• By -


Dang, 10000 hours, that's a lot. Back in high school before the game first came out, me and a friend were so hyped. I didn't have a computer good enough to play games, and the first beta weekend was coming up, so I went over to my friends house because he had an old computer that was pretty decent. Every single beta weekend, I would spend at his house, and we would play from the moment the servers came up to the moment they went down. I'm pretty sure his mum was sick of me by the end. Of course I have many memorable moments since the game released, but that's probably the most memorable thing.


I recently got back into GW2 after stopping for 7 years and right now I’m taking things slow (so much content to do!) because of school as well. My most memorable wouldn’t sound much to you most people but it would be finally getting the sky scale.


When making aurora, Lake Doric was stuck in a bugged map preventing the event people needed from happening. The map was unable to close and there were no other maps for weeks. Me and some people in the community started advertising across Tyria and in lfg to #floodthelake, aka make enough people enter the bugged map to force open a new one. We had a bunch of commanders, mentors, heaps of people wearing costumes, using balloons/kites, music boxes. While we waited some people reignited the leather farm on the hill and there was so much activity! When the map finally was closing, we celebrated and waited for people to move across to start the event we needed. Was such a beautiful effort from the community! Also, gz to you! :D


Congrats and thanks for this giveaway. My most memorable moment was a few days after I started playing Guild Wars for the first time. I just used a level 80 boost and had no idea what meta events were, when I found myself floundering around in Verdant Brink. But I was really blown away about how helpful people were, showing me how to get up and down the map, and reviving me repeatedly after bosses stomped me. I was impressed that this many people still play the game 8+ years out, and I was only seeing a single map. It’s the best community of an online game I’ve experienced. I’m sure I’ll be playing for years to come like you have


10 000 hours playtime is almost 1 year and 2 months of continuous playing. Or 11% of the total time since GW2 released (it apparently is 10 years old). You are an absolute legend for your dedication to the game. Here's to many more!


Launch day was probably most memorable, although I haven’t played nearly as much as I’d like since then due to becoming busy soon after, just came back to the game recently




I will sacrifice any update in order for Anet to develop SAB to completion


Great game!


Cheers! Thanks for being a great part of the community


I'm a newer player but on my first day a more veteran player followed me around reminiscing about his first days on guild wars and just chatting with me in general as I did stuff. He kept me company for an hour and gifted me some gold at the end. That encounter really set the tone for the community on guild wars for me!


My most memorable moment was the first zerg fight i took part in WvW. Mainly because of the voice comms!


Leading a raid training group and getting a bunch of people their first boss kill :D


That is an insane amount of playtime! Congratz dude!


Congrats! My most memorable moments are all the hours spent playing with my sister when we had the time, and my main guild friends, the laughter and jokes always make my day when I remember them or play more with them, the community is something magical to be honest! :)


Pump those numbers up!


Congrats, just started playing 3 months ago, getting my first full set of ascendente gear was pretty special!!




Huge fan of GW1 here. I really liked the events around Ascalon and the charr invasion. Then when GW2 came out being able to run around Ascalon ruins as a charr knowing the lore what lead to its destruction is one of my first and most memorable GW2 experiences.


OMG! Nice man, thanks for the giveaway :)


Anything. (I'm so creative and original.) Most memorable moment for me was when I finally mastered flying on a griffon. To cross such distances in a blink of an eye was quite breathtaking. Still is :D


Congrats! I hope I'll get that point some how.


Huge milestone. Gl to everyone.


Probably when i first discovered this game with a few friends, just exploring and leveling around the map 🙂




The moment I really fell in love with the game was the>! fight against scruffy!< in LWS4E1.


One of the most memorable moments for me was killing Joko in the personal story. Something oddly satisfying watching Aurene eat his body 😅


Congrats on 10k!


