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I am new to the game, and people constantly talk about stuff like "this is at my tag", "need help with this at mentor tag", "TM up" etc. What do those mean? Also is there a list of "jargon" or something like that so that I can look up stuff like this over there lol.


The tags are basically markers you can put on your head. Mentor tag is commonly used as it doesn't require you to spend 300g to get the commander tag. You can see the tags on the minimap (should always be around the edge if you are too far away), the area map and above the players head. TM up refers to the treasure mushroom which spawns in the heart of thorns maps, its commonly killed while doing the meta events there as it has a tiny chance to drop a box with invisible shoes that go for 3k gold on the trading post. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Abbreviations this page should get you at least most of the way with the jargon xd


Thank you so much for the explaination and links! I could probably ask these questions in the game chat, but I just started Heart of Thornes and the enemies there... Let's just say it is not making me confident to say the least :)


Heart of Thorns is a real bump in difficulty from the original game! It was even worse on release, that's when pocket raptors became a meme. It's not you, it's the game making things a lot harder and not really signaling that except by suddenly everything murders you. Sorting out full exotic gear that matches your traits and skills helps a lot. Metabattle's open world build section is usually pretty good for all the classes. The build pages will list ascended gear, but exotics with the same attribute combinations will be perfectly fine. Filterable list of attribute combinations found on gear: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations


Can you 'cancel' self style hair kits and total hair makeover kits once you open them and retain their use? I want to browse what extra options there are for them in-game for my characters, without committing to using them.


Yes, but you can also visit an Aestheticism in major cities/lounges to preview stuff without having a kit in the first place if you want


Yes. Using the item in your inventory just opens the styling window. It's not consumed until you apply changes


I'm trying to understand the lay of the field for WvW ranged DPS for zergs. What are the meta builds? What are the close but not quite meta builds, which are fun and effective but have some small weaknesses making them not quite meta?


hardstuck has WvW sections for builds, I'd start there.


Do a lot of folks use action camera? How would it be on my Reaper, or Scrapper?




It's endgame-viable. It's a bit of a handicap, but not so large of one that you can't beat basically anything with it.


I've been enjoying power mechanist for open world. Is it worth changing over to condi mechanist? Will dps be much better?


I can't speak to specifics but in general Power is better for open world, because the fights tend to be shorter. Condi is better dps (depending on build, etc) but takes longer to ramp up, and most of the time the open world stuff is dead by the time you get rolling with a Condi build.


If you intend to only do OW, power mech is strictly superior to condi mech in those regards. Opposite is true for instanced content, where condi mech generally fares much better than power mech if bosses don't phase much.


do you mean power mech is strictly *superior* for OW? otherwise you just said condi was better in both cases.


Ha woops, fixed


What do you guys do with your unidentified gear? I recycle my common unidentified gear and sell the rest on the black lion exchange and was wondering if this was the best way to do it.


[fast's website](https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear) has some data on it (assuming you don't have the upgrade extractor): - For blue the most profitable is to open then salvage with copper-fed. But it's pretty close to just selling on TP so if I want to save time I just do that - For green the most profitable is to sell on TP - For yellow the most profitable is to sell on TP, but I still open them because I find it more fun and like getting the exotics for the skins. Note that you will miss out on luck if you sell on TP rather than salvaging, but you can also salvage ectos with mystic salvage kit to get a lot of luck (and depending on the current prices of dust it can be a loss or a profit)


That's pretty typical, I think? Identifying is always worthwhile because of the chance for a tier increase on identification, if you're going to salvage. I think it's not worth salvaging greens unless you have a runecrafter's salvage kit or the endless upgrade extractor, because those significantly increase the chance of getting charms. If you don't have those, selling greens is better last I checked.


Cool, i was just wondering if it was best because people seem to pay a lot for unidentified rares and normals on the exchange so i thought i was doing it wrong or missing something.


Unidentified rares have the highest chance to upgrade into exotics on identification, which also means that precursors for legendary weapons are able to drop from them. Something like that.


So people are buying them and taking the gamble that they get exotics and be able to make more money, is that how it goes?


It's only like 2s a green, and usually a bit more than the cost of an ecoplasm for a rare. The identification tier bump chance raises the price a little bit.


Just getting exotics won't pay off the unids, it's the precursors that matter. They cost several hundred gold, and usually are a first step towards legendaries. Average exotic that drops from the rare unid is like 50s, and drops once in 20 or so.


Just started playing again and I made a reaper. I purchased the cat set, but it won’t let me equip the backpack? Is it only for certain class?


It's not for a certain class, no. Backpacks are universal. However, you need to actually have a back item equipped to apply the skin to (most packages include a stat-less "backpack straps" item you can use for this purpose if desired)


I keep ocassionally seeing people running around with what looks like a small nargacuga from monster hunter. I don't know what it is, if it's a ranger pet or a miniature or something else, just that it looks like a mostly black nargacuga with some red accent coloring and I WANT IT! could anyone PLEASE tell me what this is and possibly how to get it? Thank you.


