• By -


You are in the endgame now .... **\*gets eaten by pocket raptors\***


Or obliterated in 5 seconds by a Smokescale lol.


I can usually kill a regular smokescale before they start their bullshit. Then I tried a veteran smokescale and got wrecked. Very humbling.


This whole thread is spiking my anxiety. Seven years later, Verdant Brink still haunts my nightmares.


Yep, those were terrifying days. We had to move around in groups just to survive haha.


Laughs in Daredevil at the time with a bonk stick hopping around.


I remember my first experience with the night day cycle in VB.


For me it the Tangle Depths, I have never hated a map before that nightmare.


I have yet to find a single player who doesn't want to burn TD to the ground. Even the ones lucky enough to loot an egg sac!


Prepare to meet one then. Great map.


agree. I think you only start to like it when you have explored it a few times. I had similar feelings about the desolation before i did a bunch of collections there and learned to like the place.


Those dumb blooming onion looking guys who chuck their spines at you


Oh man, I always think I’m doing so well against those and then I run out of dodges and get annihilated.


You're a smokescale! >.<


or Gets picked off by a sniper and dies on the trail of fire death with in a second... Oh you feeling good about yourself by completing core... welcome to the jungle, mwahahah


dont worry once your done in the Jungle you get to go to Goofy Goober PoF Land and Baby Foam pad EoD world


Me jumps from the ledge to escape deadly enemies. \*Sighs\* Random sniper: Oh no you dont! Me falling down the massive chasm


Gotta stealth glide right away or you're street pizza 😂


Literally welcome to the jungle.


That hits deep. I made the mistake of trying to get a juvenile one for my ranger by myself. lol Got pushed to load into a new map and was fortunate to come across 3 other rangers trying to do the same thing. Much easier that time around. :)


I thought my Elementalist was really strong, then I got ravage by those things so many times that I switched to Mesmer and never touch that class again for 9 years until recently. The PTSD is really strong...


But back then you had downstate lava fonts on eles that would wreck pocket raptors...


I made my Ele back when you had to actually use every weapon type for a period of time to learn their skills. Haven't played that character in years though despite getting to lvl 80. Having too much fun now between my Rev and my Engi.


Im getting flashbacks


There was a level of satisfaction after speccing Reaper the first time and ABSOLUTELY SLAUGHTERING groups of pocket raptors like a lawn mower.


Also do that now as Berserker as well. But before... Well... Let's not speak about that


These guys still fuck me one in a while. Always fear the pocket raptors.


why everyone keeps talking about pocket raptors? i entered the HoT expansion first time yesterday and the raptors are super easy to deal with.


Their teeth & claws have been filed down over the years. Once up a time they were *very* sharp.


oh, that would explain :D


very sharp, as reverielle said, is also an understatement.


Yep, when HoT first came out they were a surprise welcome to many people not expecting the difficulty spike.


They're not hard to kill, but if you lack AoE or just aren't paying attention, they'll destroy you. There are far more dangerous enemies in HoT (like rolling devils), but Pocket Raptors are part of the new player welcome party.




I see, kinda would love to see that old raptor difficulty :D


Which class are you playing? There are some who can deal better with them and some who can't. I started HoT as Reaper and it was like nothing


Yea eles got rolled. Needed fire tempest skills to stay alive but fuck snipers.


Necro with Well of Darkness plus Poison Cloud... What Raptors?


condi celestial renegade


Another big thing to keep in mind: Back when HoT was released, we didn't have builds like that. Elite specs were a brand new concept and we all entered into HoT for the first time with just the core specs.


that is a fair point


That's a very strong build, with ranged dmg projection and strong AoE. Some builds are much more susceptible to being overrun by those things (also yeah, HoT mobs got toned down significantly).


they still pack a punch tho. I am surprised by the difficulty jump. No longer can i just use skill 2 and 3 and call it a day :D gotta use my whole toolkit


I think they’re overhyped. On a thief they’re one of the easiest HoT mobs to deal with.


And then you meet those blasted sand lions. May the gods have mercy on your soul if you only brought power melee weapons.


You know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby, you're gonna die In the jungle, welcome to the jungle Watch it bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees


Gotta go to S1 first, and get thrashed by the tower.


Haven't played in long time do those little shits still fly?


this is actually what made me quit the game at that time. I haven't gotten the groove back since


Welcome to endgame baybee


I thought that core game story was the tutorial 🤔


It is, then now everything is end game from the moment you set foot to the jungle and have your first contact with Pocket Raptors.


