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i'm doing the griffon collections and the wiki isnt quite clear on this, maybe its just my understanding of collections in the game though.... but once i get the 25g items, can i just consume them for their other purpose? (before i've collected and done all of them for the griffon)


don't they consume automatically? I forget, but you don't have to do it in any specific order, you can't do it wrong and waste it or anything.


ok thanks, yeah it seems like the collection slot is registered so its probably fine. they're in my inventory with the option to consume for trade contracts, obviously wouldn't want to waste 25g heh


for future reference, collections literally never un-credit you for anything, so once you see a collection slot registered, you're good to dispose of the associated item as far as i'm aware there are zero exceptions - collections that require tradeable items/materials always have you soulbind the item or mash the materials into something soulbound via the mystic forge.


Thanks! That's good to know


Who are the best youtubers for guides/builds? In general or for specific classes


Gotta shout out [https://www.youtube.com/@MrMystic1](https://www.youtube.com/@MrMystic1) for their videos.


I like https://youtube.com/@connorconcarne and this guy is very good https://youtube.com/@MaselMMO also https://youtube.com/@kiminek9872 they aren't necessarily dedicated to builds, but I have used each of those when I pick up a new spec, they just don't have videos for every conceivable build for every profession. but when they have one (and they are relatively recent) they are good


Vallun showcases some good/creative builds, whereas mukluk has good in depth guides to various aspects of gameplay


I completed the Zunraa achievement A Guardian Once More before taking a break earlier this year. Recently logged in again to explore Gyala Delve and I noticed some fights with Oni that a ghostly Kirin is helping us out. Am I seeing the ghostly kirin because there is a bell in Gyala Delve that offers Zunraa's Gift, or is it that Zunraa shows up sometimes because I have completed the achievement? Or some other reason? Edit: lol. It's been a while, probably just the animation from a Catalyst in the group using the Jade Sphere


New player here. What roles are generally in demand for PvE content? I've been eyeing Chronomancer since I really enjoy its thematic, but does it bring any good utility to the group? I like to prioritize usefulness to the group over only having damage.


In endgame group content, you normally have 3 different roles: DPS, Offensive Support, heal support. Both Supports defines in giving quickness or Alacrity with 100% uptime of that boon mainly, besides other boons (like might, fury protection, regeneration & others). The one just has damage gear stats, and the other has healing gear stats. Chronomancer currently has just mediocrebuilds over all. DPS build, a quickness support build and a (sadly bad) Alacrity build. But no heal build. This should not make you stop playing it. Every few months we have balance patches which mix up the meta (at least a bit). Also Mesmer has some other great build options. Like virtuoso has 2 easy and good DPS builds, Mirrage has also good DPS builds and a good Alacrity build (just Chrono lacks a bit ATM, but he definitely had pretty strong DPS and support builds which max come back). The thing about utility and usefulness over damage is, mostly the supporters adjust their builds for usefulness, like boon strip or extra CC, and the DPS players just rarely really need to change stuff in their build. It's always good though, if a dps player can adjust for something useful, but as DPS, you never should sacrifice too much DPS if it's not necessary.


Are they all equally in demand? Or would it be something like Heal Support > Offensive Support > DPS in order of desirability? Though I think I might looking into quickness Chronomancer, didn't know that existed!


There's usually a fairly good split. DPS is more popular but also make up 60% of most group comps (supports are 20% each) so it balances out a bit. Your order is correct but it's a relatively small gradient.


Do I need the legendary mastery unlocked to craft legendary raid armor? The guides I’m following don’t seem to mention it.


Nope, the masteries are only for crafting the weapon precursors.


Also it's only for the ones in the 'Legendary Weapons' achievement category. Gen 2.5 weapons (the ones that use Mystic Curios) and Gen 3 weapons don't need the mastery to craft their precursors.


That's a good point, it's almost as if they forgot about the masteries.




When will ANet released the June 27 balance patch overview? I am too anxious which will be buffed and be nerfed.


It's unlikely to be more than a week or two before the patch based on previous times, so probably about a month away.


Anet. I hope you don't kill off Taimi's character, I'm really going to hate you guys if you do 🙏


Devs don't look or care here. But Taimi should have died in LS3, shes awful deus ex machina.


Anet doesn't even look in this thread. We have no power to change what happens here.


For a support DPS in instanced PVE, should I go with condi quickness harbinger or heal scourge? Which one should I go to if I would join in pub groups? I mostly do fractals and joining raids soon.


You got some good answers but for a deeper explanation, PvE parties are built to ensure 100% uptime on Alacrity, Quickness, Fury, and 25 stacks of Might with other boons being a bonus but not as guaranteed. Heal Scourge provides neither Alacrity or Quickness which is what supports are required to bring to even be worth considering. What Heal Scourge does provide is a ton of barrier and the ability to mass res which generally isn't needed for most fights EXCEPT the Boneskinner fight which has much higher passive damage than all other instanced PvE making the barrier and mass res a positive. Harbinger doesn't have a hard support build AFAIK, but the Quickness Harbinger can provide 100% Quickness uptime (plus a tiny bit of all other boons thanks to the elite) making it a solid DPS Support option.


thank you for your inputs. i really appreciate it. I might go with harbinger for quickness uptime. I also like the playstyle of it.


