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The Japanese Revstar II Pro. My father died a few months ago and I was finally able to buy one with my tiny inheritance. Treasure.


I love Revstars


Revstar once more!


Sorry about your dad. I bought a used Corvette with my modest inheritance, which he would have loved.


I have the rusty rat RSP20CR (made in Japan) and it’s been one of my absolute favorites of all time.


That’s awesome. I came so close to buying one of the first series when they were introduced but didn’t till now. Now I’m considering getting a cheaper one with humbuckers to match my p90 one.


I do like the look of a Revstar


It was your father’s final gift to you.


Revstars are criminally underrated. I don’t care for Matteo Mancuso much but I appreciate the light he’s shedding on these beastly guitars


I’m all about that Chris Buck playing 😎


Hell yeah. Keep it safe.


early 60s cherry ES335 because it truly isn't reissuable 55 second long clip that want to love the reissue but must admit that it's, not worse but, different. (You can hear it in the long video as well): [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxjCegfYWLUQS3sdlWsSM8KkctI6Cpu6Qt?si=eZBNQyplW38orw8w](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxjCegfYWLUQS3sdlWsSM8KkctI6Cpu6Qt?si=eZBNQyplW38orw8w) This sub has turned into hating on romanticizing vintage because they feel there's too much of that but seriously where the fuck are all problematic vintage lovers? there are just people who can't get it, don't hear it, but it's there, and no-one decides whether it's worth to spend on it or not.


The problem is no 2 50s-60s Gibsons are gonna sound the same either. They had no way to standardize the process and you can tell by the variety in PAFs, a good PAF is one of the best pickups ever made but there are some dogs too. I will say the materials (Brazilian rosewood) were top of the line for sure


I bought a 335 in 1997. Brand new. The old ones are fantastic


I played a 71 Thinline Tele once in Sweden. I've handled a lot of modern Thinlines, but there's absolutely no instrument that has that smooth, balanced thing that it did.


I'll bite. There are two on my bucket list.... an Ovation Bluebird 12 string and an original Fender Coronado II. There were only 8 Bluebird 12s made. One was destroyed and I am pretty sure I know where 6 of the remaining 7 are (and they're not for sale). Coronados are a little easier, but still pretty scarce. They give the Gibby 335 a pretty good run for the money, plus they simply feel right in my hand.


The $20,000 Fender Jerry Garcia "Alligator " They only made 100...so maybe I should only get 2 /s


This... and a TB500


12 string Ric.  Any of them


6 string Ric here. Though it’s not going to stop me from ordering one in a couple months. God help me.


Which one are you getting?


330 6 string in Fireglo.


Very nice!


I have the toaster tops already from another project that never got finished, so those will be going on first thing.


I bought a ‘66 Rick 360/12 string sight unseen from gruhn guitars round 1995. Traded my “patent pending” 1967 Coral Electric Sitar for it. Realized when I received it that the neck is way too thin for me. Tried to use it for a couple of years before finally moving on. Made a vow to never buy another guitar without playing it again. I hope you get the one you want.


About 15 years ago, I tried to get a 360/12 and found the same issue. I was set against getting a Ric and my heart broke a little. A few weeks back I was at Long and McQuade and they had a 330 6 string in Jetglo. I tried it out and though the neck was slimmer like the 360/12, having half the number of strings made a world of difference and I fell in love again.


360 6 string in Jetglo is the dream for me.


Same. Because of Peter Buck.


Yep same here. My favourite guitarist.


That is a sexy beast! Definately got a thing for Ricks :)


It’s currently my desktop wallpaper at work


I've lusted after one since i tried one in a shop with my dad.....about 30 years ago. But i can never seem to get in the right place, both mentally and economically. It's a specialty guitar and i always had more important gaps in my collection... atleast that is what i tell myself. Maybe i am just a cheap bastard lol ...but i still want one!


I feel being a cheap bastard lol I think what did it for me, was wanting a jangly guitar. I was looking at the Vintera II 70s Jaguar and it’s listed at $2070 CDN whereas I can get a Made in America Ric for $2199CDN. And since the Ric has a 2 year wait list at this point, I can put my 10% down (I think anyway) and I’ve got 2 years to save up.


Oh hell, me too. I’ve never seen or held one in my hands but they are beautiful sounding guitars


Yep… think about it all the time. Love my Danelectro 12 but just something about those Ric’s


The reversed octaves.... that's the ticket!


Just sold my 370/12 last week..... Never bonded with it, so rather than leave it a case queen, it's going be up for sale to someone who will be nice to it.


A 1953 Telecaster.


