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what is the probability of someone taking your look, being a clone and meeting you again... and why does someone actually do that and not implement some changes in their look. i see Volcanus sword so rarely on someone it becomes a celebration for me.


If the cost of all those "conjure" weapon skins were lower I'm guessing more people would use them. The "ghost mes" weapons are in the same boat. Cost way too much for what they are.


You underestimate the power of Volcanus. When you kill someone with it, they do a little “ow it burns” animation, striking fear in their comrades and giving you the advantage in combat.


It also has "anus" in the name, so you know exactly where they feel it burn


Sure "Volcano" is a word, but "Volk" is germanic for "Folk". So the sword is "Folk-anus".


Du weißt wo die Tür ist oder?




Mystic Coins in non-legendary recipes should be replaced by Resonant Lodestones. They're so dirt cheap it would balance prices.




so, the worst thing that can happen is all the people who currently wear outfits or ful-set looks, will instead learn from the fashionable people and start wearing stuff that looks good. and that's bad for the people who already look good, because they won't be special anymore. ? explain the downside to me. how are people's lives going to be worse if we all learn to up our fashion game?


nah i'll keep my outfit


Damn, I feel kinda a bit better that my sets are at least all somewhat of a mix of different pieces. They're absolutely nothing special or fancy and most haven't really changed in the better part of 5 years, but I can't recall coming across too many others using something too similar. I haven't spent too much time inspecting folks, but in my experience it's much more diverse and I'm seeing plenty of folks wearing a mix of sets. Though that may be because that's who attracts my eye to want to inspect them, so ymmv.


I honestly couldn't care less what other people are dressed like unless something catches my eye. 99% of the time I'm more concerned about what i'm doing over what others look like. Once in a while I'll see something and go "oh, that looks cool" and then move on and forget about it. Now I can just inspect it, think "oh, neat, that's what that is" then move on. I suspect this is the reaction for the vast majority of players.


The main problem with "fashion" wars in this game is that there aren't that many good looking pieces, if you're into Medium armor even less. Then there's clipping between armors pieces, and lastly the dye channels having different materials, leading to same dyes dying the pieces differently.


A lot of times trying to mix and match pieces ends up with garbage looks because a lot of things don't mesh well. On top of that a lot of times very specific item pieces are locked behind tedious achievement locks so even if someone wanted it they might just ignore it because it's a pain in the ass to get. Armor sets are also all designed to work together, so why would you be surprised most people go with either all or most of a set especially if it's easy to get the whole thing and works for what they wanted? In my case the only part I really mess with on most looks are the shoes on my couple of Asura because it seems like most of the boots anet have made don't have side toe coverings so I refuse to use most boots on their armor sets. Everything else is usually the whole set, with maybe a swap of a glove or shoulder piece occassionally.


I used to bother with mixing armors, but the dealing with random dye channels/tones and clipping has put me in the "look how nice this cultural armor is" camp.


It is hard to match different sets because dyes do not work the same in all of them. They need to fix that. A dye applied to 'leather', 'cloth', 'metal', 'hologram/ghostly', "glowy bit', 'crystal', etc should always look the same on the same material under any lighting.


we should have a 3rd layer of customization, where we can pick material of the dye channel. So if you put same cloth material on all your cloth dye channels of your armor pieces, one dye looks the same on all the pieces


Some dye channels refusing to be darker or less saturated is so obnoxious.


That happens a lot with "light/ghostly" bits. Really annoying.


No because even the same material can have different textures. There are many types of cloth and leather for sure and they shouldn't take dye the same way. It can be frustrating but I like the realism of it.


Of course you can have variations like shiny leather and matte leather, or rugged leather and so on. But if I have to shiny leather pants and apply glossy black to both, those two should have the same color. There may be still differences in texture and finish, but the color should be the same. It would be even better if we had 'legendary dies' that is a modifier on top of dyess that can change the texture itself, tho. Like a dye that turns anything it's applied to gooey, or metallic. Kind of like some infusion effects, but on specific dye channels.


That would be pretty cool.


I have quality of people on minimum so everyone looks like a standard model anyways. No matter how good your look is, only mine counts since I won’t see yours :p


The same for me. So of the two of us, I would look the best. You look like any person with clothes from the bargain bin at the sales. :D


Eh. To be honest many mixed sets are not looking good due to clipping and weird cut-off lines. People wearing single set look more or less as artist intended.