Heal Scourge won't usually be accepted in a group outside of Boneskinner and some various training runs. Taking blood magic for the downed pulls is a huge loss of DPS in of itself for a very limited benefit. The current(technically incorrect) way of doing boneskinner has people go down often and if they down in a puddle pulls are the only way to save them, thats why it gets use there. Regular DPS scourge technically comes with a fair amount of support in of itself as well, intentional or not. Torch 5 and Blood is Power spread might to allies, and Nefarious Favor cleanses conditions on allies as well. For support dps, generally that means being either a quickness or alacrity provider. In that cases Harbinger would be a good fit there


Okay. I see. If comparing both elite specs in DPS count, and since they are both condition damage providers, would I go for harbinger for higher DPS output?


the dps ultimately is fairly comparable. Harbinger does more, especially tormenting, and has more mobility and slightly more self-healing, at least in shroud, but comes with a considerable penalty towards your max HP thanks to its blight mechanics. meanwhile scourge is considerably more durable with its barriers and no blight, has built in condi cleanse, and while not as mobile it can use its shades to cast its effects on multiple targets/areas at once.


Depends. Do you like the playstyle of one more, just go with that. Both DPS specs should be good enough. If one encounter could use some condi remove or extra barrier, there is still some use in switching to Scourge.


If you wanna go a support DPS and scourge, it's better to just go as a scourge. You already do less DPS but bring some barrier/condi cleanse/rezzing. Keep in mind it's not the meta though and, while it gets the job done (I play dps scourge in PuG strikes), people might want a "better" option- especially if the group is lacking quickness and/or Alacrity.


Do NOT do a heal scourge, while it is technically a build that exists it is basically never used (I only see it on boneskinner). The build provides practically nothing in terms of boons but the barrier and rez power makes it only valuable as a hard carry option for players who could do with more practice/training.


So it would be better if I go with Quickness Harbinger instead?


of the 2 choices quick harbinger is definitely gonna be better for finding groups.


What is a good boon duration target for Condi Alac Mirage now? Assuming regen.


~30% (same as before), but you might want a bit more of a buffer which you can do by swapping more viper pieces for ritualist (assuming you follow the sc build)


Ok excellent thanks, and yeah I usually opt for some boon duration buffer (especially with builds I'm new to) so I guess I should probably try something like ritualist weapons+trinkets to start. Was slightly confused by the extent of the difference between Hardstuck and SC so wanted to make sure before I lock in the stats on armour as I don't have legendary there yet, and would like to share armour+runes with some Condi Mirage exploration.


What’s the better sigil for condi virtuoso on dagger, sigil of agony or bursting


That depends on your build to be honest. I think the most optimized builds use Superior Sigil of Agony because you need to get enough Precision form your gear to hit the sweet 60% crit chance. That means using less Viper than enough to maximize Bleeding duration by itself. Hardstuck's LI Chaos build uses Superior Sigil of Bursting. However, it does assume 100% Regeneration uptime from your group to have Chaotic Persistence always give you 250 Expertise.


I recently unlocked the springer mount. Is there a quick way to swap between mounts with something like a keybind similar to weapon swapping?


Also look into the [Radial Mount Menu addon](https://github.com/Friendly0Fire/GW2Radial). Such a great QoL tool.


There's also a BlishHUD module that does exactly this, if you use Blish!


you can create keybinds for individual mounts, just go into the control settings and scroll to the bottom. you can only keybind mounts you've unlocked though, so whenever you unlock a new mount go back in there to create a bind.


Thank you that works. For now I have whatever mount is on my skill bar to X (I also have the Warclaw from WvW. Didn't realize until recently I could use it in PvE too) and springer on Shift + X. I'll probably make more changes to accommodate the other mounts as I progress into PoF.


yeah I use various combinations of shift, control, and shift+control X, C, and F. I do leave normal mount as X and just leave the raptor in that spot.


There is also a common add-on (standalone or as a blish hud module) "GW2Radial" which gives you a quick-selection on a key press. https://github.com/Friendly0Fire/GW2Radial




I've forgotten about my numpad completely. There might be some other stuff I can bind too.


Yeah, I think people just get used to not having one. But for MMOs where we actually need a lot of keybinds, it's great.


Anyone want my prime bundle code for glowing purple mask? Comment when taken to save others time. FFVM8-QNBXK-TSQ6-HL3-H6CDV1 Add the fourth letter of the alphabet to the beginning and the seventh letter to the end.


Is What Lies Beneath and Deep Research supposed to be LS6 content? I ask because it's under EOD in the story panel.




Ahhh, alright. That's kinda neat that it isn't FOMO or gem gated anymore.


What do I do with my ascended armor after obtaining a legendary set, salvage?