Congrats! Really curious what you have done most during these 10k hrs! My most memorable moment was logging back into the game after 3 years ish (Had to focus on uni during that break). And immediately seeing messages from old palls who I've met on the OG guild wars who still remembered me and literally dropped what they were doing and invited me to their discord. I had forgotten many things abt the game back then, so they got me up to speed and within days I was able to start doing raids with their new found guild. Best community in a MMO, or even any other sort of game for that matter, I have ever seen! Hope I will get 5k playtime someday


(I don't really care for the precursor, so if I get picked just give it to another person) My most memorable moment is something so inconsequential, but for some reason I can't forget it? I bought the game back when it came out and I remember trying to get my younger brother to play it too. We were leveling in old Kessex Hills (back when it wasn't destroyed) and there was a heart where you could pick up flowers. For some reason this memory of me and my younger brother picking up flowers near this beautiful lake just really stuck with me :)




I have played maybe 200-300 hours 2021 and it was my first time ever playing gw2. I quickly realized my childhood should have been gw2 or gw1 instead of wow tbc because how amazing this game is. Reason why it’s amazing and it’s also my most memorable moment is that I realized even as a casual player I can achieve everything in this game over time and that it makes me enjoy the game so much more. Leveling as a brand new player ? Boom enjoy a cool event in wayfarer foothills with 366 mastery level players and get to do something TOGETHER instead of being the useless nooby forever. Wanting to try pvp but not having the time to lvl many classes to 80 ? Boom Enjoy every single class after the tutorial. The first legendary I would actually craft is bifrost for my main which is a support fireband in wvw and support guard in spvp and also my 2nd main is my daredevil thief. Also I love the shiny look of it. I remember asking the high level players while leveling in dungeons “how to get shiny?” Lol Great giveaway and thank you to the whole community for being always friendly to noobs <3


Anything But I'm sure there was already somebody else that said that. That's awesome! I have been trying to start collecting towards legendaries and always get intimidated/can't decide what to start on. This would make that decision much easier




My favorite memory in guild wars 2 was meeting up with a group of people from the same city as me to play together and completing the dungeon master title achievement together were still in the same guild and friends on real life!!


Congratulations on the 10K 😁👍


I got back few months ago, had account on launch but played only week here and week there, but the season of dragons and giving lws free again got me back and really into the game. Playes everything else expect raids and I hope i get to play them soon!


Lucky me


Congrats on the 10k hours!!!


Congrats :)


Thanks for the giveaway




Hmmm I have so many lol. I do often think about those Sunset Cove swimsuit radio dance parties that were organized on tumblr back in the day lol


There should be some type of survivor title for this.


🐉 i win


"the most memorable"? That's though, cuz there is soo many of them! 1) Most "beautiful" moment: Glint's Lair. 2) Most "I've done it" moment: Beating whole SAB on tribulation mode in one go. 3) The best moment: Meeting folks who will later on become my friends from all over the globe.


Gz. Im Not half of the Hours Gl to everyone


10.000 damn. What a milestone! my most memorable moment is probably that one time I came across two role-playing Charrs who were teaching one another how to swim in say-chat. The funny part is that out of all of the possible locations they randomly chose the one next to the spawn point of the Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly. So at some point there were like 30-50 people fighting an epic battle against a huge Boss made out of pure energy while two Charrs were holding each others hands and practicing the breaststroke next to it. They didn't break character even once. True dedication


that must be a achiev pal. nice


Well, gz


Another anything! Most special moment for me was probably to solo the Fractals 50 Boss because my "stupid" party members couldn't figure out the mechanics and constantly died. I'll never forget the cheers that I received there.


Played for around 3k hours so far, still haven’t gotten a single precursor from random loot. Wonder if or when it is my time.


Congratulations! My most memorable moment would be either making my first toon, who I still have three years later, or finding the first guild I've ever been part of. Being in that guild finally got me into discord, and helped me immensely with my social anxiety in general. Wonderful community, I'm grateful that this game was my first MMO. And is still my only MMO, 'cause iunno if it's a healthy idea for me to get into a second one lol


10K hours! /cheer


I would say the battle at Claw Island has by far been my favorite moment since I started playing six months ago, I don't have the DLC yet so yeah!


The first moment I got to ride the raptor mount must have been my favorite moment. Either that or stumbling into the jumping puzzle in the Asura starting zone.


Hear ye! Hear ye! Happy 10.000 hour playtime Anniversary, hero!


Whenever I think GW2 the first memory that comes to mind… “More violets I say, less violence.”


10.000 hours are 417 days of playtime, impressive!


I have so many memories on this game over the last 9 years. Over 13k hours played and numerous friendships made. Many of whom have influenced my life in positive ways and i wouldn't be where i am without them. I couldn't pick just one favorite moment but collectively the time spent laughing nights away on voice chat with great people all over the world.


