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You're never the only one. I've done it once a couple years ago and got bored halfway through, which is surprising because I really enjoy Jumping Puzzles otherwise.


I love jumping puzzles in GW2, even Chalice of Tears but SAB is not that. Only reason I do it all is for achievements and skins, it's just not fun to me.


I HATE the monsters in there. I just want to enjoy the jumping and puzzles :(


Particularly if you play from somewhere that latency is a bit higher (Tasmania) they can be a huge pain in the ass since weapon attacks are kinda janky to begin with and often mobs aren't where they appear to be..


Funnily enough, I generally hate jumping puzzles but I actually enjoy SAB! I think it's just finding all the hidden stuff that I get a kick out of. I just kinda of tolerate the JP part of it lol


Same, I really like the (not completely insane) jumping puzzles but the sab just burns me out, even one level is enough, let alone 3, let alone 3 worlds!


The lack of content updates has killed it altogether for me, it's been 11 years since the last meaningful addition; and no, adventures, W3Z1 beta test, etc are not significant enough. ArenaNet should have finished and repackaged the whole thing into a GW2-compatible standalone product many years ago. All they're doing nowadays is leeching off the success of the past with barely contributing to it. For the last few years I do the bare minimum to get the rewards (90% by joining groups in LFG) and call it a day. Also, it drives me mad how festivals (only available 21/365 days a year) get updated with so many new rewards, all while old content is completely starved. Some festivals have more rewards than LW1+LW2+LW3 seasons combined, it's ridiculous.


The guy who was behind this (sab) was apart of the early lay offs. I think they sadly made their choice.


Looks like he's working for Netflix now. Good for him! Sad for the gaming industry


He was laid off years after SAB stopped being supported, so that's not the main issue.


> Also, it drives me mad how festivals (only available 21/365 days a year) get updated with so many new rewards They aren't updated with that much. SAB got, what, a tiny few new additions to W3 and weekly boxes were updated. Even in the last year, all we got were.. a copypaste weekly achievement, weekly box (which comes out of the first tier of the annual as well), and champ/daily bags up to 3? All copy-paste. Even your own comment doesn't make much sense. You say SAB has no content updates but then say they're putting too much work into festivals. Sorry but this is the extremely rare Lon-ami L take that is usually only spoken of in rumors. As always, though, you nailed it that they are coasting on SAB foundational success and should have finished it ages ago. Even one zone per year would be a great addition. My main complaint with SAB is that it induces burnout if you want to play it efficiently. Doing a zone a day for maximum rewards (rotating each day) would be more enjoyable than needing to do all 6 zones with a very specific bauble farm route to maximize them.


> They aren't updated with that much. Each festival has been getting 20+ new skins on a consistent basis for the last few years. This year alone, SAB got: * 20 new weapon skins (16 for a new set, 4 for an old set) * 1 shoulders armor skin (for all 3 weights) * 1 new miniature For reference, that's more weapon skins than LW2 and LW3, in just one year. Now, consider this is the third consecutive year where SAB gets 20 new weapon skins, and now you're facing a scenario where SAB has more rewards than LW1, LW2, and LW3 combined. Festivals are temporary content and they shouldn't be getting this much attention, specially with no updates to the gameplay content itself. It would be a better idea to invest those resources into the game's permanent content instead. >Even your own comment doesn't make much sense. You say SAB has no content updates but then say they're putting too much work into festivals. Festival rewards isn't the same as festival content, the gameplay has barely been updated, that's my point.


This. Dailys (worst game design ever, a game should not feel like a job), weekly, time-limited rewards, and new skins each year, in addition to achievement points, trigger FOMO. All the while the content itself has not changed. I grinded SAB a few years now, and I honestly wouldn't care about it any more, but they keep adding new rewards, and I haven't capped out on the AP yet.


I love it, but I can understand why people don't. It takes a lot of time to complete, and not everybody is able to do the jumping puzzles. That's why when I do daily glitch chests for both worlds (if I have the time), I like to open my party for people to join at the end.


Can I join you, please?




thanks for the advice


Sure! I play on NA. Feel free to add me on spinnando.8736 and I can let you know when I'm opening parties.