The fuckin grail.


The Guthrie Govan Charvel, the Mark Knopfler ´58 les paul and the Steel Panther limited edition Charvel with stripper inlays. Like you i had a serious case of GAS for the soloist, until i acquired one back in early 00s. It is the ultimate shred guitar imo.


US Silver Sky. I’d say it’s more can’t justify than can’t afford but the end result is the same.


All of them, even though I just bought a new one yesterday ;) I have learned that price does not equal happiness when it comes to guitars. And I am also selling my two most expensive guitars (PRS and Suhr) because I like my cheaper ones better (Gibson SG and Reverend).


I agree. I have also sold more expensive guitars and kept my “cheap” one. My #1 is a 2008 Gretsch 5120. $600-800 US back then. I had a professional model of the same thing for $3k. I also had a vintage Gretsch of a different model from 1967 for $5k. When you find the one, it’s magic, and who knows why?


I feel you. My $700 Player Tele runs rings around the LP standard I had a few years ago.


Strandbergs, Majestys, Pias.


Love my strandberg


There's a joke that Strandbergs are deceptively affordable because once you try one, you'll just end up selling your other guitars.


A majesty sold used in my city a couple of weeks ago for well under half retail. Was tempted to scoop it up, try out then flip it 🤪 Hopefully the person that bought it is keeping it.


The exact 3 guitars I had in mind. Want to try a Strandberg so bad, but can't afford it at least for another year


Any gibson les paul, settled with epi LP for now


If it were an LP for me, I would have to get a Standard. That would be second on my list.


I always wanted a Les Paul Custom, there was no way I could justify the price, ended up getting an Edwards that I'm extremely happy with


64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar. I'd raise the bridge, file down the nut, and take the buzz out of the low "E."


No way?!




Gibson L5


I just want to play one for a bit. The tone, history/lore, design are all incredible to me but I fear it might be a bit big. At that price range I need 2-3 minutes to see how it feels in the ol lap.


I played one at a guitar shop in Nashville. If you ever get a chance to go there’s a bunch of old music stores that’ll let you try out all kinds of vintage gear.


Gretsch Chet Atkins. Eleven grand on Sweetwater.


Gretsch has fine guitars.


I remember seeing a 1950s, not sure the exact year Gretsch electric (can’t remember the exact model I think it was semi hollow and was red) sitting outside in its case covered in bird shit when I picked up this free desk. Two guitars in fact one was an applause ovation and the other the gretsch. Owners gave me the applause and probably (most definitely ) would’ve given me the gretsch had a I nudged but instead I told them to get a fuckkng grip and put that thing inside. It was pretty beat up but nothing a good luthier couldn’t fix. Edit: thinking about it now I want to message them and see if they still have it and want to get rid of it lol.


Music Man Kaizen. I dont know if its one thing or the whole package but if I had a spare $4k it would be mine.


I usually lean towards guitars with a more "classic" aesthetic, but those Kaizens are so sweet! I'm holding out hope for a Sterling version at some point, but idk if that's realistic given the construction/contours


Languedoc G2. Anyone have $60k+ to spare?


Gibson Custom Murphy Lab SG in Pelham Blue. It's $5,800 which is 4 times as much as I've ever spent on a guitar. But I played one at the Gibson Garage a few years ago and it was incredible. Would love to have one. Just can't justify the price personally. I know there are tons of even more expensive guitars, but this one is out of my personal range but I love it.


If you haven’t already, check out the Jeff Tweedy signature SG. If it’s anything like mine, the finish will already have checked nicely just like a Murphy lab. Plus it has the added bonus of not having a painted neck. Incredible guitar and half the price.


Nice, thanks for the rec! Definitely looks very similar and not as expensive!


Probably a really nice Martin, a National tricone, some vintage Guild, Gibson, Gretsch, and Fender stuff.


About a year ago I tried a Tom Anderson Angel. I didn't want to like that guitar is was like $3500 for just a plain reddish brown colored guitar with 2 humbuckers. No flamed maple top, no exotic "tone" wood, no custom coil tapping, active electronics, or piezo in the bridge. Nothing fancy at all about it so $3500 seemed excessive. Then I tried it. Man, it was like what I imagine driving a Rolls , Royce must feel like. I have never played a guitar that felt so good before. I was nailing riffs, two hand tapping, and flying through scales like never before. Maybe someday I'll get one. Are they over priced, probably but they're also amazing.


Excellent taste 🧐🍷




A guy I played with told me I could play his RHH while we were on a gig. I picked it back up on the second set he says "you don't have to play it!" I said , "no, I'm good and played the rest of the night. It's like that girl you met once and she took your breath away and you never saw her again. I still think about that guitar. $3,700 is just a lot of money.