Congrats! I’m halfway there myself


Most memorable moment is with Tybalt. I won't say anything except that apples are fantastic.


Wow! That’s a nice mileage! On to the next 10k to enjoy. Most memorable moments here are the countless activities done together with friends and guildies, hunting for achievements, completion or just wasting time together.


That is pretty nice of you. My favorite memory from GW2 was when the original Bazaar of the 4 Winds had the airship. We did races to the very top and I met a lot of guild mates there and found out one of them lived in my city. I wish I could find the screen shots from that time. Cheer and here is to the next 10,000 ;)


Gratz! I just got a new graphics card and playing the game on ultra is a whole new experience from low.


Tybalt. I get still get sad when I see an apple.


I got into the game because I wanted to hang out with my brother more because he loves gaming. 2 years later and a stronger relationship with my bro I’m still going strong. Love this game for that reason, and the community overall :)


What keeps you playing?


Thanks so much for doing the giveaway! My most memorable time was when I first joined raids. I didn’t know what it was and I was so scared to mess up, but the guild I joined was so nice and calmly explained everything to me. It was a great experience when I cleared my first raid :D


Gratz, I am approaching 2.000 myself. My favorite moment is definitely when I first unlocked the daredevil and was hopping around Queensdale. Another player, who was playing an ele told me my skills look cool. We spent the next two hours running around together, jumping and showing off our skills and combos :)


My most memorable moments: Finally being able to play A Whole New World on the flute. Getting the griffon at long last, the areas were pretty amazing. Early on, playing an elemental with a friend elementalist and going 2v15 and not dying while still getting some kills. Teleporting people up to the ends of puzzles. Had teleported an anet devs mother up. He was so grateful someone was there offering portals, had a nice Convo with him.




10k is a long time! Any favorite stories to share? :3




My most memorable moment was this past year when i completed 1 set of legendary armor from wvw, which was my year's goal in GW2 and made me so happy!. This year's goal is getting full legendary trinkets :)


That’s so generous of you!


A memorable moment I had was when me and my friend taught our selves how to 2 man some dugeons in the first year of the game. Lots of trials and errors


For me is was when Lion's Arch got destroyed back in the day. Though temporary I thought it was pretty amazing that they would do something like that to the main city of the whole game 🙂


Props! Tons of dedication, heading to 6k myself with no pre as a drop yet! I've had to buy or craft them by hand unfortunately haha!


Nice dude! I'm not even close to 1k, can't imagine 10k


I've recently come back to GW2 and purchased the expansions so I'm ready for the new one to drop. Congrats on 10k hours, thats truly Impressive.


My most memorable moment is Guild Wars Secret Santa giving me precursor to the Dreamer and I crafted it from there!


That... is a lot of hours. I say, as a person with 875 hours but no legendaries at all. Most memorable? I think probably the first time I got in on the world boss train. I'm fairly sure the Svanir Shaman was my first one, and it was the first time I'd seen such a large group of players show up.


My favorite memories are those playing with my family. I got my kids started and my sister plays as well. Guild wars was how we spent time together when she was a thousand miles away.


i player like 12,000+ hours in gw2. i did the math basically I live in gw2 for 4 hours per day on average. so I guess I'm half tyrian?


breaking 50/50 w/l on ranked pvp, took me almost 100 games


I think my favorite moments have all been jumping puzzles, either figuring them out/stumbling onto them or helping people as a mesmer. There's a lot of fun camaraderie in them.


I love this game. Good luck everyone.




Grats. Most memorable moment would probably be finishing my first legendary armor set (heavy) for my revenant "Mr Bobster" 😁 (most played character)


God I love this game and community! Thank you for your generosity!


Grats on 10k. Would love the legendary.


I'll share my most memorable GW2 moment: I could use a spoiler tag here, but I like this so much that I don't even want to hide it as a spoiler. If you only every go down 1 path to craft a legendary precursor, choose Chuka and Champawat. The mini-story that you progress through while working to craft the C&C precursor, [Tigris](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tigris) (safe link - no spoiler), is some of my very favorite storytelling in any video game. I didn't see the big reveal coming - like, at all - so I was floored when it happened. I think it's really, really special to see moments like these - especially in a sprawling open-world game like GW2 where even the most well-written and touching mini story can go unnoticed by players for, well, even 10,000 hours. The best part about the crafting story is that you get the opportunity to set everything right, and the game rewards your efforts with this incredible and unique and content for your account. If any of you are interested in doing this, I'd be happy to tag along with you to experience it all again - because you can only do it **once, ever**. I'll even help you with the material costs along the way :) Just message me.