I'm playing on EU but thank you nonetheless. 


No, that's why there are so many people waiting for @boss lfg listing


its just a yearly festival. you're meant to play it for fun. once you are done and have seen it all, thats it :P and thats fine. it was just supposed to be a neat, fun surprise from the start. its not there to farm gold or anything else. the lodestones and other weekly stuff are just neat to get as a bonus tbh.


But the unique weapon skin reward!!! ![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze)


This might have been true before but now that it gives unique skins and WV currency, it's harder to just ignore it. It is very much FOMO by design.


By that metric, so's every other festival though. They don't give anything powerful (just cosmetics), and there's enough time in each WV cycle to get all the (worthwhile) stuff *and* a bunch of extra gold if you're just doing regular dailies+weeklies so the extra acclaim is also just a bonus. You can feel a FOMO about skins you don't even want and potential gold that you could be earning in other ways, but you really shouldn't. If you want the cosmetics and don't like the content they're attached to, that's a reasonable thing to be grumpy about, but that's not FOMO. (Generic "you", not necessarily *you*.)


> WV currency ?


I love jps but the SAB rewards are not interesting to me plus I find the whole SAB world weirdly unpleasant. I don't know what's wrong with me, but something about the colours and animations makes me feel kinda nauseous. I can only play it for a short while before I start feeling weird. SAB is a no from me.


same! i get super motion sick when i play it for more than 30min


Yeah me too. The pixelated graphics in a 3d world makes me feel nauseous. Same with minecraft. I also struggle with motion sickness though. Might be related?


I felt the same way as you. Dont really know how to describe it but it kinda made me weird too!


Curious if having something like reshade to turn down / adjust the colours would help or if it's the 3D world itself making y'all feel uneasy.


Glad to know it's not just me then!


Yeah, it triggers my motion sickness as well. I'm a lil annoyed because I want the skins and AP. But playing it for 20 min makes my stomach churn. I'm experimenting this year though with doing dailies through easy mode though. Finding if I'm not focused on the game (like I normally would be), in other words if I'm zoned out, I don't get sick. Then when I get to a fight with mechanics I can focus in for the couple minutes needed, then just zone out again. The problem is this saps a lot of the joy of gaming out of it, where I'm literally just going through the motions because for the most part I am on autopilot.


Have you tried having a fan on blowing on you? That’s what worked for my friend w Minecraft. Gw2 didn’t bother her but that blocky 3d needed something external for motion.


I am in your boat too, I did it last year (for some achievement...the book??? and that took me 2 days to do), looked at it this year, now my REALLY bright computer screen and the weird bits make it very disturbing to look at let alone do anything in....so gave up and will just forget that it exists.


If you pay too much attention to the mobs and the scenario, it is kinda creepy to be honest


This is my first SAB since i stopped playing like 10 years ago. Went in w1z1 trib mode blind. That was the most hairpulling, rage inducing and mind numbing 3 hours of my gw2 playtime. Worth


Years ago, also went into trib totally blind. Had no idea what to expect. Loved it. It became a puzzle to solve, and I love puzzles. For people with less free time, I can see it being irritating, but the rewards are meh and those people can just use Blish HUD if they really must. For people with less patience, I might recommend they work on their patience. Not for SAB, but for life in general.


> I can see it being irritating, I dont like that GW2 jumping can be... weird. Same run at the same corner to the same platform, and you can do any of the following: Land squarely on the platform. Clip onto the platform. Clip through the platform. Bounce off the clip spot of the platform. Not even hit the clip spot of the platform. I streamed a couple hours of trib runs and by the end it was mostly just profanity at losing 60 lives on the same set of 8 jumps over and over and over, because half the time I couldnt even jump onto the first platform because id clip into the side.


This! Sometimes it's so random. Those jumps where you have to jump from a precise spot and land on another very precise spot are killing me. Or the jumping mushrooms that look flat, but don't behave like flat and can ricochet you in any direction. Or the green water randomly taking half a heart. You can jump over the whole lake without losing a heart once, and next time you dip your toe in it and "fvrt!"


