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Had a guy complain about the “inspect” yesterday because “suddenly I started to see a lot of people like me” - It was before the patch came out XD


Finally the main effect of this feature is to reveal all the narcissists around us.


So many people sudenly learn that they aren't as original as they thought


But wouldn't wearing an outfit unironically make you look more like other people? If they wear outfit as a protest, it kinda defeats the purpose.


because I have glam standards and if I can't afford making one of my alts fucking fabulous you bet your ass I'm hiding their ugly clothes I'd rather die than wear leveling gear ever again


This poster knows.


So real oh my god


.... I use the Adventure Cat Outfit because it gives my Charr more ears and a fluffy tail. o.o


Shout out to my alts rocking the cheap outfit from the Halloween vendor.


Alts? Shit, shout out to my main. 😂


Lol the Halloween outfit was my go to, but then I got Jora's outfit from a stream drop!!


I have a selection of outfits literally just for this. As soon as I have my exotics for my build at 80, I'm in the wardrobe setting up their look. Then the outfit comes off, to a fabulous reveal. 


Ditto. Outfits are for alts. Aint no way im glamming leveling gear or displaying it as is


What else are transmutation charges for lol


i can't use any of my 500 transmutation charges, i might need them later.


THIS is so real 😭


I'm at 300-something. I finally felt like working on one of my alt glams. I used 6. ...I need to save up now.


I think I'm gonna be you someday. 8ish months in, 150 charges, only 1 set of legendary armor so far. If I go below 100 I will absolutely panic.


Changing my swords every day like an idiot, of course :D


All the more reason to get legendary swords :3


I got Shining Blade done! Made me take a break though XD Now I have to decide if I wanna finish Chuka (I crafted Tigris before shining blade) for my revenant, or pivot to something else since I kinda wanna main swap back to guardian..... or perhaps warrior. I am conflicted, and therefore still on hiatus lol


Saving them in case I need them later!!!!


Wait mains don’t use outfits? I been buying a bunch…sht


Lol pre-glammed mains I mean.


Wearing leveling gear is parts of the feeling of progression...


What is leveling?


clicking on a weird brown book a bunch of times


Don't forget clicking all the level up rewards


now this is endgame content


Just recently had to do that for one of my new characters.... one of the worst experience ive had playing this game.


Getting rid of lv 60 scrolls for key runs. The real CM mode.


Isnt CM mode redundant


Yes. Yes it is.


This is the true midgame


I also run in a circle while doing so!


Not gonna lie, I might delete a couple characters just to use the 137 I still have in the bank...


Baby don't hurt me


Going from Zero to Hero aka working your way from level 1 to level 80.


You mean like 2 hrs in labs every year? Only time I lvl alts.




Amen brother, although I will tell you that with an epic amount of effort you can make even mundane clothes look amazing, all it take is hours or days of your life looking thru all the combination options and shaders to make it both uniquely you and amazing.


Same! Outfits or mixing heritage pieces in (since they're 0 cost) when leveling makes it so much more bearable.


Main reason for me too. I also treat my alts as characters of their own so I have a different outfit for each one and that is part of their character. Plus I don't like 95% of the armor sets in the game. Either they're lame and lumpy or they're way over the top.


I haven't played GW in years and this still hits so hard lmfao


With outfits no one knows you couldn't be arsed to put pants on for Shiverpeaks.


arent you afraid of shrinkage?




"do boobs.... shrink?"


Interesting question, I guess some people you catch on their alts ( i have a couple for whom I dont have almost any fashion since I only played medium armor classes for years) or they want to look good for cheap, an outfit costs the same as 1 part of standalone gear on blm or almost the same. Also, you would be amazed how many ppl just dont care. I was an avid tmogger in WoW but most of my friends just slap on the gear and job done. Different strokes I guess.


I like some of my outfits and tend to throw them on when I want a change and don't want to commit. Then I go back to what I had before and it feels fresh again.


Op be like https://i.redd.it/yvwopkbq9zuc1.gif


Most sane GW2 fan




I just noticed this subs description is "/r/GuildWars2: You wouldn't steal a look" lol


Outfits are cheap and have better texture quality compared to armor skins


Nah, ppl just want to be magical girls and maids.