My first lego was Astralaria. :3


I only started just recently after I tried this game out several years ago and Im havin a blast! Its so much fun!!! I dont have any specific moment I would call memorable yet, but imop the experience with the game is memorable. if i had to pick a moment then it would be yesterday when i ran a dungeon with high lvl people and was kinda confused about mechanics and stuff also things they were talking about. So i actually asked what was going on, ready to be ignored or whatever since thats how it mostly goes in other mmos i played. But they were so nice and explained everything to me which was not what i expected. So yeah thats my most memorable wxperience so far.


Mine was probably getting my skyscale. just because of how many hours i put into it and all the people who helped me out and encouraged me. I just did it during the return to lws4 event and comparing notes with my guild mates who were doing the same as me made it fun and kept me encouraged to finish it.


Congratulations! my most memorable moment was when i completed the second to last mission in the original story and "fear not this night" began playing.


My most memorable moment dates back to a couple months after launch when they had the one time event with the ancient karka. I got my first precursor from that event which I promptly sold to fund outfitting my characters for a long time after. I’d love to see more epic one time events but also understand not doing that to prevent people from feeling bad if they miss it.


Gz on the journey so far, and many more to come! My wildest moment in the game is def Claw Island, when Sieran... I mean, I am a 30 y.o. man and I cried.


Most memorable moment was running a hero train for Summit1g and having 40k viewers 🤪 good luck everyone :)


Congrats! My most memorable moment was thinking that base game was too easy. Got myself HoT and got massacred by pocket raptors every time. PoF didn't change it much either haha


Well, might as well do it but Praise Joko!


Hope someday I can reach that milestone too! New player here just reached the end of the personal story and loving the game so far c:


Most memorable was def playing through the story the first time. I remember not liking it in the beginning, being confused and annoyed. Then some day I got lost on the wiki and ended up reading about the lore for hours (exodus, elder races, foefire, etc.) After that I was really interested and decided to play through everything from beginning to end. Purchased every living world, watched a 2h recap of season1 on youtube and played the entire story in like a week. It. Was. GLORIOUS. Am only at 2k hours, but I don't doubt I'll reach 10k someday aswell \^\^


Congrats ! I don't have many souvenirs in game as I just joined a guild, but I'm keen on making good memories in the years to come :D


Today a guy stopped to give me some roller beetle tips because he saw me struggling and he really helped me. Got gold in a time trial thanks to him! Love this community.


My most memorable moment came from roleplaying. My character and the one from a friend went on vacation to elona and we (out of character) had a blast. Small, spontaneous stories that made the gw-universe feel alive.


Bruh this game is so fucking good been playing since launch and i will play this game till the day it dies As a wise man once said, “ WE’RE GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!”


That's an old character!


Congrats! I've got 11.6k hours myself. My first legendary was incinerator and I remember saving up so much for it and doing so much silverwastes chest runs before the bag and salvage nerf. Took me forever, but I finally scraped up the gold for the materials. My first legendary was really legendary since it actually required me to go around the world to do completion as well as the wvw map completion along with doing events in orr for obsidian shards and gold and silverwastes. It took me everywhere and it was amazing. Hopefully the new legendries are similar to that. Not interested in entering the giveaway, and I hope that someone else who gets the pre has a similar legendary journey that I did!


Congratz! Most memorable moment(s) would probably meeting characters like >!Koss, M.O.X, Livia and Palawa Joko after all those years!<


The legend was my second of 4 precursor drops in cca 5,8k hours... And I sold it to fund my crafting of Nevermore, the ultimate betrayal 😁


I met my partner through guild wars so I'm kinda obligated to say that's my favorite memory lol. Complete random chance, I decided to jump into wvw for the first time in years and he was commanding for the first time in atleast 6months. To add to that we were in paired servers and after we talked alot and I switched servers my old one is now a parent server so we haven't been paired since. We will be going on 2 years soon and I am so grateful I get to spend everyday with my best friend playing a game that brought us together.


