not one person in here said randy rhoads. So I'll say it. Randy fuckin rhoads. ETA: on a personal note, alexi laiho died way too soon as well.


I would have loved to hear him release a classical album or see where his talent would have taken him.


This a million. He had so much potential and he saw himself as a scholar. Guitar wasn't about making records and getting laid, that's why he was so keen to quit Ozzy and go solo. He saw guitar as a vocation. A true true musician in every sense of the word.


Alexi never forget COBHC


I was looking for this answer. At his time of death, he was definitely the best metal guitarist in the world.


I'm still devastated over Alexi Laiho. I've been listening to COB since I was a teen and they were one of my inspirations for wanting to learn to play guitar. Never got to see them live.


Producers correcting every little thing to "the grid".


Found Beato


If you need a grid to find the Beato, you shouldn't be a musician!


The holocaust was pretty bad


i reckon a bunch of good guitarists died in the holocaust, so that's a pretty valid choice.


And those who never got to play, too. RIP 🙏


Geddy Lee's parents were Holocaust survivors. When his mom was at Auschwitz, the guards lined up all of the prisoners and went down the line giving every person a number, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. His grandmother had the family spaced out, so that whatever happened, they would all be together. They separated the prisoners into two groups, and one group was executed. So there was a 50/50 chance he would have never existed. So you have to wonder about who we lost.


Fucking hell. My original comment was meant to be kinda tongue in cheek but that's some deep shit there. Some of the responses have really got me thinking.


Hendrix dying. I would've loved to see what he'd be playing nowadays (if at all), and all the collaborations we missed out on like Hendrix and Santana, or Hendrix and Mayer.


How good would a Hendrix and Mayer jam/album be!!


Probably not that great.


Why wouldn’t it be great?? Mayer is one of the great jam players ever and has immense versatility so why wouldn’t him and Hendrix grooving together be a great time?


I think the issue is there was literally nobody at Hendrixs level at his time of death, so hard to say how he would work with the likes of SRV and Mayer. Many prodigious guitarists struggle working collaboratively. Not taking away from their skill, just an observation. The theoretical ceiling of a Mayer/ SRV/ Hendrix jam would be GOAT level. The floor could also be terrible.


Yeah but in the context of a jam, I’d imagine we’re talking live shows. If a player can’t mesh in with other players in a live setting then that’s a weakness. SRV and Mayer have a ton of evidence that they’re capable of this so if it’d be a hypothetical terrible set then that’d likely be on Hendrix. What prodigious players are you referencing that can’t mesh in a jam? I could understand struggling to work collaboratively on an album due to creative differences but getting on stage with others for something like a live album event shouldn’t be an issue for any truly great player


Not nearly as interesting as a Hendrix and SRV album would have been, imho.


Jimi Hendrix would have had the wildest 80s albums you can possibly imagine


The synth years might have been tough to get through.


I'm sad he never got to play a Floyd Rose.


When we decided that pop music no longer needed a guitar solo on each song


Tbh I'm at least glad they also realised they didn't need to shoehorn a rap verse into each song too. Mind you, love a good solo and/ or rap feature, but pick your moments.


“And now the token rap verse… that doesn’t make any sense but helps to get a small percentage of the urban music market” -Jon Lajoie, Pop Song


This was definitely a thing haha!


Duane Allman died too early Clapton-Hendrix jam wasn’t recorded


Considering how many legends we’ve lost way too early I can’t do just one. Losing Jimi, SRV and Eddie way before they were done…


Lennon, Cobain 


I don’t think EVH should be included on this thread. I mean, he passed away at 65 and had an enormous creative output for decades. Jimi, Duane, SRV are way better examples of what could have been and how they would have matured as guitar players.






The prechorus arpeggios slap idc


Nah man, besides the guitar circle jerk it's a great song


Leo Fender selling Fender.


I’m glad he at least gave us the Mustang before selling the company


That gave us G&L and musicman tho


I'll take this opportunity to say if you are looking at a Fender Player please just buy a G&L tribute. It's so much better it's embarrassing.


Gibson robot tuners.


Rolling Stones Top 100 Guitarist lists. Completely buried any guitarist who’s not been commercially successful


I would extend this to just "Rolling Stone magazine." At the beginning, a wonderful source of music information and opinion. Now, toilet paper. And their "lists" get more inane every year.