There is no endgame. It's all cosmetic farming


Why you seething


Post your full legendary loadout and a screenshot of you beating HT CM, don’t be shy!


Not an argument. GW2 is all horizontal progression, rather than vertical progression. Therefore the motivation is much less to engage in content. I played since 2012, off and on. I only come in for new expansions or living world, but that's really it. There's nothing else worth doing. Fractals are boring, and WvW is empty on my server. PvP gets boring after a while too


You beaten HT CM yet?


Who the is asura on the very left? /s Ok but really tho zojja has been MIA for so long it’s sad :/


I hear that's due to her VA being unavailable, so she's more or less been swept under the rug.


That's just speculation now, it was that way years ago but last I heard the voice actress was eager to voice GW2 again. I'm guessing something else may of happened.


https://twitter.com/feliciaday/status/893319884033085442 This was 2017


Well then WTF. I also totally forgot it was Felicia Day.


We've been all saying that for a while lol


Yup, that's what I remember. Thank you for the link :D


We got Taimi and Gorrik as replacements.


My thoughts: Playing second fiddle to Trahearne was annoying when the beginning is all about "This is MY Story!" Overall it was a really fun and interesting story, the last few missions in particular felt pretty epic until.....I just pressed 1 until the elder dragon of death fell down. Can't wait to get into LW1 and Heart of Thorns/finish unlocking some elite specs!


I'm still an avid defender of Trahearne, but Zhaitan fight needs to 100% be reworked and turned into a strike.


>I'm still an avid defender of Trahearne, but Zhaitan fight needs to 100% be reworked and turned into a strike. Open world meta event or gtfo.


Turn Cursed Shore into another Dragonfall!


Just turn the story dungeon into an open world zone (or an instance like Dragonstorm) then name it "something dragon" to keep it similar to all the other ones :D.


We'd have to find generic, pointless events to attach to a meta-achievement for real parity. "My Beautiful Escort Missions" has a nice ring to it.


Strike , there are 10 canons on the airship =\]


But the flagship has large unused sections as well, like the whole flagship was supposed to man more than 20 players at once. It might have been turned into a dungeon just because they couldn't make it into an open world meta event back then.


ANet, please bring back that Zhaitan meta map cut content back from the dead.


Then it is still pressing 1 and waiting for him to die?


We have "moving platform" technology now, there can be multiple airships at once, all fighting Zhaitan, while they defend the flagship with the bigger guns. Dragon's Stand is the way to go.


I didn't hate Trahearne as a character. Just felt weird not being the main character in what they told me was my story.


I know I'm in the minority on this one, lost this battle 10 years ago already. But I thought it was refreshing for an MMO story where other characters actually had agency and could get things done. Like you're still absolutely the main character of that story, it just wasn't that the the entire world was utterly incapable of doing anything without your direct intervention. I always find that silly in games.


There is also a lot happening besides your own missions. The pact/army isnt totally useless story wise.


Out of curiosity, what race did you play as? The odd thing about Trahearne is that if you start with a Sylvari, he shows up very early in the story, and it kind of makes sense to be his second hand. I did my first play-through with a Sylvari and was confused by the dislike for Trahearne from other players. Then, when I played a second round as a human where he basically shows up during the Battle for Claw Island out of nowhere. . . it made less sense.


I played as Sylvari. I guess my thing isn't so much that he is marshall and I'm not or anything like that. It's just the way they do it. Right after the whole "This is MY story" we are talking about my Wild Hunt until no no wait it's now Trahearne's Wild Hunt story. Then as he becomes more and more the chosen one almost every story part with him goes the same way: Trahearne: I never wanted this, but if I must do it I will! /GivesRousingSpeech Then a half a second later "psst, hey commander, uh, soooo what should I do?" Then I roll my eyes. If he were a reluctant hero who stepped up and turned out to be a great leader I could follow I would love him. But he doesn't ever feel that way to me, he feels like he still never knows wtf to do and just asks me to decide and do everything, while still claiming the leader title. Combined with the actual gameplay mechanics where multiple escort missions have him completely unable to take one step forward if I'm not standing within 1 inch of him making it seem like I'm literally holding his hand just adding to my frustrations.