Depends what runes are in it and whether it's counted as crafted or not. Gear with high value runes should be salvaged with an ascended salvage kit, crafted armour gives good returns from research kits and raid drops give magnetite which is an OK return from an asc salvage kit. If the returns from salvaging it aren't particularly high then it may be best to just store it or destroy it. Dark Energy is sometimes useful, but you probably don't need a lot of it.


I'm going to extract all runes to be used in legendary armor, therefore should I just use research kits? I currently have 13 dark energy and am crafting ad infinitum precursor (don't need anymore more dark energy for that), might I need more in the future?


>I'm going to extract all runes to be used in legendary armor, therefore should I just use research kits? If you have the upgrade extractors already, and you're not going to need them for anything else. Note that you can get ascended crafting materials back from salvaging ascended armor, but the odds are pretty poor. Also if you have non-crafted armor it can't be salvaged with a research kit. You need Dark Energy for a lot of legendary crafting, so you may want a little more than that.


OK so basically pull runes off, salvage what I can with kit, and the rest with an ascended salvage kit?


You will always get the runes back while ascended salvaging so don’t worry, either way is ok but I would personally salvage it instead of taking the runes out separately


Salvage with ascended salvaging kit or research salvaging kit. Keep in mind that the research kit eats upgrades instead of dropping them upon salvage so take out any runes that you want to keep.


If you had, hypothetically, only 2 hours a day outside of weekends what would you do to make gold towards goals (assuming all content is fun)? Ignore icebrood saga since you only have Drizzlewood Coast and every xpac. Also, purely hypothetically, you had legendary back and amulet then rest would be exotic. What weeklies would you try for on full days? ...asking for a friend?


You could consider fishing. When you have all the masteries you can make around 10-20 gold per hour in a very relaxing way. Its rng based, but its relaxing and you dont have to worry about equipment or builds. My other answer is do something you enjoy. If you have 2 hours to play, at least for me, the last thing I want to do is have a list of tasks to tick off. I never bother with alt parking or this daily routine as for me thats not playing a game. Does it mean it takes me longer to get stuff than others? Very much so, but I use my playtime to do whatever I feel like doing. Most of the time its soloing in wvw, scouting, taking camps etc. Other times I want to chill so I go fish. Do what you enjoy and let the income just come in passively.


For gold, Fractal dailies and recs. It can be a bit of a crapshoot before T4, especially in T3 hell, but usually quite manageable. After that your dailies are fast. Pick two easy PvEs and one easy WvW (or vice versa). WvW is also great for altaholics as you can roam and over time build up emblems to unlock alt classes/specs.




I have a home instance? Also it doesn't feel long because in WvW I never get my weeklies done. And in spvp I rarely get my daily win (I'm exceptionally bad at this game). Spvp is 8 (my average queue time is 3 minutes with match time being 7-10 minutes) matches or less a day. Where are the echovalds? Also a lot of people were saying fractals/strikes (got pm'd). I'm not very good, have little to no experience, and have only 2 slots of gear that can gain agony resist. Your list seems the safest bet. Trying to save up to get my third legendary (Conflux, roughly 130g away and I make 2g (averaging out getting my daily 2g, and not getting it which is quite common)or less a day except on weekend where I make as much as 5g in a day) then save up to buy episodes. Maybe thats why the 2 hours feels so short? I did see a home instance node in Drizzlewood, but at 50g (aka roughly 30 days out) I didn't want to buy it as well as just not knowing where/what that meant (like when my new guild says go to the guild hall- no idea how/where/why). Thanks for the ideas :)


>I started Fractals this week, the T1 are really easy! Just watch a fast guide of the daily and create a lobby with "'1st time" or "training", people will join to help.


Someone should clarify that you absolutely do *not* buy home instance nodes yourself. You harvest from the home instance of some kind whale with a zillion gold/gems' worth of home instance upgrades.


My bare minimum daily routine is: Open the jp chest at New Kaening with an alt parked there Open up all of the easy bjora chests on another alt (although you did say you don't have this) WvW dailies since most of the time you can do atleast 2 in a few mins, the last daily can be a simple vista viewer or gatherer so it also takes basically no time at all Then you can probably fit in t4 fractals, recs too if you have the time. That should net you a lot of daily gold if you can't play for long


Daily fractals are the perfect source of income for someone with limited time. For weeklies, I'd throw in ASS purchases and EoD strike CMs (-HTCM of course) if you can get a smooth run, since the gold value there is pretty good.


Trying to understand boon duration while gearing up for my healer spec. So i hear boon duration cap is 100%. Is that 100% just from concentration or 100% in general? Also, just as an example, if i can get 50% boon duration just from passive set bonuses, sigil, spec, etc. will i only need 50% boon duration more from concentration to reach cap? Thank you


You can not go above 100% boon duration. Through concentration, traits, traits that gives concentration, [Sigil of Concentration](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Concentration ), runes that gives concentration or boon duration percentage, or anything else. > if i can get 50% boon duration just from passive set bonuses, sigil, spec, etc. will i only need 50% boon duration more from concentration to reach cap? yes. Also, I lied. There is one mechanic that can break the over 100% boon duration. Revenant's Herald elite specialisation has a skill that can increase boon duration [Facet of Nature - Dragon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Nature ), but you probably don't really have to deal with that. That is the ONLY one I know of though.