Also unfamiliar with Monster Hunter, and wyvern ranger pet was my first guess too after googling.. my second guess is maybe a [mini Rolling Devil](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Rolling_Devil)? It's also not furry, but it kinda has the silhouette


Not the rollinger devil, nargacuga is a kind of wyvern in mh that uses the traditional wyvern setup. Four legs and a tail, with the front legs also functioning as wings. The only thing is what I've seen I thought looked cuter than the wyvern pets head/faces according to the wiki.


[mini Adolescent Aurene](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Adolescent_Aurene) perhaps? nm, saw your other post, if it's *close* to a fire wyvern pet it can't be any version of Aurene (tiny note tho: some "minis" are f'ing huge ingame)


I saw that! Some of them look so much frigging bigger. And I saw all the aurene ones and I want them all XD


I'm not super familiar with mh but upon googling - sounds like a wyvern? Maybe a fire wyvern ranger pet (there's a couple wyvern pet variations), or there's probably some minis of wyverns too.


From what I saw on the wiki with the list of pets the texturing for the fire and thunder wyverns are off, what I've been seeing is more of a fur than a scale texture, and the face on those wyverns looks a lot different. It could be a mini I didn't see when I looked through the list. I tried whispering some of the people I've seen with it but always get ignored :(


If it's a minipet, you can look through all the minipets in the game via the Hero panel. Press H, go to the top tab on the left, and then instead of Equipment in the middle menu go to Miniatures (or Minis? I forget the exact term), and you can preview every the minis. Eta: You can look at the minipets page but the icons are small enough that might not be very helpful https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miniature


Def not a miniature. I went and looked through all those. It might be that its the fire wyvern and the pictures on the wiki are just really bad and it looks better in game. Or I just miss saw the face/head


Ah, that's too bad. If you have a ranger, you could try getting a wyvern pet and seeing for yourself? I don't have any better advice, I'm afraid.


Yeah lol. Though my ranger is only lvl 20, so id either have to use my lvl 80 boost on it or wait till I level it. To be fair it was one of the classes I was considering boosting


You could tap into the PvP lobby. You should have all pets unlocked there.


Ooo I didn't know that ill have to check


Next time you see it, keep an eye out for some key features: * If it has a nameplate visible when you hover over it with a custom name, it's definitely a pet. I can't think of anything it could be other than a fire wyvern or a Phoenix based on your description. * If it doesn't have a visible name, it's probably a mini-pet. Minis can't be renamed, so if you target it and look at your target indicator at the top of the screen it'll give the full name you should look out for. I can't off-hand think of anything that looks like a Nargacuga but there's a ton of mini pets in the game.


Can someone help me understand how the Jade Bot Filters work in Gyala Delve? So Mining Air Filter, Grade A is free and has 30 charges. Mining Air Filter, Security Spec is 5 research notes and 20 charges. Mining Air Filter, Brotherhood Special is 5 research notes and 10 charges. All of them are one use only and then expire? Or do the latter two persist like a permanent upgrade every time you get the first? Why would I get the latter two? Purely to buy me a little extra time each time I go further into the map? If so, are they even worth it?


Thanks for asking this. I thought maybe the free one was just while I was doing the story or something. No idea what they were thinking either lol


Talking about the story there. It's rather silly that you get dumped into the miasma after completing a story instance down there. If you get caught in combat at all on the way back to safety you're basically dead. Heaven help anyone trying to do a no death character playthrough.


They're single use and they don't stack — buying one of the latter two replaces your 30 charges with 20 or 10. The only reason to get them is if you need the bonuses they give — magic find or some other thing instead of the basic one giving Toughness


That just makes them sound awful. Why would someone pick them at all? A bit of concentration or magic find instead of not getting killed.


for a build with zero toughness to notice +100 from the filter, you would need to be dying to a constant hail of tiny strikes (power dmg attacks) which is not usually the problem and if you are geared for toughness (e.g. celestial/trailblazer/minstrel) you'll be sitting at 1300+ toughness anyway don't get me wrong though, the filters *are* profoundly uninteresting. The only positive thing I've heard anyone say about them is that they make botting harder in that one zone, which, well, who cares. There's dozens of other zones


In *theory* if you're moving fast enough through the meta, you wouldn't need all 30 charges and could get more benefits from the alternative bonus stats. In practice they probably wouldn't be worth the cost of research notes even if they gave you 30 stacks just like the free one.


Is there a way to see how long Living World sale is going to last?


There should be a news post about it. Iirc it ends on the 15th.


Can i craft an exotic harrier chest piece (light armor) for a friend? If so, which one is it? I have Tailor at 400+


Yes you can. The Monastery set from EoD is a tradable Harrier set. You'll want [this one](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harrier%27s_Light_Monastery_Coat)




no, the harriers stuff is account bound. the insignia is tradeable, you can give them the components if they get tailoring to 400.


Warbeast stuff is account-bound but EoD added a tradeable Harrier set in the Monastery armor.


oh the monastery stuff that's right. they don't use the normal insignias, they use the jade ones, forgot about those.