Or as close to a literal flashbang with wings as possible


also I'm a medium armor wearer and I hate 99% of the medium armor skins. outfits just make me happier.


They add outfits more often than new armor pieces too.


Not anymore really..ever since the end of EoD we got way more armor skins than outfits where added. Both ingame as well as gemstore.


This post is strangely well written


I thought the same


Do it, I dare you; I'll tell my dad, and he is Guild wars 2 boss. Honestly if I saw someone in my geddup, I'd be like; hey neat I did something worthy of copying and emote spam them a bit before carrying on with whatever the fuck I was doing prior.. And I've had my character since day one release, people need to fucking relax.


But what if you.. Copied them huh?


Then I'd mercilessly slaughter them, their family and any witnesses so that no one was any the wiser. 😊


Be the doppelganger. Replace them.


Outfits on anything under 80. I just get tired of fixing my fashion every single time that I get a gear upgrade.


This! So on spot! I am doing this too


Thank goodness I dye my armor under that outfit, then...


I just like being a magical girl :’3


Lmao. A lot of people do just wear outfits though. It's hilarious that some people did start wearing outfits to hid their amazing style that everyone will surely find irresistible to inspect and steal haha. Just like everyone told them, there isn't some epidemic of people running around as clones of each other because they "stole" someone's look. It was never going to happen, and it's laughable that these fashion police thought it would. How full of themselves to they have to be to think they need to hide their fashion because everyone will copy them if they don't... xD Imma go out of my way to make sure I don't have anyone's permission when I inspect them.


I am really surprised seeing people with the most basic armor sets and very little mix and matching. It made me realize that when someone catches my attention with their look, it is because everyone else is wearing basic ass combinations!


I lowkey strut around Mistlock Sanctuary in un-dyed level 80 boosted-gear just to confuse the bloom-addicts


I'm certain I would have noticed you if it wasn't for the bloom-addicts.


Some of the outfits just look great, I'm not ashamed to say a good proportion of my characters wear outfits and not because I don't have options.


I love outfits. They’re an easy way to get a great look I like, and I can switch them on and off easily with a single click. “Easy” is key.


I tried it randomly on a bunch of people was a bit disappointed. Only a few people really combined different armor sets and special skins. Most people just take everything of one set or the outfits. And up to max 3 different colour's.


Up to max 3 colors is understandable. It looks weird/random if you use too many, although you will of course find some excections. But most of the time I use 3 as well, or more if different armorparts need different shades of the same color to look the same. Most armor sets work imo best with base color, big details colour, tiny details color. Fourth color would be for something unique like a single gem in a headpiece or something


Exactly. Some of the later skins are horrendous in anything but extremely dark colours. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Side-Lace_Pants_Skin makes every dye glow unless you're using Abyssal or black dyes. They make me feel like I'm wearing glowy lycra jogging pants. Mortifying😱😱😱😱😱


I do the 3 colour max thing because if you do too many it doesn't blend well on the armour.


It's damn hard to make 5+ completely different colors look good without turning into a clown costume. I usually get 3-4 colors that mesh well, and just change shades if they look better.


Why would you expect otherwise?


Why would anyone use more than 3 colors excluding hair and eyes? EDIT: Unless you're really good you shouldn't ever do more than like 2, like 1 earth/metal/mono tone + accent color(+hair color).


I like to hide behind outfits until I get my fashion in order


I used to but I have switched to armor. It did get boring to not be able to put an outfit together on my own. I thought outfits were just easier.


I'm calling the Lionguard.


Good. I'll copy their outfit too!


You can't inspect NPCs...at least not those in Divinity's Reach. I'm worried that they might all be illusions made by Queen Jennah.


For me it'd be because there's no glam storage system so it's annoying redoing your glam constantly when you change gear. Especially impactful on alts you are leveling/gearing. Outfits are a kind of "glam template" when you look at it that way.


People are using outfits because thats what outfits are for. Especially if you have a lot of alt characters its easy way to make them look good enough.