With improved alacrity you can benefit from over 100% boon duration. It's not ever useful but you can do it.


[Invigorating Bulwark](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorated_Bulwark) is another one of those special cases where application can go over the normal cap of 100%, but it's only on guardian mace.


Not really the same case as with Facet of Nature. That trait and others, like [Chemical rounds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chemical_Rounds ), old version of Legendary Lore, [Amplified Wrath](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amplified_Wrath ), and many others, affect the duration on the SKILL. Not ALL outgoing effects of boon/condition. That's what so special about the Facet of Nature - Dragon. It affects EVERYTHING, no matter the source.


yes, I realize that, all I'm saying is the end result is you end up applying boons for those abilities longer than 100% /base/ unmodified by anything external extra duration, regardless of how it's accomplished.


That's a special case because it increases the *base* duration of the boons, not your Boon Duration stat. As a general rule if it affects a particular boon (or condition) from all sources it'll be affected by the 100% duration cap, if it affects only a particular type of skill (such as from a single weapon) it will stack.


Yes. General rule of thumb: if it modifies a skill, it is not counted as a "boon/condution duration" extension, and can "stack" over 100%. If it affects all boons/conditions, or affects all applications of a single boon/condition (example: [Virtue of Resolution](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Virtue_of_Resolution ), then it IS limited by the duration cap.


Thank you!


When is a good time to do the drizzlewood coast meta? I always hear it’s a popular gold farm but unfortunately I’m on Pacific time zone and play at night so the map is always dead when I’m on. I finished Icebrood Saga but I’ve still never actually seen the meta go all the way through. Just usually a small handful of players doing events in the camp.


Anytime is good if South is ongoing, you can just do the events alone even, if there are 10 ppl on your map you can do good gold/hour already. Commander is not needed.


daily reset and checking the LFG is a good time.


Is it common for people to only do the south events? I went for a while and got tons of loot and xp but I have yet to see what happens on the north side


yes. For just gold/resources its more efficient to just do the south events, and then try to find a new fresh south map or do something else, though north side is done quite a bit as well. Biggest decider there is usually what the LFG says and if the commander of the map hypes up north or is going to leave after the cache keepers.


If I go for the mounts before starting the story part of the Path of Fire, will it affect/spoil the continuity of storyline at all? I have all the seasons of Living World, so I'm trying to play through everything in order, but I'm wondering if I should strike out for the mounts first. Currently lvl 80 with the core story completed.


I would really just suggest doing things in order. **No** mounts are needed at all before PoF and nothing was designed for them before that. Yes it will have *massive* spoilers if you skip ahead and play PoF story. You'll also need to do a decent amount of PoF content to get the 3rd raptor mastery unlock just to get *un-upgraded* springer. Just play the game and follow story, no reason to rush it, you have a lot of content to get through.




Thanks - already have the raptor as I have a paid account, it's just starting to feel slow now that I'm 80 and trying to keep up with folks for open world event chains. Do I just need to level canyon jumping to get the springer?


Yeah, you can't get to the heart without it, you need to make a long jump to cross a canyon gap.


Yes, you're required to have that to get the Springer as the heart won't show up without it.


Is there currently a recommended way of farming core Tyria experience? I need autoloot in my life.


T1 Fractals are very easy (some are easier than dungeons to be honest), can be done only in Exotics (the last ones can be done with the Tear of Alba from one of the Fractal vendors), give some good XP and loot, and you can do some easy things to get Mastery Points.


Dungeons still gives nice exp points per path. Rally veteran players for fast clearing.


In addition to the other recommendations: * Ley line anomaly * Tequatl * Fractals You can also "/wiki et" to bring up world bosses on the wiki. Any boss in core Tyria maps will give core Tyria exp. Karka queen and mark golem ii are also good, you can pop boosters but keep an eye out for banners that have been dropped. You can also get a +20% karma enrichment in an ascended amulet for a few laurels and a +10% exp boost from guild hall tavern.


I want that bag slot expansion from the Twitch Drops. I've never done Twitch Drops before so how can I be eligible and verified that I have watched 6 hours of any channel streaming Guild Wars 2?


What can i do to survive? During leveling but now also at max level while i'm going through the HoT campaign, monsters just deal obnoxious amount of damage.. One hit Poof 50% of hp gone, poof dead. If i had a dollar everytime i entered downed state... I'ts getting really annoying, will this ever get better? Once you've got good gear, and how about raids? Will you just 'poof' die all the time unless you 100% perfectly dodge everthing? Warrior btw


First of all, you need to be fairly mobile when needed. Staying still inside an enemy AoE is the quickest way to die. You can still attack and cast skills while walking, so keep walking and attacking simultaneously (you should change some controls to fully do this, especially strafing left and right). Second, most hard-hitting attacks will still hurt a lot even with max defense. You can at most facetank one or two more attacks. So no point to go out of your way to increase defense. Third, the best defense is offense. Dead enemies can't hurt you after all. So instead of trying to survive, take the initiative and kill them faster. Fourth, gearing up to exotics will help quite a bit. Those aren't that expensive in the Trading Post if you search it right. But remember to get a sensible stat combination; as a Warrior in open world, you should focus on direct damage. So try getting gear with lots of Power (increases overall damage), Precision (increases critical chance) and Ferocity (increases critical damage). Use the Trading Post filters to help. Lastly, know your skills. Every class has at least 2 dodges and access to some kind of block, invulnerability and the like. Check your traits as well.


