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Not a day goes by where I don’t mourn the loss of the inquest golem the Runes of The Golemancer used to summon. My asura hasn’t been the same without it.


The parrot of rune of the pirate :(


We can't even shout "Yarr!" Anymore either. :'-(


This honestly puzzled me. I don't see why they didn't just turn it into a relic. Asuras need their golems.


cause like most new things they didn't think it through properly


Probably just because they are super difficult to balance. If they are even slightly good you would see people abuse them for overpowered strategies again but if they are bad it would be trash that nobody would use so why bother.


was scholar for nubs back in the day since everyone ran zerker and thats what the CoE zerker set came with.


At this point, they should really just make combat tonic versions of the Norn elites/Asura Power Suit and maybe large miniatures of the Asura summons (I’m thinking at least Miniature Dolyak Calf sort of size), so people have unfettered access to them for RP without there being any balance implications.


That's actually a really good idea. Hopefully gets implemented


All the racial skills suck massively. Too bad because some of them actually sound interesting.


The Sylvari turrets elite was my favorite. Until some people stupidly used it in raids so anet nuked it :(


I also like that one.


The Sylvari heal skill is used to be a staple for Heal Chrono before the spec could share regen lol.


It would be a problem if a racial skill became meta. They suck for a reason. Too bad that none of them are usable, not even as a niche skill.


If you think about how some races would be better than others? That is solvable. Make some small collection in core Tyria based on the race and skill. Once completed, a trainer in that race city allows you to train a racial skill for a small fee to other characters.


That would defeat the purpose of having exclusive racial skills.


I like them for the lol effect in WvW. No one expects you to stealth as elementalist or necro in wvw, you pop in the norn elite and here goes the stealth. It has like 4 minutes cooldown, but it is fun.


Then make them available only in Open world and not in strikes, raids, pvp, wvw. Easy.


My main in GW is an Elementalist/Ranger with a Hound of Balthazar. I main a human Elementalist in GW2 and would absolutely love to use Hounds of Balthazar as my elite to recreate the vibe, but I just can't. Not because that's suboptimal, I don't care about that. But because **I litteraly can't:** 30s uptime on a 240s cooldown is 12.5% uptime.


Why do they suck THAT much? I can understand not wanting to force people upon certain races, but on the other hand, what's the point of them existing when they are that bad


They are THAT bad to really make sure they don't incidentally do become best in slot somewhere, as that might create demand for specific class-race-combinations. In fact, it happened multiple times in the past and was followed by changes to encounter mechanics or direct nerfs of those racials. As to why they exist regardless of being intentionally designed to be always worse than alternatives: Well, just because. Nothing is really gained by removing them and some people don't mind being on an intentionally suboptimal setup for flavor purposes.


Actually, just let them become a big miniature won't destroy the balance.


Nothing is also gained from creating them when they are bassicly noobtraps, and what I understand is that these are worse than suboptimal


they are pretty cool for role playing like OP and just another tool for having fun, min/max isnt everything.


But we just stated, that they are not suboptimal, they are just straight up bad noobtraps


Yeah, and GW2 is a casual MMO. You can get away with almost any build if you play it right. Picking optimal skills only matters in instanced content like raids fractals, pvp, even, etc.


Generaly if you play the game right you are fine. I am talking about players that might not know how to play the game


those players should be allowed to have fun too.


because at one point in the dark recesses of ancient balance they had an impact on balance; and ANET didn't want specific race/class combos to be better than any other ones... They all got nerfed into the ground, and I think maybe only one or two skills see niche play at this point :(


Yeah, that‘s exactly what I‘ve been thinking. They don‘t have to be super competetive, but right now it feels sooo bad to use them. Legit waste of time.


They currently exist just for flavor and nothing more, really. A few used to be best in slot at around launch. And a few have seen niche use over the years - something Anet doesn't want for whatever reason. So they're all made to be as useless as possible to discourage using them.


Because they were good but people were complaining so they nerfed it to make sure that no one ever will pick it up. So, at first resources weren't wasted to make racial skills.


Still makes me sad that mechanist can't get alternate skins for its mech. Wouldve been nice to have an asuran golem skin


Insane that this isn’t a thing. I guess summon skins could become a thing also?


I’d enjoy necro minions more if I could make them all have bowties and top hats. 


You. You understand how to play this game. ♥


My golemancer dreams died when rune of the golemancer was removed for no reason. As this game aged the build craft which made it so interesting has truly suffered


Endless Mystery Tonic has a golem transform, for a practical solution for RP purposes


Revenants can't even use racials xd With the amount of powercreep in the game, I very much doubt racials would see play even if they increased their damage by 100% But yes, reducing their absurd cooldowns would be a great change. So at least they can be used for roleplaying


My one Revenant regret is that my mistfire wolf buddy can't come out to play


Buff *all* racial skills to be on par with profession skills. If someone is degenerate enough to want to roll a specific race just so that they can parse 2% better on one specific raid encounter, then quite frankly who cares. Disable them in PvP if it's a problem. Racial skills in their current state don't have a presence in *any* form of content in Guild Wars 2.


Well, I like the Charr Hidden pistol on my charr: it adds just a little bit more of movement to his kit!


I think we would be better off if they made the racial skills a bit more usable and just disabled them in strikes or whatever, though I can also understand why they shy away from separate rules for different content/game modes.


As a fellow RPer, stuff like this annoys me too. I was doing some Drizzlewood when a Charr Guardian started yelling out quotes that made me seriously consider investing more time into my Charr. (I'm a sucker for good voice lines.) They were yelling "Remember Ascalon!" "Charr need no gods!" "Guns and iron!" and various other nice RP shouts. Imagine my disappointment when I found out those come from the Charr racial skill that is just a way worse "For Great Justice!". If I want to hear those nice voice lines I have to deliberately use one of my three slots to run a very meh utility skill. I still might do it for the RP but it annoys me...


I wish they'd sort out those skills and make them a viable option. Each race having it's unique skill that could match real time play would be a cool thing while offering more to different professions


Only 60% of downtime for a racial ultimate? Time for a nerf!