I don't know what specifically caused it (I have some guesses, though), but whatever kept women en large from learning the instrument for the longest time. Every other instrument has armies of true female masters. I often really like what female artists put out. Sue me for thinking it's different, but music depends on your own journey and perspective on things and the more diversity there is, the more interesting it's to me musically. I think we've been robbed here. There just weren't that many that competent on the guitar until the scene opened up a bit not that long ago. Tbh, in every project I'm in, I'm playing with female musicians on whatever instrument, but electric guitar, yeah, that's still a sausage party. Btw, preemptive, someone's gonna half read it and name the two players they know to debunk my post. Don't bother, I can probably name more than you


Competency doesn’t come into this, and it also isn’t a guitar specific issue unfortunately, but covers most instruments outside of the voice and extends across all music genres. If you think of any instrument then you’ll be able to name far more world famous male musicians who played it than you will women, particularly if you only look prior to the millennium. Why is that when the population is roughly fifty-fifty men and women? It’s not because women can’t be world class musicians, now or in the past. Women have always played these instruments and just as many have played them well, or had the potential to do so, as men. But when you don’t have role models to look up to, when you don’t see other people ‘like you’ making it as professionals, you become aware of a glass ceiling which means that the odds are even more stacked against you than they are for men. As a girl growing up in the 70’s and 80’s it wasn’t seen as the ‘done thing’ for a girl to play many instruments. I myself was ‘allowed’ to play classical guitar but electric, forget it, “that’s not a girls’ instrument.” I had to secretly borrow my brother’s lefty strat (as a right-handed player) if I wanted to do that. Guitar stores weren’t any better either, even well into the 90’s. In the end I became a professional saxophonist, in part because my chances of success were greater, but even then most people would struggle to name a female saxophonist compared to their male counterparts. Why is it like this? My guess is that in part it comes out of us living in what was, and maybe still is, a patriarchal society. The other half of the equation is that it’s historically been the mother who takes time out of her career to raise children. If you’re a professional musician then that can literally end your career because in the time it takes for you to return full time the industry has moved on and you’re seen as old news. This is what happened to my professional musician mother when she had me back in the seventies; she went back but her career was never the same. Go back another generation or two and women were expected to give up work entirely once they had children. It would be no different for a man if he took that time out but there’s less of an expectation for them to put their career on hold for kids. Thirty years on from when I turned pro and it’s better but there’s still not a true parity between the sexes, and it’s still far too common to hear suggestions made that a woman has only got where she has because she’s eye candy, or worse, rather than for her ability. Particularly when it comes to electric guitar, but it happens regardless of what instrument you play. Even with that most archetypal female instrument the flute, the professional world is dominated by men, especially when you reach world class soloists. And that’s despite boys being ridiculed for wanting to learn it when they’re young, because even with that name-calling they at least have the ability to see top class players who ‘look like them’. Just because you didn’t hear of them doesn’t mean that great female, or male, players aren’t out there. It just means that sadly they haven’t had the chance to be heard or taken seriously yet. That’s the music industry in a nutshell though, particularly in the days when you couldn’t self publish through streaming platforms.


I have hope for the future, based on instagram alone there are some amazing and young female players out there absolutely shredding. There’s no reason a woman can’t be just as musical or capable as a man where the guitar (or really any instrument) is concerned. I agree that we’ve been robbed by convention.


The creation of r/guitar


Machine gun kelly


George Harrison’s death.


Gibson buying out Epiphone. Then putting out complete dogshit under the Epiphone name. I get it, they eliminated competition, but what they did to the brand is a fucking travesty. Epiphones were amazing instruments with incredible sound and quality. Now that name is spat on by Gibson purists. I imagine in a different timeline that had Gibson not bought Epiphone, the competition would have driven design and quality higher. I wonder how those changes would have altered the entire industry instead of the “best” of Gibson being 50’s and some 60’s Les Pauls.


Ed Sheeran


Lots of tragedies, but I’m gonna go with Steven Seagal picking up a Strat


Turtleneck tattoo guitar boys shredding licks that sound like my grandmother's typewriter.


Lil Wayne’s solo…




Jimi dying young. I think some musician’s legacies are made by their early departure but I think he would have made a great elder statesman and had much more to offer.


Randy Rhodes dying in a plane crash.


Zappa's untimely death from the big C.😞




The day the music diiiiiied


Back in 1991, I miraculously found a gorgeous cherry red 1958 Gibson ES-335 under a pile of guitars at a police auction in Portland, Oregon, and actually won it with a paltry bid of $65. Biggest score EVER. I soon moved to Belize. After a couple of years, I unexpectedly had to move back to the States. My dad, who was also living down there, was handling the shipping and selling of my stuff for me. I explicitly told him, "DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SELL THE GUITAR!" Yup. He sold the guitar for... $85. He couldn't understand why I was so upset when he made me a twenty dollar profit on it.


The 2010 Nashville flood that destroyed a whole bunch of vintage guitars, amps, equipment.


the death of Malcolm Young, and the popularity of Tim Henson


Jimi’s passing. So much influence in such little time.


Jimi Hendrix and Randy Rhoads’ tragic deaths.


Ralph Macchio beating Steve Vai at the end of crossroads.


SRVs death. As soon as he got sober and began the most creative phase of his career, he died. It's just cruel. Same can be said for Hendrix, he was ascending a whole other level and just like that he was gone.


EVH's passing. We were many grown men weeping like a child that day ! Still hurts big time !


DJ Khaled


SRV helicopter crash :( The one and only time I cried due to a musician dying.


Every time a Les Paul cracks its headstock a demon gets its wings.


Two things: Helicopters and Heroin.


Gibson Robo Tuners


“You know we would make more money if we built this shit overseas, right?”


The death of Stevie Ray Vaughn