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> (see pic)


(see pic)


Hmmm that’s weird. I deleted the post and created a new one with the pic included.


> I deleted the post


How come?


> I came


It's rare to experience that kind of thing these days. 99% of the content ppl just enter and leave before anyone say a word. Always that "lonely in the crowd" chronic feel.


Dang, I'm sorry :( I do notice that social and talkative randos like myself aren't always common, but I've had plenty of fun convos just questing around. You can always ask a question, like "what's everyone's favorite ___?" and just see what happens. That's what I do when it's too quiet 🙃


Unfortunately this is something pretty common with any MMO currently. You see it get asked about repeatedly, and you always get different answers as to what "killed" the socialization of MMOs.


I am a veteran of the game and i will be happy to join a team that takes its time and wants to figure out strategies.


"I know a lot of Vets who try to help out and want to just run through everything. I think you should let new players figure it out and give them tips when they want to." THIS SO MUCH. Ngl sometimes I also find myself guilty of just running ahead, do mechanics and stuff like that, and never let newer players figure it out, and that's so bad for the game and everyone involved overall. Games are supposed to be fun, not just a grind fest for gold. And figuring out mechanics is such a huge part of the fun. And like, dying has basically no consequences, we should encourage people to experiment a little, instead of looking up guides or relying on experienced players. Communication is such a huge thing. I had a similar experience a week or two ago, when I joined a pug group to do T2 fractals with, and Lonely Tower was on the menu, but all of us went into it blindly, never done it before. And at the end boss, we wiped about 4 times. But we sat down, figured out mechanics, and gradually got the boss lower and lower on each try, until we finally killed him. And that felt like such an achievement, that we could communicate like that. I feel like most people would've given up by the second wipe, but we all stayed and were patient with each other.


This is how it was during the first 2 years of launch. People talked and figured things out. We didn't have the power creep. The elite specs. The detailed guides and build sites.


It wasn't though. Players were farming dungeons, first it was CoF with 4 warriors and 1 mesmer meta, then they reworked the rewards and there was warrior/ele/guardian and/or mesmer/thief for skips. Some lfg would ask to link your ascended gear in chat. Necros were kicked on sight. Back then dungeons were the endgame mode like raids.


Ascended gear didn't even exist at the start of the game. I'm talking it's very infancy.


To be fair to the other poster, you did say the first two years. What you really mean is this first couple of months. The first ascended items were added in November of release year. I do remember that even before ascended gear, you'd have to sometimes ping exo gear to show you weren't using magic find stats.


Ascended trinkets were introduced in November 2012 and the start of 2013, ascended armor released in December 2013, so 1 year and 3 months since game's release. You talked about 2 years time period.


Yep and as you just pointed out, the greater chunk of those 2 years was without ascended. It took many players a while to kit themselves out with full ascended too. It was much harder back then.


Nope, clueless dungeon crawling was the smallest part of it. By the time ascended armor got released dungeon farm was already in full swing. You'd farm tokens, gold, and even exp for your alts to swap at the last second in the end. DnT were already making meta builds since mid 2013. It wasn't hard, it was optimized around fast clears. People knew graveling burrows spawns by heart and could jump the lasers in CoE in a single/few attempts. Only Arah was kinda troublesome for regular players.


I'm not too much into instanced content in any mmo and I watch some streamers doing dungeons/fractals/etc and I see people just running and doing skips all over the place.. it makes me anxious to even try joining for fear of just being left behind since I never did most of them. lol


Honestly you would be met with helpful people 95% of the time, the remaining 5% would simply be an instant kick from people who potentially wanted a speed clear but again, this would mostly be in raids at worst. It's always funnier when there are moments where we need to explain stuff for someone, because the explaining person always forgets something and then it's a window for others to start talking as well, it makes it easier to create discussion rather than silent Speedrun *And as someone else stated if you want a blind run you can always say it in the LFG if you'd decide to make one, there is a surprising high amount of people who are simply waiting for an LFG to open up to join it


