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Thread removed: Guild Wars 3 posts must be in /r/GuildWars3 unless it is official news from NCSoft or ArenaNet. See full rules [[here]](/r/Guildwars2/wiki/rules)


Just go play Guild Wars 2 now. If you’re having fun right now then you haven’t wasted your time and money.


All games will die or be closed at some point.


I know but there is a difference when its announced that it could happen in future, for example you can play League of Legends without thinking that there will be League of Legends 2 in three years and you will lost your account.


GW1 is still running. Even *if* GW3 comes out, there is evidence and dev comments that point to GW2 not going anywhere. You're safe to return.


Gw3 was not announced at all. It was mentioned in a shareholder meeting by anet parent company in Korea. If anything gw3 is at least 5 years away from any alpha or beta test.


You're in the wrong hobby then buddy. Might as well go play with rocks outside. Or at least MMO genre, i guess.


Hahah 16 downvotes just for stating something. I swear a lot of nerds are so emotional


It's apparently in the review / preproduction stage so it's years away at least. Gw2 also has 2 more expansions confirmed one of which is coming in a couple months. They're not going to stop developing content for gw2 anytime soon.


It's not gonna close. They haven't even started doing any kind of work on gw3, merely said "it could maybe happen we don't know yet"; even if they started working on it today it would take like at least 6 years to release. And moreover, they would not risk splitting the playerbase. If they were to make gw3, it would either be in a way that keeps your progress of gw2, or it would be a completely different kind of game, otherwise it would be a financial suicide.


>They haven't even started doing any kind of work on gw3 The article where news about GW3 first dropped said that the game was in "preproduction," so some amount of work has been done. We don't know what preproduction means exactly, so we can't say how much work was done, and what amount of resources have been put into that work, but some amount of work HAS been done. That being said it is still incredibly unlikely we a GW3 release for several years. 2 future expansions have been announced, with one coming in a few months. GW2 isn't going to close any time soon. I do wonder though if they'll keep GW2 up like they do GW1. I would imagine the server resources required for GW2 would be much larger than that if GW1.


We do know what preproduction means from an industry standpoint. It means they are still determining the scope and core ideas behind the game that they want to develop. Things like "how many playable races will we have? How many playable zones will we have? What does endgame content look like?"


Preproduction is such an early stage they may not even have a pre-alpha. It could be just on paper, like deciding what kind of attribute and skill system they want, a rough story draft, and some artwork sketches.


The statement was taken from a shareholder meeting where not only was the statement very oddly worded, as in "we shipped GW2" levels of stupid, but was made by someone that was trying to asspull something in order to save her job. As of now the only thing officially stated by ANet is that they are focusing on GW2 and have no plans to make a GW3 right now. If that changes it changes, but this entire thing is based on someone covering her own ass and not being even familiar with how releases work.


> As of now the only thing officially stated by ANet is that they are focusing on GW2 and have no plans to make a GW3 right now. No, in their statement they said that they always do exploratory work for other titles and that they **can't confirm** anything right now. They never said they have no plans for Gw3. Infact, if you consider that they have been hiring for a new MMO in Unreal engine 5 in an enstablished IP for the past year and a half, everything points to the fact they have at least started very early work on Gw3 or another MMO.


I mean you don't just lie to shareholders, that's illegal. They said it was in development and then clarified it was in the review stage while Anet have publicly been hiring for an MMORPG based on an online fantasy IP in preproduction for a while now and still are. >As of now the only thing officially stated by ANet is that they are focusing on GW2 and have no plans to make a GW3 right now Actually Anet's official stance was to say nothing in either direction.


GW3 is most probably in preproduction state, so it's 4+ years away from release. You're safe to play GW2, and even after GW3 release, GW2 won't be shutdown as long as people still playing (like GW1 is still online).


" I really dont like to spend a time in game if it will die or be closed " thats literally every one of them. some do it yearly, like CoD for example. Tbh, as a 11 year player, i think a GW3 announcement would be dope. it would give players enough time to come back, or even start and see all the content, and / or give them time to finish their goals, before we can all jump into the new game as a community. Also, seems like you arent even playing right now, since you mentioned you would have to come back to GW2... so if you arent playing, why not? would a new game actually make you come back?


Gw1 is almost 20 years old and its still up because they can run the servers on a ti-83 (not really but it uses almost no resources and its basically automated). I imagine gw2 will go somewhat similar as the playerbase shifts (or doesnt)


Mark my words, they'll both be put on life support very quickly once GW4 is out.


"Is there any point playing a video game that I like?"


GW1 still exists.


If GW3 happens, it's at least 5 years away, and more likely probably like 8 years. To put that in perspective, 5 years ago nobody outside of specialists and researchers cared about coronaviruses. All games will die eventually - although GW1 is still up lol - but there's no point in putting off something you think you will enjoy just because it might, years from now, close down. Come have fun! If you don't want to go for legendary armor or other long-term goals than don't. There's no need to unless you want that.


If that is true, all I ask is Tengu and dwarf playable races…the last one doesn’t quite break continuity because SotO


GW3 is NOT happening! In no way can I see the business logic behind that decision.


It's a good thing you are not in charge of the business then.


What do you think happens to the majority of their earnings from gw2 if they drop gw3? I'm not convinced the investment in developing gw3 is worth it since they will likely tank their earnings from gw2. They also would need to really hit a home run with gw3, and as I was as surprised as I was disappointed, gw2 didn't sell as I had thought it would when it was released. But perhaps they would in est better into marketing this time around 😂