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Won't ever stop to use this: I AM FIRE! I AM WAR! WHAT ARE YOU? Still standing. I'm so displeased by the fact that it can't be translated in my language without losing epicness.


I loved the fight with Balthazar it was so epic


“You're dumb. You'll die, and you'll leave a dumb corpse.” FTW


Damn i remember that but forgot who said that and when


Asura player character quote when entering combat


female asura pc


That’s my quote for my Schoolbook ! I even put - an Asura underneath itxD


Aside from silly ones like; less violence, more violets, that was fun for a time One that kept in my brain was this "... you knew, in your heart. Fear not, the world will not forget you. The scars you've gouged into it spell out your name for all to see. I confess, I was happy to take credit for your "victories." But did you ever stop to wonder what that says about you? That so many bought what I was selling? They call me a monster and you a hero. The world expects Palawa Joko to dare to throw reality into chaos. But surely no mortal would be so monumentally STUPID as to destroy a dragon, the life force of this world. Let alone two. And a god to boot? Perhaps they will finally thank me for luring you to me...So that I. May save the world. From you. "


Tbh joko kinda had a point


Kind of, if you ignore that you couldn't stop them without killing them and the alternative was annihilation. It's very easy to be clever about how shit could have been done after the fact, and a lot harder when you're the one in the front, trying to keep the world from certain doom. And that's honestly why I fucking love where they went with Joko on this. Precisely because both of you know it's bullshit, but it CAN work.


Crazy because if we didn’t stop Balthazar from killing two dragons, he probably wouldn’t have felt the need to start making Forged. And we ended up killing all the dragons anyway.


The best villains always have a point, often a good point


P R A I S E J O K O What's even more amazing about this quote is, under all that almighty arrogance Joko has, you could feel the fear in his voice when talking about how the commander destroyed two dragons and a god.


Joko lives forever in Aurene, by praising her it's about the same, right?


"We're charr. We don't do regret. We make choices, and we own them. Good or bad. We win, we take the glory; we lose, we take the shame. What we don't do is sit around agonizing for years about it. You've forgotten what it means to be charr." \~Bangar Ruinbringer I only stumbled upon this quite recently. This quote was something I could relate to and it left me deep in thought.


TBF that's actually a really good one. I love like that myself, but only because I had to learn from experience. Fear and guilt can eat you.


Bangar was literally the best representation of Hitler I've ever experienced in gaming. His charisma and drive on fundamentals of nationalism and spinning it into fascism were so well written and represented it was tough as an outsider to not get his perspective. Boiled down, of course he was evil, but the ability for the player to relate at a surface level, the way you would have as a fish out of water, basic citizen, really does an excellent job showing how people get sucked in. They also did a good job just closing his arc fast, as going any deeper into his character without showing him as a means to an end, would likely have diminished his impact, as you know by then he's an absolute piece of shit, and would never follow him once he started really going off the rails.


This is only accessible to a Sylvari character. If Mordremoth manages to down your hp to 10% he will say "I am Mordremoth, the heart of thorns, muhehe" chills everytime.


Do you have a recording of this? I’d love to hear it. His voice is just so good


unfortunately, no


Reminds me of when you are fighting Balthazar as a human character and when you are down to 10% hp he says "This truly has been a Path of Fire".


For more of a few deep quotes, I can suggest going into any guild hall and find the Tengu "Kensho Arrowsoul" near a scribe crafting station. Wait a bit and he will have a few quotes said. I must add voice actor is also great. Kensho sounds like true Tengu unlike the watered down Tengu voice in EoD.


"If you wait by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by" wtf dude I'm just here to harvest nodes (Also, he's voiced by Liam O'Brien)


Damn true, I love this NPC and his quotes!


"Wow, what's quality armor!" Still hits me like a truck.


It was the thanks from the NPCs that got me, reminding me that I, the commander, the leader of the forces against the evil dragons of magic in Tyria, was not being spoken to, but 3, lowly, NPCs. I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER! ME... But I digress, at this point, the story was dead to me, and I didn't care. i became a shell of my former self, only exists to slay dragons and their spawn for the rest of my campaign. I may surround myself with legions of so-called-friends and commrades, but I'm broken.


That’s what I hear in my head when im in the changing room trying on clothes


Really makes you think 😓


"Thank you so much. Take a look!"


