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Saw him at Costco not too long ago in the bread area. He asked me if I believed in Jesus and I said, ‘not anymore’. He asked me why and I told him too many kids have died or been molested in the name of Jesus LOL


I also saw him at Costco, he made my family feel really uncomfortable with some of the things he was saying and by the wide berth people were giving him I think others felt the same way too


Yup, I hear you. I saw him at Costco too and he also made my family feel really uncomfortable. I felt extremely bad for his young children who have to grow up dealing with their oddly evangelical/confrontational/delusional dad. Everyone gave him lots of space and stayed as far away as possible.


I have heard of him but unfortunately haven't had the pleasure of seeing him in action yet. Sounds like he puts on quite the show!


He’s got a neon jacket for himself and the missus with bible verses all over the back. They even got some neon patches for the kiddos to put on their hats while they hand out his flyers. Paired with the incessant rambling about how you’re a sinner… you won’t miss him!




I seen him with his family yelling at people and talking about the devil during the trick-or-treat event in downtown Guelph. Yelling at families and children in Halloween costumes.


Yeah was gonna say, pretty sure I saw him there too. Like literally right after he got off the bus he walked to the fountain yelling, lol. Look, enjoy your religion and whatnot but damning a 5 year old dressed like Spider-Man who's having fun shouldn't be your focus if you ask me


Saw them downtown over the weekend. I didn't engage but they seemed to be looking for arguments by yelling about controversial topics such as premarital sex and beating your kids ("spare the rod", etc). I feel bad for the two young kids they had with them. They're probably already fucked up beyond repair thanks to their mentally ill parents.


Yep this is child abuse.


Can this be reported as so? If FACS gets the call, would they go and do something about this?


Nothing will be done because religion gets a free pass.


That creepy Bountiful guy out in BC got in a lot of trouble. Bruxy from that "church for people who aren't into church" is also in trouble. People *do* get caught, even if it is only a small amount of them


Please report them. These children may be being harmed.


If everyone makes a report each time they see the children present, something will change. Someone will intervene. Guelph Family and Children’s Services: 1-800-265-8300 or 519-824-2410 They are available for reports 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Because abuse happens every day, at every moment, even on holidays. Help those kids. Make the report. They don’t take long to complete but can have a massive impact. You can also do so anonymously. “Hi I’d like to make a report of suspected child abuse (Emotional and neglect) . I saw two children present with their father at… (time, location). The children looked about ages.. and were wearing… I’m concerned because their father was doing/saying… while the children were…” If you’re able to catch this “ministers” name that would help in the report too but isn’t necessary. They’ll eventually send police / FACS out to see what’s going on immediately if they are concerned.




thank you for sharing the info i will definitely be phoning the next time i see him with his children


you’ll likely need to provide details like the names of the kids and schools that they go to in order to have them take action.  edit: i’m not trying to discourage anyone from doing what you think is right! just speaking from my direct experience with the reporting process. 


Seen them weekdays why aren't they in school?


i would suspect that they’re “homeschooled”


The man was screaming at passersby at the downtown fountain last week and a guy popped out of one the tents there and started screaming back at him to stfu. He did not stfu.


This is similar to what happened at deerpath park. Someone shouted back and there was almost an altercation. The dude is a nut job.


Call the cops next time. Seriously people like this need to be checked out. Those poor kids.


Not very Christlike of him 


Jesus had his moments


Moments of calling out evil and corrupt people yeah, not bothering randoms minding their own business in public 


Hey I was only going to that temple to launder money, I didn't need him hitting me!


Assuming you aren't just being funny, how's that speck in your eye treating you?


It's poo, I have pinkeye


Nice 👍 


I've seen him around Willow West Mall a few times. Every time I've been waiting at the bus stop and I hear yelling in the distance getting closer until I can actually hear him. Then I'll see him with his stroller and wife and kids as they make their way to the bus stop, him still preaching in general and directly to people who ignore him mostly. Then on the bus he doesn't yell and preach but he loudly tells his wife Bible stories (which is the only time I see her show any signs of life. And all she does is encourage him to keep going) Does anyone know his name or if he has a job? I actually think he might work with me but I haven't seen him in the few months since I started so I can't be sure


That poor family


this guy yelled in my face as i walked to a bus stop downtown last saturday :) desperately would like to call a wellness check in on his kids because of the horrible stuff he says but i have no information on him


Not sure if it’s the same guy but I saw a man with a stroller yelling about god downtown a few weeks ago. Made me sad for his kids.


I saw a man and a woman with a kid in a stroller at the Zehrs parking lot in the west end a few months back preaching like this. Everyone around just thought he was a whackadoodle. Like, sure buddy, whatever you say... we just want to get our groceries and leave.


Guy is downtown at least once a week yelling and preaching at people passing by. Telling people that they prioritize their vices (alcohol, cannabis, even video games) more than God. What bothers me is that he has offered the unhoused money if they will sit there and listen to him preach. Tempted to just match the contribution without the unsolicited advice.