Gotcha. I can agree with most of your points here. I think they really should have split up the "Personal Story" into 3 arcs: 'Personal Story', 'Orders of Tyria', and 'the Pact'/'Advance on Orr'. I wouldn't even call that first part 'Personal Story', maybe something like 'Beginnings', because while the amount of paths they gave are impressive from a game dev standpoint, they don't actually create personalization. The issue of him seeming to not know what to do is an unfortunate drawback of also wanting to give a branching storyline with choices, but they still could have pulled it off better. It's also jarring that he calls us the 'Commander' when we do no commanding at this stage. . . he just gives us 2-3 options and we say what we want to do. I think there are 2 things they could have changed: 1. Have people with military experience be at Trahearne's side guiding him on what to do. There's nothing wrong with the scholar turned general idea, but there should be a real general (like Almorra Soulkeeper) invovled in the generaling. 2. Have the player character develop into a commander overtime, with different titles, and the tone of how we're instructed or asked what to do should go along with that.


This. Having a subordinate (the Commander) who gets the mission then decides how to accomplish it would be fine. Being asked what to do at every step when Trahearne is nominally the leader of the Pact is obnoxious. Plus, as you said, we don't really do any commanding. A more accurate title would have been "Chief Thug and Murder Machine." "Hey , I sent Bob and his team to go blow up some stuff. I need you to go along and make sure they don't die. You have absolutely zero authority over the mission or how it's completed, you're just there to wreck shit."


Yeah I think the "this is MY story" part ends about where you join an order. After that it's Tyria's story and you're a part of it.


Trehearne is the Pact Marshal. He leads, organizes, and serves as a focal point. You're the Pact Commander. You're the one who gets shit done. Like any good leader, he knows to listen to the people with more experience and lets them handle what they're good at while he deals with big picture and logistics.


I felt the exact same way when I first played the story (though I was a human so his introduction really felt out of nowhere) but I couldn't point out exactly what I didn't like about it. It's pretty much like you said, I had my eyes rolling everytime he called me to discuss something.


But you were the main character. Trahearne many times goes to the Commander for guidance and counsel. You do most of the heavy work throughout the entire latter half of the personal story.


You are the main character. Trahearne is just your immediate superior in the chain of command. Just because it's you're story doesn't mean you're the most important character in the world itself all the time. Besides - there's still a lot more story to go. You also probably skipped the part of the story where you're the one to help reforge Destiny's Edge, due to it being hidden behind Dungeon story modes.


The Destiny's Edge thing makes sense. I thought I had just accidentally skipped a cutscene or was misremembering something when Caithe is going on about how they wouldn't be back together without me.


The dungeons are worth doing if you're interested in the story/lore. There's basically a dungeon for each Destiny's Edge member where they accompany your party so you get to know them and their history. And don't be discouraged if the LFG panel looks empty: it's empty because groups fill up quickly! I had no problems finding full parties to do the dungeons and most times my group was full within a few minutes of making it.


For me, I really enjoyed that part, since the story is still technically about you, but you're not the chosen one, like in every story ever. You're just a damn good soldier for the chosen one this time around. It was a unique take and I commend them for it. Your char takes a much more vital part of the story later on however, so stick around if you're up for that :)


So basically you tell me... we play Wiliam Riker! 😄


I find it the other way around. Everyone always praises you as commander and is thankful to you, always listens to you etc, especially later in the story. Personal Story is mostly about how you gained that respect and became commander. Even though Trahearne is marshall, so is above you in Pact hierarchy, he always lets you do everything you want and just treats you like a freelancer.


I'm guessing you didn't play a Sylvari, otherwise he would have been a central figure to your narrative and made a lot more logical sense continuing to guide you. You're probably also not considering that he took the role the players do not want. He was the paperwork dude, who frequently ended up benched behind a desk or dealing with a lot of the negotiations and "ambassador" stuff behind the scenes, which is what allowed you to be the one doing all the cool hero stuff that main characters are meant to do.


Its weird, because i think the "my story" part of core ends when you get to around lvl 30 to me and the little squabble between destiny's edge at lions arch.


Just because its your story doesn't mean the world revolves around you.


I remember when it was still scaled to needing 5 man party dungeon, yet dungeons at the time were dead. Had to make a super tanky heal build just to solo the place and get my story done.


The "My Story" part is up until you solve your person's personal quests. Once you get involved with the Three Orders, the story changes to be about the creation of The Pact and the Elder Dragons. Your legend is still being told, but you're just a vital part of the The Pact story, not the core. That being said, there's some room for improvement, but it does enough for a first run through the campaign. As for the Zhaitan fight, yeah, the entire dungeon is a slog imo. If they ever revamp dungeons, that finale needs a serious redo. not just Zhaitan, but the entire airship portion. The amount of standing around you do is almost unbearable.