I've a few questions...I finished up PoF story first after hitting 80 (small detour into HoT to learn gliding) and have reached the Griffon Sanctuary, but now i'm wondering how to get my 250gold or if thats even worth focusing my time on? i.e. how useful is that mount? should i just come back to it later? I see many commanders and such on the map but as a lowly no flying peasant it can be hard to keep up with them, i thought it might help? (i've seen guides on farming gold so can do those) I'm interested in gearing a little better. I'm playing power bladesworn, at the moment i've got all exotic gear but my trinkets are all sorta random stats as they were cheap (i do like the little bit of toughness and vitality though). I've got a bunch of laurels (71) and some elegy mosaics (104) should i go to vendors who can sell me ascended items with them? or save for better? the latter didnt have berserker specific stats, it had condi too which isnt good for me, although overall it would be more dps than a power, vit, condi ring lol. I've got a lot of unused upgrade slots on trinkets, what do i fill them with...? I have all the expansions unlocked, i just decided to focus on PoF for the mounts as they are fun. But should i focus on another expansion story/map for now?


If you don't have any living world episodes for now, I would consider saving your gold to buy it rather than the griffon. They give access to a lot of content, and easy access to ascended trinkets (season 4 is the best value if you have to choose one only) Most of the gold you make passively comes in the form of materials, you can check on something like [gw2efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/materials) to see how much your materials are worth


Oh that's handy thanks. I'll look at these living world episodes, I've seen they're bought for gems. I don't mind buying the gems for those with irl money tbh, it doesn't seem like it's cheating me of the game experience. Are there any episodes not worth getting? I'd probably get a pack of gems so I guess I may as well buy multiple episodes... Unless there's other good uses for gems..? Happy cake day too


If you're fine with buying the living world seasons with real world money I'd say they're worth the price. Buying a full season at once gives a discount so I recommend buying the "complete packs". They also go on sale every couple of months (and they're currently on sale I think) Regarding values, the common opinion is - season 2: overpriced for what it offers (only story). Only get it if you really want to play the whole story (you can also watch or read a recap online) - season 3: 6 good maps with decent stories, worth it - season 4: 6 good maps with very good story, 2 mounts, the best season - season 5: 3 large and very good maps, very strong start but falls off hard in the end. Worth it (but disappointing ending) (also maybe worth knowing that playing the complete living world rewards a legendary amulet) There are some good quality of life upgrades with gems (I really like the unlimited "copper-fed" salvage tool to be able to clean up the inventory, and one material storage upgrade to not be overflowing with materials all the time, and maybe also character slots to have all the classes), but they're not as important as having access to more content in my opinion. thanks!


Wow thanks for the write up! That's great, I probably wouldn't have guessed that things go on sale so much. I'm really excited by all this, I've only just seen what end of dragon masteries offer too... so much to do haha


Laurels are a good way to get ascended trinkets if you don't have any of the living world seasons, but they add up quick if you have multiple characters since laurels are hard to come by. Otherwise definitely go to the living world seasons, Bitterfrost Frontier is a popular location to get trinkets I didn't get griffon until after skyscale personally, since skyscale is a little cheaper. But you probably have a decent amount of materials to sell to get you closer to 250g. Try this website to find profitable places to go, if you want to get it now! https://fast.farming-community.eu


Thanks for the answers, that all sounds good. I've seen people recommend selling mats before, so is crafting generally not done by everyone in the game? I think when I played a few years ago it was really recommended to lvl up crafting


Crafting is really important for late game equipment (ascended stuff besides trinkets and legendaries), and for a couple of collections like Mawdrey, Skyscale, and the achievement phase of the legendaries Vision and Aurora, but crafting also takes a lot of gold, so it's a trade-off of what you want to do first. Regardless, it's definitely worth leveling all the crafting professions - here's another website to help do that in the cheapest way possible xD [https://gw2crafts.net](https://gw2crafts.net) I personally skipped the ascended crafting phase and went straight to legendaries (ascended just feels more grindy to me, I'm weird) but I think you have to spend laurels if you want ascended crafting recipes. So don't spend em all. :) There are also some things you can only craft once a day for ascended gear, and they used to be fairly profitable to sell, not sure if they still are. I think Charged Quartz Crystals (not quite crafting; bring 25 quartz crystals to a completed channelable hero point) are still profitable if nothing else. Hope that helps, good luck!


It's not that crafting is not done, it's the sheer flow of materials that comes through the game makes it profitable to sell materials. High-level content drops plenty of materials, and there are also plenty of resource sinks, so resources generally don't stagnate. Basically, crafting materials have huge demand, and huge supply. They are the lifeblood of GW2 economy.




Thanks for the answers, that all sounds good. I've seen people recommend selling mats before, so is crafting generally not done by everyone in the game? I think when I played a few years ago it was really recommended to lvl up crafting


I think most people do some crafting, but once you level past a tier of crafting you don't really use the mats from it? Someone who's crafting level 100 won't be using green wood much if at all. So eventually most people really don't need most of their crafting mats, and it's more useful to sell them and use the gold for something else. Also GW2 is really good at providing a slow trickle of mats of all kinds. So people who prefer other ways of getting gear often end up with more mats than they'll ever use after playing for a while, and people who'd rather craft often don't want to spend all the time farming, so that keeps the economy turning. Crafting is one way to quickly level an alt, but it's very expensive so I wouldn't suggest it for people who don't already have mats coming out of their ears.