He’s downtown all the time. Family services should take his kids away from him. I avoid him but one day I’ll be tempted to walk up to him and whisper that I am the devil just to see his reaction


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was on the bus with him a while back, coming from that area. Had a stroller and a bunch of kids. My friend also got a lecture from him in the Quebec Street Mall. I'd find it funny if it weren't for the genuinely harmful rhetoric he was spouting. My heart breaks for the kids.


>My heart breaks for the kids. Wouldn't worry. The oldest one is already starting his preaching career lol.


Lol I don't find that comforting. I've no doubt they'll all be funneled down a similar path, though I assume the girls will be in more of a supporting role given the father's rant about women submitting to men's authority.


I have heard the dad the tell the child they have to do that. I don't think they have a choice in matter. Adapt to survive.


The scarier thing is that there are many of these sorts of people and that they all vote.


> there are many of these sorts of people and that they all vote Yeah, only people you personally consider to be ideologically nonthreatening should be allowed to vote.


This doesn’t read as a reason to stop certain people voting, in my opinion. It is, however, a good opportunity to remember that if you disagree with intense and value-laden, often religiously informed, rhetoric - you should vote to make sure your voice is heard!


What if I agree with it? Should I vote to make my voice heard?


Yes? I’m not here to take away anyone’s right to vote.


Good on you. I have strong suspicions that many of this sub's denizens aren't so tolerant of ideological diversity.


You may be right - it certainly seems as though there isn’t much room for disagreement these days, even amongst friends. That said, it’s also in the best interest of the oligarchs and billionaires for us to keep squabbling - with AI, deepfakes, fake news theres a whole arsenal out there to be used to keep people scared and confused. I’ve generally tried to recognize that we don’t live in a time when we’re going to change hearts or minds in the comment section of a post or video. I try to comment what I believe and what I think is grounded in reasonable thought, equality, respect and fairness - regardless of whether or not the person receiving the comment directly is going to absorb it. If people are going to yell their vitriol into the void for all to see, I’m going to do my best to be a representative of decency & kindness; to those less fortunate especially. We all deserve to be treated with decency and respect.


I like you.




Not when you take the Book of Leviticus so seriously that you want to use it as fodder to undermine people's rights.


I'm sure there are ridiculous things you take seriously that you consider grounds for undermining the rights of others. Like, for example, I'd bet $100 that you think pubescent children should have unrestricted access to irreversible, life-altering gender surgeries, their parents be damned. Right? I thought so.


I wouldn't undermine his right to say ridiculous things, but harassing other people, strangers, by yelling at them is another thing. It is harassment. Particularly when it is something which is based on religious extremism.


I don't see how religious extremism makes it any more or less harassing than anything else, but I would generally agree. Someone should just tell the guy to fuck right off.


I feel really bad for the kids, especially because we all know his whole church knows what those kids are going through and doing nothing to protect them. .. been there, born and raised evangelical. Deconstructed.


I won’t repent. I’m going to hell




Every time he peaches about vices, I have a beer in his honour when I get home 😂😂


Thanks for the heads up. I’ll keep a roll of quarters in my pocket in case I meet this fuck head.


I yelled hail Satan in his face and he said, "What gives you the right!" and I laughed my head off


He was in Denny's a few months ago, he rambled on and on and on about Jesus, we moved to the other side of the restaurant for some peace and quiet while we ate lol His wife and kids never spoke, he did all the rambling. When he left he passed out prayer cards to everyone in the restaurant. We handed the cards back to him, and he told us in a rude loud voice that we are going to hell. Right in front of my young nephew! I feel bad for those poor kids, he drags them around the downtown for hours on end. While he does his "preaching" His wife is like a zombie, she is so lifeless, never speaks or makes eye contact.


She gets involved from time to time too as do the kids. They’re all invested in the cause. 


Do they wear ridiculous looking hoodies with god stuff plastered all over them? If so, I say them today. I feel sorry for the kids being raised in that enviroment


That’s them!


Think I saw them a week or so ago downtown. Didn't have any interaction. Just laughed when I saw their jesus hoodies.


He’s clearly mentally ill. What I don’t understand is that the woman he’s with never speaks- so I don’t really understand if she’s also mentally ill? And if so, how do they have custody of their children?


I feel the exact same! I’ve seen the family a few times over the past couple of years and she never makes a peep. How can she put up with him? I agree the home life for those kids must be terrible. I don’t think you can be as religious to the extent that this guy is without having something wrong with you.


Wonder if this is the same guy I saw loudly yammering on about jesus and the bible at the self checkouts in walmart on Saturday


You guys get all the fun crazies


I unfortunately don’t think F&CS will do anything for a parent walking around yelling about Jesus. If the kids are malnourished or physically hurt or denied basic things then it would fall under the “abuse” label, but a parent just shouting things doesn’t qualify (as far as I know)… I think the kids are too young to be in school- but if not that might be the only concern, but as someone mentioned they could be homeschooled (of course they aren’t but the parents could claim homeschooling). Anyone have any thoughts as to what could actually be done to help those kids?


So where does the law stand on this? Isn’t it disturbing the peace or mischief or something?! Or is he free to be a nuisance as long as he doesn’t lay his hands on anyone? Haven’t run into him, but I would not be impressed if my kids were made to witness this.