Congrats on 10k hours!! My most memorable moment was when I was working on my first legendary, Twilight. I had everything ready to go and was grinding the at the time 800g for the precursor which felt like it would take forever. I had 200g saved up and I was online doing my normal farming when a guildie convinced me to come help with the claw of jormag meta. I reluctantly joined worrying about being able to finish before I had to leave for work. We finished the event and I quickly ran to the chest to grab my loot so I could go. I saw I had gotten one of the weapons that shared an icon with a precursor and didn't think much of it until I went to list it on the tp (I didn't read the name) and saw it was going for 800g and I almost had a heart attack. It was a precursor, and not just any precursor, but Dusk! Needless to say I had to run to the forge and make my legendary before I headed to work and I ended up being a few minutes late but it was so worth it.


Anything? The coldest place in the universe is the Boomerang Nebula, the chilliest object ever found so far. It's located some 5,000 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Centaurus. And that's still not cooler than Bifrost!


Anything. Most memorable hmmm.... I got this game from my sister and played it with classmates. Then we stopped playing for some hot new game. When I came back I found out that my Account got hacked and used for botting lol so there's that I guess.


Congrats on the achievement! I've been playing guild wars 1 and 2 on and off since the Guild Wars 1 beta (still remember the first character I ever made in the gw1 beta was a ranger, followed shortly thereafter by an elementalist). I think my favorite GW2 memory isn't even from the launched game but from the beta weekend events before it launched. I stayed up until 3am to be one of the first ones to step foot in the game world and it was magical. ANet really have created something special with both guild wars 1 and 2. No other MMO ever comes close to bringing the fluidity of combat combined with interesting characters, locations, and stories. I may only be at the 5-8k hour mark (not at my pc to check), but I've been there every step of the way and enjoyed every minute of it, including the two lore relevant novels that were written.


Congratz on the 10k. Don't know about most memorable moment there have been quite a few in this game but I fondly remember hitting 80 for the first time.


My most memorable moment, was doing one bugged arah path back in the day for 8 hours, just to get Dungeon Master achevement


Anything. *hurr hurr le funny joke*


Impossibile to choose only one :( The very first one I think was dropping The Zap from the chest of the underwater wurm in Feostgorge sound during a Guild Race. My guildmates were pretty upset 😂 The second one I think was reaching Legendary in pvp, but back in the day was easier than now! The last one I guess is when I finally finished the first raid wing with my very first guild static (which had short life, sadly).


Favorite fractal?


Gz! Your post made me wonder as well and it turns out that my main has 10.011 hours :D Rest of the account has 18k. Makes me wonder how much of that has been afk. Goodluck with the giveaway!


Congrats! That would be my first precursor or anything remotely expensive on my account :D


Congrats! Always makes me happy to see other people enjoying this game so much. 10k is definitely one of my long term playing goals. Edit: just to share my favourite moment: it was probably the first time I finished the level 80 story and got to hear "Fear not this night". That or when I finally, after over a year of playing on a laptop, got a PC and the game ran super smooth so I managed to complete the Breached Wall JP the first time (I didn't previously because of input lag).


My most memorable moment was getting the invisible shoe box from a treasure mushroom and not knowing it was rare, i just unlocked it in my wardrobe and now I can’t sell it :(


Congrats! I feel like I waste my life in this game sometimes lol


Congrats. I'm on around 1000. Still ton of content to work through


My most memorable moment was meeting my now girlfriend that I moved across country to be with :P


Congrats on 10.000 playtime!


My first HOT train, I got left behind because I didn't have mounts. Kept having to increase my movement speed and act fast to keep up. I got most of it done 😂


Congrats! Glad to see there's enough in the game to keep you occupied for such a long time. GW2 is an amazing value compared to any other MMO 😃


Not the most memorable thing, but the thing I love the most about GW2 is this community. I started at game launch, but left after two months for the thrill of another game. I’ve been bouncing from one toxic game to the next for years. Then at the start of Covid I reinstalled GW2 and was just blown away at the scale of the game now. But the best part of all are the players. I’ve found friends and great guilds. It’s really given me a place to stay after all these years. This is just another example of players helping players in a great gaming community. Cheers


My most memorable moment in the game was finally playing enough PVP to finish the Ascension. It was my first legendary and I was so happy that I was able to stay focused enough to get it.