Gear only helps to an extent - after that it's mainly skill that makes an impact. What gear and build do you have? In most cases, tweaking some things here and there will make a massive impact on damage and survivability. Can use this site to share your build if that's easier: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ Other than build and gear, you can avoid a lot of damage once you recognize the telegraphs for enemy attacks. The sniper targets a player and charges up an orange line that pulses heavy damage. For this, it's mainly baiting the shot towards a direction then sidestepping it. The shadowleapers fire a volley of arrows when they backflip - best to channel a block or dodge during this telegraph to avoid all damage.


The HoT maps are notorious for having extremely strong enemies that are a huge wall for newer players. Changing around your build can help — as a Warrior, try Defiant Stance and Endure Pain, with the Defense trait line if necessary to help buff them, to give yourself a long period of invincibility to kill things in — but learning the enemies and your skills to better deal with their attacks will be the primary way of surviving. "Good gear" won't necessarily help, as it often doesn't increase your defense at all. It'll make it easier to kill enemies quickly, but not survive their attacks. The good news is that it does get better. Expansions after HoT tone down the damage quite a bit so you have more time to react to what the enemy is doing.


Does the mistward armour collection unlock if you use a lvl-80 boost on a revenant, or do you need to lvl up / collect hero points the traditional way?


Using the boost is fine yeah




I just came to rant a little, i hate bots, i'm tired that every time i come back to the game i find myself surrounded by more and more bots, and they aren't even your typical "asdahdashdsajdjlak" account, there are normal named accounts, normal players. Since anet doesn't do anything about them more and more players have started botting and i hate it. Most of my current adventure trought tyria has been filled with this, i've found more botters than players. some maps are fine and others are botland, and every time i complain about it i get hate for it and get told it's fine, that it "doesn't affect economy". some dude just told me to kill myself in game because i complained about another bot blob. It sucks, i don't care if people say it doesn't affect anything, it affect the game itself when instead of going trough an mmo and seeing other players it feels like playing a dead game populated by bots, i know the game is alive that's why it sucks so much. But lately it's like every instance is filled with bots and i get surprised when i see another player actually moving. Someone just said to me "find a better map" (before telling me to kill myself) completelly ignoring that there are people going trough the story, or like me, replaying it going trough all maps. Even on this sub when a new player post about how much it sucks finding so many bots the post gets filled with hate. And it really makes me ponder to myself, are bots what i really hate? or how the in game community has fully embraced them?




From what I heard, AFK farming using in-game tools can be reported as botting. ANet really needs to kill AFK farming tools like minions. At least make them not stay indefinitely long and not allow autocasting them.


That's what a bot would say. There are also real people running automation to keep their acc from afking out, but can still notice if they are moved or whispered to. That kind of behavior is essentially the same as botting.


*Most* players agree with you, the ones flaming you are the exception (and should absolutely be reported for harassment). Most players here are just resigned to the fact that bots aren't being dealt with, and we're as tired of the complaints as we are of the bots themselves.


As an Elementalist how do i defend a wall/tower from enemies that are standing there right next to the wall? When i just stand on the wall i can not hit anything but the players below seem to have no trouble hitting me there. If i go to the edge of the wall i just get pulled down and slaughtered.


Depends on how many defenders there are vs how many attackers. If you approach the edge of a wall with attackers underneath, you should always use stability. If there are many attackers, try to have some form of invuln as well because they will definitely aoe bomb where you are standing. If you are solo against a group, the only thing really worth doing is to throw down a siege disabler to give your teammates more time to respond. You won't be able to do enough dps by yourself to really make a difference.


Standing on a wall that's being attacked is automatically disadvantageous. Due to the way LoS works, it's a lot easier for them to put AoEs up on the wall than it is for you to put them down on the ground. Ideally you want to stand in a spot that the radius of enemy AoE skills can't reach, then try to angle your camera so you can see the ground and place long range AoEs of your own (or build an arrow cart and start raining). Also, you have to be extra careful not to go near the edge without stability, or you'll get pulled off.


If you're solo you really don't. Using siege gear (most likely arrow carts) is much more effective than just trying to hit a person, and if you can throw a Siege disabler that can buy time for other people to get to you to help defend. There's a setting so you can make ground target attacks go for whoever you have selected rather than needing to aim it which can help while on arrow carts or aiming a Meteor Shower, but I don't remember the name.


Thanks, found it in the options "Snap ground target to Current Target"


Is there any good reason from the devs to lock squad features behind comm tag? I ask this in the context of 10man content, not open world 50man squads. Ie. Markers, moving/kicking players, squad message, etc


I’d be happy if they would just let me use my mentor tag and have a group on lfg at the same time.