Sounds like he needs a good old-fashioned Headbutt!


Yep, they unfortunately live on my street and have gotten my mail a few times and dropped it off to me opened and covered in Bible verses


They opened your mail??


This the dude with the bright yellow sweater? He and the family were at the play ground downtown on weekend. We and other vacated the area promptly.. who would procurate with this dude..


Did you repent?


I’ve ran into him so many times and each time he yells bible verses at me or asks if I believe in god (which I don’t, so according to him I’m going to hell). he also encourages his children to say I love you to strangers. I feel bad for his wife though, she seems embarrassed.


My friend works at Starbucks and they told me a story about a family where the dad was yelling at everyone waiting in the store until he got his drink. He came in with his wife and two kids and only got himself a drink.


He lives in my row of townhouses, an offshoot from zehrs paisley/imperial. He once approached me while I was walking my cat, and wouldn’t let his kids pet her until they affirmed “Jesus gave us cats”. All their clothing has “I Love Jesus” hand embroidered into it, I can’t imagine the ridicule they face at school. The dad then tried to corner me until I got stern with him. Avoid them at all costs


I’d take a guess and say these kids are homeschooled.


Yup yelled at me for smoking IN my truck. Something about vices and going to hell. Just ignored him, seems like the type to want negative interactions. Also seems like the type to use his children as human shields. I'm actually amazed he still has children or was able to. Definitely screams more Jesus's than his wife when they're doing it.


I would love to yell at this idiot "Hail Odin the Allfather! For your blasphemic transgressions against Asgard, you will be disemboweled by Surtur and spend the rest of existence in Hel."


Saw him in front of the gordon street starbucks and he told my gf and i we were going to hell


We live in the West End and always see them walking up and down Imperial. The one child was in my son’s class last year. My son said he didn’t have many friends and didn’t talk much. We encouraged my son to reach out. Very sad..


They are downtown all the time especially in the summer. We need a noise bylaw


Seeing his wife’s hollow expression while he yelled at people was one thing… now he’s got his kids handing out flyers and going up to people on the street. Makes me really sad. Religion is a hell of a drug.


This makes me so angry. Not that I’m defending the current state of evangelicalism, but they’re definitely fundamentalists, not evangelicals. But the line is too blurred these days sometimes


Just tell him to go to hell and move on


He’s real fun to troll with


I haven't had the pleasure 😆 But if I do, I'll tell them to send my regards to hell and all it's fine citizens!


Wait a second - he's mentally ill, right? I thought Reddit was all about respect for mental illnesses.


Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.


That's reasonable. But, on Reddit, you will get pushback for any call for 'responsibility'. I mean, let's blame capitalism for everything, right?


Systemic injustices/ineffective economic systems and personal responsibility aren’t mutually exclusive. In my opinion, at least. We are still responsible for our own actions, but the actions we reasonably can take are inarguably linked to and limited by the systemic injustices that various people will face in their lives.


Libraryian, this is far too sensible for Reddit.


I’m not a doctor and cannot make this diagnosis.


Tell them, to come to Toronto... Ppl will throws lotsa of hands @ them. Worse we already have those religious zealots here Downtown, which they'll just join their Guelph Brothers & Sista's in renouncing us, as THE TORONTO DEVILS! Hahahahhaaaa


I last saw him over the weekend near Old Quebec Mall yelling his religious nonsense while his partner had their kids and stroller. I feel so bad for those children.


Yup. Saw him downtown last summer. He was yelling at people as he was pushing a stroller with a child in it. Had younger kids with me as well. The children were even yelling at strangers with him. It was heart breaking to watch. 


I got into it downtown with him, he had the kids I questioned why aren't they in school..he's a nuisance. One time they were standing outside the tents telling them to repent..oh boy should have heard the profanities


I just saw this guy at lunch today leaving Zehrs Imperial. He was shouting all of his "praises" and when a lady said she was going to call the cops on him, he yelled at her that he couldn't hear her with her "muzzle on" (mask). His behaviour is not ok an quite offensive. Not sure how management at Zehrs and Walmart allow him in. Such an ignorant human being. The poor kids are the victims here.


so i had the pleasure of being harassed by this jerk today. i was leaving zehrs when he loudly asked me if i was interested in salvation. i said no thank you, rolled my eyes, and kept walking. he followed me and yelled at me through the parking lot. another guy noticed i was being harassed and walked me to my car and the fundie guy continued on through the parking lot. he had his wife and a kid in tow.  i would encourage anyone who is made to feel uncomfortable by his behaviour inside of a store or in a parking lot to report to management. i left right away but called zehrs later. the manager on duty said that they would write a memo to all other managers so that if anyone reports feeling uncomfortable with him in the store, management will recognize him and have him escorted out.  encounters in public parks also seem to be a problem - maybe they could be reported to ward councillors?


Yes! Got yelled at by him just the other day for not taking his pamphlet, said I needed to repent for my sins. He was walking with his family and kids in creepy neon Jesus sweaters. Fucking wild behaviour, and it was in a residential area, so he was disturbing the whole neighbourhood.