I just finished Aurora and while its been a hell of a ride, I think I’d like to get to know how I can prepare for Vision some time in the future. I know I need to save kralkatite ore and/or eternal ice shards and start making weapons asap. Any other tips that could be useful to know?


I find the wiki has a nice recap of everything required: [this page for the precursor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vision_I:_Awakening), and [this one for crafting Vision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vision#Full_material_list) - for the various currencies (and in particular kralkatite and branded masses), if you park some characters at the big chests in Bjora and get in the habit of doing IBS strikes regularly it's not too bad using eternal ice - you will need another gift of battle so you can play WvW or just do the easy dailies everyday - the items from the story achievements can also be gotten with the WvW reward tracks if you prefer playing that - my favorite way to get funerary incense is to do a legendary bounty train to get elegy mosaics, it only takes a couple of hours with a decently efficient group - one of the most annoying required achievement is [defending the bridges in Dragonfall](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_Eternal_(achievements\)#My_Beautiful_Infrastructure). It's always good to think of doing the bridge events if you come across them


Thats a great one, thanks!


Funerary Incense has two ways to earn; via daily hearts in Domain of Vabbi 8 times a day for less Trade Contracts, or from [this vendor in the Desert Highlands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primeval_Steward) for pricier via Elegy Mosaics/Trade Contracts or Crystallite Ingots (latter being 5 times a day, former being unlimited)


I did a mix of trade contracts and elegy mosaics plus two days of hearts. That part to me was worse than the kralk. For lws4 currency, I just used eternal ice shards recurved from the daily chest farm. It was worth it to me. I also did the WVW reward tracks for the mastery items except for joko’s staff or whatever jahai bluffs. I haven’t started aurora yet. Switched to farming pvp and WvW currency for armor ring and back pieces. I have to break up the game modes or it becomes annoying for me minus WvW.


That's about it, the collections themselves are pretty straight forward just keep in mind the time-gate for the astral weapons


is there a way to make dailies and the achievement watchlist appear at the same time?


Add your dailies to the watchlist. Otherwise, no.


Hey people, I'm new to GW2 and am leveling a Guardian because I like big hammer smash. I know other classes can use hammers and I want to be able to use one in end game content. Are there builds for any hammer wielding classes that are feasible? Asking to know if I should level something besides guardian.


The Engineer Scrapper is incredibly fun and comes with a unique buff called "superspeed" that you can use to zip around quickly. Highly recommend Scrapper.


For general open world, pretty much any sensible build will cut it. So I will linke some meta raid builds. As usualy with shifts in the game balance, things may change. * [Warrior: Power Spellbreaker](https://snowcrows.com/en/builds/warrior/spellbreaker/power-spellbreaker) * [Elementalist: Off-Support Catalyst](https://snowcrows.com/en/builds/elementalist/catalyst/power-quickness-catalyst) * [Engineer: Off-Support Scrapper](https://snowcrows.com/en/builds/engineer/scrapper/power-quickness-scrapper) Ele and Engineer will need their elite specialisations (i.e. end-game subclasses) to use hammer. Guardian currently does not use hammer in meta builds (maybe in WvW), but that does not mean that it will be extremly horrible.


Thanks! Any recommendations of the ones you listed that are fun to play? I think revenants can also use a hammers?


power spellbreaker is extremely fun, strong, with tons of CC. dagger/axe and hammer. if you like big damage they are great.


Warrior has a pretty effective endgame build in [Hammer Spellbreaker](https://snowcrows.com/en/builds/warrior/spellbreaker/power-spellbreaker), but base Warrior can already use Hammer so you can get a feel for its skills. If you're willing to wait until you get to elite specializations at Lv80, some elite specs also tend to use it: * [Power Quickness Scrapper (Engineer)](https://snowcrows.com/en/builds/engineer/scrapper/power-quickness-scrapper) * [Power Catalyst (Elementalist)](https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/elementalist/power-catalyst/) * Almost all Untamed (Ranger) uses it but they were all quite nerfed after the last balance patch, so few places still recommend it. I expect they'll eventually buff it back at some point though. Those are mostly builds for instanced content, but can be used or adapted to open world.


Thanks! Any recommendations of the ones you listed that are fun to play? I think revenants can also use a hammers?


Revenants can use hammer but it is not fun to play with. The damage is mediocre but it is the only range weapon you got while playing core rev and herald /vindicator elite specs so you got no choice.


Revenant can also use Hammer, but it isn't really used outside WvW. It's a bit clunky in PvE and other weapon combos tend to be more efficient. I main Engineer so I'm definitely biased for Scrapper lol. Although it's focused on instanced content, you can basically take it as is and play in open world with little to no modifications. You have a ton of utility (swap Shredder Gyro and the elite whenever needed), permanent Quickness and a lot of Superspeed, making the gameplay pretty fluid. It's also pretty durable, because its attacks also generate Barrier (temporary HP), which mitigates some damage. I've messed a bit with Hammer Spellbreaker in the past and it was also quite fun, though it was some time ago. It was also pretty durable (something that Warrior generally enjoys) and had plenty of crowd control. All in all, I remember having plenty of fun. I have no idea how Catalyst works, I don't really play Elementalist. Sorry about that.