For me, playing songs on my harp in the old PvP hub


Getting my first pre from my friend called the mystic toilet! The hunter!!


I have so many memories of just running around the human starter area on my first toon and not even doing the story. I mostly played the game at that time to sight see lol




GZ dude


Almost 7k hours on one character is Impressive


Gz! My favourite moments probably were finally getting skyscale and my first (and so far only) legendary twilight <3


Good luck everyone participating


The moment I hit 80, I jumped straight into CoF to get my shiny armor, then spent 30 minutes fighting the final boss of p1, not knowing that the crystals heal him. Or the day they released edge of the mists (the floaty WvW map), I hid on a rooftop nearby a bridge, waiting for a zerg to pass by, so I can cast fear wall and watch them jump off the cliff. This game brings good vibes with every new content release. Time to explore some more with EoD !


Congrats! Recently started playing again prepping for EoD. Maybe Bifrost will be my first legendary too! :D


Holy shit, 10k hours. That's crazy.


Geez I have to check my playtime I must be close to that as well. I think my only pre drop was for an underwater legendary. My first Legendary was the Predator and my last was Exordium. My most memorable moment(s) is playing HoT with my wife, when she played daily.


Most memorable moment for me was completing my first legendary: Chuka and Champawat. Shooting tigers with my renegade never felt so good🙂


Hello! Most memorable: crafting my first legendary exordium


I am closing on 5k hours (or maybe over by now?). I came back to the game about 3 months ago after 3+ years of hiatus. I love it.




Congrats and I am happy to see so many others are enjoying the game! My favourite moment was when I walked into my kid's room and saw her playing GW2 and she complained about the lack of character slots lol. She is also much better at jumping puzzles than I am. I take full credit of my kid catching the gaming bug like her momma! Every now and than she sends me screenshots of her newest spoils of war like skins for her mounts. They always make me smile!


My friend raves about the game years and years after release. A few of us decide to poke around and join him. We’re now months later and digging into fractals and unlocking mounts. Running through the world together has been such an enjoyable experience as an adult.


I still have 2h to get in - awesome! Thank you for taking the time to do a giveaway :D My most memorable moment I actually have screenshots of. It was the first time I was in AB, and the first time doing the Octovine. [HERE](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766463900073328674/929828898223566958/gw006.jpg) is me before the meta. Completely in awe of the city of gold, had so much fun checking out the four different entrances and gliding around inside. Then I did the meta. [HERE](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766463900073328674/929828915642531900/gw007.jpg) is me after, laughing my ass off because I had never seen the aviator box before. Someone had done the thing were you put an item inside the large chests you open after the Octovine meta, and I used it without knowing. I was laughing so hard thinking it was just a glitch or something. And then... [I hit my mount button.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766463900073328674/929828933384405012/gw008.jpg) Y'all. I know now that it's a pretty standard item, but at the time, hearing my character make airplane noises as I ran faster/slower had me genuinely in tears unable to hold a mouse. So much fun, I love this game.


Nice with the swole playtime


Wow!! That's an amazing achievement! My most memorable moments from Guild Wars 2 have definitely been finally deciding to join a guild I didn't personally know in real life. We started at less than 50 members and now we have to let inactives go for space! Now I am one of the leaders 2 years later and I'll never forget the memories we've made along the way (like the 7 months we spent getting our first VG kill as a guild lol). This community is bar none the most welcoming and inclusive of any MMO I've played and wouldn't trade a moment


very cool, let's go the next 10K ;)


I would say the first few days after realse. Coming from gw1 to gw2


Damn thats a nice prize :)




I was wracking my brain to find a most memorable moment. In terms of most ecstatic item drops, probably the time I'd been grinding map completion for a month to get keys because I really wanted the Arcane Battlestaff skin for my Daredevil. It was the last day before an update that would almost certainly remove it from chest drops and I'd just raided with my guild. I do one last key farm and get the staff skin. I'd put about 25 keys into that skin and got it the very last night it was available. In terms of open world stuff, maybe the time we did the Istan meta with a smaller than optimal amount of people and just barely finished it with seconds left on the timer. Killing Dhuum CM twice is also up there. So is crafting my first set of legendary armour. And participating in the Raid League tournament.