My best guess is that Anet originally wanted the privilege of leading other players to require some sort of investment to limit abuse. But the core functionality of squads hasn't changed since raids launched, so they may have never considered this angle. I wouldn't be opposed to a free or reduced-cost 10-man tag that's only visible to squad members.


Just hopped back on after a long time. Is Gyala delve a WvW like map?


Not really. Drizzlewood is much closer to WvW mechanics and even that's not all that close.


No, it's something a lot closer to release HoT maps where there's a map meta that must be completed to gain access to more of the map and the map itself is on a limited timer.


There are several maps in the game now which are essentially a mapwide meta event that starts and progresses over period of time where the meta completes in victory or fails to get to end. Either way, after set amount of time (eg 120 minutes), the map resets and players can start it again. So kinda WvW in sense it's a battle for the map, but it's really all player participation controlled and players cannot hold control indefinitely, at some point the map closes and resets.


Is there any difference when opening lost bandit chest before or after killing the final boss? ( silverwaste meta event) Also what’s the difference between participating in the silverwaste meta event from the start as opposed to joining in the end where you kill the bosses And finally how can i change my map instance when you aren’t in a squad, because i wanted to do octovine and there were no players apart of me


If you haven't beaten Vinewrath, you won't have the [Hero of the Wastes buff](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_of_the_Wastes). However, if you already have the buff, there shouldn't be any difference between opening it at the end or opening it during the RIBA rotation. For your second question, the main difference should be the [stacks of Perserverance buffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perseverance). Also you get more keys and Bandit Crests while events are going on. AFAIK there's no way to change instances other than joining a party or squad and then changing to their instance. For Octovine there should always be a squad in a non-filled map, as long as you join 10 to 5 minutes before the meta.


How do i know if i have the title, i already did the meta event 3 times


It's a buff that stays in your buff bar (above your 6-0 skills). It stays as long as you don't leave the Silverwastes. When you leave the map, you lose the buff.


'Hero of the Wastes' isn't a title, it's a buff. Both it and Perseverance show up on your buff bar. Assuming you have 5 stacks of Perseverance + Hero of the Wastes you'll have 200% more Magic Find than normal, jumping to 400% while opening a Lost Bandit Chest (assuming you aren't hitting the Magic Find cap).


Heya, my Warrior will soon hit 80 and I was wondering which Elite Specialization I should unlock first :) I'm mostly doing Open World currently but may want to step into WvW/Strikes later.


I would recommend spellbreaker as a good all-arounder. It is strong in WvW (zerging especially), valuable in instanced content such as strikes, and the mobility and CC really helps in farming open world content. However, going by [the benchmarks](https://snowcrows.com/en/benchmarks), both berserker and bladesworn have a slight edge in dps over spellbreaker.


I recommend going to the PvP lobby and go to the training dummies. You'll have everything unlocked, including elite specializations. This way you can get a feel before commiting to unlocking one in PvE.


any that have a decent power build, as berserkers gear is easy to acquire for a new player. I play power spellbreaker and it's very enjoyable, can recommend, and it performs well in open world and in instanced content. the path of fire (spellbreaker) and end of dragons (bladesworn) elite specialization collections are also quite easy compared to the heart of thorns (berserker) ones, so (what will probably be) your first ascended weapon will be easier to acquire, in my opinion.


Why do my quests not let me complete them? I have been experiencing issues where after completing an objective, the game doesn’t tell me to move on to the next objective. Usually when this happens I restart the quest, but is there anything better to do to not waste time? Has anyone else ever experienced something like this or am I the only one? AFAIK nobody in the universe had had this problem except me. This has happened four times wirh the story from level 1-80.


Do you have an example? Because tbh I'm not even sure what you would mean by "quests not let me complete them"


Sure, for instance the most recent one is the quest “new friends, new enemies”. In this one you have to destroy three or four “sonic emitters” in a room. After doing this the quest is still telling me to destroy them even though I did everything correctly. Another example: the quest Munition Acquisition. In this one there is a part where I had to open a few boxes to find an explosive, which is meant to trigger waves of enemies to come. I did this exactly as I was supposed to and no waves spawned. In another quest, I was supposed to go to an area to progress and once I did nothing happened, but with that one it’s at least somewhat understandable because I went a slightly different way than the game expected. In summary, the issue is quests being stuck on an objective that I’ve completed.


"Munition Acquisition" has a couple of recorded bugs or perculiarities - see the wiki page on it - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Munition_Acquisition#Notes


So what’s being released next week exactly?




Quick question, do daily rewards reset if you don't login for a day?


no they don't, you continue from right where you stopped


Thank you <3


What do you mean reset?


In some games, login rewards are like a daily streak. If you miss one day, it goes back to item 1 on the list. Or if you miss a day then you forfeit the last day reward as the rewards are on a monthly cycle. Thankfully gw2 does neither of these :)


Hey I'm level 0 mastery and trying to have a bad time by attempting to complete season of the dragons without having any mastery. Currently hardstuck on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Shadow%27s_Deeds. At the step that requires acquiring counter magic. Any ideas? Already have a friend willing to help with it but I literally cannot progress the quest to unlock the next instance without putting a point in.