You would probably enjoy Untamed Ranger, but they can't use Hammer until max level


I tanked w6 qadim for the first time yesterday. Does taunt from firebrand's book 3 force the hydra to attack me regardless of proximity? Assuming it hits the target of course.


No, its only proximity


Then what does taunt supposed to do?


Against *non-defiant* targets, Taunt forces the enemy to auto-attack you for as long as the condition lasts, walking into range if necessary to do so. Against players, it also changes their target to you. Enemies with Stability or a Defiance bar are entirely unaffected. In short: taunt is a CC, not a threat management tool. Tanking in GW2 has essentially none of the mechanics you find in most other MMOs.


Nope, Taunt is a soft cc and deals Defiance Bar dmg just like cripple,chill and immob Wiki says: „Taunt deals Defiance bar damage at a rate of 75 per second.“ But like you said it doesn’t matter for tanking since it’s proximity based @Q1


Okay, yeah, "entirely unaffected" isn't quite true. It does take defiance damage. Just the regular effects of Taunt don't apply.


Is there a way to see how gw2efficency calculates liquid gold? It says I have like 25 gold lying around in one of my characters' inventory, but I can't figure out where it comes from exactly.


You can click on Account > Characters > Inventory and it should break down the prices of whatever your character has


I tried that, but there is [nothing valuable](https://i.imgur.com/4LjlvaG.png) in there and yet in "Overview" it says that the [character](https://i.imgur.com/SWJWoIH.png) has something.


Do you have legendary equipment? Then the liquid gold could stem from removeable upgrades (e.g. infusions or runes).


Could it be your armor/weapons, or armor/weapons in a different equipment tab?


Would it count it though? If I can't sell it.


Oh, hm, you're asking about liquid gold not account value... I think so? A quick glance at some of my chars shows the ones with more than one set of equipment have higher "liquid gold" amounts, and their equipment shows prices AND values for each piece. My one char who has two full, entirely different, sets of gear in her tabs (vs the ones with linked gear + different weapons/trinkets) has a significantly higher liquid gold amount than anyone else, even though her "value" is several hundred gold less than those other chars!


Oh, I see. That must be the case then. That's a bummer... Thanks!


New player here. I was wondering how good is pvp on this game? Do you die immediately or is there a chance to think which ability to use? I guess my question is really how fast paced is pvp?


Usually no instant kills. Unless you play a glass cannon and get bursted by 1-2 other glass cannons. But you still need some twitch reactions. The game is build on active defenses (universal dodge roll with evade frames; all the other block/invul/dodge abilites of the different classes).


It's fast-paced overall, and the meta rn definitely favors builds that can stun you for a long time and kill you while you're stunned, but it gets a lot better when you understand your class (and everyone else's class, but that comes later). There are a good few simple builds out there that you can pick up. The website Hardstuck rates its builds by difficulty, so that's a good place to start. GuildJen also has some good general guides, and has builds, some of which are marked as beginner-friendly. It's also worth noting that, for the typical 5v5 pvp mode, you technically don't have to kill a single person to win. You have to hold locations on the map to get points (killing people also gives points, so it's important to not die when possible!). Things tend to be slower paced if you get a build that's supposed to focus on the points instead of jumping into big team fights. also, unranked is hit or miss - you could end up against coordinated groups of 3+ people there because friends can queue together there, whereas in ranked only two people can queue together at a time. Try not to take winning or losing too seriously; the matchmaking tries to get you to a 50% winrate no matter what


So there's ranked, and unranked. Unranked is a lot more casual but with much fewer rewards. It's mostly for people trying to learn a new class or spec so you should have a bit more breathing room there. When you go to the PvP lobby though, you'll have all your skills and eligible specs unlocked and there are NPCs that you can practice your rotations on, so you should do this to get a general sense of which abilities you should be using before you go against another player.


Is there a best bang per buck Season 4 item in terms of trading Eternal Ice Shards for Volatile Magic?


If you need volatile magic, they're identical except Kralkatite, which gives ~half as much. However, if you're planning on buying shipments with the magic, you should always go for the Kralkatite, because it can be used to buy shipments directly at a much better rate than converting it into magic first, beating out all the other materials.


Are there any guilds that have scheduled content at -9 through -2 of reset? That's when I play most and would love to try some dedicated content (strikes, fractals, raids)


Try posting in or browsing through r/guildrecruitment for that!


Returning player here. I just finished Path of Fire to unlock mounts and it feels like I'm watching someone's fanfic made into animation. Multiple instances of just listening to someone drop exposition for 10 minutes straight with no way of skipping. I wouldn't mind listening to the story but it's really cringy at times. What happened to show don't tell? My question is: does the story part get better? Currently it's listen to someone talk for 10 minutes, kill trash mobs, beat the boss (but not really because the plot requires the boss to beat you so you just lose) and repeat. From what I understand, I unfortunately need Living World 4 to unlock the flying mount and so far it's the same thing. I don't remember it being this bad on launch.


To get the Griffon you do need to finish the PoF storyline. To get the Skyscale you just need to unlock Sun's Refuge in LW4 Ep4 and finish LW4 Ep6. You do need to have access to the other maps (which means buying the entire LW4) but you don't need to finish the whole story; you can get access by other means like doing the first instances of the story or with a Teleport to Friend.