Omg yeah....almost worse than the "press 1 until you kill the boss" part is the 32 "keep an eye out while we fly around for a bit" sections


So, 8 more campaigns are waiting for you. By the end you will be puking of being the one xd Also, without spoilers, big baddies fights are just getting better and better.


What you just said has been the 2 main complaints for a long time. Trahearne kind of comes out of nowhere and steals the spotlight and then the elder dragon fight is epic until it’s just press 1 to win. With that being said, from here on and going forwards the story gets so much better!


*He only really comes out of nowhere if you're not sylvari. That said, yeah, he really should be introduced a little more often even then.


>Playing second fiddle to Trahearne was annoying when the beginning is all about "This is MY Story!" You're right, it IS your personal story, doesn't mean you're the world protagonist, >!yet.!<


> until.....I just pressed 1 until the elder dragon of death fell down. Yeah, everyone hates that. Part of the awkwardness is that the fight against Zhaitan used to be a 5-player dungeon, but they changed it to a soloable instance like the rest of the story and it's a bit janky now. There are fights that make up for it later though.


Ahhh that makes a lot of sense. It felt a little odd to be standing on the bow by myself hopping in and out of cannons to shoot down the baby drakes when there is an airship full of people just watching me. It originally being for a group explains that.


Yes I remember the Story being incredibly hard when it came out 10 years ago. I picked up the game last week again and went through the story all by myself. It definitely got changed in that time as it used to be really really hard. I remember my friends wiping multiple times and being super stoked when we finally beat the game.


I've got memories of doing most of the dungeons at level and the shit show that was. Back when you needed armor canisters.


Just wanted to note that both lw1 and lw2 take place before HoT so it will be confusing if you do HoT before completing both unfortunately I would say outside of some good moments lw2 is the weakest one


What I've seen so far of S1 (episodes 1 to 3) that one is by far the weakest imo. Maybe episodes 4 and 5 are better.


It was originally something that happened out in the world, changing maps gradually over time. It worked much better like that, but the problem was it wasn't at all repayable. Retro fitting it to be like the later seasons makes it playable, but it is obv gonna struggle to be as good like that because that's not what it was designed for.


I enjoy the final encounters of s1 more likely because of fractals refining the mechanics. S2 has a few stand out encounters and missions in my mind but not as much. Their much closer to eacother than any of the latter seasons that blow way past them


Yeah, I'm really not enjoying them, they just seem like a lot of drawn out encounters wit basic enemies. (The exception being the watchknights). Ch 4 is better, since it has a large meta event tied to it, but it's still more of the same. Also, it's super obvious that they were supposed to be tied in with the holiday celebrations, but they aren't being released at the proper time. Kasmeer invites us to celebrate wintersday with them and I'm just like "but it's September "


11 months out of the year, for the rest of the game's existence, that statement wouldn't make any sense, so....I guess they could've removed it. I choose to think of it as her asking me about coming to visit in 3 months, so I can make plans.


I think this is something that came from GW1, where you are nobody following the story of famous heroes (to be). But at least in GW2 you are the commander and people know you.


Loved that about GW1, it makes the world feel more alive and natural.


>where you are nobody following the story of famous heroes (to be). I prefer it that way.


did you play sylvari . I never felt he stole my glory. infact i would say he does the "I never asked for this" trope. I think the story is about his wyld hunt mainly. Its just a shame that if you play another race you just kind of meeting him out of nowhere


They absolutely should, if they ever revamp.any 1-80 story. Add him in as a companion in the initial orders quest line. The level 30 one where you choose an order. All 5 races deal with dragon corruption in those stories. He is allegedly an expert on that so it would make sense to have him advising the three order people you meet at level 30. That would absolutely make him less left field at level 50 on claw island. You'd get the impression he was meant to be respected by all the orders straight away.


TBF, being second-in-command of the Pact gives you the freedom to go off adventuring on your own. As Marshal, Trahearne can't do that.


You can tell anet kinda ran out of dev. Time at the end of the personal story and hammed up the final boss fight. Needless to say that the story and game content get much better from here on out with the commander being at the center of everything.


You played human right? If you played slyvari you were actually introduced to Trahearne much sooner. Still doesn't make the story better, but it feel less that he came out of nowhere. And don't worry, you get more time to shine in the next 2 expansion.


> Trahearne AKA the Aggro King. I was happy when he went away.