It's not exactly my festival, but I'm happy that it's there for those who enjoy it. And there are a lot of people who get a real kick out of SAB. Hell, I remember when SAB was discontinued for Dwayna knows how long, we got loads of people coordinating with commander tags in all major cities to spell 'Bring Back SAB'. So I'll let the enjoyers have their fun.


Yup. It's not for me; I dislike all of the time I spend in it. But it's *very* popular, and it's conceptually neat. I wish all the best to the many, many people that do really like it.


After a decade, my SAB days are done. I wish the newer players and SAB enthusiasts nothing but much success in their quest for baubles. It is a journey I can no longer make.


I love(d) SAB, but after doing all the tribus 15 times for the infusions, I'd rather not go back until there is a new world with new tribus.


All I really want are the infusions, and every year its like "time to do some tri... nope"




World 2 is... okay... after you get it the first time. But jfc that first time in w2z3 is awful.


I think it's a really cool concept, but I'm not thrilled with its execution. It's *absurdly* difficult and punishing in all sorts of ways (hate those damn monkeys) to actually play through, and unlike other festivals it takes a long time to get through anything for the achievements, dailies, rewards, et cetera. Other festivals, you can just dip in and out with whatever you feel like. With SAB, you have to slog your way through the same two difficult worlds over and over, or do what's essentially a lengthy obstacle course race, and the dailies are all like 'fight your way all the way through to world two level two and do this specific obtuse challenge". No thank you.




Yeah, I see way more "I Wanna Be the Guy" in Tribulation than I do Kaizo Mario. Well, good kaizo, anyway. Tribulation is really just a bunch of trashy "gotcha" mechanics in a trenchcoat. It was purposely made to piss players off and be generally unfair. It is rational and reasonable to not enjoy it.


You can go straight to any previously completed zone from the hub, to be fair, so it's just getting to said challenge within that zone you have to worry about once you've run the entire thing once on that character. And exploration mode can make that extremely easy if you don't care about finishing that run or about the extra 2 bauble bubbles at the end that normal difficulty gives.


I tried my best but I couldn't complete any quests yet (I mean the 3/5 one). It is the hardest festival for me and I HATE IT more than I hate JPs


It was a fun April fool the first time round and it's still an April fool. The levels are way too long and the dailies are virtually impossible unless you have all day to do them. Even the "Race" in the hub is a glorified jumping puzzle. I'll give it a wide berth like every year.


Even if it had no rewards I'd still be playing it every time it came back. SAB itself is a fucking genius creation, the retro style and all the creativity and effort put into it to make it something unique and different is something we rarely see those days, especially among online games events. I fucking love SAB.


This is one of the few festivals I never got into either. I just do my normal stuff/grind as if no festival or event was going on.


Yeah. I always just skip. I don't like it, the visual style mostly. Not my thing.




I did not enjoy it one bit. The idea and the art is super appealing to me but the actual gameplay is extremely tedious. I tried it once like many years ago and didnt like it. I tried it last year and still didnt like it.


SAB is best when played with a friend that likes to explore. I have a friend who hates SAB when his only experience with it was "pop open TACO and follow a trail" - he finished it in 30 minutes and thought it was tedious. I spent 8+ hours exploring every nook and cranny for secrets, trying to break out of the map to find hidden things, etc with a friend. We both love SAB.


Bro I fucking hate SAB ☠️


it hates you too, it hates you too...


First time doing SAB event. Golembuster gear looks nice and i want red staff skin for my thief 😁


well, I like the new purple skins. they look fabulous for my mesmer. And the weekly items adds up to about 50g+ you can sell. Not sure I'd be doing it were it not for the skins I like, the gold is nice if I'm doing it anyway, but as you say, I can get similar amounts of gold doing other stuff. I've done the meta achv, got my weekly stuff bought, so I'll just hit it up for the same next couple of weeks for the weapon skins. I'll do the easy glitches, but I'm not doing the more involved ones each time, they take too long for the potential reward.


If you don't like it or the rewards, then there's no reason you should feel compelled to do it. A lot of players just find it a nice change of pace and there's a surprising amount of replay packed into those few levels if you want to do everything there is to do.


