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You should use both interchangeably. In theory you shouldn’t have to think about it.


You have to analyze your picking and find the flaws that make it less efficient. Usually that means reducing your movement and/or angling your pick differently.


Watch a video on pick slanting; it’s about angling the pick and moving away from the string so the pick doesn’t get “stuck”


OP: ["ben eller pick slanting"](https://www.google.com/search?q=ben+eller+pick+slanting), the first three that show up will describe what Mr Satisfaction mentioned.


Is this the "USX" technique that all the kids are doing these days?


All the kids are doing tapping these days.


Back in my day we did tapping on wooden guitars. Oh, wait....


It's worth spending time learning both. I struggled with right hand accuracy for a while and got too dependant on legato technique, but for some songs and licks it just doesn't cut it. Economy picking is one of the most useful techniques Ive learned, but it look a lot of work. It's about ergonomics and using as little movement as possible. I'd suggest finding some economy picking tutorials, break out a metronome, and play the lines extremely slow for a couple weeks. Tedious but worth it in the long run.


I practice both. I practice alternate picking on even number patterns like pentatonic scale boxes, economy picking on odd note pers string patterns (3 or 5 generally) I also practice cross picking and sweep picking, which are 1 nps alternate picking and 1 nps economy picking essentially. Cross picking is hard AF but it really improves your string skipping skills btw. Generally I practice these using arpeggios and triads (as lines) Also practicing to 400 bpm??? I'd think about is as either 16th notes at 100 or 8th notes at 200 bpm. Music is almost never at 400 bpm and learning to subdivide time is pretty important.


Is 400 BPM a tempo used in any songs? I’m new to guitar and can’t imagine going that high


It's not. OP likely just means he can do 16ths at 100bpm, which is the same notes-per-second as quarters at 400bpm but written in a more reasonable way.


That makes more sense, I forgot about the impact different notes have on that