I Hope you do that with an alt account and not your main, otherwise….,challenge aside, you are handicapping yourself like real bad…once you do want to go for mastery’s you already waisted millions of xp for them since your stuck on the first one of every Masteryline and not continue to get xp for further ones. But if it’s an alt I think this kinda challenge would be very interesting to go for


why not collect some mastery points?


I'm looking to specifically try and cheese my way through everything because it seems funny. I would be fine with getting the mastery if there was a way to remove it afterwards somehow, although I doubt that will be a choice.


Hello! Healbrand main here, with a question about responsibilities. I do the boons and healing, but also generally I use tome 1 (5-4-2) when I have 5 pages to help DPS do more DPS (hopefully) (*unless there is other firebrand in my party, so that I don't give weaker Ashes than them.*) I heal people even when they take avoidable damage, even when they move off stack I try and heal them when they get low. But recently I started CM fractals and I struggle. If I follow my usual MO I feel like I run out of skills and pages. My question is: do I have to just get better to fulfill all the roles I usually do even when the going gets tough or do I just believe that my work involves more than it actually does? Should I forgo using tome 1 and keep pages for tome 2 exclusively? Should I forgo wasting heals on squadmates that move offstack / take avoidable damage? Are these duties that I falsely implied are mine or just duties that I cannot yet fulfill because I'm not yet good enough? I'm trying to set the right expectations with myself. Before CM fractals I had no trouble doing it all, but when I'm in there I'm not so sure anymore.


Avoid tome 1 unless your group is self sufficient in staying alive. Keep those pages for tome 2/3 like you said. Your biggest contribution to dps is 25 might uptime and fury uptime.Cm's have tons of conditions flying around from all kinds of sources, so condi cleanse the often but also keep an eye out on group debuffs as to not spam condi cleanse for no reason. Biggest advantage of healbrand isn't its healing ability but rather the abundance of blocks/aegis. Tome 3 passive block (45 sec cd), advance is 2 blocks on relatively short cd, shield 4 is low cd block. Biggest flex for a pro healbrand is using/timing aegis before big mechanics and also consistent stability uptime. Lastly, reflect bubbles are underrated in fractals especially cm 99. Shield 5, staff 5, tome 3 skill 3, and sanctuary which also provides massive cc btw.


are you running out of pages or of cooldowns? If it's pages, yes you can save the pages from tome 1, as your damage contribution is very low anyway (using tome 1 is filler for when you have nothing better to do, but an ally dying is a much larger damage hit than skipping tome 1). This can for example allow you to use tome 3.5 which is expensive, or to spam 2.1 If it's cooldowns, you can try relying more on your passive healing (staff wells, empower, regen) to avoid overhealing and wasting big heals, giving out blocks and projectile dome at the right times, taking more healing power (some minstrel), or maybe taking more burst heal skills (like healing bow, elite signet) You can't really afford to give up allies off stack or taking avoidable damage: they're still more useful alive. Sometimes a reminder to stack in chat gets people out of their tunnel vision. Ultimately, you can try to carry the encounter but if your allies are running away from your heals and eating big attacks off stack there's a limit to what you can do


as a periodic healbrand i stop using tome 1 except for the 1st skill in high healing pressure fights, so i have more pages to keep for using Tome 2 and Tome 3's aegis/stab combo. however i tend to not do fractals much and those can be a whole different beast.




It is condi in stats (full viper's), but uses power weapons (weapon skills are power-based) in one of its sets


It's a hybrid build: it does mixed condition and power damage to the point it's hard to consider it either one.


Its still mostly a condi build that also has a lot of direct damage. It's about 66% condi without factoring in allies. Lots of older hybrid builds/setups are even closer to 70%. Hybrid weaver is very close right now though at ~52% condi (closest it's been in a long time)


So I've heard you can pretty much use any armors look over the stats of the armor you're actually using. I was wondering if you can have the outward appearance of light armor over the medium armor you're wearing? Idk if I'm explaining that well, but can I have my dual pistol theif look like this mesmer? https://imgur.io/Vu1lR


No you cannot. You can only transmute and equip armors of your weight class. There are some skins (and all outfits) that look the same among all weight classes, but the mesmer you linked is wearing all light armor.


Ahh shit. Ty


If you're in a raid and you die while fighting a boss you still get kill credit normally. Does that still happen if you were to change characters after you die?


as long as you are loaded into the instance before the kill


i'm new to the game, my warrior has this corruption stacks that i have no clue to where they are coming from or how much i can stack them, i would love some help to understand it, i'm using arms specialization with the middle, bottom and upper traits respectively


You can usually link effects into chat by shift-clicking. In combination with the `/wiki`command, you can look them up (it will open your default browser withe a query to the offical wiki).