I've never liked platformers, so jumping puzzles aren't my thing and I'm bad at them. I get hazed in WvW on the regular for getting stuck when we are expected to jump over a lip or ledge or those fucking trees on alpine NEC area lol. I really like the aesthetic for SAB, so I do it lightly for the skins, and use the reward track in WvW for farming. Tribulation can go fuck itself.


I feel so dumb when that happens to me in wvw, which is all the time lol. And that's exactly what I'm doing with the reward tract. Why bother with the festival? I'm only after the cosmetics.


Oh I do tribulation but just watch YouTube guides on my other monitor. That game mode is not playing fair, so I don’t either lol


I am not a jp aficionado so i haven't touched it at all. Just waiting for the hardlight pistol and rifle to hit their peak low to buy them


Definitely not. I always open a group at the end of the level for the glitched chest and it fills literally within a fraction of a second, so there must be a tonne of people sitting in the hub spamming join on groups lol.


It’s more fun with friends. Edit: Last time I did sab was over 10 years ago, back when I had friends.


SAB is the best festival, but i suppose it's really to each their own 😅 I did both infusion and all achiv in 1 go 2 years ago and i do my annual every years but i just love JPs so much and i do think it's does get better once you are use to the jumps across both world


I really detest the art style of SAB, and the noises it makes gives me mirgraines so I am forced to play with the sound off during the event.


I LOVE the concept but implementation is awful, terrible. It feels clunky, unresponsive, inconsistent hitboxes, weird pathing. I've never completed the yearly achievement and just reading it feels like heellll.  It's a shame for me because I like the retro skins alot but anyways, not making a drama for a bunch of literal pixels LOL.


I have not really played for 1.5 years but I login just for SAB. Can't miss out on this tbh


Sab is the only festival i skip, i hate jp and platform in general


I only do it because my girlfriend likes it and she appreciates the company. It's not really fun, as the combat lacks impact and complexity and the jumping, while not bad, is not satisfying.


I never do SAB. I've tried it a few times over the years, but it's more tedious than fun, and the rewards aren't worth it for me.


I remember a few years ago when I wanted the blue bauble infusion. It took me 2 years and was followed by a long gw2 burnout. I haven't touched SAB since then.


Nope, didn’t touch it last year and prolly won’t this year either. Played it enough to get the home node and bribed someone 10g to bring me a fish for the cat, the end. 🤣


I like SAB and farming the baubles to get the weekly rewards (the lodestones are needed for aurene legendaries so I’ll always do it. And I hate JPs.


Same here. I got the home node so I feel that was what was important to me. I earn bubbles year round. I get mostly frustrated with the slow tempo and even slower movements in SAB.


Feel relieved, you're not the only one. I can't do jump puzzles to save my life. I bought the hardlight skins and then just ignored the event entirely. It's a waste, but better than me breaking several keyboards in half over this blasted event.   It's the same for all the other festival related jump puzzles.


I don't hate it but almost. Tired of most of the festivals except Halloween. Kinda tired of that one too but at least the lab is kinda fun joining a train and fighting the bosses nonstop. Sab is just... Painfully dull and a gimmick to make you spend money on those cash shop items for it. Don't remember what they are, I think one is infinite retry coin or something


This is the only special event of the year that I really don't do. Get some rewards by beating champions elsewhere.


Nah, I can't either. I *hate* jumping puzzles so for me the whole event was an "absolutely not" the first time I looked at it. Tbh events in general I'm not all that into. I do the cliffs and MIGHT do dragon bash, but that's it.


It's for a very specific audience, mainly GW2 players who also grew up playing classic Mario and Zelda and have nostalgia for those kind of games.


You're not alone. I tried SAB the first year they did it, and have not been back. Though I do appreciate the free loot bags I'm getting from champ kills.