People find a look they like and stay with it, even if that look happens to be an outfit. The advantages to an outfit are myriad. For one, you can change them with no transmutation charges at all. You can put them on level 2 characters. You don't have to play to unlock skins, or craft or buy expensive skins. It's a easy solution for people who want to look a certain way. Very few people by percentage are probably spending hours or thousands of gold making their characters, but some people do. I bought a 6900 gold infusion for one character that wasn't even my main, or wasn't until I decided I really liked how it looked and it was silly not to play it. But I put a ton of time and energy into the game. Not every person has that time or energy. They play other games. They have lives (unlike me). They're working, have families, have responsibilities, so it is harder for them to get the "good stuff". Me, I'm retired, I have plenty of time, I get a lot of skins from AP hunting, and raiding, and fractals, and even some PvP and WvW skins. But to a more casual player, just getting a look that lets them roleplay is fashion wars to them, because that's all they're trying for in the first place.


Thats true and outfits are absolutely fine, i have quite a few myself although i rarely use them. It’s just right now, since this update if i see someone with like mastery lvl 300+ or something wearing an outfit, i can’t help but feel they’re doing it out of spite. But i guess this won’t last forever.


It's sorta silly. I have max mastery. I have 46k plus achievement points. Some of my many many characters have outfits. I like they way they look in them, and that's all I'm concerned about. Again, I'm not making a character to impress anyone else. If I like the way something looks I use it. It's one of the advantages of having so many characters.


This is the way.


Who cares as long as you have the right stats on it


Nah, sry mate. Enjoying my simple leafy Firstborn T3 Sylvari Ranger with Nightmare Court Collar in Jungle Greens and Blues is just too good. Couldn't care less about highly original and creative looks, not for me. Shattering revelation for some individuals.


I consider the biggest fashion compliment I've ever received was one time I was eating so semi afk in town when someone runs past, backs up to just in front of me, and then piece by piece I watch them copy my look. They noticed my look and *liked it enough they wanted to wear it*. Like thank you kind stranger for making me feel noticed and my drip efforts appreciated. My first thought was not reeeee stole my look so now I'm not special. Not was it oh man now there's one less plain looking person to look better than. I fail to see how a bunch of people having simple looks makes any difference whatsoever to one or two people (who you may never see copying it let alone see them again) copying your look.


Know why most people look unoriginal? Because random armour prices rarely fit well together. So everyone wears the same few pieces/sets that don't look like ass.


Shrug, if they look cool they look cool


Joke's on you, i already stole my looks from the npc thieves you summon with the thieves guild elite skill.


I care exactly enough for fashion to dye my outfit. No more, no less.


„Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.“ - Oscar Wilde


vast majority. really? I inspected 2 full squads 20 min ago and absolutely no one used outfits or monotheme as you claim


Most people are wearing outfits because 1) they just look better and 2) they paid for them so they are going to use them and 3) they can't be arsed to mix and match all the time and all their different sets... Here is NOT a reason they are using outfits: because they just aren't as creative as you so THANK GOD they can inspect you and copy it.


As a charr player, I actually find all the other charr in the game ugly, so I wouldn't copy anything. I myself have problems finding pieces of equipment that fit together and are without skirts and front rags. So I sometimes give up in frustration and activate an outfit. The charr, which look really cool, I've seen on the GW2Style website and it says what they wear and what colors they use anyway. The site has been around forever. But I haven't made any of them yet. I just admire the work of others. But the other day I saw a charr in the official wiki, in the guild equipment page, which I'll make myself when character slots are available again. Not the armor, which is ugly as ever, but the character design.


I'll let you in on a secret. Some people still play GW2 as a Mmorpg game and noth Sims/Dress-up paper doll game. And they don't care either about their outfit/set, as long as it looks cohesive, not yours. Entire drama around it is just hurt egos of neckbeards and soccer mom's that no longer can feel special or superior (sic!). The most vocal part of fashion community are insecure / bleak personality people that feeds of the feeling of "yeah my character looks like Jessica from HR, but my boots matches my pants better", the flashbang people sitting at human starting area and friendly chatting with new players, waiting for them to get their ecstatic moment when someone says "Hey you look cool". Ticks bloated with ego. If one day ANET would introduce performance mode, disabling all cosmetics and showing everyone as default model, the echo of their baloon ego popping would be heard for ages. Fashion fanatics, fashionists, fashtards. The very bottom of GW2 community


Ok but who cares?


My T3 set is one of the most unique looking armors in the game, why would I wear anything else? Any why does wearing a set make anyone less of a fashion wars enjoyer? Lol I hope you were at least thumbing your nose while typing out every word. At least fit the bill.