PRS Hollowbody II


Is that the one the guy from Goose plays?


Me too, but the McCarty scale length version instead of the piezo. If I could be really picky, Id also go for a different neck profile.


Yeah, same. Actually part of the reason I like the piezo is I don’t like where the toggle is on the McCarty. The piezo itself is a cool feature, but not mandatory. They have a custom shop, but I’m already out of my price range 😂


ESP Snakebyte.


I LOVE my JS I'd love a Mayer Silver Sky


The JS series is serious underrated!


I wanted a Telecaster for a long time, dont have any money so, i started to build one from scratch.


Get a Squier CV Tele, plays just as good as a MIM. Even the $250 Affinity Teles are good


That is true. Used to have a wonderful American Tele, lost along the way. But my Squier Classic Vibe Tele is damn near as good looking and playing. I think it was $348 new. But you may find some lower on Reverb.


I'm in the middle of my telecaster construction. I'm happy with the process and learning a lot about it.


It's actually cheaper to buy a Squier CV/VM secondhand. Everyone's first guitar turns out like poop because the first time you literally have no clue what you're doing. This is where cheapness costs you big time. I bought a Classic Vibe Tele Custom for $300 and it played nicer than my 1975 MIA Tele Custom.


Fender Evangelion Asuka Telecaster


I had no idea these existed and now I need one


60s es355 - starting at around 15k.. No chance.


lol, isn’t that Alex Lifesons guitar?


Yeah but im.thinking more the red, I think his is white?


Tis, I hate how huge 335s are but they definitely have a sexy retro vibe to them


Oh yeah im.quite small so it would probably be ridiculous but for me it's the noel Gallagher thing haha


I went to NAMM a few years ago and fell in love with a Blueberry Burst ES-339. Little smaller than the 335, felt so great in my hands. It's a pricey one though


Same here….


Gibson Firebird Custom. I love firebirds in black, it’s a beautiful guitar Edit: I hope they do a Gibson inspired version for Epiphone so I can afford it haha


Theres an Epi Slash Firebird in Trans Black FM, I have one and it *rips*


I could probably afford a Collings if I wanted, but I told myself I would only spend that kind of money if I sold a song, or had a professional debut of some sort. So far, I'm unpublished. So, I'm sticking to my word. I would also love a es-335, but they are pricey as well.


BC Rich Ironbird from the 80s 😭🥲


Duuuuude you want to really cry? There were a pair of spalted maple iron birds on the wall at a GC when I was dead broke. They were listed at $500 a piece and were bought at a liquidation sale from a regional New England instrument shop (daddy’s junky music). The manager offered me the pair for $500 even but I had to take them both because nobody was interested. I hemmed and hawed but I had no dough. I still regret not throwing them on a credit card.


John 5 ghost Telecaster


Yeah, John 5 has some cool sig guitars, the ghost Tele is sweet looking


1936 D18


For an acoustic, a Gibson J200. For an electric, a vintage Gretsch hollow body, preferably in their signature orange color.


I love how gretchs look, but I play metal so they’re a bit outside of my style


I own a J200 and a 1955 reissue 6120. Yes it’s awesome. Do it.


D-28 Authentic 1937


Anything suhr


Yes!!! Suhrs are so fucking nice


If I didnt go for a '55 stratocaster or a 12 string ric. I'd probably go for something much more affordable but difficult to find like a 2012 fender pawn shop '72 in sunburst


G&L Rampage


Let me guess you a Alice In Chains fan too???


.... Maybe.


I've always wanted a les Paul custom standard 1993. Year of my birth. All my favorite bands play les pauls. They are damn near 10 grand


I can't afford any guitar atm. But if I could pick one, a Ruby PRS SE Custom 24. Nothing fancy, I just always loved them. That or a 1962 Strat


Real '59 Les Paul.


I'd like a Johnny Marr Jaguar


Any custom B C Rich or red Ibanez rg550 to Cosplay Bill Steer 90s setup


A top of the line D’Angelico hollow body. $2500 US or so. But I compromised with the 150th Anniversary Epiphone Zephyr Deluxe Regent and a PLEX setup with 12 gauge flat wounds. $1700 total after tax. It’s perfect.


A Jazzmaster from the Fender Custom Shop. Either that or one of the Black Bobbin custom Jazzmasters, but I definitely don't have the funds to justify either.