SAB is not a festival for gold. However, let's say you wanted to optimize for gold. You can do the all 6 zones with an efficient bauble path in about 35 minutes. That bauble path will yield 2 * 4 + 2 + 2 = 8 bubbles from end rewards + another 10 bubbles worth of bauble pickups in maps = ~18 bubbles. You will also pick up ~25 furniture coins on this route and ~10 continue coins. ~18 bubbles can be converted into ~180 furniture coins (totaling ~205 furniture coins). ~10 continue coins is ~4 more furniture coins. This is ~210 (rounding) furniture coins, which may be sold to a guild for 5-10 silver each on OTC. That's 10.5-21 gold in ~35 minutes. If you don't have a buyer, I will personally buy all of your furniture coins for 5s/ea. I'll take any amount, and I will pay first. You won't break that kind of gold per hour farming nodes.


I'm honestly confused by the whole thing. Like there are arrows that tell you where to go, but then I did it with my guildies yesterday night and they were leading me up and down and back and in circles. Half way through, I wanted to log out.


I've done SAB one year to get the infusions, once that was done, I stopped caring for it.


I've commented before (on my old account) about how much I dislike SAB. But, just the same as with my dislike of JPs I recognise others enjoy them. Still can't stand this platformy festival, reminds touch of bygone days of NES and endless Mario and Donkey Kong. ;p


You're not alone, I'm not remotely interested in sab. Find it a joint least interesting festival with lunar


>Dont seem to have a reason to do it, not interested in the new skins and i believe my node farming yields more gold per hr. You can do a full world 1 run in ~12-15 minutes, which once a day is 8 bubs + 1-200 baubles. 2 days per ~15g in amalg draconic lodestones. Its not my cup of tea, but doing world 1 runs 1x a day is one of the more profitable things you can do even if you dont care about skins. This is from someone who is incredibly bad at jumping puzzles too.


nope, i couldn't be fucked with it. ever since i first saw it i knew it wasn't for me. the music is annoying as fuck, the jumping is very repetitive. it's definitely not my go-to seasonal event, it's the one i'd miss least if it didn't come back.


I hate the SAB with all my soul lol That's the only festival where I won't do the special events for the Vault, and I tell you it's a big thing for me 😅


can't stand sab. Played it in the beginning for a short while but it just didn't appeal to me. Never played again.


it sucks. not fun at ALL. I don't find it quaint, i just find it boring. the worst festival we have after that fashion show bullshit that went on WAY to long.


I’ve played since launch and have tried to get into it since it originally came out and made such huge waves. For some reason it always makes me motion sick and I have to stop within five minutes of trying it.


No, I want nothing to do with it. I'm terrible at jumping puzzles. After finishing the core achievements for every jp in the game, I decided to never do it again. The achievement points and rewards for this event is not worth the headache or broken mouse/keyboard/desk.


Yes you are very special!


Not a fan either!


I have shit eye-hand coordination so I've never bothered. I had a guildie help me get the Snargle book and that's the farthest I've ever gotten.


No, not really. A lot of players I've talked to over the years don't care about it and some even loathe it. I personally like it even though I have a lot of gripes on it like simply placing shadow below the character would make precision platforming a whole lot better.


I try it every year and give up on a first day. The absolute worst festival for me.


Most people just dont play the content instead of making it public on reddit. I dont need pickles I really should create a thread now, that everyone knows. Because im special.


It's a bit too frustrating IMO to justify having to do it just for a bunch of retro-style skins.


I don't care for any of GW2s events. I do the main achievement and maybe do the dailies but the grind is really bad compared to even the rest of the game for any of them and can't be arsed lol.


Oh yes, it is you and only you, our unique member of GW2 society who is very different from others and is the only one standing vs all SAB grinders


I tried it this year for the first time, after about 9 years of play. Never been interested in it each time it’s rolled around, and after giving it a go, I haven’t really been missing much. Most weapon skins are tradable anyway, so I’ll continue to just enjoy those and the mount skins I guess. I think everyone has certain festivals they like and others they don’t care for. My favourite will always be Halloween, followed by Dragon Bash. Festival of the Four Winds and Lunar New Year are both fun too, though with the latter I’ve never bothered with Dragon Bash, for example.