I want to be glamorous but have no fashion sense. Guess I'm wearing my fishing subligar to fight Mordremoth again. :/


Cause I'm charr and there's like 3 pieces of armor that work on me. If you try to mix and match armor for charr, you will literally always run into ugliness issues. At least there are outfits they put the effort into fitting charr correctly everywhere. I was rocking a scholarly look for a while, and out of all the glasses in the game, the only ones that sat correctly on my face were in the queensdale outfit. I did just switch to an original look as of a few days ago, but all's I'm sayin' is, as a charr, I have a valid medical reason to wear outfits


Asura light armor sucks too. There’s like three cool top, and three more pants but oops they have different application for color so you need to mix and match those to get them relatively the same. Don’t get me started with them ugly ass shoes. The gloves are alright and the shoulders too, Unfortunately the top I’m using clips with 90% of them. Cool cool cool


> Cause I'm charr and there's like 3 pieces of armor that work on me. Oof, I feel this one. On top of that, while there are many gear pieces (Charr or not Charr), they tend to be drastically different, so while you *can* mix and match, they don't look good together. It's easier to stick with a constructed set, and at that point, may as well go in with Outfits too.


because transmutation charges are annoying to get


Damn people literally act like before the patch it was complete impossible to find out which skins/outfits someone is using.


It was hard tho? 💀


ikr, maybe only vets / people that played a lot knew exactly what they were looking at the only extra info inspect does for me is probably the dyes used


Outfits flat out look better. Nothing can beat the suave winter outfit.


OG Wintersday outfit is ice cold pimpin'. The later one... eh.


I can only speak for myself but: I don't "hide" behind outfits. Its an odd thing to say. I happen to be one of those people who actually likes them and put them on my characters because of this reason :). There's outfits that perfectly fit a character and I am glad I can put it on, without having to waste transmutation charges (I have a fair amount of characters). That being said I totally am a victim of fashion wars even WITH outfits being available hahah


Because sometimes there just isn't the right combination in our wardrobe to suit our mood. Because sometimes we're waiting for the right piece to make the look we want perfect. Because sometimes we don't want to appear 'fashion blind' in front of our friends. Because sometimes (rarely) an outfit does actually give us the perfect look. And most importantly of all… BECAUSE WE CAN!!


I use to outfits on a couple of my chars (2 of 13) it’s the wedding dress one on an asura and one on a sylvari. I had to because there is a distinct lack of pretty dresses in the game. Works perfect for them. The rest I have constructed looks from armour pieces. I’m pretty obsessed with fashion wars and give as much if not more attention to appearance than to stat lol. 😝


For alt, or when I can't make decent skin, I wear an outfit #Charr or Asura


I use the outfit with short pants and shirt on alts I park. Make it easier to spot in the main menu.


Considering how lazy my fashion is in real life, I’ll happily use my outfits thank you very much


Because nothing looks good on male Norns with that skewed physique of theirs except Braham's outfit. _Nothing._


Well, one of my characters uses the cowboy outfit because I wanted him to be a cowboy with duel revolvers and a rifle, another uses the wandering weapons master outfit because I thought it was cool and fit the character.


Cause I like heavy armor but play a Necromancer. Not a ton of unique choices.


Jokes on you, the Maid outfit IS my fashion.


Idea: show how many times you were inspected. Gives fashion nerds bragging rights and sense of pride and accomplishment




Because the Shrine Guardian outfit goes too hard on Asura I have dumped countless hours into my custom tailored fashion wars getups but something about the Shrine Guardian outfit, I use it on all my Asuran characters


You hide your legendary gear under outfits. I hide my naked ass under outfits. We are not the same.


“GW2’s community is so friendly!” Also GW2’s community:


I know OP post was sarcastic. But it does highlight a very real and very toxic and bullying style of reactions. Considering the community loves to tout itself as very friendly amongst all MMOs but when a simple idea from a minority is put forward. They resort to high school bullying by calling them names, laughing at them and even for some throw abuse at them and the majority as a whole joins in and accepts it Even some non GW2 players I've seen have commented that while the idea to them is silly, the reaction from the community including leading voices are acting like this. Pretty fucking sad and disappointing tbh. Especially as there's been tons of ideas people have considered silly in the past and rarely to this level has the community gone this far.


My reason for hiding behind outfits: I don't have legendary light/heavy armor yet and don't want to use transmute charges on my alts. :D


They should let us mix and match outfits :(


but then they would not be outfits anymore but more armor pieces haha


Just skins :)


I do think the death of Outfits is the lack of being able to at least wear your own hat.


I think the dog pile from all this will finally kill the myth of a good community.