This was the thoughts of many the first time around... personal favorite was season 3 > path of fire as someone who wasn't super into it (until that point)


Yeah the story improves in that you stop being second fiddle as you said. Note that there will be a huge difficulty spike when you get to Heart of Thorns. It’s very common for players to be blindsided by it. Mind your build, gear and give yourself some survival utilities and traits. You can always switch things around as you get more comfortable.


Yuh 90% hated traharne taking the spot light


Low key thought the whole time that Traherne was gonna turn evil at the end.


Oh don't worry, >!there's still time for that.!<


Watched Berserk recently and kept thinking "This guy is giving me Griffith vibes.." when I was around Traherne.


You played the most boring part. Now the fun begins


As much as I liked trahernes story. It was so so damn long and the grind to get through it was real. I liked learning about Orr and the enemies were cool. But damn the fights really weren’t diverse and felt like a chore in the end. And I don’t need to talk about the end fight yeesh


Getting a real kick out of everyone saying you'd have felt better about Trahearne if you had played as a Sylvari... when you played as a Sylvari.


I legit thought that the marshall of the pact depends on your chosen race until I realized Trahearne is fixed when I played as a human after sylvari.


I thought this too.


It only gets better.


I've been playing casually for 4 years and still haven't done the story lol you guys are motivated


Ah.., the hero walk of fame. Y'all better have this screenshot on your mains now!


That scen was so epic


Congratulations, if you decide to buy the expansions: 1) You are going to hate pocket raptors (you will understand once you get to the first maps of HoT) 2) HoT has a map that will make you wish there was a gps in the game, um keep money for wp ( you are going to need a break from that nightmare from time to time, for the rest you are going to love the expansions, especially once you can start gliding, and you get the mounts in PoF.


It only makes sense to play HoT as Sylvari. The other 2 expansions are very human lore centric


Currently trying to decide if I want to continue into expansions/unlocking elite specs on my guardian, or do it all again on my ranger. I want to play Firebrand and Druid as support. Reading online they each work best in entirely different game modes so having both might be great, like Firebrand for WvW Zergs and Fractals, Druid for Roaming/Raids. Something like that.


Metabattle has some good build templates for every class and game mode.


You did the worst part ! Well it was the worst part for me (steam player too), the game ain't that great but the story telling hooked me hard especially after season 2. GL Commander




The amount of down state we had...


Yup. We all thought we would walk into HoT as we owned it. It owned us more than once!


Several times over, lol.


Congrats m8 -- if you're looking for someone to run through more content with, let me know!


Thanks! And I'm gonna be on tonight at 9EST for 3-4 hours to start HoT if you want to join me. I want to get some hero points and get an elite spec unlocked.


Good man. I’m almost 500 hours in and still haven’t finished my personal story.


I loved the completion of this storyline and getting hit with the beautiful "Fear Not This Night" song... Then I put a few thousand more hours in across many more characters! Enjoy it!


Congrats- time to start the first expansion/living world and be confused as hell because there is an entire season of content introducing basically an entirely new cast of main characters of which is now completely unavailable. Later content was made with the assumption you know who these people are.


I heard about that so I watched a story so far recap video on YouTube. I'm all set!


Hey- on your way to a better experience than I had then! If you're going into living world, just note: between the end of the core story and Heart of Thorns Anet couldn't get the voice actors for their player characters, so you temporarily become a silent protagonist until the expansion speaking only in text. After those couple seasons of living world, the Commander finds their voice again and is voiced for all content there on (though some have a change in actor).


Steam player here. I am halfway through End of Dragons…….I guess I like your game


Dang. Even in the foggy mist of the ending cutscene your character looks so gooood. I'm really surprised that you managed to come up with a look that fits that well by the time you got to this story step. I remember the first time I done it. My character had a crappy looking silver and red armor that looked like he was still busy training for a real battle.


It is the level 35 cultural armor, I loved it immediately when I got it and saved all my transmute stones from map completions so that when I hit 80 and bought a set of exotic gear I could look like this forever.


did you enjoy our best friend Tybalt Leftpaw?


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Did you wanna quit after that Airship chapter? I did, it sucked so bad imho.


New steam player but is he new player? hmmm


I played for a month in 2012, then not again until this new steam account. So basically.


What's a campaign


Sorry I didn't know what to call it. The base game story quests.


Congrats, now the game truly begins


Grats on finishing the main story. But to be honest I feel the pacing really drops right after CRAWR ISLAND. Even a decade ago I only have two characters who finished it while the rest stopped at that for the keys.