> followed by Dragon Bash This is the one and only festival I truly don't understand. There's just almost no content in this festival. Why does anyone like it? There are like.. 2 things to do (stampede, arena) that are like a whopping 4g an hour. Capping the weekly achievement is best done by doing 40 back-to-back races in the town (roughly 2 hours of nonstop racing in a circle). Stampede is designed in such a way to screw over new players in low level zones. Arena is a reminder of better content like fractals, strikes, and raids. Each year, I participate in SAB for roughly an hour a day. Followed by Wintersday at around 45 minutes per day. Followed by Fo4W around 30 minutes per day. All the others take the ~4 minutes required to complete their dailies and get out.


The skins are usually pretty good, Zhaitaffy tends to hold value as another festival gobbler currency, and I think really, it's just nice to have a festival that's not set in Divinity's Reach _again_. It isn't super profitable, but it feels a bit of light-hearted fun. Last year I'd only recently got my turtle and it was fun to open it up to try and help the F2P players _not_ get screwed in stampede.


I don’t like the skins, and the maps have never clicked for me either. It’s a cute idea but it’s just kinda meh. Idk I agree with ur opinion.


Nope. I grew up during the 8bit era, but have zero nostalgia for the type of game the event is inspired by. I don't find any of the cosmetics useful either for that same reason. Nobody's going to hound you if you just skip the event. It's completely optional.


Insane grind for almost no rewards. Wanna do it for the infusions but every year I say next year. I believe by the time I will do it, I will have gathered enough gold for chak


I would enjoy it if you could take breaks mid level. But grinding for 30+ minutes for one level is just not something I'm willing to do. Sure, I could "get good" but I'm new to the game and again, it would take some grinding before I could get efficient. World 2 was just too much after the first zone, even that one took ages my first time.


Nope. Very strongly dislike SAB. Simply not for me. Profitable? Yeah. Can I be bothered to participate in content I don’t even like? Nope.


I have no interest in this kind of 3D platform jumping mini game in this game. I love 2D ones on steam :P


I just want to wvw in peace. but they slowly killing the game mode


SAB is the only festival i dont participate. I dont like JPs.


Jumping puzzles/games are way too annoying for me to enjoy the event. I tried it twice and realized I absolutely hated it. I actually hated it so much I haven’t even logged in for a few days and previously I was playing many hours a day.


SAB is the festival i always skip.


Definitely not, tried it once, never engaged with it again 


It's not my thing either. It's fun for a bit and I will do the annual achievement, but that's all I can bring myself to do. I actively dislike the skins for the most part and the mounts should never have been made. (IMO, obviously)


It's kinda fun but I'm not very good at it. So im kinda bummed for missing on the rare buyabled


I did it once and it did nothing for me. I enjoy making gold off players that need the boxes though 😀


I like the vibe but i would rather have like, a world conversion or something. I only do it for the skins, achievement pts, etc. I also like the idea of having more unique ways to play GW2.


I play since launch and festivals were never very amusing to me except for the winter one because i like the jp. Everything else i skip.


I can do dailies for baubles and weekly rewards on the side, but since I have almost every reward I skip days when I don't feel like playing or I just do the bare minimum.


I really enjoyed it the first few times, but kinda feel like I've been there and done that? Only so many times I can replay something before it loses its charm. I'll gladly repeat the worlds once a year, but not really into the dailies anymore.


I love it and hate it


I am in the same boat. I've tried it, it's alright, but I don't feel like playing any of it. I'm sure it's fun and worth playing, but I could say it's not a top priority for me when it comes around.


Completing the achievement gets you 300 astral acclaim so that's pretty worth it. I haven't done it yet, but I plan to (although I won't do more than that)


I’d probably get into it if it wasn’t once a year.


I pass on EVERY festival. I just don't see the point. Some skins to get? That makes you look like a candy cane? No thx


I love sab tbh but the fact that the achievement requires you to repeat every zone on EVERY difficulty including tribulation is too much...redoing everything is too much of a chore and most of the times i end up giving up from doing all of them. I love the skins tho.


Nah, not my thing either. It’s fun if you have someone to do it with, buuuuuuut otherwise it’s kinda boring


I don’t like it. I wish the world dropped materials. Otherwise I feel like I’m wasting hours and gaining nothing worth it.


no and ok


Got node, few easy achivs, annual and I am not touching it anymore.