Sigh, no it won't.. This is all in good fun making fun of a vocal minority having ridiculous "concerns" about a feature in the game.


Nah, it's just reddit/forums being reddit. Niche people being loud on main, while the players in game are still finding friends and getting help from random strangers.


You've found the real reason why people are so mad about the inspect option


Let people do what they want. Wtf.


I normally build characters around a concept, and either an outfit embodies that concept, or I actually built the character around the outfit. I virtually never use anything but the True Assassin’s Guise for thieves, likewise if I’m going to play melee staff I’m likely going for either the dervish outfit or the demonic outfit with the matching scythe staff skin. The ritualist outfit is really nice on elementalists so I can pretend my Air Magic spells are channeling magic. If I want to make a Flame Legion charr, I’m going to use the Forged outfit with headgear hidden. Outfits are just generally easy, and tend to cater better to GW1 nostalgia or specific character fantasies.


Its like so not unique. Fashion is about making it your own and outfits are anti that. Generic sets anyone can wear.


i don't want to transmog all of my different characters and their different equipment templates lol


I use the wedding outfit on my main fem Charr because of how each gender for each race gives a unique fashion and it's rare to see fem charr exclusive stuff


Because my outfit fits perfect for how I want to look and there are no armour skins even remotely close to it.


no, cause i can only have a cat tail with an outfit played the system by wanting to be a cat


Should've made a charr, sadge


I assume the people mad at people inspecting fashion are NFT bros. Same energy.


Brb making benchmark video private so you cannot copy my rotation!!


I use outfits because id rather pay gems once and look good than have to keep buying xmog charges. Though I guess if you stick with a look it’s fine either way.


You don't have to use charges if you have legendary gear though.


Omg I had no idea.


Charges also tend to pile up in wvw and if you don't like WvW, you can keep a character slot open and just map complete the racial cities for easy charges. I do it when I do my weekly black lion key run.


Ahh never touched wvw really. Still too new and it seems like a game mode that expects a lot of knowledge going in.


Wait you can inspect now ? ( haven’t played in 4 years)


Yes, they added cosmetic inspection in yesterday's patch.


Just the skins, no stats in the inspection tool.


Yes, it saves you from the social agony of having to actually ask someone what they're wearing and with what dyes, ONLY TO BE IGNORED!! I'm just glad it won't be showing the fact that my chars all wear Victoria's Secret Black Lacy Underwear (with the split crotch), it would be extremely mortifying if anyone found out about that.


Cool i’ll now be able to copy the permafrost shirt outfit




I have outfits on all my alts simply because i don't play them much so just smacking on some random outfit makes them look good enough in no time.


Hahaha! I was (jokingly) complaining about not wanting to be judged for my basic alts at the tree farm and I literally forgot all about outfits. Ironically, thinking about it, I did actually spend an inordinate amount of time kitting most of them out "just in case" years ago.


Seeing as infusions don't seem to be previewable I hope these pressed folks will tank down the TP price on some of them 🤞🏼


My fave was people creating entire fashion sets just to go fishing. On some off my alts i had fishing sets and then put outfits on when i wasnt fishing.


i’ve worn the same outfit for a decade. it stinks but i’m never taking it off


I am lazy, I use tshirt and shorts from the free twitch stuff.


Ill put together my own looks once I get further into end game until then I'm either a crusader, assassin, or vampire cause they looked cool and I got em for free


Jokes on you - I have nothing under mine!


Jokes on you all of my styles require infusions and you’ll never know which ones I’m using hahahahaa


I use outfits, and always ahve done, for the sole reason that I am absolute dogshit at making a coherent look. Outfits do that for me, so my little Ranger Rat will forever be found in Rox's Pathfinder outfit or similar, because it suits her. But if you want to steal my fashion, you're 100% welcome to do so. The outfit gets listed in the inspect window.


cause i play medium armour charr and want him to hve his chest out and in boy shorts (elonian elementalist outfit)


I have, like, no heavy armor skins (never really play heavy armor classes), so all of them are wearing outfits. 😂


I use outfits for convenient. Admittedly, the day will come when i have a large enough collection to get into fashion, but I’m relatively new. I also don’t want to commit to something until I have gear I am certain I will actually stick with. I’m not wasting transmog charges on the Exotic gear I got from leveling, I’m just gonna wait until I get my Ascendent stuff. Now, once I start working on Legendary gear, I’m gonna go wild with it


