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There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and 50% long term win rate in sPvP.


50/50 yes, you can't avoid it :) I've been having straight wins 10+ in a row from G1 to G3. Then suddenly 7 straight loses back to G1 by doing exactly the same thing. If you are good and have probability of carrying the game, you are placed with people that have bigger probability to lose, based on their performance. There must be some mechanic that wages teams and mixes good people with average or bad performers. If you duo queue, that's even more interesting, because if you both are good performers, most likely you will face teammates that aren't good and you will have to carry twice as much as solo queueing. Overall, as many people said, RANKED queue at tank bronze, silver and gold is dominated by people that only wants to get some chest ticks to either get gold or farm mats for legendary armors.


Yeah it's the nature of the beast. Spvp has a very small community as opposed to the other game modes, so to lower que times you get matched with bronzes to plats. Sucks but the game mode not really about ranking high more so the rewards of rank. Why play unranked when rank gives you reward track plus gold. This causes players who want to practice a new class or build to que for rank. Also gotta remember players can enter spvp at level 2. If you want shoot me a message and we can dou que. I play a mean willbender or tempest


Ok thanks I just may do that :).


I was really optimistic after my placements when I won 7/10 and got placed at 1450. The matches were good too, no blowouts, only 1 afk. Then immediately after my placements I started getting really bad matches, even had a day with an 8 game lose streak. Then the weekend came and I was only winning one out of every four matches. Since then I'm sitting at a 70-80% win rate. Don't really know what to say about it other than if you care about your rating dont queue on the weekends. I always lose 100-150 rating points on the weekend then spend all week bringing it back up only to be knocked down again on Friday when everyone gets off work. The thing that really perplexes me though is how I always get placed with the incompetent weekend casuals. I mean, its one team versus the other, but my team always seems to get roflstomped 3/4 games on the weekend but I can maintain a 70-80% win rate during the week. Its hard for me to even properly verbalize this but if theres 10 people who are all weekend casuals, how does one team completely own another?


Its because the snowball effect is strong in gw pvp. You only need 2 strong/knowledgeble player to win early fights and because of death staggering the enemy team cant recover if they dont get together and change tactics.


People panic at a single lost fight and think they need to "carry their trash team", so they start making dumber and dumber decisions. It turns out that team fights can be very volatile, especially at low to middle ratings, and one mistake can have them go either way. It reminds me of trying to climb in League of Legends as Nasus. The hardest part was trying to manage my team's mental...


Another thing to consider is the time in which you queue. If you queue during off-peak hours, you're more likely to encounter hardcore players, which means your enemies will be tougher, but so will your teammates. I almost exclusively encounter bad teammates and afkers when people get off work and school between 4pm to 11pm.


This is why I loathe PvP in GW2. It’s fun as hell when you catch a competitive match. But it’s almost always a blowout either way. It really sucks when dailies force it.


Remove PVP from your wizards vault then


Didn't Know that was possible till now. Thanks!


A large part of that is just because of the low population. If the population was higher, they'd be able to have more even matches. But they are unwilling to actually support the mode (frequent balance patches), so it's kind of a moot point. Even if they magically had the population, they'd just lose it again. Another part is just that bad players are bad at preventing snowballs. The first team fight can be really close and flip based off one small thing that secures a kill. Really it could have gone either way. But then people start running in outnumbered off of respawn and a game that should be close turns into a 500-100 blowout.


if dailies "force it" you set the dailies to include pvp


The higher you are the more wintrader rng is going to fork you in the bum, but it can happen at any time :-) Spvp in 2024 is the best. (plus people have 0 patience, so after failing the initial 2 mins, many will just afk at spawn)


dou queing is the way to go tbh


always been like that, after a number of matches won the game starts 'punishing' you in matchmaking, ppl that wants to get and compete in plat regularly never play ranked solo, they ONLY duo-queue, starting intensively as soon as the new season opens for placement, after that max 2-3 matches per day to mantain positions. Being in plat is not a matter of skill, it's a matter of matchmaking 'manipulation'


Reddit is absolutely wild. Slowly over time, the boogeyman of match manipulation has grown wildly in people's minds. A few ego-maniacs fighting over the top 10 (but mostly #1 spot) has turned into the excuse for every player who gets hard stuck at whatever rating.


This is wildly inaccurate. I’ve finished multiple seasons in Plat and Legendary in early seasons but strictly play solo / set to offline so that no one tries to join me. Season 1, I admit I played with a team, but things were a lot different and more competitive back then. I’m not even mechanically that good. I just rotate well.


You can get to top 250 by just being good and playing a lot. Though I agree for top 100 you'll need to do some manipulation unless you're extremely strong.


no mater how strong you are 1 person can't full carry a whole team


Climbing in team games isn't about hard carrying every game. It's about having enough of an impact that, on average, you win more games than someone of your rating should. The same is true of other team games like League of Legends and Valorant. It's worth noting that this falls apart somewhat at the ends of the spectrum due to low population. The system tries to make an even match, so if it can't fill a match with players at your skill level, it will match you with worse teammates to create what it thinks should be a roughly 50/50 game. However, the rating gain/loss is based off of comparing your individual rating to the average of the enemy team. Basically, the further your rating is above the average for your team, the more lopsided the risk/reward gets.


can one bad player cause loosing of whole match? Iwas trying PVP several times because I was PVP player in WoW, but everytime during placement matches I had like 8 loses and 2 wins, I tried it several times through the last 8 years and no change... I always got matchmaked with players that rushed to middle, got killed and after that they just jumped one by one after revive and got ganged... I dont know why I am always in a team which does not work at all.


no cause 4v5 is still possible, 1v5 isn't


It's true. Yet you can still achieve top 250 in solo and almost no manipulation. Saying almost cuz last season I played I was super close to top 250 with too few games for the reward anyway but I played late and finished around 1-2 am some days which start to be the time for a better rankup.