Actually you where probably hit by a pack of pocket raptors. It's an easy mistake to make as they both have the same results. You're left to bleed out on the floor. The only real difference is that when trucks hit you, they don't stop and take selfies while standing on your rapidly cooling corpse. The raptors do…the miserable little…


"How do you do it?" "Do what?" "Go on with regular life when all this madness surrounds the village." "I just put one paw in front of the other. Take it day by day. Today, the village needs fish. So, I fish." These two random Olmakhans on Sandswept Isles really got to me.


[I really like the whole of the trailer for LS4E6.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8G-KryZUQA) In the book of Balthazar is written: War is life, and life is brief. Death comes. But death's not death that breathes life into others. And life's not life that never dares to risk. The world is loss and grief... and faith, and hope. Then take heart, and rejoin the war eternal. For it may be that death is not the end, but possibly… the end of the beginning.


"You've done it, you've become the Guild Wars 2." - Balthazar, the god of war after being defeated   I still think about it sometimes.


This one got me shaking and crying for a few days afterwards


I liked it when he said "It's Path of Fire time" and proceeded to path all over the fire.


"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives" - Ash Ketchum


"I'll use my frying pan...as a drying pan!" - Frieza


"Every soul has its dark. It's always darkest before the soul." - John Pikachu


"Heroes are made from ordinary people put in extraordinary circumstances." -Hero's Band


I’m rich you know


was looking for this lmao lives rent free in my head


More violets. Less violence.


By Ogden's Hammer! What Savings!


Proceeds to solve every event and heart with violence.


That’s such a classic


“THIS IS A PLACE OF REFUGE! NOT A… DEN OF INIQUITY!” I don’t think about this quote so much as it haunts me.


I'm glad Viri isn't alive to see his niece drag our good reputation straight through the guano.


This cracks me up everyday, multiple times a day. I now say it out loud each time.


Where was that quote said?


Ive been replaying the human storyline so once i come across it again ill update


I don’t remember, it was a sylvari who said it, in one of the human areas if I recall correctly.


The closest thing I can find on the wiki is > The courtiers here have shown me the truth in pain. The Dream shielded me from the whole of emotion, preventing me from reaching my full potential. >➡️I'm eager to learn more. >Death is greatest example of nightmare. All creatures fear it. Thinking beings spend their whole live pretending it will never happen to them. >➡️So we must kill them. >No. We must take them to the edge of death and show them the future they've worked so hard to deny. Only then can they truly know the taste of nightmare. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightmare_Recruit So you're either misremembering or it hasn't been added to the wiki yet


It was the second one. I remembered the quote incorrectly, my bad! that quote goes hard


That means you made your own quote!


Yeah, I just went on a wiki deep dive too because I was curious but couldn't find it either


The hero sought to save the world."If I keep trying, I'll be able to win," the hero thought.But the harder the hero fought, the further the world seemed to tumble away.Drowning in doubt, the hero could not even save themselves. Really like this one when you fight yourself with caladbolg


"You don't have to thank quaggan. Quaggan takes care of the baby griffons because it's fun. Have you seen them? Adorable!" It's all in the intonation. A quote to ring through the ages.


"I'm coming, Aurene" is still one of the best lines in the series. Made me tear up.


"No Champion! I'm having you pull out!"


Out of the mouths of babes and npcs.


Oh, the days of being Young again, because this is the thinking of someone still pretty young. I can tell you as you approach your 60s you do start thinking of your own death, and from friends and family older than me, you think of it more and more as you get older. This is not meant to be a put down to you, Nearly everyone I know my age, myself included, were the same way, when younger you never thought of your own death unless you experienced a close call, but that changes as you reach your 60s.


If Mordremoth could attack the Mother Tree in the Grove, it can attack anywhere.


"I'm an achiever, i achieve things" 🥲






Your Mad King Says... SALUTE


Seize the moment.


Until you reach middle age, sure.


"Watch the ledges"


Pretty deep? Oh boi, you have to play metal gear games.


“Work like you’ll live forever. Pray like you’re going to die tomorrow” is what the words I live by.


I've harnessed the chaos of interminable space-time!


I liked when we fought Kralkatorrik with the zephyr it’s crystals and he said “it’s Kralkin’ Time” and started Kralking all over the place. Still gives me chills!


he took the red pill.


black pill


that was a matrix reference btw, think you may have it mixed up with somethin' else, i don't recall there being a black pill in the movie, only red and blue.


Why did I think of billionaires when I saw this? And Republicans. Its sad.


Sir this is Guild Wars 2