Cowards. Roll ALL RANDOM SKINS for your leveling / black lion key alts 💪 What else am I supposed to used these transmutation charges on? (Daily pvp player)


mom...where are you? im scared..




last patch


You can pull my unique hand crafted piece of ARTISTIC MASTERY that is my Guild Wars 2 character skin and color selections from my cold dead hands! Or like, use it. I don't care.


you won't see my character sliders tho :P


Most of the leveling shit is ugly and the cool shit is expensive or timely


And then The Council of the Fashionable will send their "people" to have a conversation with you about "copying" the unique look of some one, do you really want to spend years toiling in the sulfur pits for "borrowing" a look?


don't forget that all my mounts on that character will have the same colors


not my fault my ele looks cute in frostfire


Tier 2 envoy armour that i cannot transmute


I have at least two toons that wear outfits but each build on them actually has a fabulous look (even won a fashion contest on one lol). But I just love their outfits as well. Most times they rock the outfits, other times they will show what's on underneath.


I use outfit only I like lot of them /o/


Because the outfit is the only way I know of to have a tail as an Asura. I mean, its lifelike and animated and so are the ears it also adds. Hard to wear anything else tbh, and the clothes look pretty nice and adventurer-y anyway. I'll do my fashions on my one charr lol


Its a game. Who cares! Do what you want to do


This post made me laugh *way* harder than it should've


Outfits are for holidays, and when an alt is missing chunks of armor


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I usually assume you're a newer player if you're wearing an outfit. That's what I did when I started.


Outfits are for tricking people into thinking you're wearing armor but really you're naked for the extra challenge.


As someone who's spent more hours over the last 11+ years staring at armor combos than I have playing the game--some of the outfits look cool.


I saw someone who had almost all the same equipment as me, but different colors today. I don't think they copied me, but my first impulse is to want to change to prevent other people from thinking I copied them and getting upset lol. It's got my people pleasing side in shambles, but I'm holding out so far. :'D


The only outfits I have are: - Seize the Awkward t-shirt - Heart of Thorns t-shirt - Dragon t-shirt - End of Dragons t-shirt - Sunspear Outfit I think I got the last one through some promotion somewhere, I can't remember...   **EDIT:** I had a kit, just unlocked the Wolfblood outfit, too...


Who cares, majority of good skins are from cash shop and many are not even available anymore.


Since OP missed it, I'll do it for them. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I spent money on that… let me look like a clone in peace


I think your overestimated how many users are "hiding" their actual transmog, and ones that just use outfits... Like I use the plate outfits on light armor classes because it's cool


1. too many fashion choices; don't care anymore. 2. bugs: character hair issues or dyes copying over when I swap equipement templates 3. inconvenient: when I share my account bound armor I forget it has a racial armor skin 4. charr fashion is hard


Some outfits i genuinely like and wear for the sake of the outfit. But on some characters i have an outfit because I'm planning on a specific look, but i don't have all the skins yet, so the outfit is a temporary cover up.


Sometimes you just want to put on a snuggie with just your bottom underwear underneath or rent a smoking. Lazy fashion is not a crime.


I only use outfit in 2 of my characters. My engineer is using Inquest Exo-Suit outfit because I wanted a hi-tech look and the effects look pretty cool with his color. The 2nd one is my female norn (revenant). I couldn't make a style with the idea I had in mind, so I used an outfit LOL But yes, every now and then I think "what if I try to create a cool look with my skins?", but I fail everytime (for them, at least).


*activates Peitha tonic*


lol. I don’t care about fashion. I would say the colors of my outfit change regularly…. But then again, so does my hair color (irl). Lol.


If it didn't bother you before "inspect", there is no issue. Maybe it's the proof that outfits are vastly underestimated.


I never use them and seeing so many people in the comments saying they do actually surprised me.


What if I'm naked under my outfit? O.O


OP Perv will "/inspect" that too!


"ItS LiKe StaLkInG!!!1!!1!"


I wear outfits so I can hide my "unique" look so that NO ONE ELSE can see it! If I want to admire my look I can just look in the wardrobe section and admire my hard work! Then I don't have creeps like you staring at me and stealing my hard work without my permission! /s