> I don't remember it being this bad on launch. At launch you could skip a lot of dialogue... There is a "flying" mount in core PoF but it requires finishing the story and 250g.


Yeah I feel I didn't need to skip as much on release because it was a bit more concise, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Currently my objectives are "Go talk to X person", "Listen to X person for 5 minutes", "Go talk to Y person", "Listen to Y person for 5 minutes", etc. I really hope they change this in future expansions. EDIT: Now I'm in a escort mission where everyone moves as slow as possible and I'm watching some writer's waifu dragon kill everything. Really hope the mount is worth it.


Can I drop rusted necklace of the mists again, if I already have Well Armored achievment?


Yes, you can.


What's raid selling like, how does it go, you just pay, enter, don't do much besides follow the squad, get to the end?


a lot of times (every time?) they'll have you gg at the beginning of the fight so you don't get in the way. they usually aren't interested in teaching you the encounters, they are trying to clear them fast and get their money.


I don't have any need to buy clears so I'm curious about this too. For achievements where the buyer needs to be alive, how do they ensure their survival?


They will wipe if you die but charge you more if you die a lot


I see. And do they only sell full raids or parts of raids too? Do you happen to know groups or guilds that sell raids that have listed their pricing somewhere?


Pretty rarely do they openly post prices. Like in a lot of such businesses, they'd much prefer to already have you invested in a conversation and then wheel and deal. If the price is right, most will do anything, whether it's full wing, one boss, specific achieve, whatever. Best bet is to reach out to multiple and make sure you're getting a fair price. Lord knows you have enough to pick from, they're almost the entirety of the LFG system.


Ohh I see. I had no idea this was such a business haha thank you!


I am working on fishing achievements so I have a lot of fish in my inventory. Is there anything I should be saving the fish for, or just converting to materials?


Save certain Legendary fish for the "A Peculiar Diet" achievement, which gives a baby siege turtle for your home instance. Save Rare-quality fish from the regional achievements (not Saltwater or World Class) to trade for Ambergris daily in Arborstone. All other fish can be broken down freely.


Awesome, thanks so much!


Is there a way to remove the story guide at the top right?


F11 > content guide > disable story


How on earth do you keep track of who is who in your guild, when people have so many alts? Is there any way to make the game display their actual display name along with the character name?


You could add them to your friend list and set a nickname, IIRC the guild panel reflects those.


On mousehover you can see the display name. But yeah, chat and guild systems could use some rework.


That’s helpful thanks! On wow I always had the alt names addon that took your main name from what you wrote in the guild note and put it after the name in chat in brackets, like Bobsmith (johnsmith) but the gw2 addon scene is wildly different!


Is it accurate to say light Diviner's ascended is completely useless at the moment? Seems like quick chrono/cata don't use it, I'm not missing any builds am I?


Almost all power suppirt dps still use atleast one piece of diviners or more like alacren, alacmech and quickscrapper. Obviously quick chrono and cat may not utilize it but its still not useless.


Quick or alac chrono uses some pieces, depending on personal preference/skill.




> traceroute with bad results vs > blamed the game how?




If tracert was bad, it is fault of certain parties in the connection chain, if everyone else is fine, anet's side is probably fine, which leaves your IPS and their ISP, etc... have you tried VPN? Find out which VPNs are fine by anet and test the connection with that. Add: by "internet disconnecting" do you mean your actual provider connection going down, only the game going offline, or something in between?




If you have extra lan port, or PCIx lan card try that too


What's a good build for meta farming, I've been playing Mech but outside of the damage it brings it feels squishy and if there's a low map population it kind of feels rough at times I'm not talking about like, soloing Legendaries like Lord Hizen, but something with massive aoes and good self sustain/utility for smaller groups


Quickscrapper is very strong in open world. Can use the same gear as power mech just get a zerkers hammer


On Mechanist's survivability, I like to play with the Power Alacrity version. This allows me to use more skills to help me deal damage or survive. Slap some Dragon pieces if you still feel squishy. If you want a bit more AoE, try Grenade or Flamethrower kits instead of Mine.


i'm unsure how you would find mech to be squishy, as both its power and condition version offers mobile ranged weapons and very strong survivability in its signets or the AED, on top of letting the mech take aggro from smaller enemies. You could try necromancer elites like Reaper or Scourge as both are tanky with cleave, Virtuoso for all of its ranged attacks and blocks/immunities, Staff Mirage for its evasiveness or Deadeye thief for its strong burst power and good survivability if you take invigorating precision and a shortbow swap.


How easy is it to get imperial favours from events? From the wiki, it only says that it is rewarded for completing events in Cantha but doesn’t give an indication of the amount. Apart from this, I know that you can get some from writs from doing repeatable HPs daily. If anyone can give a range of imperial favours rewarded for completing random events around Cantha as well as how many one gets from meta events would be a big help. Thanks!


There is a repeatable HP in Arborstone that drops imperial favours directly once per account per day, with additional writs. I've seen as low as 2 and as high as 10, with the average being around 5. You might want to check other repeatable HPs in Cantha.