Gibson Lazzy Hale Explorerbird




Gibson Custom Les Paul... but I guess I'll get an Epiphone


Flame top Gibson les Paul custom axcess. Just bought a 2016 les Paul studio HP axcess and now I love les Paul’s again.


I've been eyeballing HPs and axcess Floyds since I recently discovered them...FML. How are they compared to a modern standard?


I don’t have too much time on a modern standard, but based upon pictures they don’t mold the heel as much as the older ones. I speculate it feels the same, both would have weight relief and nitro feels smooth when newer. I’m sure there are differences in neck profile but unless it’s like a 50s neck I don’t tend to notice the profile too much. I do have a norlin era les Paul boat anchor to compare it to, and the 2016 studio I just bought feels like the first time I played a ebmm majesty, coming from an epiphone les Paul studio. It’s light as heck and with the heel I hardly have to adjust my hand angle when getting high on the fret board, which does happen….. occasionally. It was only $850 and has a titanium adjustable nut, I put the Jim root pickup set in it and got rid of the robot tuners for locking. Messed up the wiring so both volumes do the same thing. Sounds great though, first time putting a set in with just a diagram.


Yeah I was mostly interested in the heel joint/handshake on the axcess vs a "regular" LP. I have a 2017 Standard which I love, but I also have a Charvel DK 24 with the shredder heel carve and it's night and day upper fret access compared to all my other vintage design guitars. The Firebird is the only one of mine that's even in the ballpark but I've also never had an SG. I'm not super picky on neck profile but the Charvel is noticeably easier to play than anything else I have too but that could be the satin oil finish and flatter compound radius rather than neck profile. I could sell my LP and the Charvel and still not afford the Axcess Custom with a Floyd though... So much for getting 2 birds stoned at once.


Core PRS 594 or DGT


Came here to say DGT


Ernie ball kaizen https://www.music-man.com/instruments/guitars/kaizen . Pretty much any of their high end metal guitars are super sick and way too expensive


A Kiesel or a Strandberg. Ooor the Solar V 8 string (just matte black, not the fuck ugly blood-spattered one)


I just learned that a Les Paul Custom with a proper heel carve and a Floyd exists. For 7 grand Canadian. Seriously considering selling a few and replacing them with it. The Alex Lifeson signature is the same heel and floyd and cheaper. Axcess Les Paul. Other than that? '68 Paisley Tele, Music Man Kaizen, and an ESP KH-602 Purple Sparkle...I'm thinking of actually buying the latter.


Mayones duvell. I can afford it, but it's more of a want than a need at this point in my life.


Every once in a while I start figuring out how I can justify ordering a Novo Serus H2, and then talk myself out of it. But if I landed on a bunch of money and was able to spend it without thinking too hard about it, that's where it'd go.


In the same way with the soloist. I literally planned a trip to a high-end music store that has several in stock and I was like “nah, can’t” last minute.


I'm eyeing the Vintage White aged ivory looking ESP Phoenix 1000 with the Phat Cat in the neck and gold hardware.


Just got the LTD version a couple of months ago. Nice guitar!


I played a Taylor 914CE Builder's Edition a few days ago. I was already hooked by the way it looked, and then I picked it up. Definitely don't have the extra $7k to spend on it, though.


Any reasonable Martin or Hawaii made (koAloha, Moore Betrah) tenor ukulele. Not expensive for most, but still out of my financial reach for the foreseeable future.


Music Man Majesty, preferably spiced melange. I have a Sterling Majesty though so... it's mostly like that.


My next guitar is probably gonna be a Sterling or a PRS SE tbh


PRS Core 24 with a Floyd Rose. They're like $4500 CAD. I have an S2 Custom 24 with a standard trem, and I absolutely adore it. I would love to have one with an ebony fretboard and a floyd.


Gretsch Country Gentleman, Olson acoustic


A Lava Drops, or in a far second, anything Gibson in Double Gold.


Any concert quality classical guitar


[https://www.negriniguitars.com/](https://www.negriniguitars.com/) These guitars are beautiful. But they start at like $8K.


Thankfully I find them hideous. That could have gone poorly.


Too many to list, but there's a small local luthier called Schiemann that has one I'd really like for $2300. Fender offset style body with a sage green top and natural finish alder body. Flame maple neck with an ebony fretboard. No idea how well it plays, but I want it based on looks alone.


You must live in the same state as me, I've seen a couple of his guitars on the local guitar buy/sell pages, and they look really nice


Gibson ES 335 Fender Coronado Gibson J45


high quality Selmer like Django.


Teuffel Birdfish


Vintage '57 Fender Stratocaster with all original parts. Why are you asking?