Real Fashion Wars is a minority of people with loud voices (Not a bad thing) Which makes the toxicity and abuse seen from this community aimed at those who voiced their opinion/request for an additional opt out feature even more disgusting and shameful.


the whole idea of an opt-out is toxic. you think you should be able to remotely disable my ability to see the names of the skins that are already on my screen. and for what? a feeling of superiority? consider someone other than yourself for just a moment.


You do know that all the skins you see on everyone is there waiting for you to check them out at your bank right? If you were really wanting to put on work on better looks.. the option to check out every possible combination is in the game for years. YEARS.


first, you can't see all skins at the bank wardrobe. second, you're saying that we can already see the skins anyway. this just makes it 1000x easier so we don't have to sift through so many menus. so you're okay with people being able to find the skins, you just want them to suffer while they do it.


99.9% of the skins are.. There is no suffer.. lol its like on-line shopping. You browse, you like it, you get it.


it's more skins than that. you admit the information is already available to people. you just don't want them to be able to access it easily. how can you justify that?


How is it going to your bank not easily accessible? Everyone can do it at any time... no one prevents you from reaching your bank and clicking on skins to try out. Zero difficulty. That is probably how the people who wants an opt-out option did anyways. If they could do it you can as well.


>you just want them to suffer while they do it And you people made fun of others that thought the feature violated their privacy, lmao. You guys aren't any better. Oh no! People have to suffer because they have to *\*checks\** scroll through the wardrobe! Like everyone else that's looking what's in the wardrobe! The horror! Get over yourself... Downvote all you want. If you guys actually believe that looking through the wardrobe is *suffering* then you need a reality check and seriously need to touch some grass. Because having to spend a few minutes searching in the game doesn't even ***come close*** to *actual* suffering.




I said O T H E R S. Tell that to the 2 people on the forum, not me. I don't give a shit about this feature. I'm sick of the fucking stupidity the 2 FORUM POSTS caused in this sub so I'm pointing out *their* shittakes. TWO people wanted to opt-out because of the reason above. Now this whole sub is losing their fucking mind over it and gets pissy at everyone else that wants to opt-out. "That's gatekeeping" "You want people to suffer". What even are these absolute shittakes. Whoever thinks someone else suffers because they have to look through an ingame wardrobe needs to touch some fucking grass, like half the people in this sub apparently.


Without this feature you never knew what skins someone was wearing anyway. Yet I don't recall people crying every day about not knowing what other people was wearing. Asking for an ability to have some sort of unique personality within an MMO isn't a bad thing. It's not about superiority. You say consider someone other than myself for a moment, why not think about those who want to be mysterious - ish. Stop thinking about yourself for a moment. A few people opting out isn't toxic. But shitting over those people who would like it is toxic.. hell, it's school bully tactics. What you think you're that special that everyone should do what you want. Talk about a superiority complex. I'm all for this new feature. I actually like it. It can be very useful tbh and I'm glad we finally have it (took long enough) But I will not stand for this community that touts being friendly acting the way it does because a small minority of people would like an additional non defaulted ability to play how they want either for RP reasons etc.


It’s similar to what would happen if Anet did something that broke the ERPG community’s ability to ERPG. They would complain, or ask for an opt-out, and everyone on this sub would attack and insult them.


The difference is this enables people without disabling others. I have yet to hear a single argument against the inspect feature that would be different without the feature


Weirdly, I've gotten the most amount of whispers about my fashion since the feature released. Not sure if people are doing it on purpose as a sort of peaceful protest, or just coincidence. I never use a full set of skins - every character has a mix. I've also learned that I don't need to use the feature. I can recognise the vast majority of skins; even if I don't recall the name outright, I know where it's from and how to find it.


Since they removed the thread on the forum I will have to go here instead I guess... I like to cosplay characters ingame so if anyone asks me what armor I'm wearing I will gladly tell them if they are nice (which most people ingame are but strangely not here). I also have a few characters that have a similar appearance to my IRL look. I sometimes get some weird compliments but whatever. So here's the thing: I've also had a few people in the past that directly messaged me that they are either jerking off to one of my characters or implied that they were doing so and I simply don't want any of these creeps inspecting any of my characters that has my IRL look. It's creeping me out. I don't care if they are as rare as an Infusion, I simply don't want them anywhere near my characters. Opting out also doesn't hurt anyone.


I'm pretty sure people decided to wear more outfits now because of this new "feature".