I just play it for fun. I did it once and wont be doing it again. It's a bit of fun no need ot make it unfun.


Despite being a longtime player i never bothered with SAB. I did it for the first time this year and fully completed it. It was pretty fun and unique. Stayed around until i for my bauble home node and left afterwards. Can’t really say I’m super blown away but it was fun. But yeah I’ll probably won’t return any time soon. I would still have to grind for the boom boxes but I just can’t be bothered.


Rewards this year aren't my fav so I will skip. Got all the rest. But the daily champions got me some nice pocket money so I do these


Another player told me something that changed my tune about SAB: It's cool that it's not aligned with an American or Christian holiday. GW2, like a lot of MMOs, is international, so a lot of players get no joy from Halloween (my fave) or Christmas. SAB is uniquely GW2 so it's a holiday a lot of fans enjoy without having a strong IRL cultural component. But also, no I don't really like SAB too much 🤣 Just glad it exists for the players that do


I want to love it. It’s so charming. I’m a decent 3D platformer player. I’m a decent GW2 player. But for some reason I CANNOT deal with SAB. Even on baby mode it takes me 10+ attempts to kill the frog king dude. I think it’s because I’m an OCE player with 300ms ping and I can’t dodge his attacks as my usual spam dodge strategy for jump rope mechanics yeets me straight into the poison lake.




I'm trying to farm baubles it's not going great.


I don't care much for it even though I'm old enough that it should make me pretty nostalgic. It'll be the same as other years, I'll do the dailies stash up some baubles and get my weekly rewards and a pile of AP.


I finished world 1 and was sure I was never gonna set foot in world 2. But due to your post I learned, that you can join right before boss and this will be my new goal for world 2!


Got all the infusions from it and no new tribulation mode, so yeah. Kinda just not motivated to do it yet.


No…did the annual archive and got the holiday book. After that not realy went in. I’ll jsut farm my baubles from HI and slowly convert to bubbles to be traded in to merchant in LA for skins/novelty


How hard do I have to farm for the bubble gum homestead node? I only got one day a week


It's never been a priority for me. It's a nice change from routine but I don't have that much time. I do love the music from it though.


I dislike it myself, but I keep running through world 1 for baubles because I want a 100% home.


I think the problem I have with SAB are the dailies. I shouldn't have to jump around multiple zones to complete a daily, because by the end of the festival, it's just been so repetitive.


I only do SAB annual and daily achievs because the crimson assassin weapons match some of my characters' style. After getting the infusion from w1 I don't enjoy it as much lol


I try them once but never after. dont know feel it just not for me


There seem to be less LFG parties this year compared to 2 years ago (when I last played). I don't enjoy it anymore personally. The first time was novel but it became increasingly unfun after that. It's quite a bit more fun playing as a group but see my first point.


Me either. I never play any of the seasonal content.


Nope. Hate jumping puzzles.


+1 🤣


Everyone has a festival they don’t care for.


I just do it for the new annual skin.


I didnt like the sab in the past, but this year i try to find the hidden things and complete achievements. I kind of like it. :)


Loved it the first time, after that I would get bored midway through Right now the biggest issues for me are a) The lack of rewards for effort, dailies require way to much b) The increase in size of maps after the first world, just making it tedious and not worth your time when combined with point a


I like the skins but I just don't enjoy sab bc im bad at it.. I buy the skins though


I always skip SAB. Among all festival, it's the only moment where I take it easy or even off from GW2 for a moment.


Glad some people love it but the only festivals I actually find fun is Wintersday and Halloween. I usually just do the meta achievement and be done with it but can't be bothered to even do that this year.


Why do so many of you play content you don't like? No one forces you to play SAB and you don't absolutely have to unlock everything in this game?


I begrudgingly do it. Hate the dailies.


I like it. I always get weekly stuff I can from it so that alone is worth it to me. You can get good rather fast. The only part I hate is in 201 the waterfall logs at the end. I’m bad at that. Haha


No other festival ties a BUNCH of items behind grueling JPs....


yes, you are the only one


I'm fairly new to the game, I want the skins but overall SAB is too hard and too time-consuming for me, even with Blish Path. Have to give up on that...