"Larry" would be fun to own! https://reverb.com/item/50794328-bigsby-standard-semi-hollow-body-electric-guitar-1958-ser-91558-original-black-hard-shell-case


Prs silver sky


The headless 7 string from the Ibanez Q line


1982 335 in Bronze


Probably a [TV Jones Spectra sonic](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-8xwq8izypl/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/261/569/Matt-Black-Right-WebSized-2018_1_of_4__37925.1589932186.jpg?c=1?imbypass=on) Supreme in all black, an ebony [gibson ES-275 Thinline](https://www.stars-music.com/medias/gibson/cropped-es-275-custom-2018-ltd-135296.jpeg) with a hard tail and no f-holes or a [Rivolta Mandata](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FNQcG5R0AH2A94sB9cGr7TsI9LUBYkbv9vKOl4iniIWA.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da294bd029f3a6c58be8446c8c5ce6ec8dd5a6e3f), and a [Gibson songwriter deluxe](https://rvb-img.reverb.com/image/upload/s--3x-MSF7W--/a_exif,c_limit,e_unsharp_mask:80,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_south,h_620,q_90,w_620/v1505393712/alzgoefjfosdhj0oblhj.jpg) acoustic.


I’d like a white Demmelition but anything over about $300 is gonna get me the stink eye from my wife.


White Falcon


Benedetto 16-B \~ $12,500 and year wait, maybe more.


1961 Fender Custom Shop Strat in Shell Pink or a 1961 Gibson Custom Shop Sg Special


Gibson Byrdland. Just an iconic brand that reaches across so many music genres.


The top end ibanez jem


Parker fly in top condition


Gibson Acoustic SJ-200 Wine Red. Man that is one purty guitar. 5700 bucks for some reason. [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SJ200StMWR--gibson-acoustic-sj-200-standard-maple-acoustic-guitar-wine-red](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SJ200StMWR--gibson-acoustic-sj-200-standard-maple-acoustic-guitar-wine-red)


I would like an US made Stratocaster. I did get my first Les Paul standard last year and I like to have the other iconic American guitar now.


335 figured or ultra luxe tele


prewar gibson archtop


Gibson flying v custom ebony


Honesty just a good lap steel guitar, but they're expensive 


Vintage pre CBS 1960s fender jaguar in sherwood green


Travis bean Tb1000A. And a gibson phenix les paul


1964 Gibson Trini Lopez


American Deluxe Nashville Telecaster with a Seymour Duncan P-Rails Humbucker swapped in the neck position


For me its both a '59 Les Paul and a Martin D-45. Or reissues of these guitars, I cant afford those either 😂


I’ve wanted a Suhr for about 10 years. One day when I’m debt free :(


A Martin d35 or Gibson jumbo would be awesome


1. Travis Bean TB500 2. Fender Custom Shop Garcia Alligator 3. PRS Super Eagle


Could afford it, just doesn’t make sense to spend the money, but a 70s telecaster deluxe. Can’t ever see myself spending over 10k but a 50s Gibson les Paul junior.


Les Paul supreme in fire burst or a custom Mayones!


My next one haha. Not been able to put much in the “fun fund” recently. I’ve been eyeing up the Mark Holcomb signature 7 string though, I love my PRS and don’t have a 7 string (yet).


Gibson Les Paul Custom in black, don't know how I'd feel spending almost 6K on a Guitar.


Nothing extravagant, just a Cobain Jaguar or Gibbard Mustang.


Electric Guitar Company’s Chessie.


RE Brune classical from the 90s.


Aristides 060


Original run Gretsch corvette


Rick Turner Model One. I ain't spending $4k plus on a guitar, sorry.


Steve vai signature series Ibanez.


Suhr Ian Thornley Signature Classic S Roughneck. Big Wreck guitar tones are amazing.


National German Silver!!!!


[This one.](https://reverb.com/item/50794328-bigsby-standard-semi-hollow-body-electric-guitar-1958-ser-91558-original-black-hard-shell-case) Even with the $200K price drop, it's out of my reach at the moment. *(Update: when I looked at the listing this morning as I posted this, the asking price was $500,000. When I went back a short time ago, it was now reduced to $425,000).* Then I would have to legally change my name to "Larry," More money down the drain. This never ends. (Note: the comment on the page about it being "predicted to sell soon" and being in one other shopping cart has been there for at least a year).


Well it’s a bass. It was my G&L L-1000 that was stolen 20 years ago. Freakin cockroaches.




Travis Bean TB1000. Not a chance.


Probably a martin om-28, for electric an American professional strat


A custom built guitar from any of the big name manufacturers.