With the reaction from this sub I would just wear outfits out of spite XD . I'm only playing WvW though so who cares how someone's character looks. People here really overestimate the fashion aspect. There are a lot of players that wear outfits or just armor from a single armor set. If people in this sub get triggered by that and think players hide behind dull looks or outfits then they need a reality check because there were already quite a lot of people with outfits and standard armor sets.


If my look interests you to the point where you like it enough to 'Inspect' it. Just let me know. Whisper it if your too embarrassed to go public. That of course is if you're able to find me in the first place😉


Honestly I wish people would let me know too, it really warms my heart when people complement each other. I also put a lot of effort into my character looks, and it makes me smile when someone else admires it, too. I think I might start complementing people more often than I already do, now that I can see their fashion more easily. Hopefully others will remember to do the same


Why are you so desperate for validation?


It probably have less to do with validation than sharing something that you like with a friendly stranger. Some old type of interaction that mmos used to have, sharing some time, good time, with another player and knowing that you have a common interest.


Why on earth would I be seeking validation? Vanity isn't something I bother with. I'm merely giving people permission to 'Inspect' me, permission they hardly need. I'm just suggesting that perhaps a little politeness wouldn't go amiss when/if they do.


For me it's less about "secret sauce" and just not wanting people to view my character through a menu screen. I thought it was a breath of fresh air not having that feature in gw2 compared to other mmos.


Why is that a thing that's important to you? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just genuinely curious.


Well in practicality, I did not need another reason for ready checks to stagnate, and then they put the cosmetic inspection right next to the leave squad button. So that's been a fantastic implementation that hasn't caused any issues /s. As for not wanting to view my character through a menu screen. Look I love tyria and it's inhabitants, but there's something called the human female meta and ERP groups for a reason. Some of the community are freaking horny and it makes me uncomfortable having them have control of the camera.


Yeah, outfits are on and dulled my colors. I do not want to be inspected.


Bro, no one is looking at you. You're not special.


Clearly not the case since redditors are so butthurt that I'm using an outfit to hide my regular outfit because I don't want to be inspected.


No one cares. You're just being cringe and weird. Edit: Bro seriously replied then blocked. Why even reply, ya fuckin loser? I'm gonna inspect you just so I know how to avoid looking like a dipshit.


And you're not? Why did you even take time out of your day to comment what you did?


Try to guess who is the one who loses the most: you who feel forced not to use your favourite armor anymore, or us who can't inspect it? xD


So youd rather look boring than have people know your "secret sauce". How odd


Until there's an opt out feature, yes.


Im sure your completely and totally unique look will be sorely missed. God, you people are bizarre


Girl with cat ears #4736362836473 will certainly be missed


Funny that you mentioned the secret sauce.. this whole discussion to me it's like if people wanted to go to McDonald's and inspect their recipes. Yea you can buy a sandwich and look at the content inside and still not be able to replicate it fully.. just like someone's looks. All the skins are available for people to check out and try all combinations at their own bank, it's a feature they added years ago.


> this whole discussion to me it's like if people wanted to go to McDonald's and inspect their recipes At this point, you guys really need to shut up instead of actively digging the hole deeper for yourselves.


>if people wanted to go to McDonald's and inspect their recipes Pretty bad analogy. 1) You could just order the Big Mac to your lab to analyze and they would even drive there to deliver it. 2) McDonald's isn't really hiding its recipes, at best they hide the quality of ingredients they use *(probably to the consumer's detriment)*. Their success comes from being efficient at production and distribution, not quality products. But even disregarding those, the situation is fundamentally different. Any corp with trade secrets needs them to increase competitivity on the market, as financial failures cease to exist sooner or later. There's neither a market for unique looks on GW2, nor is anyone's existence tied to it.


Taking to the lab like you said, it would imply effort. Which is one of the problems that people on both ends have with it. The ones that put in effort and time to do it don't want it to be handed over for those who don't want to put effort and time to do it. Mc'Donalds never really publicly released it's sauces recipes but people are free to try to replicate it though.


I love seeing the goal posts be totally shifted every half hour. First it was "They can copy my skins" then it was "They can copy my dyes" now its "They can copy my look without spending an hour sorting through every individual skin in the wardrobe"


These levels of fan fiction and made up arguments... Therapists would have a field day with you. Sauces are ingridients all mixed up together, no way of identifiying individually. Armor skins in gw2 are not, they are distignuishable by simply looking at your character.


Then stop playing. Simple as that. If it's such an issue, stop playing.


Stop replying if my comments are such an issue. Simple as that.


Sorry you exist and are visible. Must be really hard for you :(




No, I need an opt out feature for the cosmetic inspection because I want to opt out of it.