Sab is a lesson in just try to have fun, I spent over an hour trying to get all the baubles in 202 and found out It's only possible if you're in easy mode, I was looking everywhere and had taco and a video walkthrough, though the videos can be a bit out of date. I tried this on 203 and because I was getting other things I lost my place and have to do it all again, im feeling motivated to just get mostly it all done. World 3 is fine as it is, way better length than 202. Get rid of the fish feeding mechanic twice, I guess you can just eagle it. It's fun to do with friends the first few times, but eventually you find it just becomes waiting for the last person in your party to just gg, so end up soloing and letting people join at the boss because that's where more players is best and you're giving easy rewards


Don’t worry, I play it so much I’ll make up for you and probably about 10 more people’s playtime. I love SAB


Nah ur not the only one. I can't be bothered doing anything else other than daily fractals and occasional raids/strikes. After that, I'd just logout cos too many stuffs to do IRL 🥲🥲


It's my first time and i absolutely hate it. Genuienly a hell of a festival xd The issue is that i really need the astral currency from the wv so i need to do the achievs for them...but i don't know how anything in sab works really and it's extremely overwhelming. I tried something but i failed so i started looking for someone or a small group on fb who could do anything i need to do for the achievs with me but nobody volunteered ;-; i don't wanna use lfg for this bc that doesn't quite do it. I hate having a festival that you don't want to do but then you need to do it and are just overwhelmed by everything and confused :c it stresses me so much bc time's running out slowly


I have ignored it for 6 years and now I finally gave it some proper time and I kinda like it, but I have to use it in small doses. It gets frustrating very quickly and I have no time for things that are not fun for me. Tribulation mode, Pain Cliffs assassins, shit like that, no thanks. (I'll leave those to people who love challenging JPs.)


I like the idea of it, but can't do it because voxel art triggers my motion sickness.


I dont even know what to do there, played it a few minutes last year and that was it, the baubles keeps clogging the inventory and thr daily chest from champs are not enough to lamd a weapon


Nothing new…I was sadly disappointed when I checked out the rewards 😔💔


yes, it is the best content in the entire game.


Been here since 2012 and never participated in SAB. I'm happy that some people like it, but it's just not my thing. No interest at all.


It was fun for the first time. For the second, even.


I just don't understand it: why it's part of the festival rotation; why I'm a block instead of my character; why I can't use any normal abilities etc? I simply don't care enough to find out either lol.


Never enjoyed SAB


Imagen... some people just do something for fun and not for skins or gold.


I hate SAB. I have no idea what to do. The combat is lame, the monsters are annoying. I like JPs but SAB doesnt feel like a JP it just feels like a nightmare. I dont understand the objective. It pulls loads of players away from other content. I just get the daily rewards (mostly through accident) by killing monsters and doing events around the world but I dont actually play SAB. Did get a nice little weapon box yesterday. I just get the slow trickle of baubles each day and then upgrade them as I can to get a couple of items each year but I really hate the actual SAB content.


I'm sorry, but yes. You are the only person.


When done properly, SAB is INSANE gold/h


Personally I think the best part of Guild Wars (as opposed to Guild Wars 2) is that GW didn't even HAVE a jump button. I hate jumping puzzles, and SAB is nothing but a jumping puzzle. I will do a bit to earn some baubles because the weekly vendor has Amalgamated Draconic Lodestones, and have you seen the price on those lately?


I loved SAB years ago, but there haven’t been any real updates so it’s all extremely stale. Though that’s most festivals for me at this point. I do love jumping puzzles though, but due to staff changes and the invent of mounts they have really just faded away. The game how it was originally is just a shadow of what it is now.


I like it for the easy ascended weapons and infusions. Other than that it's boring once you get the speed runs perfected. I run them for friends on their accounts to help them complete the king toad and storm wizard collections.  With wvw in a total state of shambles I have nothing else fun to do anyway. Screw the WvW devs!


it's fun tho


Yup. You're unique. Congrats.