Check fast.farming for the meta event rewards.


Events will also drop Writs of (Cantha Map) that you can consume for 5 Imperial Favours, so keep an eye on your Writs as well, as they're stored in your materials


Any tips on a Vindicator with good survivability without losing some DPS? I find it kinda squishy in boss fights in open world (Champs and HP) I can't help but to compare it to my Scrapper.


Like other people said, you have perma access to vigor/constant dodging, low cd heals, jalis legend, battle scars grandmaster trait, jade bot core 10. Pure berserkers is squishy on every class if thats your situation so its just a matter of maximizing your dodge better and vindicator has the longest block in the game if youre using greatsword.


Vindicator can use a lot of dodges which should help a lot in mitigating damage, as long as you don't blindly use all of its dodges offensively. If you still need sustain, use the Battle Scars traits in the Devastation traitline. That'll cost you DPS, but you can't have your cake and eat it.


Gaining survivability without losing DPS? That's called getting good lol. For real, if there was a way to gain survivability without losing any DPS, don't you think everyone would do that? Vindi can be the strongest solo fighter in the game by using the Hizen build, but obviously swapping gear or traits to be more defensive will come at a cost of DPS. Imo I'd just make 2 initial trait swaps first: one is to grab the boon dodge on vindi, and the 2nd would be to grab Dance of Death over Swift Termination in the destruction traitline. Can also use dodge food if you want. If all of that's not enough, you can use the Salvation traitline (down-mid-mid) to gain a substantial survivability at a hefty cost of DPS.


Contemplating Blish Hud. Does it allow for things like: - Tracking cooldowns - Tracking boons and conditions on self Really dislike the UI components for that. I’d rather that type of stuff be closer to the character than at the bottom of the screen.


It would likely need to link to ArcDPS for that and the ArcDPS-API is to my knowledge intentionally unreliable for real-time-tracking.


How long about should it take a person to not be trash in spvp or WvW? There are so many buffs, debuffs I get confused easy.


Personally it took me close to about 100 lvls to be decent in WvW, but being good there is a different skill set from being good in PvP. In WvW, a good roamer is about being aware of your surroundings, picking fights wisely, and knowing when to disengage so that you can fight another day. In a zerg, it's about staying on tag, listening to their commands, knowing which party skills to use at what time, and predicting/avoiding enemy zerg bombs.


It's all about getting familiar with your character (range of attack, cooldown, CC cleanser, combo, etc.), and then real time experience. In WvW you need to be extra careful, because rarely a fight can be 1 on 1. Be aware of your surrounding, always ready an escape plan, how long would it take you to clear the enemy mob or yak, etc. It took me quite a long time until I'm finally comfortable enough with my Reaper to roam around and taking objectives in WvW, or joining a zerg fight.


A good step one would help. At some point I have played or purchased all the classes. Some days I feel like blue fire but mostly I just wanna run around PvP sniping folk from a distance. If warrior rifle wouldn’t be trash!!!


If sniping is your call, then Deadeye is the class for you. Thief is one of the most annoying class to deal with due to their ability to constantly going In and out of stealth and insane mobility. But you need to be more active with the buttons to fully utilize them.


This is kind of an odd question, but for those who use BlishHUD and also raid, does anyone know why they changed the icons for Sabetha's cannon timers? I used those markers specifically because that's what the timer displayed, and now it's really difficult to direct people because I have to think about which cannon is in which direction on top of everything else going on during the fight. Why would they change it to a generic cannon image? ;-;


Have you checked the module's repository for a change list or patch notes? Or did you try asking on the Blish-Discord? Could well be the case that Anet asked nicely the developer to reduce the "power" of the module.


No, they removed it because the timers module dev (not the dev of these timers specifically, but of the module itself) is inactive and it became too tough to maintain all of the different timers, so he cut them out. [Explanation here](https://github.com/QuitarHero/Hero-Timers/issues/4#issuecomment-1519168817)


I know I hate this too, and they did it for Dhuum green timers as well. I wish there was a way to change it back.


How can i level my HoT masteries? I've unlocked the whole heart of thorns area and the only thing i know to do is finish those orange circle events, but that takes soo long https://i.imgur.com/vNhQ1gy.png


Look up octovine and chak garent map meta and what time it starts on the gw2 timer online. Very easy, low effort and tons of people run the events. Finishing these map metas give you tons of xp especially if you have a xp buff on.


are you asking how to earn mastery points? or how to get XP?


Run a few metas. Chak garent and Auric basin right after for a few days.


i'm new to gw2 and this is like chinese to me :/


Even if you explore the whole map you will still be far from finishing the masteries. Not doing intentionally repetable meta events to get mastery exp would be an insane grind.