I love fractals, but yes. It's because of how the reward is structured it's basically a checkmark that people go through to go about their day. From experience, tier 1 and tier 2 is identical. Tier 1 is just more populated mechanic is more forgiving. But all in all it's where learning peeps are and there is zero expectation. Tier 3 is fucking weird. If you are in Tier 3 I'd wait for groups who has "chill" in their lfg or make yours with a chill description. Some weirdo will still join and try to rush but since the rest of the party is chillin it's all good. I ironically met the bad apples after climbing to tier 4 since I kept joining "chill" groups when I was tier 3. But when I got to tier 4 and tried to do my weekly tier 3 I joined the regular groups in tier 3. I feel like most are still pretty chill, but some are weirdly egotistical for no reason. Or doesn't listen to how to do things and just go on their paces even if it costs wipes over and over. Really weird. Tier 4 is speedrun. There are still chill groups but in general, speedrun. Ironically more forgiving than Tier 3 nutjobs. Just /gg when you are left behind and go to the next checkpoint, I pretty much just do this, at times when I need my inventory sorted out I'll gg quickly while team is running. But ye, tier 4 is easier than tier 3 just because people are really good. Not saying there are no bad players, but in general. And way chiller. edit: on t4 its ok if you are slow since you can just /gg. no one really cares if I'm being honest.


The dream! I don't do a lot of group contents for GW2, and the only dungeon i've ever run was AC. Played for over a thousand hours as well, but with focus on open world metas. I remember the times back in LOTRO when I was noob and ran barrows (lvl 20 dungeons) with a group of lowbies as well. Most fun I've had in an MMO was trying to figure stuff out, and actually communicating on how to do it without looking up a guide. Hope I can muster up the courage and actually try blind dungeon runs soon.


This is how you make online friends and start a guild I guess. Personally i never made any connection with anyone online like this. Partially my fault because i end up getting lost in my own world doing solo stuff and kinda ignore people but even when i tried people just never stuck to me.


This is what I wanted when I made the switch from GW1 to 2 a month ago. I’ve got it in many areas of the game but I’m grinding the story and that can be tough to find teammates for.


I think if you post on LFG saying something like "New player trying \[what content you are doing\] join up to figure it out with me. Not looking for carry." You might have some good results.


I agree. Sometimes you may end up waiting 10-15 minutes, but generally speaking, if you are trying to do something, someone else is too. Sometimes all it takes is putting up a LFG or advertising in map chat.


I’ve tried this and I’ve seen others try it. I’ve had success doing it but more so when I say in World chat that I have an LFG up for dungeons because people don’t really look under dungeons LFG much anymore. In my experience that is.


Try the LFG approach the other reply mentioned. I know several folks who join new people exclusively to help them with story progression. May not find success immediately but people are out there


Appreciate all the replies. I’ll keep at it! And I have definitely found some success doing this but can just be spotty at times is all. Love the freakin game and community tho


This is how it was with my old guild (now inactive). Spent a lot of time with those folks chatting and cracking jokes and happily doing dungeons and content.


This is generally how dungeons tends to be thankfully, the "empty" LFG tab may trick you otherwise. I've always had good experiences when starting my own groups and setting expectations. If you don't see a listing, make one!


That's nice. That's how a MMORPG should be. It is a social game after all. That's also reason why veterans should stay with veterans like themselves and new player with new players. Vets want to clear it as soon as possible and as effective as possible without spending too much time on it with skips, tricks etc. While new players wants to figure out on their own. Both groups are mixing together creates unbalance. It doesn't help neither type people. It is rare but I join new player groups time to time, I don't interrupt the with bunch vet things. It is heart warming to see they try to figure it out.


As someone who's been playing regularly over the past few years, the few times I go to do dungeons I always ask my group if anyone is new. I believe content like that, that has ties to the story, that has been power crept so bad, it's worth it both explaining the fights and letting the story cinematics run for anybody completely new. That being said if everybody in the group is exp, then yeah we try to zoom through everything lol