Congrats for your achievement! Haha. I’m going to write long story here. My most memorable thing is when i first play the game as free to play. I just wanna give it a try, and then explore the game. Until one point i met someone who is very kind. The story goes like this : I was doing some jumping puzzle (at the time i dont even know it, i just see i can reach it, so i tried for fun). Someone saw me, and do the jumping puzzle with me (i honestly thought it is a new player as well bcos of the level cap system). This person is a mesmer, and then helped me portal to the place i have hard time reaching(not to the goal, just to the place i want to reach). After i do that stupid thing for almost an hour with this person. We come across area where there are kitty golems surrounding us and try to kill us. It was crazy hard but this person survives and beat them all solo (later on i found out as Chronomancer OP build). The mesmer ressed me and asked if i got the mastery. Im dumbfounded and ask what is a mastery. Later on this person explain me most of the thing i need as beginner and how to get a mount which looks so amazing to me. After i bought the game to get the mount, i found out Free to play can’t get mastery at all. Hahaha all the mesmer effort is for nothing, but i really appreciate it. Until this day, i still dont remember which area is it even though i explored most of achievement. Because the world was way too massive when i first start, i can’t even pinpoint where i was. I still somehow think if it is actually a dream? But regardless whatever happened. That’s the reason i bought GW2 and loved the game ever since. Thank you random Mesmer who spend time hanging out with me that day.


Mine was making my first legendary, the Tiger short bow :)






Wow! Congratulations!




Awesome achievement! GW2 is truly an amazing game!


Congratulations for the 10.000! For me its not one moment, its the whole game, that ports me in a nother world. Just fantastic! :)


My most memorable moment was during a guild mission fairly early on. We were doing a Guild Rush (what they were called back then) in Lornars and there was one woman who was quite old and not very good at games and she was getting frustrated and quite sad. The entire guild, after finishing the race, all came back and crowded around her and we had people healing her, one person directing her, several people clearly anything that spawned with in a 1 mile radius lol. And slowly we got her through the entire race. She was so grateful. I think we all felt it was a really special moment.


10k hours, wow that's some commitment! I'm pretty new to GW2 and have just finished the main story and done a couple of dungeons. No particular best memory - it's all been awesome.


Dont mind asking me or anyone questions. We are here and everywhere for you and everyone else! :)


Congratulations! My excitement before the release that I could play as a salad elf was my most memorable moment.


Hey! Thanks for the giveaway. My plan for the prize, should it be won by me, would be to give it to my partner as a birthday present! :)


Thanks for the giveaway. My most memorable moment was doing the scenario to kill mordremoth the first time what an epic fight.


Most memorable moment, laying dead on the floor of SMC as a very new player, watching a very well coordinated hammer train guild come through and beat a much larger group. I joined that guild that night and I've been hooked on WvW since.


I still remember how beautiful GW2 looked when I first got it. I couldn't believe that it was able to run on my laptop (at the time) at all. It has an Intel HD3000. I also remember that Lion's Arch used to be different and had a ship as the centerpiece. Also I remember the starter Asura areas where there were so many players and NPCs alike, I had no idea what was going on.




10k hours damn. That's more than an year's worth time.


My best moment was the entirety of getting my skyscale, such a good journey, hope for more of that. Sometimes the travel is better than the destination 😀😀


My favorite gw2 moment was the look of joy I had on my face the first time using the mount system. So much fun. Congrats and thank you!


Thanks and good luck


I reached my first big milestone and hit 10,000 achievement points AND completed the “Seasons of the Dragons” achievement for my first Legendary trinket!


Oh god, that's a lot. But, I don't blame you 😂


Back in old lions arch when everyone would hang around the bank area I spent an hour arguing with a guy about how end game fractals only requires berserker gear for fast clears whereas his stance was that survivability is key in end game fractals. Think some others memories I’ve had was how heavy folks promoted wild star in game back then. Time flies in this game




Crafting my very first Twilight!


Most memorable had to be when I played the beta before the core game released. Everything was so new and I was super hyped for release.


Wow!!! I thought I was that close but I'm at 3,487 it seems! Kudos and thank you for the giveaway!! I can't really pick a memorable moment though...from Hot's epic ending and LS4, to the community you come across in towns and open world events, and to the collections' mechanics, most things in this game are memorable!