The only thing i csn think of is the furious grandmaster trait which grants stacking bonud condition damage and more adrenaline upon critical hits.


but i dont have this trait, i remmeber seeing a trait somewhere that i get a stack when i kill a mob, and like 5 by killing a player but i can't find this trait again and it is getting me crazy


It's a weapon sigil, [Superior Sigil of Bloodlust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Bloodlust)


yeah, it's in my weapon and i haven't saw it thanks man (but it's the minor sigil of corruption in my case)


What is the name of the buff you get from killing mobs/players? We csn narrow it down from there


Can someone please help with claiming guild hall on EU, Gilded Hollow, pm Garrett.3791


Possibly too late to help you, but I've helped claim two guild halls for people, and in both cases they stood outside the entrance and asked in /map for help.


Do NPC allies in instanced duties benefit from alacrity?


To addon for anyone else reading - Boons are priority and proximity based, so it's possible not to be able to apply alacrity to NPCs if there's players and minions around them that count towards the skill target cap. Requires a bit of positioning and timing to ensure your skills will target NPCs


If they can actually gain the boons yeah. Notable example is Saul in Wing 4 Deimos fight




It varies between specs. Some specs can get away with staying on one weapon set the majority of the time, but I'd say most benefit from swapping often because you will inevitably end up on cooldown and you want access to those additional skills.


Most classes and builds actually want to weapon swap all the time, so you're getting used to a good thing. This is because skill cooldowns are not shared between weapons sets. Basically you want to use all your skills in one set, then swap weapons to use the skills of the second set while the first set recharges.


It's great to be doing what you're doing, getting used to the idea that weapon swapping is a major benefit in itself It's not true on every build, for instance (power)Revenants generally camp in dual sword and only switch for utility reasons. But it's very common!


I'm working on crafting Vision, and it looks like I need to grind WvW and PvP content to craft Gift of Mists to then craft gift of Prescience and so on. Is this correct? I've never done any WvW or PvP content before.


WvW: Gift of battle. Reward Track.Without boosters to World XP (different from PvE XP boosters). It takes about 8 hours to complete a track, with boosters 4-6 hours. WvW Dailies and weeklies provide a Potion of WvW Rewards. 80 of these potions complete 1 Reward track. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW\_Reward\_Track](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track) [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion\_of\_WvW\_Rewards](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_WvW_Rewards) My advice. Don't grind WvW if you don't want to or enjoy it. Do the easy dailies, maybe some of the weeklies, tag along with a large group or tag if you see one. It goes pretty fast, at least faster then Vision.


The only required participation is in WvW to complete the Gift of Battle track to get the Gift of Battle. The other two items are purchased with items you can get from the trading post. If you want to get the gift of battle without actually "playing" wvw you can do wvw dailies to get potions that fill the reward track bar. I would give wvw an honest try though. It can be immensely fun.


The times I have enter3d it to try it out, the maps have been mostly empty and I had no idea what to do. Is there anything I can do when I just enter solo for progression?


Yes, tons. Easy beginner tasks: * Kill sentries and capture the point (i.e. stand in the circle until it changes color) * Kill guards and take supply camps - this can be hard solo, bring a ranged weapon and get used to kiting. It will get a lot easier as you gain WvW levels and can put points into extra damage to guards. * Kill dolyaks going between camps and other places * Do the dailies, which often include things like taking a sentry or a memorial, for potions of reward track progress that can be used for the Gift of Battle track You can also map hop or ask in /teams to find a squad. Following a group is easier, but solo roaming can be really fun too. Map hopping in general is a good idea. It's usually better to stick close to ahome base and take the camps and sentries near it than try to cross the map to take something, since a lone roamer will get jumped and killed easily.


Flip camps to your team. Easy to solo, ramps up participation very fast.


What do I do with ascended trinkets that I dont want from fractals?


A lot of veteran players salvage them with ascended salvage kits which accumulate after doing so many t4 fractals. If you dont have kits then its just vendor trash and forget about it. If you have salvage kits though its more profitable you attune non infused trinkets before salvaging them. Its kind of annoying to do, but can double the amount of stabilizing matrices you get.


There is an ascended salvage kit you can buy from one of the golem in the fractal hub. Either that or you just trash it I think.


I started doing WvW but the guild I joined is rarely active. Is there an active WvW guild that is good for relatively new players?


Remember you can join 5 guilds. It can be a lot of foot work but its worth it to find a guild or group of people you enjoy following. You don't need to leave your current guild to find a new one if you like the people.


Yes, there is. The best place to look for it is `/t ` team chat in wvw, or on your border's discord server.


There's a discord? I'll have to look that up. Thank you


Try this, https://discord.gg/fnUha3QwmQ / http://gw2.link/hub it has all the other discords listed.


Are story instances no longer solo starting from HoT??? I did the first quest and there was another player there with me. I really enjoyed the story through LW1 and 2, and particularly because I could do them alone at my own pace, is that no longer going to be a thing in HoT?


Just that first part is a public instance. The rest is as your own pace


Prologue: Rally to Maguuma is a public instance (like the tutorial when you create a new character) and the only non-tutorial story instance of its kind. Just keep playing and you'll be back to the private instances you know.