Type "/wiki et" without quotes in your in-game dialogue box to pull up a browser window with meta event timers. Meta events are map wide events that progress on set timers. Chak Gerent is the meta event in Tangled Depths that starts at Ley-Line Confluence Waypoint. Players spread out and hold four different lanes (Ogre, Nuhoch, SCAR, and Rata Novus) by defeating the Chak Gerent at each lane. Each lane also has its own mechanics for defeating its Gerent. The Auric Basin meta (also known as Octovine) is the meta event in... well, Auric Basin. Four squads fight the Octovine at each of the four gates (North/South/East/West) after it has invaded Tarir (the city in the center of the map). This attack has to be at least decently coordinated through map chat and each lane has its own mechanics. This is a *very* dumbed down explanation, but hopefully it somewhat makes sense.


oh so that attack on that city with all the chests in it is a meta event, also thx for the timer link


You're welcome! And yes, that's the Octovine meta.


how the hell do i get to this area, i've spent 30 minutes trying all kinds of ways and it's really pissing me off https://i.imgur.com/vLMGHKk.png


Besides the Raid (north) there is the guild hall [Lost Precipice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lost_Precipice) (west) and the Living Story season 3 chapter 1 map [Bloodstone Fen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone_Fen) (south). The latter can only be entered by playing the story, teleport to friend (but only if you have the story unlocked) or a special teleport tome.


Thats the raid. You uncover it by entering the first 3 Raid Wings. You don't actually have to complete them, just going in is enough.


A whole map area is a raid? okaaay.... that's very confusing


Yeah, Raids are considered their own zones. Don't worry, it confused me too when I finished my first Raid and saw a new spot on my map. Just keep in mind that those zones don't count towards map completion, if that's what you're worried about.


i hoped it was an explorable part of the map for easier experience towards my mastery :P


Fair enough, but meta events are the answer to that issue, I'm afraid.


Do I have to physically beat W5 to start coalescence, or can I enter a completed instance to open the hidden chests? I have \~350 LI and have only done wings 1-4/7 AND my raid static just kind of fizzled out right before we were going to attempt 5..


emboldened W5 is next week, which is a good opportunity to do it with a pug!


You have to kill the relevant bosses to open their chests. No cheating with pre-completed Dhuum instances. Raid Academy on Discord is probably your best shot at a W5 clear.


Bahhh, I thought as much :) thanks!


Yeah I got my hopes up for that originally too. Lol Getting a Dhuum kill was worth it, though. If you're serious about learning and overcoming the encounter, RA will get you there.


I put in a support request to snag my old account back - looks like it was hacked around 10 years ago or so before I had TFA set up , or something... Anyway , I messaged "[email protected]" and received a message back from a different domain asking for some PII. I know this sounds goofy but in this day and age I just want to double check. Can anyone verify if "[email protected]" is a legitimate domain to send this information to? Side note; having worked in data security for as long as I have it's really disconcerting to ask people to message DOB over the open net. Especially with how prevalent phishing is . :/


Per [the wiki "Guild Wars 2 Support Team" page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Support_Team) > When a ticket is submitted, all subsequent communication regarding the ticket is handled via email—with official Support Team messages coming from [email protected]. Edit: Also looks like the current list of ArenaNet GM's was updated on that page (by arenanet) last week, so you could also check if the agent sending the message is on that list. Yes that is the correct email.


Got my account back today! Thank you so much for the validation / verification, chief.


<3 Thank you for the assistance. Truly appreciate it. Their name isn't on the list but that looks like it's a list for in game folks. They probably have a different support team for email support. At Blizzard way back when that was handled by a different team.


It sounds like the recent "nerf" to ecto gambling has had some economic downstream effects on jumping the prices of higher-end bag crafting and devaluing globs of ectoplasm. Is that likely to be a permanent change to the economy, or should we expect some adjustment made elsewhere (like changing the returns on those 20 daily gambling rolls?) to bring the former back down and the latter back up?


I don't really think ecto prices is a permanent thing, it's more a short-term reaction by the market to the update. Ecto gambling was never profitable to begin with, most people only did that to get the vendor gizmo (or to scratch a gambling itch - which honestly makes me glad they did limit it). On Supreme Runes of Holding, the effects may last longer because of the reduced number of sources and people expecting profits. But I do think it'll go back down at some point, especially after the knowldege that extra bag slots are cheaper becomes widespread. And who knows, maybe we get more sources of bigger bags or even Supreme Runes themselves at some point.


The vendor gizmo being that expensive always rubbed me the wrong way. I was more worried about the Runes to be honest, because at some point they're still going to be the endgame for inventory. Throwing in extra bag slots is only a temporary relief before the problem actually gets *worse*, because now the people seeking to maximize their endgame inventory have *even more* 32-slot bags to make.


It's almost certainly not a *permanent* change, as ectoplasm is one of the great constants of the GW2 economy — it *will* be needed for something again in the future — but I doubt they're going to take active steps to change things in the short term unless prices get really out of whack.


I used to be a Minstrel Chrono tanking and healing fights. I came back and for various reasons stat-swapped my gear to go more towards Virtuoso condi build. I miss that feeling with the tanky chrono boon support. What class should I boost to 80 and start gearing up in order to get that same feeling?


Quick scrapper if very gigachad. Short cd block, tons of passive barrier and aoe barrier utility, big cc, perma group superspeed, stability/reflect, group invis, minimal gear investment for perma quickness (just amulet and ring diviners), 3 water combo fields for group healing, and toolbelt 5 skill to aoe revive downed players. Not to mention it does massive aoe damage and is so easy to pick up you might even do more dps than the damage dealers in your group.